Tongue Issues
Natural Remedies

Cure Your Tongue Issues

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Becca (Swansea, Ma) on 12/05/2012

I have had a white tongue for about 6 years now. It happened after I had my youngest son who was born at 28 weeks by emergency c-section. The doctors had me on an I. V. Antibiotic every 4 hours for 4 days. It was to the point where they had me on so much I couldn't even eat anything. Anyways, since then I have tried countless ways of clearing it up with no success. I mean every way on this page did pretty much nothing except for the glycerine! I am AMAZED at how fast and how pink my tongue is again! While I have only been using it 24 hours, the whiteness is almost gone. It still has a small whiteish tint but like I said, it has only been 24 hours. I hope with continued use, and drinking more water my tongue will be back to itself again in no time!! I ordered a 16oz bottle on amazon for $8 (huge I know since I only use a couple drops on my tongue scraper). The stores in my area wanted $7 for half that size so I went with the better deal. You can also use vegetable glycerine for hair and skin as well. Haven't tried that yet, but youtube users seemed to be pleased with the outcome for that use as well. I also read that glycerine has over 1500 uses so there is always something to do with it! For anyone with this problem, start with the glycerine first and don't waste time and money like I did :)

Inspecting the Tongue

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/14/2025

The Tales the Tongue Can Tell.

Medical Council – A Monthly Journal for the Physican and Surgeon. Volume 15, p. 293-295. 1910

Always look at the tongue. People expect you to do so; and besides, helpful information can occasionally be gleaned from such inspection, as may be apprehended from the following outline:

Movements. Slowly protruded and tremulous in typhoid and chronic lead poisoning; tremulous and smooth in chronic alcoholism; tremulous with fibrillar contractions in locomotor ataxia and general paresis; projected with difficulty in general and diphtheritic paralysis and progressive muscular atrophy; turned toward affected side in apoplexy and hemiatrophy; incompetent as to mastication and speech and not projectible in progressive bulbar paralysis or glossolabio-pharyngeal cerebral paralysis (cortical symptoms) ; rapidly protruded in nervous and excitable persons; constant rolling in feeble-minded; tongue may be involved in movements of hysteria, epilepsy, chorea or tuberculous meningitis; tongue-tie due to an abnormally short or broadly attached frenum.


Narrow in typhoid; shrunken and pinched in functional dyspepsia and advanced fevers and inflammations; long, narrow and rounded when protruded (parrot tongue ) in dysentery, hepatic abscess or carcinoma, acute peritonitis and advanced tuberculosis; bilateral ог unilateral paralysis (crenated in later stages), hypoglossal atrophy in hemiplegia, glossolabiopharyngeal disease (softening, hemorrhage, tumor), progressive muscular atrophy, locomotor ataxia (surface ridged), general paralysis of insane and tertiary syphilis (smooth atrophy of base of tongue).

Broad and flabby in anemia, atony (edges turned upward) and biliousness (yellow coating; breath foul and heavy), severe acute infections, scurvy, ptyalism, acute articular rheumatism and chronic gastroenteritis; dark and swollen in passive congestion (heart disease, lung affections, compression of veins in neck); inflamed and swollen from irritant and corrosive poisons; excessively enlarged (macroglossia) with benign or malignant growths, cysts (mucous, blood, hydatid), gummata, congenital lymphangioma, inflammatory hypertrophy, acute glossitis (pain, tenderness, salivation), actinomycosis or Ludwig's angina (hard swelling of tongue and along inside of lower jaw, causing thickening of floor of mouth), myxedema, acromegaly, cretinism or idiocy; ranulae (cystic tumors of various size observed on either side of frenum) due to obstruction of Wharton's duct or ducts of Rivini.


Dry from talking or agitation, dyspnea and mouth breathing (most noticeable on waking), long continued fasting, tonsillitis and pharyngitis (path of dryness down central line); acute fevers (in proportion to height and duration-returning moisture a good sign); prostrating diseases (bare, smooth and polished), especially with hectic, cachexia and suppuration ; diabetes insipidus and mellitus, severe diarrhea, dysentery (bare), acute peritonitis or intestinal obstruction, dropsy, severe pneumonia (rough), cirrhosis, aneurysm, brain disease and with opium and belladonna. The tongue is smooth and glazed (dried mucus) when moderately dry. In pronounced cases of appendicitis it is dry, cracked, often brown- altogether out of proportion to temperature and abdominal symptoms.

