Diet very low sugar and carb, mostly veg really but with small amounts of fish and eggs. No wheat in any form. No dairy except for live yoghourt, plain, which I find quite difficult to eat but easier when grated garlic and turmeric mixed in - as a kind of 'dressing' for the salady diet. Celery seemed very 'cleansing' and healing.
I took acidophilus capsules at every meal. I also did a tongue clean after every meal - it was quite unpleasant but seemed useful, ACV on a piece of towelling (to be burnt or thrown away after single use - cut up clean old towel for this) wiped over the tongue as thoroughly as bearable, followed by a rinse with warm water. I also took ACV twice a day. I changed to a bicarb toothpaste and after cleaning mouth and tongue each morning and night I soothed the mouth with coconut oil - swill for as long as possible then spit out. It has taken a month but my tongue is pink again now.
Hope this works for others.