Riboflavin B2
Saline Rinse
Anyway, long story short; found your site, agree with most of your cures, but I also know that one size does not fit all. I tried most of your sinus remedies, payed attention to what ingredients were working, and found a simple technique to drain sinuses early morning w/little prep work. Turn on hot water, grab coffee cup, put 1 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp H202, small amount of hot water( enough to make paste out of sea salt) take q-tip, dip in solution until saturated, put in nostril , tilt head back and inhale deep. This will make you cry, but your sinuses will drain immediately. I suppose, just based on my own exp. that when taking meds, the binders in the meds that can't/ or don't get broke down find something else to bind to in your body. For me, it has been my mucus. Which also lends me to believe that the cure is worse then the disease, because we don't know how long these things can stay in our system or what else they are attaching themselves to that can become problematic over the course of your life
Salsa, Cayenne, Garlic
(Hattiesburg, Ms)
Salt Water
Salt Water
Salt, Baking Soda, Lemon Gargle
step 1. take hot water mixed with salt, baking soda, lemon juice gargle, clean, wash your toungue, throat, upper part of inside of your mouth, it will make you want to throw up almost, eyes will be so red, but you feel relieved so much, this is cleansing the mouth.
Step 2. put some oil inside your both nostrils almond oil or may be olive oil (we in Southern India use coconut oil) you have to use your fingers as much deep you can reach to do this, then take hot water in a plastic mug which is pointed on one side (or if you can find NETI POT wich is shaped like Alladin's lamp use it) put the hot water inside of one nostril after another tilting your head and drain it out, you will find all the dirt - mucus come out at once, (some water may come into your mouth or through another nose), this you can do two times a day, this is keeping your drainage clean. you will find great relief in your head, eyes, even in shoulders, if the allergy cold is so severe.
Step 3. Take hot boiling steaming water into a wide mouthed vessel, add Vicks or drops of eucalyptus oil (Nilgiri oil) into it, bend your face into it, cover your head surrounding the vessel with a thick towel, inhale the steam as much heat you can take, your forehead, eyes, ear start to feel so much better, this is steam therapy.
I had been to a doctor, who is not able to diagnose my allergy sinus cold properly, instead when he is asking me questions like 'are you feeling depressed' I felt he needs to be sent to a therapy session on how to treat his patients well and listen carefully what they say.
Smelling Black Pepper
I used potato soup with lots of butter and lots and lots of black pepper to help finish off the sinus garbage. And I "sniffed" EVERYthing! The peppery soup, hydrogen peroxide, DMSO, ClO2 - basically just about everything I have. It was SOOOOO annoying and I just couldn't break it up. But the black pepper and soup seemed to do the trick.
Black pepper contains quite a bit of sulfur. As do potatoes - or, rather, they should but the soil is so depleted in the states that you have to amend the soil of your potato patch - if you grow your own.
Soda Cystals
(Montgomery, Al)
The reader in Lebanon uses a brand name, Tricel from Holland which if I remembered correctly is an equal combination of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate mix along with some other. Since I don't have the details of Tricel product with me, it might also have some potassium bicarbonate in there, but I can't be so sure, since Tricel is not available here locally. However in my mix, it's suppose to be 1/8 teaspoon of sodium carbonate, 1/8 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate, and 1/8 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. That's why I assume she needed only just Tricel. However, in the U.S. the product in U.S. maybe different.
In most encyclopedic definitions a soda crystals is simply sodium carbonate. However, in commercial applications they appear to have made a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. The difficulty appears that in an American product, which is not Tricel, they sell them under another brand name, which if I remembered correctly is Arm and Hammer's washing soda.
However in the U.S. a washing soda is sodium carbonate only, but they don't use the word soda crystals. Ideally her dose is something more akin to this, since U.S. versions uses a pure sodium carbonate (washing soda) without any sodium bicarbonate. But my "carbicarb" mixture also requires the potassium to help the required sodium and potassium ratio, which I believe is important to ALWAYS add the potassium in a carbicarb + potassium formulas. Hence a more general dose appears to be closer to this: 1/8 teaspoon sodium carbonate, 1/8 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, 1/8 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate dissolved in 1 glass of water. I would take maybe some water to rinse the bitter after taste if I should take it.