Moist in acute rheumatism (white), hyper-chlorhydria (smooth), coma and collapse (leathery), Asiatic cholera (creamy and cold, becoming dry and brown with reaction), wean digestion (pale and white furred in patches), ptyalism, constipation (furred).

Color. – Red from slightest irritation in infants; red and moist in chronic debility; small, bright red spots in ecchymoses; red, inflamed and tender in stomatitis, diphtheria, truama (hot liquids) and chronic superficial glossitis (continuously sensitive; often smooth, shiny ovoid patches separated by deep furrows); red and irritable in severe acute gastritis; red, dry and harsh in advanced diseases of stomach, kidneys, lungs and liver; red, dry, cracked, irritable in diabetes; raw and beefy in severe abdominal disease, especially dysentery and hepatic abscess; deep dark red in septicemia; tip and edges red in typhoid (dusky in severe cases); strawberry, raspberry or mulberry color (tip and edges red at first; whole surface bright red by fourth or fifth day) with injected papillae in scarlet fever (somewhat similar appearance in pneumonia and influenza; also raised red papules in gastric irritation, exhaustion and lack of digestive power); angry red or yellow-brown, smooth, raised patch to one side of median line in "smoker's patch"; red, ringlike, spreading circinate patches with light yellowish edges in annulus migrams of delicate children (trophoneurosis; harmless anomaly); pale and swollen

in chlorosis and anemia (flabby and marked with teeth); white and blue-white opaline plaques in leucoma (coalescent), leucoplakia (isolated), ichthyosis and keratosis; yellow plaques on edges in xanthelasma; purple or bluish-black spots in Addison's disease and following glossitis; purple margins from malaria or plethora; dark discolorations from bruises, blood stains (purpura) or infarcts; livid and cyanotic in chronic nephritis, infectious fevers and cardiac, dropsical or pulmonary affections with defective hematosis; recurrent spreading dorsal black patch in nigrities (parasitic; mucor stains with Lugol's solution); soft, venous, somewhat elevated bluish tumors, paling on pressure, in angiomatous nevi; hyper-trophic papillae show a soft base, rarely ulcerating. Stained black by iron, bismuth, ink, charcoal, blackberries, mulberries, grapes, cherries or other pigments; brown from tobacco, licorice, nuts, prunes, cocoa or chocolate; orange in professional tea tasters; yellow from rhubarb or laudanum; shriveled and lemon-yellow in poisoning by nitric or chromic acid; pearly red or yellow and pulpy from caustic soda or potash; white or pearly in ammonia poisoning; white and glazed in corrosive sublimate poisoning ; puckered, with white or brownish spots turning red then black, in phenol poisoning; white and scalded from oxalic acid; white and parchmentlike, turning gray and black, in sulphuric acid poisoning; pearly eschar from silver nitrate.

