Natural Remedies

Tendonitis Remedies

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Multiple Remedies

3 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Tim (Greer, Sc / Usa) on 03/09/2012

-BCAA (branch chain amino acids, use as directed) -muscle milk (protein drink, use as directed) I mixed BCAA into the protein drink.

-work out (exercise w/ dumbells, etc. ) 5 times a week

-stretch the tendon many times in the day, massaging the tendon (bring it to the surface) -after work out, ice tendon for 15 minutes, no more than that.

-Take Glucosamine Chondroitin W/ Msm triple strength 2 times a day

-the Glucosomin, stretching, exercise, and ice do it, don't leave anything out. After two weeks, take a day or two off doing absolutly nothing with that tendon.. then start back... You should feel it healing in about 5 days.. will be able to tell a huge difference in about 3 weeks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Guest Mother (Toronto, Ontario,canada) on 09/09/2010


My dad has been suffering from sever pain in the shoulder for the last 2 months. We went to the doctor, she says it looks like tendonitis and will take 3 months at least. She gave some anti-inflamatory tablets and ointment, which did help a bit but even now he cannot lift his arm. Movement of the arm is very restricted. It is swollen a bit and feels very warm at night and also he gets severe cramps at night. He has been taking MSM and Vitamin C tablets for the last one week but we are yet to see any dramatic difference in his condition. AS it is his right hand, so day to day activties are really painful for him. Please advise what we should do. If Ted can suggest something that will be terrific. He is also taking 1-2 table spoons of ACV in 8 glasses of water and sips through out the day..

Replied by Kathy
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Many years ago I had tendinitis in both arms and wrists and hands. A sports DR told me to take alfalfa. SO I researched it and began taking 25 a day for a month to saturate my body then scaled down to 8 a day. It worked great. Sometimes I have a little discomfort but not anything like before. I got my alfalfa tablets at walmart.

Replied by Tidbitmom
(Provo, Ut)

A TENS machine is wonderful for curing tendonitis or bursitis. It works like acupuncture. With a doctor's prescription your insurance company will pay for one for you. Just take the prescription to a medical supply store. Apply the TENS pads to the sorest spots and let it run for 30 minutes twice a day. Within three days you will be cured.

Ruptured Tendon

Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 03/09/2012

Tim, I am not particularly religious but God Bless You!

I am going into the hospital for my arm operation coming Wednesday as I didn't find any other alternative to cure my ruptured tendon. It will surely be a clinical Swiss clinic. I just wish I had someone like you around there.... Not speaking good German it will be a very lonely time. I can't imagine staying a week in that place....... Anyway, see you all when I am back and if I can't answer any of your questions for a while at least I will keep reading all your suggestions! God Bless You All!

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Massachusetts)

Francisca - Wishing you well for your upcoming surgery.

I have a very similar problem in my upper left arm that I believe is tendonitis caused by repetitive movement vs. An actual tear. I am still in the 'wait and see' stage hoping that the tincture of time will help. But, since it has affected my range of motion in that arm, I suspect I will end up having it checked out if it's not better within the next month or so.

I found that taking 2,000 IU's of extra Vitamin D helped loosen things up a bit. I was taking 6,000 and bumped it up to 8,000. I'm leary of going higher than that, but can't help wondering if going higher would have helped even further.

In any event, I just wanted to send along my wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Liz, I am sad to hear that you have the same problem I have. I have recently taken a 400.000 IU of Vit. D because in France you can take one dose which is good for a number of months (you can choose for three, four or six months). I didn't feel any difference. I have it in the upper left arm as well, better than the right as I am right handed. With me only half of the tendon is torn and it created a thickness on the top, the other half is stressed trying to cope. I couldn't go on like this because as I usually don't have pain I keep doing the wrong movements and then it hurts a lot. Two doctors warned me that I can overdo it any time and then it can really go so badly wrong that the operation will be far worse. One can get better with physiotherapy but it seems that you never really cured. I am afraid.... afraid of the operation, afraid of one week in the hospital, afraid of the six weeks with little movement and after that all the physiotherapy just now my husband is going to retire in May but I'm afraid that there is no other choice.

Thanks for caring and please keep me informed of how things go with you. I will try to do the same so you know how it is. Maybe it is better than we both think?

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, USA)
2042 posts

Francisca, it seems you have many EC members thoughts & prayers going for you.

