False Ringworm
(Boston, Ma)
I went through such a horrible experience with what I thought was ringworm, that I wanted to share my story in hopes to save people from what I went through:
My first spot appeared in August 2012 on my stomach, at first I thought it was a bad insect bite that just wasn't subsiding, but it slowly grew and started to look like ringworm. I had had ringworm earlier in my life from playing with barn kittens, and showed to the spot to my parents, who confirmed it was ringworm. I went to a CVS and purchased some lotrimin, as directed by the internet. a month in the lotrimin did nothing, new spots were apearing, on my upper thigh, back, but and 1 behind the knee.
When the over the counter meds weren't working, I finally decided to go to a doctor, who after a quick visual inspection confirmed it was ringworm, sent me off with a topical and oral fluconizole because it was so wide spread. No results after three weeks, so I went to another physician.
This doctor took scrapings to do a KOH test, and a live culture. Perscribed me oral lamisil (TERRIBLE for your liver) and another stronger anti fungal topical. 3 weeks later, the spots grew larger, continued to flake and occasionally itch. Both tests came back negative.
I decided to take the matters to a learned dermatologist- a supposed expert on skin conditions. Once again, diagnosed as ringworm, with a positive KOH test ON SITE. I was distraught- ready to try ANYTHING. She prescribed me "the strongest topical antifungal there is, there is no way this won't work- naftin cream"
Naturally I went on EC and read positive reviews for nail polish, bleach and ACV. I even started going to an accupuncturist. Bleach and ACV did nothing... I used 1:3, 1:1 or straight bleach on one spot behind my knee (it actually worked! ), but it was really painful, and I was afraid to use iton the larger, more sensitive areas affected.
Two weeks later I was back in her office, in tears, they had only gotten worse, the strongest cream in the world had not worked, I was ready to take a bleach bath. The doctor was puzzled and I ended up getting a biopsy. 7 days later the results were in - ECZEMA.
She prescribed me a strong steroid cream. the spots were 90% better OVERNIGHT, and 100%, with the exception of some minor skin discoloration in 1 week.
Prior to seeing all three doctors, I informed them that my mother has eczema, and if there was anyway this was some type of eczema, they all dismissed me.
I went through 3.5 months of absolute hell thinking I had incurable ringworm. I couldn't focus on anything buy ringworm, I tried naturasil, and neem products (all of which I was refunded for :) ). and spend hundreds of dollars on other remedys, creams etc etc.
If after a month, your "ringworm" isn't responding to anything, ask your doctor to "try" a steroid cream. They are often hesitant to perscribe them, because if it was actually ringworm, it makes it even worse.
Good Luck!
omg I feel ya, I had this blister big one, size tip of pinky about 1/8th of an inch deep, itched like crazy! Went to dr oooh for months, same thing over and over athletes foot, well, finally my mom took me to my aunts office a dr's office yeaaah!, well by this time I had blisters on both feet and it moved up to my hands, he said now tell me if this hurts and I'll stop but I need to scrape these for a culture ....ooooo I was in awwwhh, asking please don't stop! He laughed we waited in the office and he came back within minutes and said I've never seen fungus grow this fast it was white and spreading up the sides of the vile! In minutes!!! Diagnosis? well fungal infection that started due to living on a yaht and carpets get wet, dry, wet, damp, dry etc!
It took me 3 days shy of 1 year to get rid of it and to this day 30yrs later I still get these tiny blisters on the sides of my fingers, what was horrible is that these blisters where coming from inside out you could see them bubbling out of the little hole's eeww like beach clams!, and I now am allergic to all antibiotics except septra, I didn't care I took the last bottle of antifungal pills, that was their last attempt, what happened to add to it I had an allergic reaction to the infection which caused another, add-on which I had a severe allergic reaction on top of it was 3 high of reactions, my feet turned black! And I now have a ring worm ...which is a fungal infection and am terrified that it's turning into the same thing.
and to add to curiosity, my son's fiance is pregnant and the resulting hormones caused valley fever to surface, they induced coma, it went from one lung to another, in days I made her go to hospital, I knew she had pneumonia, when she said her chest hurt, she's been from one hospital then flown by chopper to stanford, last few days is first time, she's eaten, walked few steps at a time but it's a deadly disease most go unnoticed but she was litterally dying and its got a 60% death rate in AZ. in previous studies 1 year there was approx 2,200 cases, in the following year 22,000+ cases!
so I'm wondering if there is any relation tho is said not to cross or jump but the ringworm I got omg I've never seen chit like that but her kids have had it a few times, and think possibly I got it from their house. I actually was freaked out for days thinking it was an actual bug under my skin, theres my phobia BUGS! I've had bleach bath's doc said don't use this cream for more than 5 more days! So I didn't and the bottoms of my feet look like wax paper and then that itch if I had a black'n decker i'd be on high speed with one! Lol, but now ...omg this on top of everything else ...just ducky! I am in love with this site I've been reading for hours!
bleach and I'm making list of other remedies! Thanks!!
