I've been struggling with perioral dermatitis (PD) on again/off again for years.
I've recently started supplementing with *MICELLIZED* Vitamin A daily (dosage will vary depending on which kind you buy, don't overdo it as you can create toxic levels of Vitamin A build-up in your body. Do your own homework and get professional medical advice if you're unsure) and that is the first thing that seems to actually help heal the PD.
Also, I started taking Pharma GABA to help me with stress management and sleep hygiene and, to my my surprise, I think it has also helped treat the perioral dermatitis. This has me wondering if there is, in deed, a hormonal component to PD.
Best of luck to anyone dealing with this. I feel your pain but I'm hopeful that I'll figure it out and have my face back to normal again.