Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Coconut Oil
Posted by Toni (Enid, Okla.) on 02/04/2008

I started using VCO 3 weeks ago for hair loss. Well in that time I have seen a dramatic difference in my hair plus my hot flashes are decreasing. Now there are only 2 a week. My energy level has increased, my insomnia is gone and my mood is alot better, also my moisture has increased in my whole body. I can't wait to see what happens in 6 months. I take 3 tbsp. a day.

Brushing Technique
Posted by Shirley (MO) on 03/06/2008

I would like to share this with earth clinic and Ted. I found this on the Internet but sorry I don't remember where or I would give them the credit for this simple stop hair fall out remedy.

This person said to use a soft bristle brush such as a boar bristle brush and bend forward at the waist and brush your hair toward the floor. Do not push brush into the scalp but just start at the scalp and brush to the tips. (I use the other hand to hold the hair against the brush) No certain amount of times to brush. When you have all the hair brushed this direction, stand up and now you push the brush against the scalp and brush your hair towards the back or sides with constant pressure on the brush. Again this doesn't have to be done for any certain amount of times, just until you get the hair all brushed.

You can then style your hair. They said to do this 3 times a day.
I only do it twice, first thing in the morning and before I go to bed.
Their statement was this: Your hair WILL stop falling out. Not maybe or should stop.
So that's what convinced me to try it.

I am 65 years old and I have been losing hair constantly over the past few years. I tried a lot of diets, meds, shampoos and even one of Ted's remedies, with no success.
So when I read this article, I thought that's easy and cheap to try. I can do that.

I expected it to take a long time to show up if it was doing anything. To my surprise the hair fallout was stopped the first time I did this technique.

In the past, after each shower, I would have to clean the hair out of the drain or it would clog up.
The very first time I did this brushing there was nothing to clean out of the drain. I was so shocked because nothing had ever worked that fast to solve any problem I've had in the past.
I have been doing this for about 2 months now. The balding spot on the back of my head is completely gone. The thinning part on each side of my head is full again.

I didn't want to tell anyone until I knew for sure I wasn't imagining how well it works.
This person said as we get older we loose something on the scalp but that it's still on our hair, it just won't stay on the scalp. (I'm sorry I can't remember the word he used for that, but I'm sure Ted would know.)
The first brushing we are collecting this and the second brushing we are depositing it back onto the scalp where it is needed.

While getting my hair cut the last time, my beautician told me that my hair was very healthy and so was my scalp. I never had anyone tell me that before. I hadn't mentioned doing this to her. So it's noticeable to others.

Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary (Newark, New Jersey) on 01/04/2008


Dear Earth Clinic, I just wanted to let you know that I think on Ted's Posts it should say in bold at the beginning, or where it can't be missed to read the recipes carefully. I had a small bald spot on my head, found this website, and read some things Ted wrote. I read something about hydrogen peroxide and acv for scalp problems and hair loss. It did not say how much to use in the blurb I read. I thought I would try it. Well I just made a solution up and put it on my head. Left it on overnight. Well, Now I am loosing all my hair!!! So this was not a remedy in the little problem I had, instead, it is causing all my hair to fall out. I would like to spare future readers from this, so please put a warning, and make sure people read Ted's postings very carefully, and if they do not see a recipe, have them contact Ted before just making one up themselves. I know most people would be more careful, but there are us haphazard people out here you know. Thank you.

Onion Juice
Posted by Helene (Manila, Philippines) on 03/25/2008

Onion juice with calamansi juice stops my hairfall in just 2 weeks time.

I have been experiencing hair fall since I was 14 , now Im 36 years old and my hair is really thin. But small hair continue to grow but rate of hairfall is faster than growth. So I came accross in the internet use of onion juice.So I extract fresh red onion using osterizer, then add 1 piece of calamansi juice. (or 1/2 of lime). I apply this every night. using a small pipette, then massage my scalp daily. The 3X a week I apply olive oil with rosemary leaves overnight, after applying onion juice. i plan to do this for a year. My hair stops falling and small hair continue to grow which are also strong and thick.

Fungal Hair Loss Remedies
Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, GA) on 03/27/2008

Hair/Scalp/Hair Loss Prevention:

*Lots of Aloe Vera (Gel preferred) [1]
*Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, & Peppermint Oil [essential oils] (little) [5]
*Apple Cider Vinegar [2]
*Cod Liver Oil [3]
*Grape Seed Oil [3]

I really didn't measure, just estimated. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the most & 5 being the least. Put the following in your hair after shampoo & do not rinse off; Then put water in your hair so you can makes sure it mixes well with your hair and spread it around. Leave on all day. Hair will smell a little like peppermint. You want to put as much as ACV in as you can but not to a point where your hair smells like vinegar. Peppermint should be the strongest smell out of all of them.

I put it in a big Aloe Vera bottle (the one you get at GNC)and mix it up. It's really good for the scalp as well as your hair!

Pine Tar Soap
Posted by CJ (northern, wisconsin) on 04/02/2008

Over ten years ago, I experienced clumps of hair suddenly falling out overnight. Stress, I suppose. I had 3 patches of total hairlessness ranging from the size of a quarter to a half dollar. I mean, no hair, at least I could comb over at the time. Also, thin spots that weren't totally bare. A month went by with no improvement and then my sister happened to mention to me about a couple other people she knew who had the same type of hair loss and who had used the kind of soap we Finlanders use in the sauna, ____ Pine Tar Soap, and their hair grew back. I lived near a soap shop at the time and immediately went and bought a bar and washed my hair with it right away. I washed my hair with it daily for over a month. Within the first week, the bald patches filled in with peach fuzz hair within 4 weeks, you could not tell where the bald patches had been. My hair has not fallen out since and I only wash my hair with it occasionally as "insurance." It's easy to use bar soap to wash hair but they also make it in a liquid shampoo. I don't know why it works but it's only couple bucks for the bar soap and worth a try.