Fig Tree Sap
Fig Tree Sap
The sap is caustic and will burn the skin. We have a fig tree and I have to use gloves when I harvest figs or my hands will get terrible chemical-like burns. Fig sap is a natural cure for burning warts off, so putting it on the skin that is already inflamed is cruel and abusive.
Please do not use this method on your animals. There are other, kinder methods to turn to.
Fig Tree Sap
(Chatsworth, Georgia)
You can't put that on if the skin is scaly and blistered already. If you cannot find a green leaf at this time of year winter how can you extract the sap from the fig limb? I took the antibiotics and the cream I did what the doctor told me. I am boiling the twigs and getting ready to put the liquid on the very infected area.
Fig Tree Sap
Fig Tree Sap
Fig Tree Sap
Fresh Pecan Hulls
The outer green part surrounding the pecan in its shell is what is used. Wearing gloves (the tannin in the hull stains a lovely shade of brown), I cut a 1/4 inch piece. With my daughter laying down, unaware of the impending horror, I commenced. I squeezed the hull until the liquid appeared. I rubbed the liquid directly onto the ringworm and used tissue to mop any excess. After about 30 seconds my daughter began to cry out. The process burned terribly. I explained that the burning sensation most likely meant that we were killing the fungus, so at least the pain would be productive. I spent 20 minutes blowing on the area and my poor daughter went to sleep quite upset. However...
The next morning, the ringworm area had begun to scab. It was not pretty to look at. That night my daughter was afraid to let me touch her. I had to wait until she was asleep to apply the pecan hull. She awoke during the end of the process (quite angry and annoyed at my tactic). The next day the scab was huge and crusty. I had not read anywhere about the appearance after the application and I hoped that it would slough off quickly. The 4th night (taking a forced break on the 3rd night) I reasoned with my daughter that we would apply more pecan hull liquid and it would only sting if there was still live fungus under the scab, otherwise it should be painless. She weighed it out and realized that she wanted the thing totally gone, so we proceeded. This time, no sting and it lightly stained the skin surrounding the scab. That was it.
The scab lasted about 4 weeks. It was ugly and thick and showed no sign of leaving. We would cover it with a bandage coated with cornstarch to keep the adhesive from pulling on the sensitive skin near the eye. Finally the scab began to decrease. After about a month the scab totally came off, but a red scar remained. Now after 6 weeks, the scar has faded to a barely visible mark and I feel confident that the cure worked.
I mixed fresh garlic with coconut oil, applied it every day to my wrist (where the infection was) and I thought it was working because the skin felt like it was burning.
The smell was very strong too, so I believe I used a generous amount, but after a couple of weeks I gave up because it didn't really do anything to cure it or make it smaller.
(Brisbane, Qld Australia)
Yes Garlic definitely works to get rid of ringworm. I slice a clove into slivers and rub the juice into the fungal spot. Though its easier to get liquid garlic capsules — pierce them to rub the oil directly on the spot. Gone in less than a week. Garlic is so good for so many things its a staple to have in the house.
General Feedback
On 4th week and nothing has died out that I can tell. Tried Absorbine Jr and then today TKO, an orange oil cleaner. I'm desperate and afraid to have to go on prescription meds. I just bought some Terbinefine Hydrochloride 1% as someone suggested on a site. If this doesn't work, I will try the DMSO and Tannic acid if I can find it. There are some 3-day guaranteed products I've seen but expensive and I don't have that much faith because you have to use just as they say and with other products or they won't guarantee. I've read a lot about fungus, never had Candida in my life and now I'm battling this horror and am so health conscious.
It was likely the one time I had to use a public toilet with no protection. Was an emergency and I can't sit down to do... You know but can stand for the other. I have to be fanatic about changing clothes and don't want friends over unless I know clorox has been used on my toilet and I have to cover furniture with a special cloth to protect any contamination as this stuff is highly contagious. I could say where it came from on Public toilet but I won't. I'm so angry and wonder now if I will ever find a cure and if I can control the infection around my buttocks without it spreading onto more areas. OH BOY!!!!