Virus, Chronic
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Chronic Viruses

| Modified on Jan 13, 2024
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Coconut Oil for Viruses

Many viruses are self-limiting because the body eliminates the virus naturally. Chronic or lingering viruses either don't get better or keep reoccurring. Some can last a lifetime, causing the person to become progressively sicker, including Hepatitis B and C and HIV.

Chronic fatigue syndrome has been linked to viruses, among other possible causes. Other lingering viruses resemble colds or the flu. In all cases, the immune system is the body's best way of eradicating a virus and preventing new infections.

Natural treatments for chronic or lingering viruses are aimed at strengthening the immune response and treating symptoms.

Natural Remedies for a Virus

Earth Clinic readers have made many suggestions over the years, which you can read in depth below.

Here's a summary of some of the suggested remedies that might help a lingering virus:

  • Organic Apple Cider Vinegar tonic: 2 tsp. in a glass of water, honey optional.
  • Colloidal Silver, one ounce orally or 1 tsp. sniffed into both sinus cavities.
  • Coconut oil.
  • 35% Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide: 1 drop in large glass distilled water, 3x a day, between meals, slowly increasing to 10 drops.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide inhalation.
  • Eucalyptus oil or hydrogen peroxide: a few drops in a small humidifier or vaporizer.
  • Liposomal Vitamin C, high dose for Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (Htlv).
  • One whole lemon squeezed in 8 oz. water.
  • Fresh lemon juice: 1 tsp. every half hour for 2 hours - 4 doses.
  • Pau D'Arco tea, 3 cups a day.
  • Other possibilities: Calcium AEP, DMSO, echinacea, germanium 132, lauric acid, lavender oil, lomatium, Lysine, magnesium chloride, N Acetyl Cystine, sodium lauryl sulfate, squalamine, tea tree oil, zinc.

Continue reading below for more tips from Earth Clinic readers and let us know what's worked for you!

Related Links:

Effective Natural Remedies for Cough Relief
Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method
Natural Remedies for Chronic Viruses

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Keith (Bardstown, Ky) on 02/24/2012

Got a scratchy throat about a week ago. Within three days started having yellow/brown congestion. Started Amoxicillin 500mg, Acetaminophen, expectorant /decongestant, and Antihistamine which helped some. After four days off work still did not work for sratchy throat, headache, congestion, coughing, and sneezing. On the fourth night swished and drunk 1/2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar 3 times before going to bed. Seem to work for scratchy throat and congestion. Got up this morning without congestion and most or not any scratchy throat. Going to keep using ACV 2 or 3 times a day until this is gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janice (Pensacola, FL, USA) on 02/25/2008

I discovered the wonders of ACV a few months ago. My husband caught a viral infection and was so sick he lost 2 days work, after two weeks he was still sick and I got a scratchy throat by the 3rd day I could barely talk or eat it hurt so bad. My Mom suggested I try ACV and honey mixed together and take 1 TBL 3 times a day. I was desperate so I tried it. 1 spoon in the morning and wow did it burn my throat I had to drink some water to stop the burn, I had 3 spoons of the ACV and honey mixture and that evening my sore throat was gone!!! My husband refused to try it and a few days later he called me from work and said he was going to the ER because he felt so sick. He was sent home with a prescription. I told him just try the ACV and honey, you have been sick all this time but I was sick only 3 days, just try it! He did and it worked, he never filled the prescription. I plan on buying some unprocessed ACV to treat other health problems I have. ACV is a wonder!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stella (Chelmsford, Essex, England UK) on 10/06/2007

I had explosive diarrhoea for a period of 4 weeks travelling in China from Beijing to Xian. No chemicals did anything but treat the symptoms. Upon returning home and taking an anti-biotic the diarrhoe went from explosive to less explosive. Test came back a "virus". I was getting really down by this and starting trawling the intenet. I came upon this site and through I'd try the cider vinegar - what did I have to lose.

