Alpha Lipoic Acid
I want to post this so I can evaluate ALA now and here in 2023. I've just today ordered 300mg capsules, look like Vit E caps of Puritans' Pride 120 and I'll take one a day to start. I will be back to report because I long for my tinnitus to stop so I can hear the sounds of silence once again. Normal sounds when I take a walk, hear the birds etc. My tinnitus is 24/7 although I shouldn't say that as I don't know what it is like when I'm asleep. I know I can't fall asleep most of the time w/o sound app. Mine sounds like a high pitched piano key and no breaks, steady. My heart goes out to all that have this health issue. Like I said, I'm going to (finally) try the ALA, Denise E.
Tinnitus is more likely due to fungal infections or heavy metal issues, not EMFs.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I kept hearing sounds louder than usual then I decided to clean my ears our with few drops of of food grade hydrogen peroxide . I laid down on the bed with a towel I would turn my head and put in the hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble then let the hydrogen peroxide drain out by turning my head on side . I was CAREFUL to keep the towel over my face and keep my eyes closed I did the other ear and that seemed to have solved the problem. First time, I did this I was scared and felt a little dizzy afterwards so I used a hair dryer turned it on low and pointed toward my ear to dry the remaining hydrogen peroxide and this was the FIRST day that hearing things louder than usual stopped I was cured I kept doing this for few more days, to be on the safe side
About every seven years, I'd come down with fluid in the middle ear. This resulted in tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, and painful middle ear pressure. Sometimes it was so painful that it was all I could do to make it through the day. Other times, I couldn't even do that.
Doctors always told me that it was caused by either a virus or an allergy, and that I would just have to ride it out.
The only thing I ever found that helped was taking magnesium supplements, which greatly reduced the middle ear pressure.
Eventually I figured out the root cause of my problem: electrolyte imbalance. Middle ear fluid is all about electrolytes, and whenever mine got severely out of balance (usually as a result of eating mega-doses of potassium rich foods) my "ear infection" would begin. In an attempt to make myself healthier, I was actually making myself sick.
Sodium and potassium work in concert, so it's important to find some semblance of balance between the two. The same holds true for magnesium and calcium. And while these balances probably vary from person to person (depending upon their underlying health issues), I encourage anyone suffering from tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, or middle ear pressure to explore the possibility that it might be the result of an electrolyte imbalance.
It's only taken me fifteen years to figure this out, and I hope it helps someone.....
I have had tinnitus for at least 4 or 5 years. It usually wasn't too terrible, unless I had been to a concert that night, but enough to be distracting when I was trying to fall asleep. I worked at a health food store and tried a few different supplements & homeopathic remedies, but noticed little or no change.
I did this lymph massage a few days ago, and that very night had ZERO noises in my head! I don't know how long it will last, but geez, it's easy, painless, and free! It really did feel like Luis described; at first I felt a very faint pulse under one finger, which slowly got stronger until I felt it under all 3 fingers. Amazing! Thanks, Luis and earthclinic!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
So while vinegar may help some with tinnitus -- it also could be CAUSING your tinnitus, or if you try it and it gets worse, it could be because of the salicylate content.
Healing Tinnitus Tips
So my advice again is to listen to Julian's videos (he's the man), and stay away from further damage. With music now I just play at a lower volume and have given up playing with a drummer at least for now. Hand percussion is where it's at anyway. I also had some custom ear plugs made for about $200. If yours is really bad after a few months, look into getting a hearing aid that plays sounds that cancel out the tone of your tinnitus. There's also a few great phone apps out there like ‘Resound' where you can dial in a sound close to the the tone of your tinnitus with white/pink noise, water, wind sounds, etc., so it's not as distracting especially to go to sleep to. A simple $20 large 3 speed window fan is a great buffer too fyi. Stay positive & try your best to just forget about it, it definitely fades in time. Peace ✌🏼
General Feedback
After a week of continuous ringing I theorized that the wild frequencies during the phone call screwed up my ears' micro-hairs, and that perhaps coaxing them back to harmony would take the opposite kind of sound frequency - a single balanced continuous tone (along with self-healing affirmations and a belief that my ear was healing). On youtube I found a 528 hz solfeggio frequency tone (just a single continuous tone) and played it over and over via good Bose headphones. After two days my tinnitus abated considerably. I have to mention at the same time I started listening to the tones, my devout grandmother prayed for my hearing, so whether it was the 528 hz tone, the prayers or some other factor (additional vitamins, garlic oil in the ear a few times, and CoQ10 supplements), I do not know. My ear is still sensitive to high pitched squeaky sounds and I wear an earplug to give my ear a rest, but the ringing is probably only 5-10% of what it was two weeks ago and I can live with it, whereas I could not before. I think the first step is believing you can be cured, rather than listening to doctors who say it cannot be cured. If a cut or broken bone heals, so can your ears.
