Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Scalp Psoriasis Remedies

Posted by Nicole June (New Jersey ) on 07/30/2014

Hi guys! I have been suffering with scalp psoriasis for a couple years now. Everything I've read on here seems to be for psoriasis on the body. Has anyone been cured with a natural remedy for the Scalp??

Replied by Jay

Vitamin B5 low dose about 25 mg and 15 mg zinc gluconate... b5 can help with seboratic dermatitis and along with diet the b5 turned the corner for helping clear up on scalp for me that I always struggled with ..

Sea Salt

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Posted by Brad Shad (N.providence, Rhode Island) on 05/08/2011

I started using himalayan sea salts for my psoriasis as directed by a friend. One teaspoon in the morning in 8-16 oz. of clean water on empty stomach and the same thing at night. You get one of the sea salt rocks and you add triple the water to it to make what they call a sole. Then let it sit for 24 hours and it is ready to use. Then use a hard plastic teaspoon to scoop the mix into a glass of water. Mix and drink. Note, make the sole in a glass not plastic and when scooping mix into glass dont use a metal spoon. I was told it will change the chemical component of the sole. So my psoriasis is getting better and the added benefit is I go to the bathroom every morning like clockwork. Sea salts are very healthy and do not raise blood pressure providing you are eating a healthy alkaline diet (vegetables etc.. ). good luck.


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Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/27/2009

Selenium and Psoriasis:

Selenium deficiency is pretty common in dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, tinea (age spots), athletes foot, jock itch, seborrheic dermatitis, candida infections, hypothyroidism.

There are different yeasts, of course, trichophyton, mallasezia furfur, candida and others. Some spots may itch, others may not. I suspect rosacea may be a yeast problem as well (combined with Demodex mites eating the yeast).

Yeast needs oxygen, and Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant (500x stronger than vitamin e). Kill the oxygen supply, with Selenium, and you kill the yeast.

A good source of Selenium is brazil nuts(orally), or Dandruff Shampoo(topically). Selenium works with iodine (and is thyroid protective). Taking one alone, though could cause a deficiency of the other, theoretically.

Seborrheic dermatitis is an advanced form of dandruff, possibly caused by fungi colonizing on the scalp
"* To treat seborrheic dermatitis, look for shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide or salicylic acid."
Note: head and shoulders selenium sulfide shampoo says on the bottle that it "treats seborrheic dermatitis".

Trace element status in eczema and psoriasis

"Concentrations of zinc, copper and selenium were determined in plasma and leucocytes from 23 patients with psoriasis and 24 with eczema."
"Concentrations of selenium in whole blood, plasma and leucocytes were significantly reduced in both groups. This finding may be of importance in relation to the effect of free radicals on skin."

Selenium sulfide: adjunctive therapy for tinea capitis

"Selenium sulfide lotion used as a shampoo has been shown to be an effective adjunctive agent to griseofulvin in the treatment of tinea capitis(head)."

How to treat Malassezia furfur (tinea versicolor) in humans?
Medical Care: Patients should be informed that tinea versicolor is caused by a fungus that is normally present on the skin surface and is therefore not considered contagious.

Replied by Anonymous
(Filipstad, Sweden)

Yeast cannot live WITH oxygen, that is why h2o2 works as a remedy, what is this about...

Shea Butter

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Posted by Tainowoman (Orlando, Fl, Us) on 04/29/2013

I've had psoriasis since I was a kid and I'm 44yo now. It comes and goes and for the most part has been limited to areas that are not so obvious. When it does flare up, it is sore, painful and really REALLY incovenient.

OTC creams didn't work, prescription meds were not an option and many homemade salves, ointments, lotions and rubs just didn't work for me.

Never tried aloe.

However, we use coconut oil for everything in my house and I tried it on my psoriasis. It was ok, but the results didn't last long. I put it on right after showering, while I was still damp. It's looked good that evening, but in the morning the dry patches would be back.

What did work for me was Shea butter. I only need to apply it once a day and I do so right after my shower. :) I have a little patch on my knee that's looking real good and doesn't itch or hurt.

I've also started drinking green smoothies.

Hope this helps someone else.

Silver Sol, Coconut Oil, Diatomaceous Earth

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Posted by Mama's Mud (Usa ) on 08/22/2015

Editor's Choice

Suffering from psoriasis for 16 years I have tried everything imaginable. The one thing that works for me is a lotion that my mother-in-law made for me. As I'm not big on taking prescription meds, I was eager to try her ideas as I had ran out.

