However, I found following the FODMAP diet so restrictive that I began searching for other solutions. I came across websites and videos on how to massage your ileocecal valve to stop unwanted bacteria from flowing from the large intestines to the small intestines, which can create bloating, gas and other SIBO related issues.
I followed the demonstrations (easy to find with a google search) and I found relief within a couple of days. I performed the massage 3x a day as recommended, only for a few minutes. I also ended each massage with pressure moving the valve from my right hip towards my gut, encouraging the closed position.
For me, the valve was often very sore, and the massage helped lesson the pain over time. I was able to reduce all of my SIBO symptoms with this technique, and now when they flair up again, I go back to the massage for relief.
Chlorine Dioxide
The Chlorine Dioxide I'm using is the Aquamira Water Purification drops sold to purify drinking water. This comes under “Other uses” lol.
How to use Liquid Drops:
- Place 7 drops Aquamira Water Treatment (Part A) and 7 drops Phosphoric Acid Activator (Part B) in a cap to pre-mix.
- Let mixture react for 5 minutes to ensure full activation (it will turn yellow color).
- Fill a container with 1 quart (1 liter) water. Add contents of mixing cap.
Water is now ready for use. Enjoy! I've been told NOT to take vitamin C supplements while taking Chlorine Dioxide!
Drink 3 oz taken every hour, until the content of the bottle is finished (8 to 12 shots). It has no taste. Just like water. Make a new batch fresh in the morning and repeat.
Note: I believe this treatment will destroy any unwanted pathogen in the digestive tract causing harm like Crohn's Disease, Chronic Diarrhea (bacterial in nature), Peptic Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis.
Make the tea by boiling water and adding it to shredded turmeric, shredded ginger, slice of lemon and sprinkle of black pepper. The black pepper magnifies the potency of the turmeric. Let all this sit and stew for about 10 min. I scoop out the bottom shredded stuff after drinking the tea. The tea tastes good!! Works amazing!!
I tried lots of remedies listed on the site but found this to be the best. Turmeric is great for a whole list of things. Research it and you will be amazed!!
Hope this helps someone. I drink the tea every night and it removes any bloating and keeps the SIBO from coming back.
Low Carb Diet and Peppermint Oil
Then I found medical centers providing information on SIBO. The causes, symptoms and treatments. 35 days ago I started a low carbohydrate diet (<30 grams per day)and 10 days ago I started taking peppermint oil capsules. As of 5 days ago, I have been IBS-D symptom free.
The combination of restricting carbohydrates and the peppermint oil capsules have provided me the first consistent relief from the IBS-D in three years.
I am sharing this so others suffering from this serious condition might be encouraged to keep researching and to be willing to try treatments that have a sound medical foundation and have case studies that show success.
I was becoming depressed about not finding a solution. My local medical advisers actually gave me the wrong advice that aggravated my condition. So, sites like this provide case studies and real examples of people healing themselves.
Western medicine does not have an answer for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and it is known as only treatable, not curable. I spent 7 years and thousands of dollars doing diagnostics and going through round after round of antibiotics. I'll spare you the details of everything I've tried because the list is huge. I was very sick, extremely underweight, broke and stuck at home with this condition.
Of all the things out there to take, this is what works both for temporary relief and what to take as the ailment is healing.
Grapefruit seed extract - 20-30 drops at least per day in water
Intestinal Formula # 2 from Dr. Schulz - I am not affiliated with this company - this was the first product strong enough for me to stop my antibiotics - at least 50 charcoal pills per day. When you feel an attack coming on start with 10 pills, increase if necessary. I was up to 100/day at one point
Ultimate Aloe Vera juice - NOT just any aloe vera juice. Most have a laxative effect which you do NOT want. I order mine from shop.com/raol as it supports a non-profit. It must be this brand as they take the laxative effect out and it's only the inner leaf of the aloe plant
Isotonic Magnesium and Isotonic Calcium - I also order from shop.com/raol - these two items are crucial for complete healing of the intestines - if you're in bad shape you need the isotonic version as it's instantly absorbed. I tried all sorts of other vitamins including magnesium and calcium.
Warm lemon water every day
As long as I stay on a little bit of the aloe juice now that I'm healed and stay away from sugar, my digestion is perfect. Thank you.
