41 User Reviews
Hot Water Compress/Gargle Hot Salt Water for Sore Throat. –
From the Book: The Household Monitor of Health, p. 210-211, by J.H. Kellogg, MD. 1891
There are many remedies for sore throat, some of which are harmless, being simply worthless, —like goose-oil applied externally, while others are quite injurious. The remedy used by the Germans and many sensible Americans, is the best, hot water. It should be applied outside and inside; outside by means of flannels wrung out of water as hot as can be borne, applied to the throat and well covered, twice a day, for fifteen minutes or half an hour. Gargle hot salt water, as hot as can be borne, every fifteen minutes or half hour until relieved. Drink plenty of hot water, so as to get into a profuse perspiration . If there is fever, cool the skin with sponge-baths. Keep the feet warm. If there are symptoms of diphtheria (A sore throat, fever, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and a barking cough), apply ice in a bag to the outside of the neck, and give the patient little pieces of ice to swallow. Lemon juice applied to the pharynx with a swab or as a gargle is sometimes a good remedy. A few hours of this treatment will effect a cure in simple cases.
Salt Water Gargle
(Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan)
It is deeply unpleasant and not a total cure but it certainly works.
(Norwich, England)
I am in so much pain with my throat that I've been awake all night, I really could cry, I've just tried this remedie but I can't even seem to hold a gargle for more than a second, is there any other way I could get this to work. Thank you Ly x
(Melbourne, Australia)
You could get a spray bottle and spray into the back of your throat. Add some cayenne pepper into warm liquid and spray that down the throat.
(Odek, Uganda)
It helped, but not 100%.
Salt Water Gargle
Before I tried this remidee whenever I swalowed I felt an enormous amount of pain in the back of my throat, and after gargling my throat still hurts a bit, but still hurts way less than before, I will keep doing this about once an hr and maybe get some vinegar, just one question, do I swallow the substances or spit them out after gargling?
Thank You
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Hi Adam, you spit out the salt water. Whenever you gargle anything you are supposed to spit it out. Doctors often advise salt water gargling for tonsilitus. Good luck Lily.
(Katlehong, Southafrica)
Should I really gargle with salt. There is no electricity where I am which means no warm water what must I really do?
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle
(Isa Town, Bahrai)
Woooh! The salt gurgle treatment is great. It has taken away most of the pain but i am goin to keep repeating the treatment until it has tottally gone.THANK U SALT!!!
(Miami, Fl)
I almost can swear by this old remedy: when a sore throat appears, gargle with warm water, salt and lemon/lime juice (acv will do too). It should be gone by the end of your gargle. For variety, add a tsp. of honey
Salt Water Gargle
Its about 8:15 here in Baltimore and a freezing cold morning. I was trying to get some more rest to hoping this was just temporary. Well, as it turns out, I actually have a severe sinus infection and the flu, I logged on to Google and typed 'Remedies for Sore Throats.' I clicked on the link to this website and scrolled through the options, where I decided to try this one. 1 word - YEA! I mixed about half a teaspoon of salt and warm water into a mug and gargled, it instantly soothed my throat and took pain and itchiness away. Let's get well together.
Salt Water Gargle
(Jacksonville, Fl)
Salt water garggle does not work. It provides slight relief for a few minutes. It is also unpleasant. I suggest ginger and honey tea instead.
(Glasgow, Scotland)
Yea gargling warm salt water made my throat a whole lot painfuller but what I found works, is if you fill up a glass of cold water and add a teaspoon of salt mix it and then drink it you get instant relief.. Hope this helps but yea salt is a life saver!
Umm, just for the people who are saying it hurt loads, It's MEANT to hurt, it's like if you rub alcohol on a wound to sterilise something it will hurt right? There's a Chinese saying, No Pain, No Gain.
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle
(Edmonton, Canada)
yea thanks alot it really helped me i always used to gargle warm salty water but never tried putting vinegar in it!! thanks so much.
Salt Water Gargle
(Essexville, Mi Usa)
YES!!!!!! This helps A LOT!! I've had a sore throat for 3 days now and this defiantly helps :D
Salt Water Gargle
Salt Water Gargle