Sinus Headaches
Natural Remedies

Relief from Allergy-Induced Sinus Headaches: Natural Remedies

| Modified on Jan 13, 2024
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Allergy-induced sinus headaches can be debilitating, but natural remedies offer effective relief without relying on pharmaceuticals. These headaches occur when allergies cause sinus congestion and inflammation, leading to pain and pressure. Here’s a guide to natural solutions that can alleviate these symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile natural remedy that can also help with sinus headaches caused by allergies. Its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe sinus congestion, and its acidity may help break down mucus. You can taste apple cider vinegar by mixing a tablespoon with a glass of water and honey. Drinking this mixture once or twice a day can aid in relieving sinus pressure and headaches. Additionally, inhaling the steam from apple cider vinegar and hot water can provide direct decongestant benefits.


Feverfew is a natural herb known for its effectiveness in treating headaches, including those caused by sinus issues. It reduces inflammation and can be taken as a tea or in capsule form.

Peppermint Oil 

Peppermint oil is renowned for its soothing and cooling properties, making it a great choice for relieving sinus headaches. Apply diluted peppermint oil to the temples and forehead for quick relief, or inhale it using a diffuser or steam inhalation. Its natural menthol content helps open up nasal passages and alleviate pressure.

Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is a simple yet effective way to relieve sinus congestion. Boil water, pour it into a bowl, and inhale the steam. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil can enhance the decongesting effect.

Saline Nasal Spray

A saline nasal spray can help clear sinuses and reduce inflammation. You can make a saline solution at home by mixing sea salt with warm water or purchase a pre-made spray.

Neti Pot

Using a Neti pot with a saline solution can flush out allergens and mucus from the nasal passages, relieving sinus pressure.

Essential Oils

Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender have anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. Use them in a diffuser, apply diluted oil topically near the sinuses, or add them to a steam inhalation.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water thins mucus, making it easier to drain and relieving pressure. Herbal teas can also be beneficial, particularly those with ginger or peppermint.

Anti-inflammatory Foods

Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, such as turmeric and ginger, and omega-3-rich foods, like salmon and flaxseeds. These can help reduce sinus inflammation.


Applying pressure to specific points on the body can relieve sinus headaches. Points such as the bridge of the nose, the corners of the eyes, and the base of the skull are particularly effective.


Quercetin, a natural flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables, can stabilize mast cells and reduce histamine release, thus alleviating allergy symptoms.

Local Honey

Consuming local honey can help your body tolerate the specific allergens in your area, potentially reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

Air Purifiers and Humidifiers

Using air purifiers to reduce allergens in your home and humidifiers to maintain optimal humidity can prevent sinus irritation and headaches.


Natural remedies can provide significant relief for allergy-induced sinus headaches. However, if your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.

Continue reading below for remedies from Earth Clinic readers who effectively treated their sinus headaches!

Related Links:

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps
Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally
Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies
Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

16 User Reviews
5 star (16) 

Posted by Opal Tyne (Saginaw, Michigan) on 01/13/2024

Had splitting headache so bad that I woke up out of my sleep. I found this site and put 2 tablespoons of ACV in warm water with honey. I also added a splash of fresh lemon juice. I chugged it and it made the headache worse at first but after a bit I fell asleep. When I woke up there was no more pain, it also brought relief to a month old sore throat. This IS A WIN!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cbee (Toronto ) on 10/19/2022

I had the inklings of a sinus headache; used betadyne throat spray and doused a makeup pad with ACV…wiped it on my face over my sinus area. Woke up right as rain!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nanu (Texas, USA) on 06/25/2021

Editor's Choice

Fire Cider for Severe Allergies and Sinus Headaches

I used to use ACV alone but then discovered Fire Cider!! We've suffered from severe allergies since moving to TX 5 years ago and Fire Cider has made an incredible difference.

Fire Cider is a home remedy that has been used forever. Because it was home-made, the recipe is not set in stone. The mix varies with the maker and what they have at hand. Fire Cider is essentially ACV infused with medicinal roots and foods. This synergy helps to clear phlegm and support the immune system.

You can find all kinds of recipes online, but don't worry if you don't have one or another ingredient. ;)

I make it by the gallon using onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, peppers, cinnamon, oregano, basil... It really is a "kitchen sink" kinda recipe! While I always try to include horseradish, which really helps me, what I don't have, just doesn't go in that time.

Once decanted, I'll keep it in the fridge as is and refill a 4 oz dropper bottle I keep just for this purpose. This is when I add sweetener (about a Tb to the 4oz) I use local honey to add to the allergy benefits, but you can use other sweeteners, as some posts have shared. Just remember, it's sweetened to make it palatable when taken as medicine, but it's not a sweet product.

As for dosage, I take it depending on how I feel. I'll use it by the dropper-full, by the teaspoon, by the tablespoon, by the shot glass... my body reaction tells me how much is enough. This is natural medicine and can take a min to work..... just ALWAYS dilute it!

