(Detroit, MI)
Is this a prescription drug or over the counter from CVS or walgreens?
EC: 5 htp is a supplement found in health food stores. https://www.earthclinic.com/supplements/FIVE-HTP.html
(Seattle, Wa)
(Atlanta, Ga, United States)
Premature ejaculation is one problem that can be devastating for a man's self esteem and confidence. The problem becomes compounded by the lack of self-esteem and eventually a man might begin to avoid sexual encounters altogether. It is necessary for a man to learn to control his state of arousal during intercourse to prolong his sexual encounter.
Many men believe that if they think about baseball or some other unconnected thought they would control their ejaculation. It is actually better if a man becomes more in tune with his body and learns to understand the signs and feelings that are associated with ejaculation. Once he learns to recognize the feelings he will be better able to control them and prolong his encounter.
Partners can work together to help the man recognize his points and stages of arousal and learn to back off. There are stages of sexual arousal that are felt at every part of the encounter. The trick to prolonging an encounter is to prolong the state of arousal that comes before the man reaches the point where he will not be able to control his ejaculation.
There are many methods that can be used to control ejaculation. The man must train himself to recognize the signs in his body and learn to back off. To do this he might want to practice the method slowly by himself first. He can concentrate on how his body is feeling at each stage, which will help him to recognize it when he is with a partner. When he has mastered the ability to control his ejaculation while he is alone he can begin practicing with his partner. For this method to begin to work, it is necessary for the focus to be on the man. This will allow him to concentrate on his feelings without being overly concerned for his partner's pleasure.
Once the feelings are understood and a greater understanding of the different phases of arousal and ejaculation are achieved, the couple will be able to move towards pleasing each other. An understanding partner is completely necessary for working on this problem. As you can see, putting aside her own pleasure to work on the problem that her partner is experiencing will lead to a more satisfying experience later.
Concentration on the entire body's experience during sex is key to dealing with a premature ejaculation problem. It can be overcome with patience and understanding for the pleasure of both parties. Don't become discouraged while you are working on the problem, it may take some time to work through. You will both experience a greater pleasure at the end of the day and that will lead to a fuller experience. Perhaps, spending some time on pleasing each other once the problem is worked through is a great way to further enhance your sexual experience.
(Los Angeles, California)
Eliminate Parasites
(Lisbon, Portugal)
Please reply this is extremely important. I have been talking to a LOT of people who desperately seek an answer to this problem. As Josie asks how did you get rid of these parasites and/or pinworms. Did over the counter medication do this for you? can people be tested for this?
(Omaha, Ne)
(Nation Ontario, Canada)
Internal use
Fenugreek is used internally for a variety of problems, such as to treat diabetes in adults (late-onset diabetes), poor digestion, gastric inflammation, digestive disorders and tuberculosis. It is also used for painful menstruation, labor pains and insufficient lactation.
Men on the other hand benefit from it for loss of libido, painful testicles and premature ejaculation.
It is often used for weight loss, anorexia and for poor appetite. In Chinese medicine it is used for kidney related pain - such as back ache, as well as premature ejaculation, loss of libido, painful testicles, hernia, painful menstruation and edema of the legs. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used for rejuvenation and as an aphrodisiac, as well as for digestive and bronchial complaints, gout and arthritis.
Fresh Fenugreek leaves are cooked as a vegetable curry and are also dried and used to flavor vegetable dishes. The seeds are roasted and ground for use in curry powder, pickles, stews and fried foods. The seed sprouts are also eaten as a salad.
External use
It is used externally for skin inflammations, ulcers, boils, eczema and cellulite.
Aromatherapy and essential oil use
None noted.
(Aristomenis, Massinia Greece)
Gingko Biloba
I stumbled upon this cure some time ago and thought I'd share. If you want to last a LOT longer in bed with your woman or whatever, take some ginkgo biloba about 30 minutes before having intercourse. Trust me, you'll think it was a miracle. The reason this works is because it increases blood flow to that "region". Stress reduction is also good for lasting longer too, which is why taking magnesium, b vitamins, l-tyrosine, or a sedating herb like valerian root will also help you last longer. But I find Ginkgo Biloba works best by far! Have fun!
I Had to come back to write this. Because I am pretty sure this takes so many lives as it is so torturous to a necessary part of our lives.
I can't believe I have missed the so obvious. It is so simple and un-invasive.
Please share this with as many as you possibly can.
It's simply honey. spread thinly rubbed in, underneath the condom. It prevents the sexual friction that makes me want to cum straight away. In fact, it takes the second time to even ejaculate.
my gf has not got pregnant but do more research on the safety of mixing honey underneath the condom if you are worried about pregnancy. please do as I am not trying to get you into any trap, that would not be good for a child.
I can't believe it was so simple.
Please share this non-harmful cure everywhere you can (because this takes lives)
Magnesium Citrate
I stumbled across this remedy on a forum recently. I had remembered I used to take magnesium regularly due to migraine headaches and other problems (magnesium is a very important nutrient that many are deficient in). Jogging my memory, I remembered that on occasions when I could last as long as I wanted (and even sometimes too long) was when I had taken magnesium shortly before while more often than not I would suffer extremely premature ejaculation. I would recommend taking 400mg daily and then another 400mg 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity. You should experiment with what dosage and frequency is right for you. If you start getting loose stools than you are likely taking too much. I have found Magnesium Citrate works very well. Some of the other ones like Magnesium oxide are not as well absorbed.
(Santa Cruz, CA)
(Philadelphia, Pa)
(Novi, Mi)
Re-Train Ejaculatory Muscles
Premature ejaculation is usually caused by over sensitivity, genetics, or lack of knowledge about the ejaculatory response. It can also be caused by poor masturbation habits. Many guys, when they are teen, train themselves to last shorter by masturbating the wrong way. The best way to cure premature ejaculation is a process that will re teach yourself and your body to not ejaculate as fast. You need to rewire your system to last longer and overcome mental and physical stimulation that comes with intercourse. The best methods include those that teach men how to strengthen your ejaculatory muscles and how to use them during intercourse. Again, it is best to approach this in a natural way and no need to SSRI drugs or medication. Trust me, I have done it!
(Aristomenis, Greece)
Go to www.pegym.com its all there, and all the answers you need on control.
(Brighton, Sussex, UK)
As well as re-training ejaculatory muscles, it helps to learn penile sensory awareness. This is the key to gaining long term mastery of premature ejaculation. This has been taught by sex therapists with great success- "over 90% of premature ejaculators can be cured within an average of 14 weeks of treatment. " The best known sex therapist who taught this method was Dr Helen Kaplan. The method has been refined and improved since. For more infomation see:
This link goes to a site with lots of articles about how to treat premature ejaculation.
The main site is: stop premature ejaculation
there is lots of great advice and info about treating PE.
(Peshawar, Kpk Pakistan)
(London, England)
Hi, Thought id throw my 2 cents worth in after being a long term sufferer of p.e (premature ejaculation) for the last 5 years.
In the early days I had an understanding partner, so we kinda worked around the issue. Relationship eventually ended and the my p.e. issue was becoming a major problem for my new gf. After doing some research on google I found a site. Started practising special power breathing techniques and applying perineum pressure whenever the need became too great, and although the problem isnt entirely fixed, I can last longer. Anyway, hope this info helps other guys.
Tomato Tea
EC: More about tomato tea here.
(San Antonio Texas)
What was in the tea? How did you make it?
EC: This post from 2008 is referring to Jean's Famous Tomato Tea on this page https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/tomato_tea.html