Coating. – Normally whitish at birth and a few weeks thereafter ; nearly always dry-coated in old age; slight coating normally at back of tongue in smokers (thickly stippled, mornings); stippled with moist white points in non-febrile chronic debility; dry stippling in mild acute febrile diseases; thick, uniform plaster in acute febrile diseases with prostration; smooth, gray and moist, with sharply defined red patches, in gastroenteritis; thick, moist white fur in chronic rheumatism; heavy dry-brown fur on either side of median line in typhoid (may be cracks and fissures); grayish coating, like diphtheria, in mycoses (microscope shows fungus); sticky furring in chronic alcoholism; tongue usually much furred in migraine; white and sodden in neuroses and with anxiety and emotions; irregular white patches, with local heat and soreness, in thrush (oidium albicans under microscope); white, milky and glistening in mycosis leptothricia; rough and white in milk drinkers; white or bluish-white scarlike spots or notched patches in lepkoplakia oris (from irritants, such as use of pipe; moderate pain if ulceration ); horny, raised, whitish or slate-colored dots, lines and patches in leucokeratosis buccalis, lichen planus or scleroderma ; silghtly stippled or coated in simple dyspepsia and ulceration (clean tongue with dyspeptic symptoms suggests hyperchlorhydria or extra-gastric disease), autointoxication and acute obstruction of bowel; moist and white in acute articular rheumatism and onset of scarlatina (central, clearing away in a few days ); thick, soft, yellow-white fur in acute glossitis (may be dry, cracked or ulcerated) ; maplike appearance (from epithelial hyperplasia) in lingual psoriasis or tylosis (ichthyosis; keratosis; usually in smokers); uniform light yellow and pasty fur in biliousness, severe tonsillitis and acute catarrhal jaundice; encrusted, dry-brown tongue in cancer, phthisis, albuminuria and chronic nervous diseases ; more or less black dorsal patch in old persons weakened by digestive disorders (acidity; leptothrices); one-sided furring from decayed or ulcerating tooth, one-sided mastication, facial neuralgia, hemiplegia, disease of gasserian ganglion or injury to chorda tympani; opalescent white, central dorsal patch, highly acid, in influenza; thrush in advanced phthisis.

Fissures. – Stomatitis impetiginosa (sore, with tenacious exudation ) ; chronic gastritis of weak children and weak digestion of adults ( pale, moist, white fur in patches ) ; glossitis desiccans (gradually developed deep fissures and indentations, giving tongue an uneven, ragged look; syphilitic glossitis (deep furrows at edges in tertiary form); chronic alcoholism, tea-drinking or abuse of tobacco; chronic kidney diseases; foot and mouth disease (edema with vesicles and sometimes sloughs); febrile states (dry, brown and often fissured); chronic dysentery. Furrowed commonly in elderly persons as a result of past glossitis, or rarely hypertrophy (often smooth, shiny ovoid patches separate by deep furrows); indentations in swollen tongue in various forms of glossitis and states of debility; bitten in epilepsy (often nocturnal at first) and early stage of glossolabopharyngeal paralysis. Fissures without furring or dryness sometimes present in health.


Simple. – Any age ; any part of tongue; smooth, red, glazed, irregular, sensitive; little or no hardness about base; tends to heal after re-moval of cause. Local irritation (ragged tooth, pipe, knife or fork); herpes and aphthae (preceded by vesicles; slight fever and fetor); psilosis (herpetic); stomatitis (very sensitive, with involvement of buccal mucous membrane and gums); Schoenlein's disease (cutaneous wheals and purpura); pertussis (frenal ulcer); acute infections; chronic superficial glossitis (dorsal superficial, with local swelling and soreness); foot and mouth disease (vesicles and ulcers on edges of tongue and inside of lips; infection from milk); chicken pox and other skin affections. Dyspeptic or catarrhal variety small, often circular, superficial, red, irritable, frequently about tip.

Tuberculosis. – Multiple, shallow, uneven, sinuous, ovoid or stellate, pale red, flabby, sensitive; usually near tip, spreading slowly and laterally; mucous membrane pallid; yellowish-gray muco- purulent secretion containing tubercle bacilli; nearly always secondary to pulmonary or general tuberculosis; lymphatc glands may be involved or not; lupous ulcers very rare.

Syphilitic. – Any time after puberty; dorsum or sides of tongue; previous manifestations of syphilis; edges well defined but not very indu-glands enlarged; therapeutic success of specific rated; slight soreness as a rule; posterior cervical treatment; chancre single usually near tip, with patches glazed, stellate and, if fissured, very sen-hard base-soon softens and ulcerates; mucous sitive ; gummata single or multiple, superficial or deep, usually on dorsum; tertiary ulcer deep, sinuous, punched-out.

Carcinomatous. – Usually 45-55; sometimes history of irritation from sharp tooth or short pipe; single; commonly at side or under tip of tongue; edges of ulcer everted-surface hard and covered with characteristic granulations; burning, darting, cutting pains; no tendency to heal; submaxillary and sublingual glandular enlargement. – Denver Medical Times.