A person's sinuses maybe relieved from either of this depending on the person's unique biochemistry. As in the case of the person who posted it it appears to be an allergy problem or excess blood pathogens, where the body is highly acid. As a result acidosis caused regularly sickness from metabolic acidosis. In that case, the acidity of the body is what triggered the sinus problem and hence the dose use is the carbicarb plus potassium remedy.
As for me, I live in a different environment and conditions. My sinus is from cold virus rather then a regular sinus issue. And also my body is on average alkaline, since I take baking soda most of the time (I like to take more frequently though!). The climate in which I live in Thailand is a lot warmer then the country such as Lebanon or Eastern European area or even most parts of the U.S. since I live in Thailand I sweat more from hot weather. Hence, I am more depleted of salts lost in the sweat, which caused runny nose and sinus problems. So if the body were somewhat more depleted of salt, I would go for the sea salt remedy, to reduce the sneezing or runny nose would immediately stopped, or mostly within 15-30 minutes. The dose is only just one single dose per day and it is between 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. It's difficult to measure since my sea salt granules are much larger then that of a table salt. I WOULD NOT use any table salt, it just worsens the condition as well as common table salts are ACID, where the pH is closer to 5, compare this to my ordinary sea salt where pH is at 7.5. So there's a big difference just from that alone. When taking sea salt the body becomes somewhat more dehydrated and it kills opportunistic virus or bacteria from increased levels of salinity. The runny nose would reduce because the bdoy won't need to produce fluids since the increase blood salinity would eventually pull out the liquids of runny nose into the body. Perhaps the runny nose occurs as the body tries to rid of fluids to increase the level of salinity necessary to kill the pathogens. This appears to be the case as sneezing and allergy on the nose is significantly reduced after the sea salt remedy is taken. However, if the body doesn't lack the salinity to kill it, at least runny nose would reduce, but allergy and sneezing should technicall be at the same level from pathogens attacking the sinus just the same. In my case it appears that my salinity level are low so sinus, allergy were helped with sea salt. But don't let that fool you since I also alkalize myself especially whenever I do have the cold, also using baking soda, but sometimes a stronger carbicarb+ potassium (equal mixes of sodium carbonate + sodium bicarbonate + potassium bicarbonate) dissoled in 1 glass of water. A sea salt of 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon is also dissolved, but I may either use 1 glass or 1/2 glass of water depending on the conditions.
Hopefully this may help clear up some of the problems concerning this use. It should be noted that it was Benjamin Franklin that first used sea salt water drinking in large quantities of water, - around a 1/2 liter of water (my guess) to ward off the cold virus. Of course he was not able to explain in great detail why. But an ordinar sea salt water has a pH of around 8.0 as well as being high in salt. So basically his remedy is similar to mind, although Benjamin Franklin had to take a small canoe out in the middle of the water to drink a fairly large quantities of water between 1/2 to 1 liter of water is just my guess. He was in fact not the originator of that idea either. He heard news that someone drank sea salt in as a way to ward off the cold. As for me I don't believe it will ward off the cold, but definitely it does help REDUCE the symptoms of cold, especially the runny nose and sinus issue, where the body is depleted of salt causing the body to shed more water to increase salinity killing off the pathogens by dehydration along the breathing passages.
I had come to have a chronic sinusitis which was triggered often and predictably.
The ACV steaming not only has an immediate relieving effect but I believe it has rid me of the root chronic condition, removing old infected mucus. I am soo grateful to finding this method on EC and I tell everyone about it.
The other method I use is to put 3-5 drops of either ACV (any more will burn), 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, or Lugol's 2% Iodine into my neti pot or a refillable nasal mist sprayer combined with the warm saline solution. I'll rotate all of these methods during seasonal changes when my sinuses are more sensitive. Just fantastic!