Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Posted by Seth (South Bend, IN) on 02/07/2009

I have nasal polyps and have tried everything including surgery to remove them with no success. I read that blood root was used before western medicine to successfully treat polyps. I'd like to know if black salve can be used to treat nasal polyps.

Posted by Chad (Anchorage, Alaska) on 12/24/2009

yeah, i am also looking at Bloodroot for treatment of nasal polyps, but can't find any information about it. wonder why? i do have extensive experience with the black salves, and know the positive/negative aspects of bloodroot, but seeing no decent alternative to nasal polyps, i am curious about mixing 1 Tblspn of Bloodroot and 1 Tblspn of Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2) in 8oz (240ml) of water, and using the tea as a nasal spray ... gosh, with 7 billion people in the world, i'd think someone has already tried this! do i have to be the guinea-pig? :)

Posted by Sylvie (Gloucester, Uk) on 06/19/2011

Bloodroot does NOT harm skin tissue, in fact it is quite the reverse! I used a blood root salve on my Mother's skin cancer and it removed it within 3wks and without any scar tissue whatsoever. My friend had the same type of skin cancer and much younger than my Mother, however she chose to have a Doctor remove it and now has a horrible scar about the size of a 50p coin. It is quite deep too, so compare that - a 40yrs woman left scarred opposed to a 99yrs old woman with no scar? The article on the blood root herb was a disinformation article clearly. I bought this salve from a man who was quite recently, mysteriously dragged onto a plane literally by 'men in black' in Equador and he has never been seen again since?!

Posted by Gailforce66 (Chicago, Il) on 06/19/2011

Sylvie, I have collected Bloodroot previously and have also been driven off by the disinformation. The older generation in my native Apalachia used it for many ailments but I fear it has been lost. The man in who was taken in Equador is very interesting.... Did he routinely make herbal medicines? I'm sure this would make him a target as the codex alimentarius was supposedly passed in the UK? Also, did he list ingredients on his salve? I make my own salves and would be very interested. Thanks for the post.

Posted by G (Nyc, Ny) on 09/02/2011

Terezia: which product did you buy from this company.... Ie Bloodroot Paste; Cansema Salve. Also, when I clicked to get estimated shipping costs, I could not find the U. S. on the list of countries. Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joanne (Poughkeepsie, New York, USA) on 01/24/2009

I think all of the remidies for sinusitis are great and they all work to some extent. My problem is nasal polyps.When polyps are combined with sinusitis it is misery! Can anyone help me!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Greg (Scarborough, Ontario, Canada) on 02/02/2009

To one Joanne from Poughkeepsie, New York, USA

I am something of an amateur "artist" of most things holistic and have no real education on the matter so take this as you will.

However I have been attempting to treat my female counterpart's Nasal Ployps, which have lead to several sinus surgeries being required to remove them (one every year) however they kept growing back faster and faster each time.

My attempt to treat/cure said condition took the form of a few things,
1: beeswax candles burning for approx 30 mins every day around her (cleans the air and gives off negative ions among other things)
2: the daily application of an olive oil based medical oil I created myself... in a nutshell it was olive oil, Castor oil, tea tree oil, rosemary, basil, lavender and a few other odds and ends all mixed in and left to distill in my closet for approximately a month before hand.
3: a "shot" (alcoholic sized) of Apple cider Vinegar or Balsamic vinegar every day.
4: organic whole foods as a diet... no carbonated drinks, fast foods etc.
5: Some rather esoteric things like Reiki and other types of Energy work.

She still has polyps however they are nowhere near the size that they should be and it's been upwards of a year and a half with no need for surgery. However all of the above was only ever done in theory... trying to actually push that all on someone who would rather just take a sinus steroid or puffer to make her feel better for a while is another matter all together.

However the point remains, nothing else has changed in her life but what I imposed upon her, most recently I've stopped forcing such things on her and let her make the decisions... and she seems to me to be degenerating again.. unfortunate, but that is her choice and I can't make it for her.

Good luck with your issues, I am more then available for giving advice as I can... sufficed to say anything I ever recommend I test on myself first.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 02/03/2009

My husband has suffered with nasal polyps for many years, had surgery 23 yrs. ago but of course they're back. Like you said, add allergies or a cold to polyps and you can't breathe at all, pure misery.

A few days ago he came down with a bad cold, couldn't breathe. He started with this treatment I read about on the net, homeopathic.

Here it is:

Pulsatilla 30, 5 pills twice a day under the tongue, for 10 days. Wait one week. Then take Sanguinaria 30, 5 pills twice a day under the tongue for 10 days. Wait 20 days for results. It's only been a few days (3 or 4) with the Pulsatilla, but the cold is gone and the breathing is back to "normal". He also began taking 1 Tablespoon flax oil daily, which I plan to increase to twice a day. I'll post results after the treatment is complete.

I bought the Pulsatilla 30 at the local health food store, and ordered the Sanguinaria 30 online from The Vitamin Shoppe. There may be variations of the name, like Sanguinarius or something. It's actually bloodroot.

I should mention that when he came down with this awful cold, he began coughing yellow phlegm almost right away. He took a nebulizer treatment with H2O2, 3%, diluted 1 to 3 with sterile distilled water (boil distilled water for 5 min. and store in jar). Bronchitis cleared up after a couple of days of 1-2 treatments a day.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 07/06/2024

I had good results with saline nasal rinse, to which I added 10 drops of 2% Lugol's iodine, years ago. Now they are back. Did you keep this treatment with just Lugol's iodine up long term? What was the result?

By the way, I've had polyps that were white/grey, and others that were reddish, or yellowish.

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