Posted by Susie (Little Rock, Arkansas) on 06/11/2014

I've had a caustic feeling on one side of my tongue for about 9 months now. I noticed it right after I had my amalgam fillings removed. I've tried everything and haven't found anything that gives me relief. Just today I realize I always put my iodine with Kelp drops under my tongue on the side that is irritated. I started to wonder if that could be the source of the problem. Then I read the iodine is suppose to be placed in water and drank...not dropped under the tongue. Could this be what is causing my problem?

Leukoplakia Remedies

Posted by Magenesta (Kingscliff, Nsw, Australia) on 11/06/2009

hi, i have a problem with leukoplakia, a white raspy covering on the bottom of my tongue. it can be sore. there is also some inflammation, further making swallowing more difficult. my mouth sometimes bleeds when brushing teeth. treating it for fungus c nilstat at the moment). ive had it for a few years and it getting worse. have you any ideas? its been mentioned that methylcobalamine or turmeric may be helpful. i have visited different practitioners with no positive results. i am a vegetarian with no eggs. i dont drink or use drugs. any help would be appreciated. thanks, magenesta

Replied by Alice
(Shingle Springs, Ca, U.S.A.)

Re: Leukoplakia? I know that black pepper, garlic oil and cinnamon are anti-fungal since I used that mix for peach leaf curl on my trees. Maybe gargling and swallowing a tea of these would help. My sore mouth was relieved by safflower blossom tea, but you could also add nettle and turmeric/black pepper and/or ginger as they are good for inflammatory conditions.

Lingual Nerve Damage Remedies

Posted by Alex (New York) on 03/18/2014

Hi Ted, I had my Bottom Left Wisdom teeth removed 6 months ago, and since then the left side of my Tongue feels Numb, Scald and Dry with a very nasty taste. I dont think I lost any Taste because food still tastes normal but its the feeling on the Left side of my Tongue that has been bothering me for months now. The nasty Taste changes almost every month and and it feels as if I constantly have a Square Battery on my tongue (Metallic Taste). My Orthodontist said the Lingual Nerve must have been bruised when extracting my wisdom teeth, and will heal overtime, But its been over 6 months now. I'm very worried it will never heal. Is there anything you can recommend I try? Hope you can Help....

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Alex,

Concerning the post nerve issue after wisdom tooth removed...

An alternative explanation rather than "bruised" nerves is that an infection is present. I just had a similar situation with the "skin" in my mouth close on top of an old site which had a wisdom tooth extraction. The spot was very sore... for days. Finally, I got out my colloidal silver and let a tablespoon amount soak the sore spot. I did this for about a week and after that time the soreness was gone. Was the soreness caused by an infection? I don't know but l am of the opinion that it was and the CS knocked it out. By the way the soreness left gradually AFTER I began using the CS application.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by L N (Uk) on 11/25/2017

I read on here that several people were looking for a cure for black tongue - in my case this occurred after aggressive antibiotic treatment including metronidazole which some people do claim causes this horrible side effect, (amongst many! ). I suspected candida being involved and based my approach on that. The colour was similar to liquorice stain and involved the whole top of the tongue. There was no way to clean it off and I felt disgusting with it. The blackness has only just cleared away, it took 4 weeks, and I don't know which part of my regimen played the biggest part - if any- but here's what I did:

Diet very low sugar and carb, mostly veg really but with small amounts of fish and eggs. No wheat in any form. No dairy except for live yoghourt, plain, which I find quite difficult to eat but easier when grated garlic and turmeric mixed in - as a kind of 'dressing' for the salady diet. Celery seemed very 'cleansing' and healing.

I took acidophilus capsules at every meal. I also did a tongue clean after every meal - it was quite unpleasant but seemed useful, ACV on a piece of towelling (to be burnt or thrown away after single use - cut up clean old towel for this) wiped over the tongue as thoroughly as bearable, followed by a rinse with warm water. I also took ACV twice a day. I changed to a bicarb toothpaste and after cleaning mouth and tongue each morning and night I soothed the mouth with coconut oil - swill for as long as possible then spit out. It has taken a month but my tongue is pink again now.

