Over the holiday I took a bus trip and It seemed that the person on the side, back and front of me was coughing and sneezing. I had a turtle neck and a scarf to cover my mouth and nose but when I returned home I kept feeling like I was going to catch a cold for a week. When it finally manifested it was by way of my sinus cavity and throat with a dry cough. I took an over the counter med. and Motrin and was still miserable. I finally could not take it any more and typed in cures for sinus in my computers search engine and your site was at the top of the list. When I clicked on the site the testimonial page popped up first. In Los Angeles we have a store called Yummy.com that delivers organic groceries. On their website they didn't have the ACV but when I talked to the sales assoc. She checked the shelf and they not only had ACV but it was organic with "mothers veil." It has been 3 days and my cough is completely gone and my sinuses no longer drip. My mixture is:
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 drops oregano essential oil
- 2 tbs. organic ACV
- dash sea salt
- 8oz hot water