About 6 years ago she made me a concoction I call mama's mud. It contains coconut oil, silver sol 32 ppm (not to be confused with colloidal silver), Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (i call it food grade dirt, hence the name mama's mud)

We have never really measured the ingredients just went my consistancy mainly. You will want to melt the coconut oil before mixing with the dirt, then add the silver last. After all is mixed and smooth put in air tight jar or container in fridge to thicken like lotion.

Consistency will never be really smooth as the main ingredient is dirt but it will rub on like lotion. May dry to a white film and leave marks on clothing and furniture but does not stain.

***I also do what some Drs would tell you not to do. I scrub my psoriasis with a shower puff. At the end of my shower when everything is softened up, I take a clean shower puff and I sluff off all the dead skin (I scrub even if it hurts a little) till the area feels smooth. I also shave my legs like normal, right over the psoriasis, taking any dead skin off.

I had tremendous success with this concoction. I had psoriasis on my legs from my ankle to the top of my knees. I hadn't wore shorts or a skirt since I was 18 till I was about 30. And still to my amazement there is no scarring on my legs. It was like brand new skin. My elbows use to hurt all time, and I couldn't bend them or straighten them completely. Afraid that they would crack and bleed. I would have miscellaneous spots all over my body, looking like a lepar, feeling ashamed at what my husband had to look at most of the time. There were days I would cry after getting out of the shower trying to cover myself in the new remedy I was trying at that time. Things were hard some days. Then I tried something different. And it worked.

Now a days I get the little spots that show up and treat them accordingly and they go away. Nothing has gotten out of hand in the last 6 years. Ive been able to wear the clothes that I want (with the exception of the occasional "I feel fat day" lol). All in all I'm pretty happy to be able to share this info.

Replied by Art
2380 posts

Mama's mud,

Thank you for taking the time to share your psoriasis remedy with all of us.

It would be helpful if you could determine what is the "right amount" of the three ingredients you use in your mix. Saying that you, 'just went by consistency', is not very helpful for people who would like to try and replicate what you have done to remedy your psoriasis. You don't really give a good idea of what that consistency is.

I'm sure that an insufficient amount of any one of the three ingredients will likely render the remedy ineffective, no matter how well it works for you.

Just a ratio of ingredients is all that is needed when you have the chance to figure it out.


Replied by Mama's Mud

Best guess at directions to making Mama's Mud:

  • 4 Tbl sp cocnut oil melted
  • 4 tbl sp food grade dirt
  • 2 tsp silver sol

Mix well and refridgerate to solidify again.

Sorry for the confusion.

Replied by Art
2380 posts

Mama's mMud,

Thank You for the update on the mud mix!


Replied by M

Where can I find silver solution that's not colloidal and how can I know the difference? Thanks so much!

Replied by Mama's Mud

I recently learned from my mother in law that she was using colloidal silver. It works too!

Sulfer 8 and Zoriasis

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Posted by Lynne (Dayton, Ohio) on 09/11/2008

I have been suffering with psoriasis for twenty years. I was mainly affected on my scalp and had constant flaking. Several years ago, I began to get small patches on my body. One day a lady noticed the flakes on my shoulder and recommended a product called Sulfer 8. This is usually found in the African American hair care section in major supermarkets. I found that it did work pretty well but when I mixed a product called Zoriasis in with it, the results were amazing. The small spots disappeared in several months and the redness and flaking on my scalp has diminished greatly! I am so happy. My scalp doesn't itch like it used to. The Sulpher 8 does have a menthol smell but it feels really good. The Zoriasis product can be found online. I just mix about one teaspoon of Zoriasis into the four ounce jar of Sulpher 8 and this will last for months. I just had to share this and I hope it brings psoriasis sufferers the same relief it gives me! Good luck!


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Posted by K.A. (New Jersey, USA) on 07/01/2008

Ailment: Psoriasis.
Remedy: Throw away your sunblock and take a walk in the sun!

The insides of my ears have itched like crazy since I was about 16, though I never knew it was psoriasis until almost a decade later. I just recently figured out that that was the age when I started to avoid direct sunlight and also wear sunblock constantly to prevent future wrinkles on my very fair skin--a practice I continued up until this year.

Avoiding the sun and living in an area with a far angle from the sun during winter months causes Vitamin D deficiency, which I am certain I had. Getting more sunlight by exercising outside in the morning has helped tremendously. Vitamin D apparently decreases cell turnover, including in the skin.