Hope this works for others.

Replied by ROSINA LOCK

Hi, I dont know if this is of help but some years ago my Polish half brother complained of a black tongue and at the time I couldnt advise him. He was at the time a chronic alcoholic, now I have never had a black tongue, neither have I had a white tongue except years ago when I had thrush which is a white tongue? However, I did read somewhere, that if you get a black tongue, eat PINEAPPLE, either fresh or from a tin, and it should cure the black tongue? I've never tried it, as I said I havent ever had a black tongue. But I do have a very sore tongue that burns a little, hence my visiting Earth clinic. The only way you will know is giving the pineapple a try. I am not sure if it said rub a slice on your tongue or simply eat it, but it was definitely pineapple. Wont hurt to give it a try. Rosina x

Replied by Sandy

See an acupuncturist ASAP, they diagnose by the tounge, its color and shape, among other things. Have liver panel done, just go to the lab and pay directly no need to see a doctor and you will get results the same day. Create account online pay online and go to the nearest lab.


I found this interesting on Cleveland Clinic website regarding tongue fissures. Chinese medicine places more importance on this issue that we do here in America.

Fissured Tongue: Causes & Treatment (

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Kathy (Red Deer, AB, Canada) on 02/06/2009

For over 5 years I have had a burning tongue, sore gums and a coated tongue. Has anyone tried Oil Pulling for these symptoms?

Replied by Hollis
(Hilo, Hawaii)

Aloha, I have been oil pulling for 2 1/2 years, once a day in the morning.....It is one of my daily health giving rituals. My teeth are sparkling white, gums holding my teeth solidly in place, but I still occasionally have a bout with a sore tongue issue....So the question Kathy from Canada had on your site asking if oil pulling helps with sore tongue problems...I would say no, unless I should be doing it more often (2-3 times daily) when I have tongue distress. I will try the apple cider vinegar and baking soda cure next time.... Isn't this a great site !! The ACV, honey in hot water cured my cough, and the cayenne gargle fixed up my throat....Thanks for all the valuable information.

Replied by Eileen
(Exton, Pa)

Oil pulling cured a small but painful white bump on the tip of my tongue! I had it for a few days and it was very painful. I remembered oil pulling a while back and the thought came to me to give it a try. It actually relieved all pain while I was swishing. The next morning I awoke and walla-- no bump, no pain, completely gone. Amazing! I have started oil pulling again. I had forgotten how good I feel afterwards. I used olive oil.


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Posted by Mary Ann (Rural, South Africa) on 11/03/2008

Thank you for your miracle site. Being pensioners money is an affliction in itself. What joy to find this site. Well here is my small contribution.

Re-aligning a dropped little tongue. At the onset of a bout of sore throat or flu, the small tongue seems to drop back into the throat, affecting the ability to swollow. and is also very uncomfortable, almost worse than the flu its self. Take a small amount of pepper, preferbly white pepper, on the very tip of a round tipped knife and carefully dab onto the tip of the little tongue. This will pull the tongue back into position.

I tell anyone who will listen about this amazing site.

Removal of Amalgam Fillings

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Posted by Ula (Windoek, Namibia) on 04/28/2008

I had burning tongue for very long time and then i went to dentist and remove all my amalgam filings (metal fillings) and my tongue is fine now(sorry for spelling).

Replied by Maria

How long did it take for you to notice a difference after you had the amalgam fillings removed?

Sea Salt

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Posted by Spiceitup (Maryville, Tennessee, Usa) on 11/12/2010

Hello there.... I enjoy cooking immensely and use various if not all the spices I can get my hands on.... Because I love the robust flavor! There is nothing more irritating than eating Bourbon Glazed Salmon and having it taste like nothing... UGH UGH... Knowing that my spices have many uses, I began to dig around for what would fix the all time annoying "white tongue".... Hence I couldnt taste any of my robust flavors....