Last but not least.... it's also a great seasoning for meats, soups, salads, stews, beans, sauces … it is food :)

Replied by Jackie
(N Yorks, UK)

I've just made my first batch of "fire cider." I'd never heard of it until this year when a friend posted about it on Facebook. It grabbed my attention so I sourced all the ingredients and brewed up my own batch and have just decanted it tonight. I had a taste and there are so many flavours! I'll definitely be having some every day with some hot water.

Enjoyed reading your post/comment. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Claudia (Great Barrington, Ma) on 04/24/2015

This week I had intense sinus pressure/headache from tree pollen. I tried drinking apple cider vinegar, but it made my headache worse almost immediately. I then read posts on EC in the sinus infection section about putting a teaspoon of ACV in a neti pot filled with warm, distilled water and rinsing the sinuses. I did this and felt so much better 10 minutes later! I hope everyone tries this. I have used a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in a neti pot before and gotten good results, but I think I prefer the ACV. It was milder and had an immediate effect!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Sydney) on 09/18/2014

I have suffered from ear aches since I was a child. I have seen ear specialists doctors and basically no one cared or even said anything was wrong. I self-diagnosed myself with sinusitis as an adult but when I asked doctors what I can do for the ear pain they basically recommend Zyrtec and nasal sprays. These help sneezing but never my ear ache. The only thing that gave me temporally relief from the ear pain was ear candling. However that is expensive and usually only helps for about one hour. I started researching cures for sinus and came across ACV (Apple cider Vinger) OMG I cannot tell you how much this has helped with the ear ache I have been taking it with warm water twice a day for 3 days now (two caps full) I am allergic to honey so I can only have it on its own and wow I can actually feel the ache leaving me. If you have a sinus ache try this treatment. I am not sure how good it is for arthritis weight loss and skin etc. but for sinus ache and especially the ear it is amazing.

Replied by Anna S
(Woodridge, Il)

Thank you for the post, I just used the apple cider vinegar and I can feel an immediate difference. I have drainage problems for almost 2 years. My ear, nose & throat are not affected. I almost feel like normal after this and I just used it a few minutes ago. I do have a bad back and wonder if this was the problem.

Replied by Lois
(East Hartford Ct)


1) I use and recommend using pure maple syrup instead of honey, to make the ACV drink tolerable. Xylitol is a good idea too, as it helps eliminate bacteria and sweetens the concoction. Maple syrup (only pure, not commercial syrup) also adds important minerals to the remedy, and is much easier to mix in.

(2)Make sure you don't take the ACV without diluting with a few ounces of water, as it is highly acidic... Will burn your esophagus (even if you can't feel it) and will also wear away your tooth enamel.

(3) Always rinse your teeth with water after taking a dose (even diluted doses), and don't brush your teeth for a good 20 minutes or so after rinsing!

(4) Also, best results come with raw, unpasteurized ACV... B---gg's is the only brand I know of that offers this. It's a great overall tonic for your body as well as the benefits listed here.

Replied by Sandra

If you add a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda it solves the acid problem, it tastes much better, and won't affect your teeth.

Replied by Angela
(United Kingdom)

Just so that I am clear, are you drinking the apple cider vinegar or using it as a nasal rinse in a netti pot?

EC: Hi Angela,

She was drinking ACV in water twice a day, and definitely not putting it in her ear. (The honey part makes that clear).

Replied by Nick
(Venice, Florida)

Has anyone tried using Apple Cider vinegar capsules in place of liquid...

If so would appreciate any info you can provide.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/28/2011

Thank you all so much. I have been dealing with a splitting sinus headache all day. I haven't been "sick", but my sinuses have been blocked all day. I tried apple cider vinegar, honey and water and now within 10 min my nose is already remarkably better and my head is 50 percent better. So happy to have found this site!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by P. (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 04/07/2011

It works! Thank you so much for posting this solution here. I was in such pain all day from a horrible sinus headache. I could not breathe out of either nostril. I tried everything I could think of to alleviate the congestion so that I could breathe and sleep. I read about the cure here and took 8 oz water plus 2 tbspn of ACV and within an hour, I could breathe. Plus it took away the feeling of nausea. I would highly recommend this to anyone who suffers from these types of headaches.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arlene (Meredosia, Il.) on 01/05/2010

I just realized after two weeks of acv, not only all of my sinus problems are gone, but the muscle aches that accompanied it. I didn't realize that that was what was causing the pain all over my body until someone mentioned it on this site. My husband and I have been miserable with the sinus headaches, congestion etc., but we attributed the aches and pains to arthritis. We are in our 70's so it was logical. It wasn't arthritis at all it was the sinus infection. I feel 100% better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by VancouverBoy (Vancouver, BC) on 04/19/2009

Editor's Choice

Sinus Headache and Apple Cider Vinegar:

I am in the movie industry. The other night we were shooting on a closed airtight stage, about a 9000 sqft stage. Inside the stage we had created a small forest Real Trees plants moss, dirt. We then added smoke (mineral oil smoke) constantly into the air to create a foggy look. I spent appx 10 hours on the stage. Taking 5-10 breaks every hour or so. Anyway. after shooting for one day my sinuses were shot. I had a sinus headache, behind my left eye, then jumped to my right, I tried the accupressure point system, I sat in a steam room, I did the neti pot deal. but the headache would not go away. It just left for the moments of the remedies treid. This went on for the entire weekend. I was suffering until I found this website. I hate using prescribed man made medicines. I mixed about 4 tablespoons of ACV in with 8oz of warm water. Drank it straight down, then put a teaspoon of the ACV under my tongue and held it there for as long as possible (about 10 minutes). My stomach immediately got a little upset, then calmed down. I am actually hearing the sounds of drainage in my head. Slowly it seems to be clearing. I hope it works for you guys.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Edgewater, FL) on 07/26/2008

I have had a sinus headache for 2 days. i have taken sinus medicine over the cunter and lots of aspirin. nothing has worked. i found this web site, i took 2 tbls acv in 8 oz of water, put the pot on the stove, heated the water till it boiled and took it off and breathd it in with a towel around the pot for 15 minutes. my headace is gone now. i also drank 2 tbls in 8 oz water with zylitol sugar and lemon, it was not bad. hope the pain stays away. i am worn out from dealing with it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Salem, NH) on 04/03/2007

I have suffered sinus infections for years. This was one of the worst. The pain was intolorable. It was 1:00 am when I googled sinus pressure natural cures and your site came up. I read the feedback and left the house at 1:15am to go to a local all night store to get some ACV. I immediately drank 1/4 cup and tried the steaming. Within 10 minutes my nose was running and the pressure had diminished. I am going to stay up a little longer and steam again and I can't thank you enough for this GREAT natural remedy. Oh, by the way I had been on an antibiotic for 7 days at this point and taking otc decongestants. Nothing helped as much as the ACV. I will never be without it!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeff (Antigo, WI)

I was skeptical to try this (apple cider vinegar). But I did after the first signs of a sinus headache and pressure. That was last nite and this morning the headache was gone and my sinuses are draining very easily now. i would recomend this to anyone with a sinus cold.

Replied by Pam
(Austin, Tx)

how much AVC did you take and do you take it alone or with a 8 oz glass of water.

Replied by Cat
(Austin, Texas)

Two tablespoons apple cider vinegar + honey plus eight oz a water! Note the honey is optional.... Felt better and could breathe better within minutes. It worked. Must be a natural antihistamine. Will see if headache goes away too.

Replied by Margaret

It works. I have had a terrible sinus headache for to days. Thank you so much.

Avoid Air Conditioners

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michelle (Nc, Us) on 07/12/2011

You are likely actually suffering from migraines if you get a what feels like a "sinus headache" from A/C blowing on you.

There are estimates that many "sinus headaches" are actually migraines. This was the case with me. I had years of sinus infections, but after my migraines began and I started treating them (with prescription triptan class migraine meds), I began paying more attention to possible migraine triggers and realized that the "sinus headaches" I got whenever A/C was blowing on my head/face were actually migraines. I had only slight improvement when trying methods to help sinus congestion/irritation, but these headaches did respond very well to migraine meds.

I still have sinus issues and agree that A/C will irritate sinuses by drying them out, so repeated exposure to A/C blowing on you would most likely lead to sinus problems, but if you get a "sinus headache" directly after A/C is blowing on you, then you may want to look into a migraine treatment.

I was skeptical at first because they really feel like sinus headaches to me, but the response to migraine meds (not sinus treatments) for these specific headaches convinced me that they were migraines instead.

Bee Pollen

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ruth (San Francisco Bay Area, California) on 05/24/2014

I tried Bee Pollen at the Wednesday Farmer's Market. I liked it, so I went back today to buy it. I came home and once again I started to feel a really bad sinus headache coming on. In fact, I felt it coming on last night, filling my sinus cavities with pain.

I went upstairs after today's farmer's market to lie down due to the pain of a Sinus Headache and I asked my husband to bring up the bee pollen and a spoon. So he did, now I feel pretty good. The relief is almost instant.

CAUTION: on the allergy page, people put a caution saying that you have to work yourself up to having more of this stuff. Worth it to read the Allergy page here at Earth Clinic for the bee pollen caution.


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield, Nj) on 10/03/2018

Finally, something that works. I find a cotton swab so I used a piece of paper towel, twisted it, wet the tip and rolled into a little cayanne pepper. I folded my lips and very gently inserted the paper towel with the cayanne pepper into my nostrils and applied it to the walls of my nostrils. After about 30 seconds, I began to sneeze. Oh boy did that feel good and my nose started to run. In about 2 minutes my headache disappeared. I am now up doing house work. Thanks for this site.

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