After my first dose, I felt a difference right away. My stomach felt "different". I continued with the cider vinegar and 3 months later, I am completely cured. It didn't happen overnight for me as I had 4 weeks in China to recover from. But I am so grateful for finding this site. I'm also thankful for all the comments that persuaded me to give it a try. Thanks to all those who posted comments as you certainly gave me the confidence to give it a go - your comments cured me!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kevin (Aveley Essex, England) on 11/10/2006

Wow, stumbled onto this website last night in desperation,I have felt sick every day for the last four months and have been bringing up acid, I have been taking omeprazole with limited effect, and I now realise I have been prescribed 100% the wrong treatment.

Bought Apple cider vinegar tablets this morning and took two, within 15 minites the feeling of sickness went, and have gone all day feeling better than I have for months, this is not in my mind as I am not easily influenced or easily led, I really do feel better and cannot believe how you can get results so quickly, it really does seem that we all have a lot to learn from our past and maybe we should not dismiss new age hippies so quickly.

Thanks to everyone on this site, I will promote this as much as I can.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marilyn (Rowayton, Ct) on 03/07/2018

I used aspirin to cure symptoms of a virus I was exposed to over the weekend (around a lot of sick adults).

Around 2 in the afternoon yesterday, I suddenly started to feel a dull ache all over, with all muscles feeling increasingly stiff minute by minute. My brain started to feel very foggy. I immediately took 4 low dose aspirin with a glass of water. 2 hours later, symptoms gone. This morning, I feel totally fine. Aspirin works for me every time I catch a virus early on. Thought I would share.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/11/2015

Dear Art in California,

You recently shared a recipe to Oscar for a topical treatment for pain. That was quite fascinating! In your post, you also mentioned that aspirin had some anti-viral properties. I believe Ted has said the same thing.

I have tried to look this up and am not finding much information about it. I am not doubting it, because it seems to me that when I would take Alka Seltzer back in college, that it seemed to do more than just temporarily relieve symptoms. So I am wondering if you know any more about the anti-viral properties of aspirin or if this is something you have learned through experience?

I am always on the lookout for effective and inexpensive remedies!

If anyone else has thoughts or experience on this topic, I would love to hear.

Thanks so much!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Art
2370 posts


It is partially based on my experience and partially what I have read about aspirin. The literature on this aspect of aspirin is minimal as I'm sure you have found. I think a few other nsaids like ibuprofen and indomethacin may have antiviral activity also. Here are a few links that suggest as much.

I think Ted suggests dissolving the aspirin in water and then drinking it to help avoid stomach issues and I have had fairly good effects that way. I mentioned the topical pain reliever formulation to a friend who had shingles and told her that it may help with pain as well as the virus itself. She tried it as a spray and it started to alleviate her symptoms within an hour and she told me she felt normal again after three days of use.

In another person with shingles, who I had mentioned the topical pain reliever to, they decided to mix aspirin with gold listerine because that what they had in their medicine cabinet and said that it helped relieve their symptoms and shorten the duration of the outbreak.

Here is a recent study suggesting that ibuprofen may have potent antiviral activity toward the Ebola Virus:

...... indomethacin:

It seems clear that there is plenty to still be learned about nsaids and their full potential.

With some nsaids , when they are combined with a No donor and or hydrogen sulfide, their potency and effects increase very significantly as described here:


Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Art,

Wow, thank you for taking the time to put all of those links together and also for sharing the stories. It is all helpful and I have some studying to do! :)

Thanks again!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Art
2370 posts


You're welcome!

Here is a quote from Ted which is pretty much to the point regarding aspirin:

It should also be noted that acetyl salicylic acid or a more common name, aspirin, tends to destroy the fungus and the protein of the viruses. Therefore the aspirin also help kill them.While a student of microbiology, I observed that adding micromolar concentrations of aspirin to prevented the growth of fungus, virus, and bacteria in culture dishes because the salicylic acid tends to dissolve the protein protecting these organism. What is so surprising is that most people don't know this fact. Even simple mineral salts in micromolar concentrations in general does a great job killing it also with no toxicity to the healthy cells.



