Bret from Bean Station TN wrote that just getting up - moving around - walk, exercise -causes shrinkage of nasal passages. I must have missed that the first time around because I thought I discovered the following all by myself: Two nights ago, when it was obvious I could forget about sleeping, I stumbled into the room where I keep my small trampoline, and in the dark, I got aboard, hanging onto the window frame for support, and I jumped. Pure magic! The obvious explanation - what Bret said. So last night, I did my jumping just BEFORE bed -again pure magic. I know there are other problems of the nose, but what if this is all you ever needed to try?
For temperary releif of Sinus Congestion, simply get up and move around, walk, excersise, etc. Adrenalin is a natural decongestant that is produced when we are active. You'll notice your nasal passeges will shrink making it easier to breathe.