I discovered this as a fluke by following up on suggestions from other EC posts. One said to put your head on your chest, another said the ringing may come from allergies. My allergic reactions are reduced when I drink water so as I chugged a bottle, the sound faded. I guess leaning your head back works as well as leaning it forward.
Off to drink some ACV as a back-up! Thanks for the great remedies!!!
Faucet Test
My chronic tinninitus flared-up after after recent exposure to noise, combined with a bad cold. I turned on the faucet and found the masking provided instant relief.
Based on that I started looking for water sounds on youtube. Wave sounds did not work but rain sounds did. Lots of people have posted things like 10 hours of Rain on Youtube. I'm running it in stereo in my office now and what a big help.
I'm also trying the vinegar and honey combination. Not sure if this will reduce what I hope is a temporary flareup of tinninitus but the rain/water sounds are big help.
Dietary Changed, Acupuncture
Hydrogen Peroxide
First I created a bowl of water, mixed 3%, over the counter peroxide in, then I used the cap to pour it up my nose. It burned since I didn't have distilled water at that time. Using the distilled water won't sting. Within 5 mins. the vibrations had stopped. I was able to breathe through my left nostril for the first time in months. Then I pored some in my left ear. I experienced vertigo, never had that before. But, it did tell me I was dealing with an ear infection. The vibrations stopped. It has been 24 hrs since I started the treatments. When the vibrating starts, I know it's time for another dose.
I also created the spray for my throat and added some to my water. It is amazing how much clearer my airways are. I can also see a very small improvement in my vision. I've been told that I need cataract surgery. Hopefully all of this will help that clear up some too. And! I have had a huge reduction in my desire for a cigarette. I've smoked 15 cigs. today, whereas I normally smoke 2 packs. I just haven't wanted one. Amazing. I believe the infection is coming from a tooth, so I've also started rising my mouth with HP. At least it is giving me some relief until I can get to the doctor. I will continue use and I will keep you posted. I'm also passing your web address to family and friends. Hopefully they will check you out. Thank you so much for your site and I am so grateful for all the people who have taken the time to share the experiences.
I have tinnitus very bad but flavonoid helps me. please try it
Bill Thompson Protocol
.The reason that you have tinnitus problems is probably due to multiple factors or causes and not just one core reason.
Here is what Ted from Bangkok has to say about the causes and how to heal tinnitus: "Primarily, the traditional approach to buzzing of the ears is magnesium supplements, but I much prefer powdered form magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride 250 mg taken twice a day. The vitamin B50 is taken twice a day. And most important to reduce stickiness of the blood is the lemon and baking soda, as the simplest, albeit not too effective ways of alkalizing the brain, and will take about two weeks to do that, but the remedy is 2 tablespoons of lime (or lemon) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water or 1 glass of water taken twice a day. A more effective remedy thats been proven for me anyway, conditions do vary with people, but it is 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate (washing soda) plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/8 teaspoon of potasssium bicarbonate (or tripotassium citrate) in 1 glass of water taken twice a day. This one will alkalize the brain generally quickly, usually within 30 minutes and especially taken 2 hours before sleep or 1 hour, to reduce the buzzing. Alkalizing also dilates the capillary circulation of the brain too."
Source: https://ted.earthclinic.com/cures/tinnitus.html
I would also advise that you should also supplement higher-dose niacin -- at least 500 mgs once per day with meals. If you get a heavy or uncomfortable niacin "flush" then just reduce the dose by half. The niacin flush is very beneficial because, as Ted also mentions, thick blood can also contribute significantly towards tinnitus. Niacin(via the niacin "flush") will also safely act to thin the blood. I normally take 500 mgs(once a day) + All B vitamins(once a day) as a preventative now because it both relaxes me and seems to gives me energy as well.
Here are the recommended dosages again for your tinnitus:
* Magnesium Chloride....250mgs taken twice a day with meals.
* Use Ted's stronger Carbicarb remedy(the second alkalizing remedy described above) taken twice a day outside meal times.
* B50 Complex taken twice a day normally with meals
* Niacin...500mgs once a day with a meal.