Oregano Oil
I didn't know what it was, a spot appeared on my leg after a pedicure, it spread and it clicked that it was ringworm. I tried apple cider vinegar, bleach, tea tree oil, Lotrimin, miconazole, pure acetone, absorbine plus, a fungal wash from Walmart, borax, and then Oregano oil. I took 60mg capsules orally three times a day and then used it topically three times a day. The oil I purchased was from GNC and it already had a carrier oil in it. I can't tell you how glad I was to find a cure. I will never go back for a pedicure ever again.
Oregano Oil
This time, after much prayer, I turned to essential oils. I used undiluted drops of turmeric essential oil which slowed it down, and lemon essential oil and geranium eo which helped to shrink down the rash, followed by unrefined coconut oil which also helped to keep back new spreading but upon washing my hand or bathing it would spread again. These oils were good but could not totally knock it down. I did all I could to keep it dry and to quickly dry it and reapply the oils but I was losing this battle because it was still spreading a little everyday on my finger.
Then I read about Oil of Oregano's use against ringworm in animals and thought to try it since I always keep a bottle of it in the house. There I found a most powerful tool against this severely irritating foe. Oil of Oregano knocked this fungus out like David did to Goliath. Bam! The first application of the Oil of Oregano caused immediate results! The raised rash deflated, the angry itch died hope was regained. Sure it burned and yeah the cracked skin oozed but the most importantly the beast is either dead or dying. No itch at all now. The skin on my finger was damaged by the ringworm so the color is dark and the surface is rough and flaky. Large dead pieces of skin were able to be removed yeah, it wasn't pretty...but time and the body's natural healing mechanisms will have to be depended on to regain full normalcy of the skin and that is fine by me. I'm patient and very ever so thankful and grateful that I tried the oil of oregano. It is for me a total game changer.
Oregano Oil can be taken internally. I usually take a few drops by mouth with water already in my mouth to avoid the burn from this potent oil. Once I took it by mouth during flu season to avoid sickness and it has kept me well when everyone in the house including my nursing baby was sick a few years ago. Thankfully it even helped the nursing baby to more quickly overcome her cold symptoms and she was most mildly affected than the other children. It's also good for stopping the pain caused by crohn's.
One of my family members took it during a bout with pain caused by an intestinal ulcer and within minutes felt no pain to our great surprise and relief. I suggest keeping this precious oil in your home and looking deeply into how it can help you and those for whom you have influence.
Oregano Oil
(**WARNING** It will burn your skin a little bit, but it actually felt good because of the itch.)
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
(Laguna Beach)
(New York)
Over the Counter
I was told to use athlete's foot cream. I think it is working. I tried lots of stuff but this is the best. No itch.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Margaret,
Re "ringworm"....
The OTC suggestion is good...I've used Lamisil very successfully.
(Verona Pa)
I have used Lotrimin many times for Athlete's Foot and recently Ringworm. It could possibly be that all the time that I had athlete's foot, it could have actually been ringworm. I've recently been battling ringworm. (twice within the last 6 months or so) I think that last time I just hadn't applied long enough. It was gone within a couple of weeks, but when it disappeared, I quit treatment. I have used it just as the directions explain, once in the morning and once in the evening. I really didn't wash the infected area every time and it still worked well.
Over the Counter
Ozonated Olive Oil
I have had ringworm on my back for a few years and this past winter it exploded. The topical creams from my doctor stopped working. Finally went to see my naturopath and she put me on an anti-fungal protocol for a month. And she gave me ozonated olive oil to use topically. I use that twice a day and the marks have almost completely disappeared in 10 days. It smells strong (kind of rancid - but it's the ozone) but it works amazingly well. This is the one I have. https://www.shaughnessypharmacy.com/products/ozonated-olive-oil
Keep it refrigerated to keep it potent. Wear an old t-shirt while sleeping so you protect your bedding. Multiple thin applications are better than one thick one.
I have tried everything for this and am blown away by the effectiveness of the ozone. I hope it helps others.
Thanks for posting this info!
I use the O3 Olive Oil for severely dry hands and feet. Works wonders.
purO3 brand.
Paleo Diet
Paper Ash Residue
Paper or Wood Ash
Pennies in Apple Cider Vinegar
I tried this the last time I got ringworm and it didn't work at ALL! Not only that, it burned my skin horribly and made it worse. Wish I'd never tried it. And I am not ACV sensitive, by the way. What finally cleared it up was simple OTC athlete's foot cream. You can find it at most dollar stores and all pharmacies. Gone in 4 days, no pain, no scars.
Pennies in Apple Cider Vinegar
Pennies Soaked in ACV, Then Covered in Tea Tree Oil
RC,,,,,,, ORH here, and years ago when I could not cure a ringworm with over the counter stuff, a friend told me to dice the hull of a green walnut until moist and then wipe it on the ringworm. Wahla, it healed. I do not know the compound in a Walnut tree, but nothing grows around them. I had to cut one down next to my garden because the nearby veggies would not grow. Nature has a cure for most ails. Just ask the Native American Medicine men. With modern medicine, we are not living longer, we are just not dying as soon. ====ORH====