I also take 1/2 cup organic 100% natural cranberry juice, ( No sugar added, the kind you buy in the health store or New Seasons kind of store) plus the juice from one squeezed organic lemon plus 1 teaspoon Apple cider vinegar the kind you buy in the health and mix all three into 8 oz of water and drink three times a day. This might help some of you that are suffering it sure has helped me.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
I found earthclinic and started my ACV and cayenne regiment (I did not have Glutamine at the time). After my first drink I could tell a difference. After 4 days, I was able to eat and sleep better. That weekend I purchased Glutamine and have been doing the ACV and cayenne drink with the glutamine capsule 3 times a day for a week. I feel normal most of the time, eat regular and sleep much better. I intend to stay on the regiment until I have fully recovered and cut back to once a day to stay that way. I have another doctors appointment in a week. From my research I believe I have a bacterial infection or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). I intend on asking for the breath test to know for sure.
Please see a dietician and request a low fodmap diet.
Multiple Remedies
Finally I got some relief. Here's how:
1. Took about 1/16 teaspoon of baking soda in water for temporary relief.
2.Reduced my food intake to less than 1/2 the norm. Cut out all sugar foods except fruit, and a few potato chips (like 1 small bag in a week) Consisted of the following: 1 bottle of water soon upon waking, serving of fresh low-sugar fruit about 30 minutes later. IF I was hungry, 1/2 plate of Green leafy veggies(kale) and 1/3 piece of fish(cod) for lunch and again for dinner only if I was hungry.
3. Complied 100% with my food sensitivities for 5 days(if you haven't had a blood test for this, it is a MUST)
4. Drank on average 4 bottles of water a day, some non-caffeinated herbal tea
5. Made sure I had enough time to get at least 8 hours of sleep, asleep before midnight
6. Took 1 clove of chopped fresh garlic with water (like a pill) everyday. I've heard some people with acid reflux have issue with garlic so obviously omit this if you have to. I also started taking turmeric as it is antibacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory
7. When I was finally able to have bowel movements, I did so in the squatting position (on american toilets that really consists of using a stool you can order on amazon, or hoisting your legs/feet onto the seat. Takes practice/getting used to). This allows your colon to be emptied more completely.
Within 7 days, my stomach was flatter than it has been in a LONG time, inflammation in other parts of my body that I've had for years, went away! Eczema has begun to clear.
Hope this is helpful
I found relief by changing my diet and lifestyle. Apple cider vinegar (a few spoonfulls) in a glass diluted with a little water before a meal helps. Reducing refined carbs and sugars. Having gaps between meals. Not eating too late. Oral health is important too - bad bacteria can be swallowed. Finally, avoiding food and drink which relaxes the valve in the esophagus, namely dark chocolate, green tea, chamomile tea, peppermint. Stomach acid which is not acid enough will allow bacteria to produce gas which in turn drives acid reflux. Increasing the level of the acid in the stomach helps to kill bacteria.
Rifaximin + Low Carb Diet
and Cinnamon. Get a SIBO trained doctor that helps
Dietary Changes
Here are a couple of links:
I hope this is helpful. Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dietary Changes
Shortly after taking these PPI's, I began to experience bad breath. It has taken me 15 years to realize that the PPI's were the culprit. My breath, as well as my bowels smelled putrid. After consulting with Medical Doctors as well as Holistic Doctors I spoke to my body and apologized for abusing it and stated that I would find a Doctor who would cure me. I googled digestive Doctors, it brought me to a website of a practice that dealt only with digestive disorders. I looked at the practicing Doctors and read their bio's. I picked the oldest Doctor and told my body that he was the Doctor that would help us get well. The Doctor issued a breath test which determined that I had SIBO. I had never heard of SIBO. I started reading and researching this ailment to get a better understanding of it.
First thing that I learned was, STAY AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL SUGAR. That includes carbs. I am currently on the Keto diet.
The Doctor prescribed 2 weeks of Rifaxin. Unfortunately I was actually sick for a month once the treatment ended. My Doctor stated that was the bad bacteria leaving my body. I nursed myself back to health drinking hot water mixed with 1 tsp. turmeric and 1 tsp. coconut oil. When that ceases to relieve the pain I alternate with 1/2 tsp of baking soda with 8 oz. of hot water. I just read a post that stated sea salt with hot water is good as well. I will start that regime tonight. I thought that it was my stomach that was hurting me but my Doctor stated it's actually my small intestine.
I am currently taking a 30 day treatment of Amoxicillin. Unfortunately last week I had a horrible craving for sugar and ate a cracker with some jelly on it and I might as well have thrown a bomb in my small intestine. I feel like I am back at square one.
Chlorine Dioxide
Multiple Remedies