Sore Throat
Health Benefits

Iodine Painting: A Natural Remedy for Sore Throat

| Modified on Dec 20, 2024
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If you're dealing with a sore throat and searching for a natural remedy, consider trying iodine painting. While iodine is widely used to treat different health issues, it's not as commonly known for its potential as a sore throat remedy.

In this article, we'll delve into the science behind how iodine can effectively treat sore throats and provide safe usage instructions.

How Does Iodine Work to Treat A Sore Throat?

Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral essential for the body to produce hormones and regulate metabolism. When used in liquid form, it also acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Applying iodine to an inflamed throat can help eliminate infection, kill fungus and bacteria, and address the underlying cause of a sore throat.

Additionally, iodine can provide immediate relief by reducing inflammation on contact. Many people are iodine deficient, so supplementing iodine can also support immune function and promote healing.

Iodine Painting: How to Use It for Sore Throats


To use iodine for a sore throat, apply it externally to the neck around the areas where your throat hurts. You can also apply iodine to the veins of your wrists, as these veins are close to the skin's surface. Apply the iodine daily until the soreness subsides.

Iodine Types

Regular iodine will stain anything it comes into contact with, so consider using colorless iodine, available online or at many pharmacies.

Real-Life Experiences with Iodine for Sore Throats

Many Earth Clinic readers have shared their success stories with iodine painting for sore throats. Renee recounted how iodine painting on her wrists and throat areas significantly relieved her swollen glands and sore throat within hours.

"Iodine cured my swollen saliva/throat glands after 2 horrible nights of restless sleep. I found this website in searching for a cure (non-prescription) Iodine was suggested. So about noon today, painted the wrists and throat areas. I found Iodine at a local drug store. It was under $2. I took a one hour nap and already felt better. The prior two days, it hurt to swallow, it was horrible to eat or drink, burning sensation during both. I ate watermelon and when I would drink, I would drink as fast as possible. By 2 pm, I was at a soup and salads (buffet restaurant) enjoying soup, more fruit, drinking. It pretty much took care of my sore throat and swollen glands. I read here that it takes care of skin tags. I placed iodine on the 3 I have and hopefully they will be gone. I will report back as to whether or not it works, but as far as the initial success and how great I feel, I have a positive outlook."

Similarly, Quita shared her skepticism about iodine painting for a sore throat but was amazed at the pain relief she experienced the next morning.

 "I had a severe sore throat recently (I could not even swallow) and my good friend suggested painting the inside of my wrist with iodine. I thought she was crazy. But it worked! The pain was completely gone the next morning. Shortly thereafter my son became sick with a bad cold. Although she recommended the iodine for a sore throat, I used it on my 3-year old and the next day he was 100% better. I googled iodine cures and discovered this site. I am convinced!:

The Importance of Iodine in Our Diets

Iodized Salt

In the 1920s, the US government requested that Morton's add a small amount of iodine to their table salt to combat the prevalence of goiters (enlarged thyroids) caused by iodine deficiency. Today, goiters are relatively rare in the US, thanks to the widespread use of iodized table salt and iodized sea salt.

Precautions and Contraindications

Iodine Sensitivity

Iodine is safe for most people, but some individuals should avoid it, and it should not be taken with certain medications. Those with Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroid Disease or overactive thyroid should not take iodine. Consult WebMD or your healthcare provider for a list of medications that are incompatible with iodine.


While iodine is commonly used to treat cuts and scrapes, its potential as a remedy for sore throats is lesser-known but equally effective. If you are dealing with a painful sore throat, consider giving iodine painting a try. As always, consult your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications.

You have probably used iodine to treat cuts or scrapes before, but now you can try it as a remedy for a sore throat!

Scroll down the page to read more about how others have used iodine for their sore throats. Try it and let us know if it worked for you!

Related Links:

10 Best Natural Remedies for Soothing a Sore Throat
10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies
Benefits of Iodine for Health
Home Remedies for Laryngitis
Lugol's Iodine: Treatment and Side Effects
Supplementing with Iodine Recommended for Pregnant Women
Top 10 Natural Remedies for Flu
Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

17 User Reviews

Posted by Annavas (Missouri) on 11/17/2023

Iodine Painting

My daughter had a sore throat for two nights, so I painted her throat - she thought I was crazy, but then had instant relief! We left it on all night while she slept and she woke up perfect! My throat started getting a little irritated feeling the next night so I did the same, it's better, certainly not worse - probably could have painted certain areas a little more so I will try again tonight. Thank you!

Iodine Painting
Posted by Brenda (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/23/2012

Iodine paintingworks for sore throat. Please note that iodine can be dangerous to those who have Hashimoto's disease. If you are hypothyroid, best to check with your doctor first.

Replied by Cha
(Hoover, Al)

Do I paint then rinse with water?

Iodine Painting
Posted by Dottie (South Georgi) on 06/05/2009

iodine for sore throat: I use iodine at the first sign of a sore throat. Works every time. Rub the iodine on your neck around the areas that it hurts inside.( I get a lot of only hurts on one side sore throats) Also the veins on the inside of your wrists........ these are closest to the skin surface, rub some on them as well...

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

I was wondering what kind of iodine do you use? I'm assuming the colorless type?