1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Renee (NC) on 08/11/2023

Thanks to all the good people who posted about using BHT for Covid. And I thank God for helping me find this remedy and already having it on hand, just in case. I got Covid about 6-7 days ago. I tried all my usual virus remedies, but I just kept getting worse. I finally came across the BHT info but, in the fog of Covid, I didn't realize how much I might need to take. So a couple of days with about 2 or 3 180mg doses, and I was still feeling miserable. I would get a little relief, but then the virus would pick up steam again and get worse. Then I started getting unrelenting kidney pain on both sides. I was getting scared at this point. I remembered reading somewhere here that someone took 900mg and kidney pain subsided. Prayed and kept taking it until finally the kidney pain just stopped. It took about 6 doses or 1080mg-- but some of these doses were taken with oil, so they weren't very effective. It does work better without oil (thanks to those who explained this). All doses were taken on an empty stomach. I opened the capsules and put it right on my tongue. Tonight, I still have a lingering headache, slight sore throat, some sinus congestion, and my fever came down from 101.5 to 99.5. I will continue with the BHT until I'm 100% and then I will be taking milk thistle every day for awhile to make sure my liver is fine.

I also took 2 Quercetin and 2 Zinc 30mg each today, and I inhaled diluted food-grade hydrogen peroxide a few times a day throughout. But BHT was what seemed to pull me out of this.

I'm wondering how far apart I need to take milk thistle from BHT. Is several hours apart sufficient?

Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maria (Canberra) on 03/12/2020

I've shared this before and perhaps it is even more relevant today: In 2009, I caught a virus on a short plane trip. At the time, there was a lot of Swine Flu around, but I'm not sure what my illness was called. The doctor said she could see a virus attached to the roof of my mouth and explained that there was no cure. I was bed ridden and very sick for two months starting with earache, coughing, chills and fever, culminating in a sensation of the room spinning causing vomiting if I moved my eyes. I wasn't hospitalised, but checked by paramedics at home in case of dehydration as I was vomiting up fluids as well as food, unless I kept my eyes closed. Hearing about my condition, a friend who is a doctor of Osteopathy contacted me with a 'home remedy' for virus. It worked in 24 hours! I returned to the same doctor who confirmed that the virus was no longer attached to the roof of my mouth and asked for the remedy saying that although she would not be able to prescribe it for patients, she would like to have it in case her family ever caught such a thing. News of my fast recovery spread and the daughter of friends contacted me saying that she had a similar illness and I shared the remedy with her. She too recovered straight away. Here it is: One teaspoon of Olive Leaf Extract and one teaspoon of Colloidal Silver in half a glass of water. Drink it straight down and DO NOT REPEAT THE DOSE. Then put the same ingredients in a full glass of water and gargle all of it over the next 24 hours. That's it. It works. All the best, Maria in Canberra

[EC - We emailed Maria asking for more details we thought our readers would want to know. Below is her prompt response.]

Hi Deidre, I still have the original Colloidal Silver bottle and never used it again. It doesn't have a strength written on the bottle, and the brand happens to be Fullhealth Industries. (Someone asked me recently and we found it on Google. ) The Olive Leaf Extract I have at present is Comvita. I gave away the previous bottle when somebody wanted that on its own and was too poor to buy some. Have replaced it with this Comvita. (Any brand will do, it's the combination, the one dose only and the gargling which does the trick.) I always keep these two together in the first aid cupboard just in case. Not used to being sick and that was the worst experience ever. All the best, Maria

Colloidal Silver, Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 03/11/2016

Editor's Choice

Sunday evening my joints were achy and I thought, "Wow, I am getting old." I had a tickle of a cough and thought nothing of it. Monday morning I woke up very sick. Fever, headache and sore throat. I was in bed most of the day. I had my husband or kids bring me an alkalizing lime drink and aspirin during the day but was just feeling too badly to even think of doing anything else for it.