Avoiding a pro-inflammatory lifestyle and stress should also help, since autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis are modulated by inflammatory cytokines; in the case of psoriasis, interleukin-17 seems to be the problem.

Replied by Betty
(Helllstown, California)

Vitamin D and sunshine does not help my psoriasis, (and I have every type offered along with the arthritis) Also Vitamin D creams was akin to just greasing my body up and that was it.... It does not work on some people..... A shame since I am in Calif!


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Posted by Melinda (Schertz, Tx Usa) on 05/30/2011

I've had guttate/plaque Psoriasis since I was 16, and I fear that now I may be developing inverse Psoriasis. Now I'm 25 and have been without health insurance since I was 21, so needless to say I've had to be pretty creative with my treatment. For the first 5 years I used a clobetasol propionate steroid oinment, which worked well until I became steroid dependant. I've developed secondary skin infections from overnight flare ups, and it seems like any tiny change in the environment or in my body will trigger it.

I find that tanning is the fastest way to treat it but if you don't get rid of it fast enough then you just get way to dark! I read that things like celery, oranges, and flaxseed contain something called Psoralen with helps your body process UV rays more effectively. Even if you don't tan indoors but you live somewhere like South Texas (where we also have the possibly worst allergens), I learned that eating 4-5 sticks of celery or drinking a single serving of pure OJ before sun exposure really does wonder. So much so, that you can even feel a tingly sensation inside your skin when it's working. Cool, right? I actually got on here to find other remedies, since I'm having a severe flareup at the moment. But as I was thinking about how well that used to work, I got excited and wanted to tell you all about it! A little carried away, maybe....

Tanning Beds

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Posted by Elle (Columbus, Oh) on 09/17/2009

Sun and tanning bed use at tanning salon. All exposed areas of psoriasis cleared completely with treatment, with visible results apparent immediately. Psoriasis returns in other areas after stopping treatment, but when resumed continues to clear. The dry buildup of flakes and scale first leaves you with smooth red patches which fade in color, leaving me with a dark patch of normal skin. The dark patch completely fades as well, and the skin is left as if it were never afflicted.

EC: Warning!

Associated Press
Wed., July 29, 2009

LONDON - International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as "probable carcinogens."

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

Replied by Kathy
(Dubois, Pa)

I am very skeptical of this "tanning beds are dangerous" thing. More and more evidence is coming out that light is a kind of nutrient, and that Vitamin D-3 the "sunshine vitamin" (actually a hormone) prevents and cures a whole host of diseases, and that humans have a process similar to photosynthesis in plants. Plus, humankind evolved to live in the sun, so it just doesn't make sense to me that sunlight is the CAUSE of skin cancer. It makes more sense to cast an eye at modern cosmetics and food additives, along with nutrient (especially pigment-type nutrients like beta-carotein, etc) deficient diets, REACTING WITH sunlight to cause skin cancer. I know that when I use commercial skin or body washes, the scent lingers for literally hours afterward. That must mean that the scent is penetrating my skin and/or bonding with my skin chemistry in some way. I don't know about any of you guys, but I think that cannot be a good thing. And those scents, flavors and colors are also hormone mimics and are based on the technology of solvents. And that's not to mention all the "preservatives", transfats, pesticides, herbicides, etc. that our so-called "food" is loaded with. Jeez, its a wonder anybody is alive at all. And then they blame the tanning booths or the sun.

Replied by William
(Northern Illinois, US)

I agree with what you wrote 110%!!! I am not a rocket a scientist (far from it) but hello... the Sun has been providing humans with one of the only MAJOR sources of Vitamin D for a VERY loooong time! It often makes me wonder why the HEALTH SCIENCES have a habit of "SKIMMING" the surface time and time again when it comes to the root causes of certain diseases(?) I wonder more and more if some in the health based sciences hold back findings on purpose in order to invent a "cure" for greedy types to make millions/billions! Afterall, with all the combined intelligence that exists in the health sciences in this world how can they single out tanning booths and COMPLETELY turn a BLIND EYE to all the chemicals we slather on our skin... and don't forget... all those chemicals we slather on our skin ALSO come in TOXIC PLASTIC bottles which leach even more toxic chemicals into the crap we slather on our skin!!! Honestly... how can they be missing sooo many additional and obvious smoking guns! ?! ?