At your response, I forgot to mention that my devotion as a Nurse Assistant was also rewarded when I was hospitalized w/ non-textbook acute Leukemia. I had major pain and deep tissue damage to feet leaving me completely bedridden for almost 1 yr. But I had one nurse that gave me special attention (especially my feet) and we became good friends.

My hope is that you get some of this "Compassionate Medicine" in your clinic.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks Tim and thanks to everybody here! And you are right, a bit of compassion and warmth when you are not feeling well (and even when you are) makes you feel so good..... I don't know what to expect here in Switzerland but as a rule in this part they are not very warm, or maybe they are but they don't know how to show it! We have a last appointment with the surgeon tomorrow afternoon and I hope he will let me come home sooner. Even if I can't do anything I am better off in my own bed with my books and my TV programs in languages that I do speak! My three children where born in Holland many years ago and although I quite like Dutch people the nurses were far too cold and impersonal to the point of frightening me. I was very young, no family around.... But I think that the fact that I was a foreigner didn't impress them either!

Sad to hear that you had to suffer so much but nice you had someone to comfort you! Great that you have recovered and we have you to give us good advice, really appreciated! You know, now people are becoming more and more distant it really makes me happy when I meet people who are warm and friendly! A while ago I was already suffering with my arm and had a horrific cold but had to travel quite a distance on my own by train. As there was an accident the whole schedule was turned upside down and my German not being very good made things even more difficult but I met this wonderful retired Swiss couple and we traveled together from then on! I think that we have now a lasting friendship and they will surely visit us when we move to our new home! So you see..... Many people may not be nice but the nice ones really make a huge difference and I am sure you touched a lot of people's hearts! Bless you!

Supplements, Turmeric, MSM

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shawn (Cambridge, Minnesota, USA) on 01/21/2009

I woke up with tendonitis in my elbow. When I have had tendonitis, it normally has lasted 1-2 weeks minimum. With this treatment I came up with, it was almost gone in 24 hours (almost had full range of motion in arm with minimal pain), and completely gone in 36 hours.

In the first 24 hours, I took these items in the morning and evening: 3 T (instead of called for 2 T) of my daily multivitamin, 1000 mg Vitamin C with rose hips, Turmeric 400 mg/95% curcumin (that's how the label shows it). The Turmeric and Vitamin C are taken for their anti-inflammatory properties. The last ingredient, which I believe might be the most important is MSM lotion (contains 15% MSM). I applied this lotion on the area around every 2 hours. MSM is a good natural painkiller and also works well against different muscular problems and inflammation. I noticed a remarkable decrease in pain a couple hours after applying the MSM lotion the first time, and believe that is the main cause of the decrease. I was unable to do this treatment for the first 5 hours of the tendonitis because of work, otherwise it might have been gone in 24 hours.

Feel free to contact me. The email address is a remailer that will forward messages to my email address.

Replied by Irene
(Mount Vernon, WA)

Hi, I read your remedy for tendinitis, but what is that MSM you mention?

Replied by Dharmendra Mathur

I want to know what is MSM Lotion and how to get it.

EC: Hello,

A good health food store in your area might have it. Otherwise, you can searching Amazon (India). We used the key words "MSM Gel" and got these listings on www.amazon.in.
Key words "MSM Lotion" did not turn up the product you are searching for.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mel M (IL) on 06/20/2021

DMSO for Tendonitis

I just started using DMSO gel on my shoulder and elbow, and I can't believe how fast it worked. You can't leave it on longer than 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes at the most but it starts to get very itchy. You need to wash it off or I just wet a rag and wipe it off. It is just the nature of DMSO.

I used it for shingles pain, many years ago and luckily always keeps this around, just in case. It helps with arthritis pain as well. But I just didn't think it would help with tendon issues. But then I looked here on Earth clinic and tried it out. And I am stunned. Again. It is just a versatile cream.

Thank you Earth clinic and all the people who share on here. I've remedied so many health issues, I'm lucky I found this website years ago!

Replied by Judi m

@Mel M,

What brand, and potency did you use? I'm desperate for relieve of inflammation


Hi Judi.

I use three different mixed ratios of DMSO and all from the same company.

I buy it at the health food store( a bit cheaper than online)


Ghent, KY

No web site but a phone# 1-800-367-6935.

All three work for me.

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