Distilled White Vinegar
DMSO + Essential Oils
I had itchy ankles that ruined sleep and scaly patches on my elbows I assumed was psoriasis that I treated with a few drops of DMSO mixed with a few drops of lavender and peppermint oil. This worked like crazy.
Remember that peppermint essential oil is so easy to "manufacture", so 90% is fake, lab made "essential oil". Not even diluted or adulterated, just synthetic. It looks real and smells real, yet it is fake. There are no labs or methods exist to verify its purity. It can't be verified or guaranteed by any lab. There are very few companies that sell authentic, medicinal quality essential and extracted oils. They buy directly from the distillers and know where the "source' comes from. If there is a middle man involved, the best one can hope for is that it is not too diluted. I have no idea what they dilute it with, but they all do. The more exotic oil is, at affordable price, the higher chances it is fake. As for the peppermint oil, it is easy and cheap to make it in the lab.
Dr. Bharti Protocol
I have been treating psoriasis for last 8 years in my clinic. To all my patients the following treatment has helped greatly. Majority of them clear within 3 to 4 months.
Try out the following and inform the results:
I start with kidney cleans, liver cleans, colon cleans and heavy metal cleans. Patients are prescribed to take 300ml mixed raw vegetable juices (any 4 to 5 types of vegetables of different colours can be mixed).
Elimination diet:
Patients are advised not to eat: milk products in any form, wheat, corn, soyabean, refined oils, vegetable oils, fast food, junk food, cola drinks, alcohol and smoking.
Fewer intakes of salt and sugar are also advised.
Powder of Ashwagandha (freely available on health food stores) 5grams in the morning and evening.
Concentrated solution of Wheat Grass juice in Giloye juice (can be prepared or purchased) acts as a good immunomodulator.
Multivitamins with zinc in high concentration (upto 200 mg/day)
Stretching exercises and breathing exercises along with proper sleep. This makes the full prescription.
Majority patients respond to this holistic approach within a month. Erythrodermic type of psoriasis, psoriasis since birth and very old patients with more than 30 years of disease respond poorly to this approach ( reason is not known)
Eliminate Beef and Pork
Eliminate Dairy
Eliminate Wheat
Emu Oil
I am a 54 year old female whose body erupted with a case of psoraisis upon moving from a Southern climate to a less Southern climate. (There is a history of psoriasis in the males in my family, but I had never had it before.)
I saw a doctor when my case quickly went from peeling "plaques" on my scalp, to my legs, back and stomach. The doctor gave me a mild steroid ointment and then progressed to much stronger steroid ointments and creams. I used the $600. Prescription shampoo and also a messy scalp oil. None of these things worked very well, if at all.
I trolled the psoriasis Web sites for alternative remedies and bemoaned getting the heartbreak of psoraisis after 54 years.
I tried tanning salons, an oil from India and glycerin. I also began taking vitamin D3 lozenges more regularly. None of these things worked.
THEN, purely by accident, I put some cracked heel foot softener on a bad patch on my thigh. I had purchased the foot softener at Walmart, 2 oz. For under $4. The softener contained emu oil and beeswax. The very next day, I noticed more improvement from this treatment than from any of the other things I had been using. I thought it was a fluke, so I continued to treat just that one spot more than once a day. WOW! That patch went away.
So I went back to the psoriasis cure Web sites and searched for emu oil. There it was, listed as a cure... For some, not all people. I also read a few medical study abstracts concerning the fact that emu oil absorbs through the skin very quickly.
I used up the 2 oz. of foot softener and cured all the patches on my body that I could reach. I also found a more expensive cream at the drugstore that was not yellow and greasy like the foot softener and contained a higher percentage of emu oil. Both of these cured all of my patches except for some hard to treat bumps left on my scalp. I never ended up buying 100% emu oil as the two weaker preparations worked for me. I continue to use both of them on any dry or suspicious-looking skin, and my heels!
(Delaware, Ontario, Canada)
Hi there.... Can you give me the name of the product you purchased from Walmart. I would like for my son to try it. Thanks
Essential Oils
Essential Oils
Over the years he's just about tried everything to relieve it, all without much success. He was resigned to the fact that he would have to suffer with and be self-conscious about this distressing skin condition for the rest of his life. That was until one Christmas when I had made him the "joke gift' of an 'anti-aging skin cream' I had made that contained a mixture of essential oils renowned for their skin-rejuvenating properties. I bought the high quality base cream from a wholesale supplier and, using my knowledge of aromatherapy and essential oils, added plant extracts that have a long-held reputation of smoothing out wrinkles and improving the health and appearance of the skin.
On Christmas day, when my old dad unwrapped the 'anti-wrinkle cream' we all had a good laugh and I had a vague idea he might use it as a shaving cream or for his hands after he had been working in his garden. Unknown to me at the time, instead of massaging it into his wrinkles, he started applying the thick, rich cream onto a patch of psoriasis on his lower leg that had been there for decades and resisted all other treatments. Now you have to understand that my dad is of the 'old school'. A block of soap and some aftershave is all he every used by way of toiletries. He's also the most skeptical man on the earth when it comes to dubious claims made by face cream manufacturers and that suspicion has rubbed off on me.