Tuesday the fever was gone but the headache and sore throat continued. I was able to at least start my "go to's" for sickness. I gargled cayenne pepper and salt water several times a day, used the neti pot with hydrogen peroxide, sea salt and warm water, tons of vitamin C, peroxide in the ears, nebulizing colloidal silver...No holds barred - I didn't have time to be sick.

This virus has been around the community for weeks. Most of my kids had it a month ago but I was somehow spared at that time.

Wednesday I still didn't feel as well as I thought I ought to feel and I was a bit indignant. I have never needed to repeat the cayenne for a sore throat that many times...then a neighbor mentioned that she had found colloidal silver to help the throat a lot with the sore throat with this sickness. So, I switched tactics.

Every few hours I put a few Tablespoons of colloidal silver (30ppm, homemade) in a mug and gargled it and swallowed it. That DID make my throat feel better quickly and also helped the swollen lymph nodes in my neck.

At bedtime, I had to do something for my terrible headache and the pressure in my head. I decided to try castor oil. I poured castor oil on a clean white cloth and covered my eyes and forehead. I covered that with plastic and attached it to my head with a bandana. I put a towel on my pillow and went to bed. At that time I was congested and breathing through my mouth (which was making my mouth so dry...)

Four hours later I woke up and realized I was breathing through my mouth! I took the castor oil pack off of my head and went back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later feeling shockingly improved. The relief in my head was amazing. Ear pressure was gone. Eye pain/pressure was much less. Sinus congestion and pressure was much less.

I continued the colloidal sliver gargling and guzzling through the day and was even well enough to run errands all day with little kids in tow. And at bedtime I was sweeping the floor because I wasn't even exhausted yet!

One interesting thing to note is that I knew a bad cough was coming along with this virus, so I started the colloidal silver in the nebulizer in the beginning. And the cough never did get bad and never woke me at night. I should have gotten the hint that colloidal silver was the key to killing this virus!

I have loved colloidal silver and castor oil for a long time, and my respect for each has increased a lot this week!

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver, Supplements

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Mare (Clemmons, Nc) on 12/09/2013

Thank you so much for the recent newsletter and the testimonial by Dave Thomas. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It's strange that you sent it to me when you did because I've been at my wits end lately, fighting what I perceived to be a virus. Actually, my husband passed it along to me when he came down with it a few days after Halloween. It started with a nasty head cold with lots of congestion and I was shocked when I came down with it too because I haven't had a head cold in years, but I suppose being at such close quarters with hubby, it was logical that I'd get it as well. Anyway, no sooner was my husband's cold in full swing, I too found my sinuses congested to the max, and about the same time, we both developed a hacking cough which also involved a lot of congestion. This bothered me because I have NEVER been without CS in the house since I take it for practically everything, but for some strange reason, it didn't seem to be working very well this time. I had us both on a two tablespoon dose three times a day along with some herbal cough syrup and then added some extra vitamin C, D3, etc. along with Cayenne pepper capsules and Oil of Oregano capsules. I figured bringing out the big guns would surely knock out whatever was attacking us.

We had to stay home from work a day here and there since we had intermittent fever, though certainly nothing really high, and after a day or two, we'd feel a bit better and go back to work only to find that we were relapsing into the same state of being sick and feeling completely devoid of energy. Nevertheless, I kept us on the remedies and finally a few days before Thanksgiving, we were what you might consider, well enough to celebrate with the family, though not bouncing with energy by any means. Still, since we weren't feverish, had no head congestion, and only an annoying intermittent ticklish cough, we didn't feel that we'd contaminate anyone. So far we're still feeling almost back to normal, though here it is beginning of December and the effects of the virus....whatever it was... is just now fading away.

I have no idea what kind of viral infection we've had but needless to say that I was amazed that the CS didn't knock it out right away since we've relied on it so much over the past several years. It's been quite a learning experience and I don't know what if anything we should have done differently?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, though I know you can only relate personal experiences.

