Skin Tags
Natural Remedies

Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

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Tea Tree Oil

8 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Crazymama73 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/27/2012

I just wanted to say thank you soon much for this website. I can't tell you how often I am on here finding answers on ways to help my family out with one ailment or another. I just recently tried tee tree oil on a skin tag and it fell off in 1 1/2 days!

My sister had a red irritated eye and I suggested the steeped green tea remedy and she called me the following day to let me know it worked.

Thank you again for this site, it is very resourceful and allows us to empower ourselves with useful knowledge!

Replied by Kitty
(Rancho Cordova, Ca, Usa)

Tea Tree Oil did NOT work for me! I happened to have some on hand and tried it for over 2 weeks. It was a waste of time. (It stinks, in more than one way... It didn't work for me! )

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Barbara (Concord, California) on 10/23/2009

I had a skin tag right at the corner of my mouth. Not only was it ugly, it hurt and was impossible to ignore. I couldn't get my health care provider to pony up to pay to remove it (it is apparently considered a cosmetic procedure, even if it was causing me physical pain, that's a WHOLE OTHER topic) - after finding this website, I decided to be brave. I applied undiluted Tea Tree oil to the tag, and within 2 days the tag had turned to a blister, and after 2 weeks, the tag was COMPLETELY GONE. I am completely sold on this stuff, its a miracle. Note: I think straight tea tree oil was a bit harsh, because it made the area really sore. However, there is no scar or anything left of the tag.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by N.M.T. (Florida USA) on 07/12/2007

Just wanted to note that I had a skin tag in my armpit for about two years and decided to put tea tree oil on it. I moderated soaked a cotton ball and did it two days in a row. The second day it turned black and a bit later with some coaxing, it fell off. That same week another popped up on my abdomen and I repeated the procedure and got the same exact results. There are no marks left behind, nothing!

Replied by Lanpho
(Burbank, CA)

This really works. I had a couple on my neck and applied tea tree oil 1-3 times daily. It took two weeks instead of 2 days. I can't believe it! Thank you.

Replied by Margaret
(Winnipeg, Canada)

I still have many embarassing skin tags on my neck. They have been there for years and I have been to a dermatologist a few years ago who burned them off with some type of laser. This is not a good option as it is very painful and I still have them. Then I read about tee tree oil with skin tags and I have tried it for 3 days now (3 applications a day). It is already much better. All of the tags are disappearing and the skin is noticeably smoother. This is very impressive.

The Fingernail Clipper Snipping Method

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Rose-marie (North Island, Nz) on 09/22/2015

The nail clipper method is easy and simple (and fun! ). I make sure the clippers are sterilized, just one snip and its done. No worse than a pin-prick really!

I always swab it with iodine afterwards.

Yes, it does bleed, but thats a good thing too. A tiny scab forms where the deed has been done.

The Fingernail Clipper Snipping Method
Posted by Matt (Boston, MA) on 07/08/2008

After unsuccessfully trying to remove a skin tag with both bloodroot (dermatend) and iodine, i nervously decided to try the nail clipper method. i used brand new, very sharp, straight nail clippers (some are curved, but i would recommend straight ones so you get a cleaner cut.) the trick is to just do it quickly, and you should feel suprisingly little pain. there was a bit of bleeding, but the entire thing came off in one fell swoop. it has been less than a week since i cut it off, and already it is healing quite nicely. highly recommended!

Replied by Wisdom Ace
(Port Huron, Michigan)

My doctor used surgical sissors and pulled the tag tight and clipped it off. I felt a momentary small ouch and then it was gone. However: they came back in and in large numbers. I wonder if it's some sort of reaction to certain minerals in our one a day vitamins?

The Fingernail Clipper Snipping Method
Posted by Lisa (Portland, OR) on 03/10/2008

I had three skin tags but they are history now. Well sort of. I had one on my neck for YEARS, which was probably caused by necklaces constantly rubbing that area, I had one on my breast, and another on my lower back. I will have to get the lower back one again. It was hard to reach back there and I didn't get it all.

Anyway, I read about using iodine and waiting a few weeks for the skin tags to turn black and fall off and I read about just using the nail clipper. So, that day, I went to the store and bought some iodine. As I opened up the bottle and dabbed some on my neck, I caught the glimmer of my nail clippers out of the corner of my eye. I thought, do I real want to have some discolored black thing on my neck for two plus weeks? I decided, no, and I sanitized the nail clippers.

I did the neck one first. Eh, just a pinch and no blood, I did the one on my breast, just a sharp pinch and gone. It bled just a tiny bit. Then, using mirrors, I did the one on my back. That one was a bit more of a pinch and it bled like when nicking your leg shaving. Unfortunately, I can't get my squeamish boyfriend to help me finish the one off on my back, so I have to try it again.