Tea Tree Oil, Aloe, Coconut Oil

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Posted by Crystal (Connecticut) on 06/17/2018

For scalp psoriasis, I currently use 6 drops tea tree oil, 1 tbsp aloe vera gel, and 1/2 tbsp coconut oil. I apply it to my scalp and leave it on overnight. In the morning, I wash it out and shower. This helps relieve the itching for a while. I have to do it every night, though. I hear shampoos can flare it up. I've been using a cleansing conditioner. Are there good shampoos for psoriasis that won't fade my hair color? Regular dandruff shampoos will fade my color with their sulfates and parabens, and they could also irritate my scalp.

Ted's Remedy Reader Feedback

Posted by Wayne (Exeter, Devon, Uk )

Hi, I have suffered scalp psoriasis on and off for numerous years. Sometimes I find a shampoo that will clear it but the scalp appears to become accustomed to it after a while and it is no longer as effective. Recently, after washing my hair I noticed a strong ammonia smell from my scalp which eventually subsides. I would like to try Ted's lotion recipe of 5% Milk of magnesia, 10-15% Ammonium Chloride & 5% Xylitol. Is this solution made in water or an unscented shampoo? Will let you know how I get on.

Topical Application of Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Grammie4u2 (Duncan, B.c. Canada) on 06/19/2011

I have a neighbor that had psoriasis on her lower arm and I make colloidal silver she asked me for some because it was so good on rashes.

She applied it by gently rubbing it in until it was nearly dry and also in the evenings she soaked clothes with it and applied it for several hours while watching tv. It was gone in 3 weeks. Amazing. That was two years ago and it has never come back.

Replied by Jenny
(Hartford , Wi)

Can you tell me how many ppm the colloidal silver was that your friend put on her psoriasis? I would like to buy some for my mother-in-law to try on her psoriasis.

Replied by Brittany
(Grove City, Oh, Usa)

Yes, please share how many ppm the colloidal silver was! I have a form of psoriasis on my hands and feet and would love to try this! :)

Topical D-3

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Posted by Amanda (Wonewoc, Wisconsin, Usa) on 05/06/2011

I have had Psoriasis since I was 8-9 years old. I am 28 now. My mom read in a Vitamin D book about using Vitamin D3 Gelcaps, prick them open and spread the oil onto the Psoriasis.

Well, I tried it. This is my 5th dose or so, and it has really taken the Psoriasis down, there are patches of more normal looking skin inside the Psoriasis! IT took away almost all the scales so its almost smooth skin now. It used to be bleeding, scaling, and really gross.

I used Vitamin D3 gelcap 2000 IU once daily!!

This could help tons of people and be an alternative to Steriod Creams!

Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Ma.usa)

Amanda; Thank you so much for your great post, I am quite sure this will help millions of people, my younger brother has it bad. He suffers every day with it. Again thank you so much. God bless

Replied by Gean
(Salina, Ks)

I wonder if topical D-3 would help with acne? Has anyone tried this?


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Posted by Andrea (Williston, Nd) on 02/20/2016

Hello to the earth clinic community, I am a 48 year young woman who has been suffering for psoriasis for about 9 years, I had try many and when I say many I'm talking about almost every treatment I could put my hands on it with no results.

About a week ago my sister gifted me a pound of organic Turmeric, after reading a lot about their benefits, it was meant for making the golden milk, which seems to be good for lots of ailments, but as busy as I am I never took the time to make the milk, so I start drinking it as tea. Two cups of boiling water for 1/2 spoon of Tumeric every day twice a day.( it last for the two servings)

Its been a week since I started and I can tell everybody here with the happiest smile in my face that my skin is 80% clear, the flares had stop and the ones I had kind of froze and are residing.

All I can say now is that it seems to be working for me, I haven't seen my skin, as white and clear for so long, and now I can't wait to see how is going to look in the next couple of weeks, ( I might be able to wear a bathing suit again...:)

Any way, I had the recipe out of YouTube, and from my heart I hope this help a lot of you who are in the same situation.

Full of love and hope!!


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Posted by Cathy (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/14/2015

If someone has posted this, I have missed it. It is the cheapest topical cure you will find. I first heard about urine therapy years ago and you will find that if you GOOGLE it (that is, after you stop laughing at this post...), you will find that it is legitimate in eliminating psoriasis on your skin, scalp, etc.. The very first story I read was a man that had genital psoriasis. He thought for sure this was a JOKE. But in the privacy of his morning constitutional, he caught some of his morning urine and simply applied it topically. Within the week, it was about 90% eliminated. It works fast and effectively. This is not to infer that you don't need to clean up your gut, because you do....but whilst you do that, you skin can be clear.