Probably out of sheer desperation, he rubbed the cream into the affected area day and night for a few weeks (one pot goes quite a long way! ) until one day, completely out of the blue, he happened to mention in conversation that his skin was looking and feeling a lot better. Now I've seen my fathers psoriasis occasionally and, to be honest, it wasn't a pretty site. The skin was red, inflamed, dry and flaky but, with an incredulous smile on his face, he lifted up his trouser leg and the area where his psoriasis had formerly been looked completely normal and healthy.
As I said before, my father has always been very suspicious of so-called 'alternative' treatments such as aromatherapy, so I was fairly certain there was no 'placebo effect' (the belief that something will work makes it work regardless of it's actual effectiveness) at work here but I can't say I was surprised that it works.
I have been convinced of aromatherapy's therapeutic properties for many years, have studied the subject extensively and have successfully used home-made creams containing essential oils to treat my family's skin problems. My research led me to create a natural solution to eczema and psoriasis.
You are going to need either a natural cream (no mineral oil, SLS, artificial perfumes or petrochemials) or use a pure vegetable oil. I recommend either coconut oil, avocado oil, black seed oil or rosehip seed oil as all of these are well known as natural treatments for eczema and psoriasis.
If you use about 100ml of vegetable oil or cream, aim to add four drops of frankincense, lavender, camomile, sandalwood, neroli, carrot seed and geranium.
Test the cream on the inside of your elbow or knee and leave for 24 hours. If there is no adverse reaction, apply the cream or oil morning and evening and you should see an improvement.
If it worked for my father and many others who have tried this formulation, it should work for you!
(Fairfax, Va)
Simon, Thanks for your helpful post regarding an eczema relieving cream. You mention adding 4 drops of 7 herbal items (frankincense .... geranium). Is that 4 drops of each or .... ? Also, what do you estimate the shelf life of the cream might be; should it be kept refrigerated? Thanks for sharing your findings about this cream.
(Auckland, New Zealand.)
(Socal, Usa)
(Bay Area, CA)
Flowers of Sulphur
flower of sulfur have worked wonders for me. I just lightly rub in the powder and it instantly starts working and is healing my fingers. Its magical.
Folic Acid
I had psoriasis for a year and a half. The patch on my knee just kept growing and would go through cycles of horrible itching redness, then purple, then flakey and so on. I started taking Folic Acid for other reasons and in a couple weeks I noticed my psoriasis was getting better and then shortly after completely disappeared. I have been free from that torture for 5 months now. I was completely shocked and so relieved.
(St Charles, Mo)
Gluten Free
Several recent articles that I have read about people being sensitive to gluten, state that there may also be a relationship to Roundup for people who are "gluten sensitive". Although wheat is not a gmo crop, Roundup containing glyphosate is frequently used on wheat crops (and many other crops). Do your own research on this by using the search - "is roundup the cause of gluten intolerance" - to find more details about this. Though I have gone gluten free, this has not fully worked to resolve several other health issues.
Something that really did help to resolve fatigue and brain fog is D-Ribose Powder (1 1/2 teaspoons taken in water in the morning). A friend gave me the book "From Fatigued to Fantastic" by Jacob Teitlelbaum, M.D. The book addresses chronic exhaustion, achiness, brain fog, poor sleep, recurrent infections and more. The author is the Medical Director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers. On page 34 of the third edition, it is suggested that one use D-Ribose as studies showed an average increase in energy of 45% and overall well-being of 30% from this single nutrient. In my case, I found the energy increase to be closer to 75-80%.
The rest of the book discusses other supplements that can improve one's condition - some of which I was already taking. (See reader comments on Amazon.com for more input - 163 reviews as of 10/17/14). If you do research on D-Ribose, you will find that many dedicated athletes use this supplement. At first I thought I qualify more as a couch potato than an athlete and maybe this is not for me. But, I gave D-Ribose a try and found it really cleared my mind and gave me the energy that I needed to complete my daily To Do List. D-Ribose is not just for athletes and older people but for anyone experiencing fatigue and brain fog. It is suggested that one use this in the morning as it really does clear your mind and could keep you from getting to sleep at night. Sorry to have gone slightly off-topic, but D-Ribose is such a great find that I included it here.
Gluten Free
Gluten Free, Tar Ointment
However, recently I have gone gluten free (for my digestive system) and it has been three weeks and I feel better. A WEEK ago I started putting a tar ointment on (Psoriacin) and I am almost completely clear! I had also been taking coconut oil everyday, but I really think putting the tar ointment on before bed, and shampooing in the morning with a salicydic acid shampoo REALLY helped me. I am almost completely clear! I hope this helps any of your struggling with this condition!