Posted by Kikiloise (Novi, North Carolina Usa) on 06/05/2011
when I have a cold or a sore throat or I lose my voice I take a tblspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar... works like a charm! The after taste may burn a little bit but not bad.
Posted by Penny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/05/2011
For sore throats and sinus problems I add cayenne to a broth of one crushed piece of garlic, one table spoon of ACV, soy sauce to taste, one dash of toasted sesame oil and a teaspoon of honey. I pour boiling water over this mixture in a mug and drink it like a cup of tea. It tastes pretty good. The garlic, ACV and cayenne really help to knock out a cold.
Posted by Cecilia (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/06/2009
In order to avoid severe coughing while gargling with cayenne pepper (red pepper) in tempered water you need to breath deeply, hold your breath, take a sip of cayenne pepper, gargle, spit the mix and breath normal.
Gargling this way you avoid breathing through your mouth when you are sipping the mix and the dry cayenne powder doesn't get into your through.
Also, when the throat and larynx are irritated it is better not to swallow a lot of the mix so just swallow what is left in your spit after spitting the mix. It has worked wonderfully for me!
Posted by Giancarlo (Poughkeepsie, New York) on 03/17/2008
Some Dangers of this cure: Ok you have to warn people loud and clear that they have to water it down... i let some hot sauce down my throat not watered down at all and my throat valve just completly closed and i was gasping for air and i almost died... but after sucking down water i was able to get control of myself.. but anyways my soar throat was gone pretty much instantly lol.