Iodine Painting
Posted by Lauren (San Diego, CA) on 05/06/2008

Iodine to cure sore throat- It didn't work for me! I was so surprised and a little skeptical because so many were saying all you do is rub some iodine on your wrists and neck. I've had a sore throat for 4 days now and I tried it in desperation, but nothing happened. I have a big presentation tomorrow and all I have to show for my herbal remedy to cure my excurciatingly sore throat are yellow neck and wrists! Maybe I did it wrong, but gargling 1 tsp of the Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of warm water worked better for me!!

Replied by gb
(new york, ny)

I believe it only works at the first signs of infections, is that correct? Also, whats the dosing? how often can you do this and with how much iodine? how much is too much?

Replied by HisJewel
(New York)

Greetings gb,

Some of these sore throats infections come on rather quickly as during COVID. For me, It only takes minutes for the iodine painting to chase a sore throat once applied to that area.

If the iodine painting does not work in minutes, I run for the garlic. It is often a sure hit. A couple of chews on one clove of garlic, or at least a few chops with the knife, and down the hatch.

I always have a nice cold glass of water ready to keep it moving in the right path. Sometimes I simply make the lemon garlic tea that people often talk about on EarthClinic. So if the iodine is slow, toss in the garlic.


Iodine Painting
Posted by Nancy (Austin, TX) on 04/02/2008

Swab throat with iodine---never fails to kill a sore throat, so just'the "sniffles" are left.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Chris (Battle Creek, MI) on 01/31/2008

For almost 3 days my daughter was complained of her throat feeling like she was swallowing knives. Nothing would take it away. After having tried the egg whites for her fever and it working I came back to this site and sure enough - a remedy for a sore throat...IODINE! I put some on her wrists and on the sides of her throat. It took a little bit - like hours, but her sore throat went away and has not returned since! It has been almost a week now! Thanks again for the wonderful remedies!!

Iodine Painting
Posted by John (Panama City, FL) on 01/20/2008

Iodine for Sore Throats/Ear Aches. I'm trying this for the very first time. Let me add this word of caution: KEEP TOWELS HANDY! Wherever you normally sit - say, a couch or favorite easy chair - place towels where your wrists and hands would normally rest. This is especially important if, like me, you sweat profusely even when still. I also suggest wearing clothing that you won't mind possibly getting stained, as the iodine WILL get all over.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Igor (Toronto, Canada) on 04/28/2007

WOOOW, Iodine actually works, what I did was put Iodine all over my neck and then put a teaspoon of honey into my mouth, after an hour of doing this my throat sore was GONE. I am truly amazed for the people that have put up, to use Iodine, it really helped me THANK YOU!

Iodine Painting
Posted by Renee (Houston, TX) on 05/14/2006

Iodine cured my swollen saliva/throat glands. After 2 horrible nights of restless sleep. i found this website in searching for a cure (non-prescription) Iodine was suggested. So about noon today, painted the wrists and throat areas. I found Iodine at a local drug store. It was under $2. I took a one hour nap and already felt better. The prior two days, it hurt to swallow, it was horrible to eat or drink, burning sensation during both. I ate watermelon and when i would drink i would drink as fast as possible. by 2 pm i was at a soup and salads (buffet restaurant) enjoying soup, more fruit, drinking. it pretty much took care of my sore throat and swollen glands. i read here that it takes care of skin tags. i placed iodine on the 3 i have and hopefully they will be gone. i will report back as to whether or not it works, but as far as the initial success and how great i feel, i have a positive outlook.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Hannah (Morgantown) on 03/14/2006

I tried it and in like 10 mins i already felt a difference this stuff is amazing!

Iodine Painting
Posted by Quita (Atlanta, GA) on 02/07/2006

I had a severe sore throat recently (I could not even swallow) and my good friend suggested painting the inside of my wrist with iodine. I thought she was crazy. But it worked! The pain was completely gone the next morning. Shortly thereafter my son became sick with a bad cold. Although she recommended the iodine for a sore throat, I used it on my 3-year old and the next day he was 100% better. I googled iodine cures and discovered this site. I am convinced!

Iodine Painting
Posted by Seymore (Portland Oregon) on 02/06/2006

the Iodine cure worked the best, at first i thought it was weird trying to cure something that was affecting your body at the throat and cure it by painting iodine at the wrists. i also tried it because i had iodine at the time. overall it was the best cure.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Hallie (The Woodlands, TX) on 11/19/2005

Putting Iodine on my wrists and throat did a wonder. I'm picky when it comes to tasting juice or vinegar, so the iodine was perfect!

Iodine Painting
Posted by Greg (Atlanta, GA)

Painting Iodine on my wrist gets rid of my sore throat every time!

Replied by Diane
(San Miguel Allende, GTO)

i read about the remedy suggested to cure sore throat by painting iodine on the skin of the throat and wrists. i have mixed a capful of iodine w/ a glass of water and gargled. has anyone else done this. i was concerned about any toxic effects?

Replied by Joseph
(Maywood, New Jersey, Usa)

For younger children, try a spoonful of any kind of thick syrup. I remember when I was younger it worked every time in relieveing a sore throat, but doesn't work now. If you have kids with a sore throat, this might not be the best way to cure it, but it is the one your kids will probably like the most.

Iodine Painting
Posted by Nita (St Pete, FL)

Iodine definitely works for me, however, I find it best to use the clear "decolorized" iodine, available at most drugstores. I paint it on the inside of the wrists (where the veins are closest to the skin) and on the sides of the throat.

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