Once again, thanks for the timely newsletter and I look forward to the next one with anticipation. Best regards, Mare

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Mare,

From your description you are orally ingesting the Colloidal Silver. And that's fine for as a general anti viral. But if I get a bad sinus infection (head cold as you describe) then much, much more effective is the direct application into the sinus cavity via simply sniffing a teaspoon quantity from palm of hand straight into the sinus on both sides.

Also consider ear syringe for ears. The infection might be in the ear canals and the Eustachian tubes could be infected (a typical source of secondary infections; even when one is on antibiotics, it is well known that bacteria can survive in the Eustachian tubes and cause secondary infections).

Replied by Mare
(Clemmons, Nc)
10 posts

Thanks for the reply Dave. I wasn't aware that drops of the CS could be used in the ear canal, or the sinuses, however I'll try that next time. I knew about using Hydrogen Peroxide in the ears, but since we were taking so many remedies, I didn't think to try that this time. And while I'm on about the ear often should the CS be applied?

Thank goodness we're all better now after relentlessly keeping on with the home remedies and hope it's the last we'll see of any more viral infections at our house. Stay well everybody. Mare

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello again Mare,

I've found an inner ear infection can be knocked out with only a few applications. Once a trip to the ocean produced an ear infection; hearing in both ears almost completely closed off. I though perhaps water had gotten caught inside the "labyrinth" but the MD after examining said that both ears were inflamed and infected and gave me a prescription for antibiotics.

Well, I thanked him and promptly went home and using an ear syringe applied Colloidal Silver in both ears....instant relief...I could hear perfectly again. Just to make sure, reapplied later that night. Problem solved.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marlene (Usa) on 07/18/2016

You can't overdose on D3. You can overdose on the other forms of D. According to Mayo clinic you can use 80,000 iu of D3 per week for kids under 18 for viruses. 20 minutes out in the sun gives you around 20,000 iu of D3.

Eucalyptus Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Redclary (Okc, Ok) on 02/09/2012

With this new virus that is going around, my husband and I have tried many new ways for relief. We got a small humidifier and use a few drops of eucalyptus oil in it. It works wonderfully. The best sleep we have gotten and the house smells so fresh. It keeps the humidifier clean also.

Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (Htlv) Remedies

Posted by Ron (London,ontario,canada) on 10/24/2013

I am seeking some information on treatments on HTLV 1.

Can you make any suggestions or recommendations on any I can live longer? I have been testing positive for HTLV 1 for 8 years now and I think I am starting to show symptoms.

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

You may want to try liposomal vit c at high dosages. vit C is a powerful antiviral. There was an Australian man who had his hairy cell leukemia resolve using liposomal Vit C (some sort of 60 Minutes type program featured him and his family's struggle with the medical establishment). HCL is associated with HTLV-2--The same family as HTLV-1, I would think, so it would seem very likely it would respond to vit C.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Ron from Canada,

In re Htlv;

A good article on Htlv... a retro virus... on Wikipedia and for those interested in retro viruses also a mind numbing article on the method of host cell invasion by this particular envelope virus.

It is hard to kill an envelope virus. The envelope is a protection surrounding the virus.

So the attack on such a virus requires tenacity over time. There are lots of anit virals which are "natural."

At the top of my list is colloidal silver, my standby for twenty years. If this were me, I'd take three tablespoons daily on empty stomach. Self monitoring is crucial. I'd expect to see improvement within a month. For instance, if I manifested with a gait problem, then in a month I'd expect to see my walking improve by maybe 10 percent. So that would encourage me to continue.

To kill an envelope virus that has infested body wide I would be taking orally 3 tablespoons for two to three years. YEARS. I'd not want to over consume the CS. Too great a kill off could be harmful; it's slow and easy. (To test your CS to make sure it is effective, if you get a sinus infection or sore throat, then irrigate the sinus for the former and gargle for the later and you SHOULD see immediate relief if your CS is effective. That's the test...does it work?! ?