So, I came across the salt fix. Needless to say, after about 10 minutes and looking like a St. Bernard (the drooling )which I thought was quite funny by the way.... Here is what I did.... I salted my tongue with the sea salt, brushed my tongue with the sea salt, gargled with the sea salt... And lo and behold... Ten minutes later.. I found my pink tongue!!!!!!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Funny enough the tooth paste I use since I gave up on fluoride contains salt. It is a Veleda toothpaste which at least here in Europe you can find in any health shop of pharmacy. After trying it the first time I had my pink tongue back!

EC: Do you mean Weleda?

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Yes, sorry, I meant Weleda, I thought that it was written with a V.

Sugar Fast

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Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/13/2024

Regarding Dry mouth and Burning tongue,

I have tried most of the remedies posted for dry mouth and burning tongue at one time or another. And most of them helped for a while. Some of the remedies I was already taking before I got the dry mouth which came first, then the burning tongue came later. For example, I have been taking Alpha Lipoic Acid years before this condition. So, it should have at least worked as a preventive. My guess is the condition was already in progress and my diet needed major improvements.

With the Lord's help, I managed to go on my definition of a 21 days "no sugar fast." I figured 21 days would be time enough for me to see if this "no sugar" would bring relief. The limited commitment was to make sure I did not give up to soon.

I used honey in my coffee, no sugar and no milk, no candy, no cakes, no cookies or crackers. I allowed myself bread and rice with meals. My slip-ups were raisins and apples.

For Breakfast I had eggs and bagel. For dinner, I had meat, rice and vegetables, and about half a glass of grapefruit juice. I had plenty of water throughout the day.

After 5 days my mouth already felt less dry. By the end of 3 weeks, I noticed much less burning when eating spicy foods.

I finished about a week ago. I did not go all the way off this fast because; I plan to start back on it in a few days. To be more helpful: I am in my seventies; I have a good heart. I am not diabetic; if you are, you may need to check with your doctor for permission. I do get swelling in my legs, the no sugar challenge actually made my legs feel less swollen.

At present, my tongue is no longer dry. However sometimes I get a little burning along the edge of the right side which tells me to stick with the plan. The right side just so happens to be the side that I had shingles on, which was located on my leg.


Tongue Fissure Remedies

Posted by R (Pune, Maharashtra) on 02/08/2013

I want to know if there is a treatment for fissured tongue using natural remedies or any other method?

Replied by Barbara
(Georgia, US)

I have suffered with a white-coated, fissured tongue. It started in 2002 when I was under a great deal of stress. I found relief in 2013 when I started going to a functional medicine doctor. He put me on several medications. They included fish oil, B vitamins like B12, folate, and B6, digestive enzymes and anti-fungal herbal drops for candida.

He tested me for MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). I had never heard of it, and was most surprised to discover that I have two genes for it. One of the problems with this is that you don't process B vitamins properly.

I am so much better, but I have relapses like when I overdo and get very tired, or stressed. Another thing, I have one mercury filling that he has told me to get removed.

I hope this helps anyone out there who is suffering like I have. Best wishes to you all.

Replied by Maximac

Barbara this is great info! I've never heard of that condition nor was aware that you could have problems absorbing/processing vitamins. Could possibly be a problem for a lot of folks! Who knows with all the crazy processing of our foods these days.

Replied by Angela

To Barbara in Georgia. if you are still on this site...we are almost identical. the MTHFR lots of symptoms from it. I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis too. My tongue has been sore for over a year. Cracked with raised white tastebuds. toothpaste hurts, soda and anything spicy...ouch! Just thougt we could compare notes and suggestions

Replied by Brenda
(Madison, Wi)

I have had a fissured (sp?) tongue for a couple years now. Apparently, my doctors nor dentist think it's important enough to do any kind of testing for other problems. Yes, Angela...I know what you mean...pretty much everything hurts. I think it's only milk and water that soothes it. SO, maybe I didn't read everything very well (I've been up since 3am), did anyone actually try the oil pulling with coconut oil, and if so, what results did you get? I'm pretty sure a fissured (sp?) can't be fixed, but I want to try it, if I can get past the taste.


Posted by Chelsea (Tucson, Az) on 04/01/2011

use YOGART!! :D

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