Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Hydrogen Peroxide

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park,CA) on 03/31/2007

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.


31 User Reviews
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Posted by RM (Montana) on 01/09/2022

50 year old male. Got some cheap povidone and applied a couple of times a day to the skin tag with a cotton swap. Just a red spot left after a few days.

Posted by Stuman (Oceanside, Ca) on 12/29/2016

Lugol's iodine 5% does remove the skin tags but for me it took over a week of daily application for them to fall off. I put a mini-drop on each skin tag and let it dry to allow the iodine to concentrate on the skin tag. Sometimes the iodine burns but not always.

I believe the skin tags to be caused by a virus because dry ice will remove skin tags. This technique has more risk due to possible freezer burn of the surrounding skin.

Under the thread skin tag theory I found sugar may be the cause. I thought this was important so I'm posting here as well.

It's Dec 29 and I just noticed some new skin tags on my neck. One in particular is large and itchy; it wasn't there last month. The association between sugar and skin tags seems to be true for my body type. During this holiday season, I've been drinking ginger beer soda and eating other foods loaded with sugar.

Posted by Nancy (Buena Vista, Co) on 06/26/2016 1 posts

Suffering from skin tags over my life, I thought I would add what I think on the subject. They are caused by the herpes virus in your body, which is in 98 percent of the population. Always use Vaseline to protect your good skin underneath. Once I tried to remove a lump of skin that was in my mouth, pressurized there from wearing braces, detached the corner of my mouth which has been very disfiguring and impossible to fix so far. I try to plump that area with glycerin and exercise. Viruses travel in one direction in the body and you will notice that oftentimes skin tags lean also in one common direction.

I think that applying iodine to skin tags is a great way to introduce iodine into the bloodstream thereby reaching the virus which lives at the base of your spine, manifesting itself as chicken pox, mononucleosis.shingles and in two percent of the population throat cancer.

Be careful with overdosing we all have a "full tank " capacity when it comes to muradic. acid/ iodine. God bless you!

P.s. T he thyroid regulates the level of iodine to cleanse the blood and calcium to provide energy to the body through the blood so get enough calcium or your blood will leach your teeth and bones to get enough.

Posted by Es (New York) on 01/03/2013

I recently noticed a small skin tag on my chest. I'd never had one before. I came right to earthclinic, read about Lugol's and ordered a bottle online for a couple of bucks. I applied it for about 3 days, about 2x a day, I just painted it on with a q-tip. It actually worked, within a few days the thing was gone. It did dry some of the surrounding skin from the breast which flaked off, so perhaps I overdid it a bit. I attempted to put some oil & or vaseline around it as someone here suggested, to prevent the staining etc from the surrounding area, but that didn't work. The skin did come off the area but it wasn't a wound, just a bit raw and sensitive, but it's healing just fine, with a bit of jojoba oil to moisturize and heal the skin. Anyway, the thing may have grown and so I'm really glad this worked, at least I know if I ever get another one (which I hopefully don't) I will know exactly what to do. Thank you for the wonderful solution earthclinic! You rock!!!

Posted by Annette (Branford, Ct) on 10/19/2012

Years ago I used tincture of iodine to remove skin tags.

Posted by Wke (Mountain City, Tn/usa) on 07/07/2011

Apply topical iodine directly to the skin tag; do not use a bandage. Yes, often it burns, but the skin tag disappears in 48 hours.

Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 05/12/2011

I used World Organic's potassium iodide on the skin tags on my neck, particularly on the largest two. The smallest of the two shriveled up and turned black and is about to fall off, the other one is tender to the touch. I'm going to see if a couple more applications will get it to shrivel. It's taken about 5 days of 2 apps per day for the smallest one to shrivel up. It's a relief! And I didn't need to go to a derm doc--even better!

I'm dabbing it directly with a swab, taking care not to touch the surrounding skin. The p. Iodide is clear ("white"), so I'm hoping it won't leave any stains. Since it looks like people are having quicker success with the Lugol's, I'll give it a try.

Too risky, too visible to try it on my face.

Thank you much!

Posted by Nim (Toronto, Canada) on 12/19/2010

I love this site!! Lugol's Iodine: How different is it to other iodine solutions? I have skin tags on my very itchy eye lids and also near the eyelashes. For past couple of weeks I applied Castor oil & warm compress but the tags are still there. I read Lugol's Iodine works but it is safe to use on eyelids? Also, when applied to weak, brittle nails, do they become strong? Does anyone know where I can buy it in Toronto?

Granulated Lecithin: I was going to take the granules to dissolve lipomas but I read thyroid persons should not take soy based products - is this true? is there an alternative?
Thank you

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Nim - I, too, am hypothyroid so I stay far away from soy products. For lecithin, I eat eggs. According to the Egg Farmers of Canada, one large egg contains 1.5 grams of lecithin. Perhaps you can eat eggs instead of taking over-processed lecithin granules. Good luck!

Replied by Nim
(Torotno, Ont, Canada)

Hi Bess,
Thank you for your reply. I am allergic to eggs :( - any other suggestions are welcome :)

Replied by Gokhals
34 posts

You are very likely allergic to egg "white", not egg yolk. Try separating and eating just the yolks. They are extremely nutritious - its sad that people who are allergic to egg white, feel they cannot eat egg yolk either. Throw out the egg white or give it to a family member who can eat whites.