I recommend the nail clippers for a quick, free, virtually painless, and not that messy of a job.

The Fingernail Clipper Snipping Method
Posted by Lena (Jax Fl) on 10/25/2006

We snip off smaller skin tags with cleaned fingernail clippers. The clippers are usually very sharp. You feel a pinch. Hold cotton on till bleeding stops. Cover with band-aid. It heals beautifully. We haven't had any grow back.

Replied by Randy
(Rochester, Ny)

I haves this method many times and it does work, with little or no scaring.. I have had 100's removed by drs druring surgery and in the drs office. The tie off method is hard to get right. I have pair or clips just for this whic I clean in acholol each time I have only had one that bleed for more than a couple minutes and put a saline soaked badage on it and was clean and healing in a day or so.

The Knotted Hair Technique

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Letty (Harlingen, Texas) on 08/22/2007

My husband had a lot of skin tags and I pulled a hair off my head and tied one on each tag and add two knots by the week the had dried up and fell hopefully this helps.

The Rip It Off Method

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Eladapinio (Ny) on 03/27/2014

The Rip It Off Method for skin tags is a?fantastic method! I was reading the entire page as recently a small skin tag grew on my neck, above shirt line area, and I was considering what methods other than the string (which seems the most secure but requires you to walk around with a string hanging off your neck) I could use. I had already decided to give the oregano and tea three oils a try, may be some garlic juice too, but knew I would have to wait for days for what may be no results at all...Then I got to the rip it off section, immediately decided I wouldn't do it as it scared me, but proceeded to read other people's posts on it. Then, as I was reading, I suppose subconsciously, I grabbed the skin tag, twisted and slightly pulled it and BOOM- it came right off! As I looked at it (the size or a rice grain) I couldn't believe my eyes, and touched my neck to confirm, then I saw a tiny bit of blood on my finger. Went to the bathroom, and sure enough- no skin tag, blood was less than a picked at pimple would bleed and stopped immediately. Zero pain. The tag was only about 10 days old but grew very fast. I recommend this method.

The Rip It Off Method
Posted by D.r. Jones (California) on 12/12/2013

I also used the rip it off method with at least 3 tags. The worst one being under my arm pit, I say that because some hair is also pulled out with it. Here is my method of removing them; I just got as close to the base as I could, pinched them as hard as I could between my finger nails (more like cutting them) then pulled them off. It was for the most part painless, maybe just a little pinch. I also took one off my eye lid the same way. None of them ever came back. I hope this will help you.

The Rip It Off Method
Posted by Lori (France) on 09/09/2007

I agree with the rip it off method. I have been doing that and it works. They itch like crazy when they first start growing in. I was told by a doctor that they are caused by friction. (Is that true?)The ones around a neck could be cause by constant rubbing of a neckline or a necklace. They are easier for me to rip them off then to cut them off. Even if I accidentally rip off only part of it, the leftover stub will dry up and fall off the next day or so. That has always been my experience. I appreciate this site and all the wonderful information.

The Rip It Off Method
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 02/19/2007

I had a skin tag on my arm. My regular doctor saw it and asked me "shall we remove this thing?" I answered with a blank stare, in an instant he took hold of it and yanked it off. It didn't hurt, and he laughed and said "that'll be $75." Of course he didn't charge me. It didn't bleed, or hurt, just a pinch for a moment.

The Tweezer Method

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Homebody (USA) on 12/04/2021

Another tweezer method for removing a skin tag is to grasp the tag and begin rotating the tweezers around in a circle to break the “stalk”. This can be tricky, as it requires coordination. Go about your life. In several days you will notice the skin tag has fallen off.

The Tweezer Method
Posted by Art (California) on 09/01/2014

I recently noticed two small skin tags on my neck. I cleaned the area and my pointed tweezers with hydrogen peroxide and then tweezed them as close as I could to the normal skin by squeezing the tweezers hard and pulling at the same time. Both skin tags came off easilly and then I cleaned up the tiny amount of blood with a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide and that was it.

That was about two weeks ago and you can't tell where those skin tags used to be. Art

Vitamin C

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tricia (Huntsville, TX) on 08/04/2024

I have had a skin tag under my breast for years. It has gotten painful, since it is right where my bra line fits. I have tried ACV, castor oil and essential oils, iodine, covered with Band-Aids or cotton balls - tried that for weeks. Nothing happened. I found a post that said to take Vitamin C, either the powder or empty the Vitamin C powder in a capsule, add a few drops of water to make a paste. I did that and applied it to the skin tag and covered with a band aid. I put new Vitamin C paste on it several times and in 2 days, the skin tag completely fell off! It might not work for everyone, but it worked perfectly for me.

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