Replied by Stuman
(Oceanside, Ca)

When I apply lugols iodine 5% near my eyes, the vapors cause a slight burning sensation. When iodine is applied to an open wound it causes a severe burning sensation.

Posted by Karmala (Templeton, Ca) on 08/20/2010

Just wanted to pass along my experience with tincture of iodine. I purchased some locally to use on skin tags as I had read it is instrumental in safely removing them. I put some on a bandaid and then applied the bandaid to a skin tag on my neck. Within a few minutes, it really started burning. When I removed the bandaid, I had what appeared to be a chemical burn in the shape of the cotton section of the bandaid. I don't know if I used too much, or am just very sensitive to iodine, but wanted to share my experience so people might be cautious.

Replied by Ed157
(Los Angeles, Ca, Us)

Yep, I burnt the top layer of skin off of my face. Be careful. I now have a large rectangular wound on my face the size and shape of the bandage part of the band aid, I guess the skin around the eyes is thin, I hope it doesn't leave a scar. I would not advise doing the soaked bandaid with iodine tip on the face.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Do you mean the iodine we ingest or the one we put on cuts? We have two kinds! I tried the Essential Oil of Oregano on a small one and it melted away very fast, now there is a little red mark, I will wait and see whether it also disappears. I will try the iodine in a little one on my neck which is not disappearing so fast as soon as you tell me what kind of iodine you used!

Replied by Lily
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

Francisca, I used the regular Iodine that you use externally for skin tags. If I remember right it took less than a week. Works wonders. Lily.

Posted by Meg (Newcastle, Australia) on 08/11/2010

I've used Lugol's on a neck skin tag - it's gone entirely in 4 applications. I'd recommend to anyone who has a tag too large for clipping. Thanks so much Earth Clinic and everyone!

Posted by Simone33 (Burlington, Nc, Us) on 07/30/2010

I can't get over the amazing results of this simple remedy! When I read about it here I honestly didn't think it would work at all. Well let me share that it took my tag out in only TWO applications! I have around 15 skin tags on my neck. I got them when I was pregnant (very common) and had them removed by my dermatologist years ago. They all came back (again, very common) and then some. I had one tag that was very painful. It felt like a fire hot needle when my shirt would touch it. I couldn't see it because it was on the back of my neck so I asked my husband to apply the iodine. He said it looked like a stick of wood growing out of the tag! I thought, great! The iodine surely won't work on this bad boy! After the very first application I had immediate relief and vitually no pain afterwards at all. I didn't get my hopes up though. I had him apply it again the second night and when he went to apply it the third, he said it's gone! ! ! I couldn't believe it. I figured the iodine just relieved the pain, I had no clue it would work, and work so fast. But sure enough it was gone! Here's what we did: He took the iodine dropper and saturated the tip of a Q-tip with about 8 drops and simply coated the tag. I'm still reeling from the results and can't wait to get to work on the rest of them nasty little boogers. Thank all of you for letting us know about this simple, miraculous remedy!

Posted by Sal (Stoneboro, Pa, Us) on 07/22/2010

I tried Lugol's iodine for 3 weeks on my small skin tags on my neck and no difference. I tried a combination of bloodroot and iodine to see if this would help, nothing. I wish I had the same results as everyone else. I have applied twice a day and paint it whenever I have the opportunity. It has the same affect as just plain water.

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 08/31/2009

For anyone concerned about irritating the surrounding skin: dip a cotton swab in oil, draw a circle around the skin tag, apply your remedy to the skin tag ONLY (with a q-tip or by using a band-aid)

I had 3 skin tags on my neck, treated all 3 with iodine (I use a natural, clear supplement that has 600mcg iodine per drop).

Two of the skin tags were very tender, so I did not want to try the nail clippers!!!

#1) I put 3 drops of iodine on the pad of a band-aid & applied to skin tag. It burned for a few minutes. When I removed the band-aid 3 hours later, the skin tag had turned grey & lost all sensation (it was irritated just prior to treatment); I was able to pull it off with tweezers with no pain or bleeding. There was a square of reddened skin that returned to normal within 48 hours.

#2) I repeated the above but left the band-aid on overnight. This tag was on the back of my neck & slightly larger. When I removed the band-aid, the tag had again become painless & I was able to pull it off, but there was slight bleeding which stopped immediately upon being blotted with tissue. This time I had a dark line-shaped "burn" from the iodine, the size of the edge of the pad. In less than a week it has faded.

#3) I painted oil around the 3rd tag before applying the iodine-on-a-band-aid. This tag was not painful. After 3 hours, pulled tag off with tweezers, no irritation on surrounding skin!

I just wanted to pass this along because many posters are reporting that they had to paint their tags for several days, and mine came off within hours. However, mine were quite small. Good luck!

Posted by Tara (Palmerston North, New Zealand) on 06/23/2009

I applied lugols iodine a few times (or when I remembered) on a small skin tag under my arm (that I'd had for a few years) and always had to shave around. I then suddenly noticed about 3 weeks later it was gone! I then tried another skin tag and this time applied a drop or so every day and this time watched it gradually disapear over another period of about 3 weeks. Yeah! No more skin tags!