There are other viral killers; echinacia, Lysine, lomatium, N Acetyl Cystine, germanium 132, lauric acid, sodium lauryl sulfate, zinc, lavander oil, tea tree oil, magnesium chloride, squalamine, Calcium AEP and DMSO. BHT seems to work on Hep B and C, that might also be considered.

So I might be eclectic but I'd consider the basic to be Colloidal Silver. And I'd also give myself a weekly sinus/ear irrigation of the silver. If I feel the infection in the lungs, I'd get an inhaler and breathe deeply the CS as a steam...for three or four minutes a few times weekly.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

@Dave: Would you also recommend the Beck Protocol of C.S. alternated w/ Zapping? This method may be more powerful than either alone.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your great question: I'm all for trying out different things...the eclectic idea. If you want to alternate, that's fine but I'd alternate after a full three weeks on one and then the Beck's and then the Zapping. Not all mixed. After all, if one works, you'd want to know that it was a specific one that helped. Then you go to another protocol with a different one, and that one maybe didn't help, so you know to eliminate the second...etc.

What do you think?

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Looks like it depends on the severity of the case. For many folks, disease is usually well advanced before it becomes an obvious issue. So yes, try one substance for a few weeks and measure results, and if no results add another. Also, cleaning up the external & internal environment may be essential for rebuilding the immune system.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Dave, the way you describe is the rational way to do things. But people are anxious for a quicker cure, so we try many things together or in quick succession!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Mmsg...somewhere in Europe:

Re your post on the "rational way to do things" ... you are so right. And it costs us in the long run, to be impatient I mean. The methodical process of elimination would tell you which method is working.

Best to you.

Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (Htlv) Remedies
Posted by Tiredofvirusuk (London, Uk) on 03/07/2013

Hi all, I hope someone out there can help. I have been diagnosed with being infected with the  Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV). It is a particularly nasty and debilitating virus, symptoms of which cause arthritis and various pains, rashes on the body and sores/blisters in the mouth and gums.

I only recently found out I have this virus and believe I may have been infected more then 3 yrs ago, as it was then that I experienced all these aches and pains that the doctors diagnosed as arthritis. Anyway I have been reading various remedies on EarthClinic with great interest. In particular interested in using BHT to treat it seeing as Oscar and many others have used it to successfully treat their Hepatitis. Do you think BHT will work with the HTLV Virus ?

Look forward to your response thanks.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

I tried for over an hour to find out if this virus is lipid coated or not. It is a virus that is coated [ not all viruses are coated ]. It is NOT clear to me whether or not it is a lipid coated virus. It is related in some ways to the HIV virus that IS a lipid coated virus. The BHT works best against viruses that are to some degree lipid coated. That is as much as I could find out. So MAYBE the BHT will help. The BHT surely does not cost much. It seems worth a try. If you choose to give BHT a try start with small amounts and work up to NO more than 350mg of BHT twice a day=700mg of BHT....Oscar

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, La Union, Philippines)

Hi Tiredofvirusuk... I believe that the human T-Lymphotropic Virus is indeed an enveloped virus and so taking remedies like BHT, coconut oil, chanca piedra (as advertized on this site against enveloped viruses) etc may well help your problem:

"HTLV-1 is an enveloped virus that contains two identical copies of a plus single-stranded RNA genome and an outer envelope containing protruding viral glycoproteins. This virus is known as a retrovirus because the RNA genome directs the formation of a DNA molecule, which ultimately acts as the template for synthesis of viral mRNA. Because most retroviruses do not kill their host cells, infected cells can replicate, producing daughter cells with integrated proviral DNA. These daughter cells continue to transcribe the proviral DNA and bud progeny virions."

Source: (Virion Structure)

Replied by Tiredofvirusuk
(London, Uk)

Hi Oscar and Bill,

Thanks very much for your replies. Yes I wasn't sure if it was an enveloped virus either but according to what Bill has mentioned it is, so I will give the BHT a try aswell as the other items mentioned by Bill. Thanks so much, I will take these items and give an update periodically on any results good or bad experienced.

Oscar, just thought I'd let you know, I started on the BHT last Monday 4th March 2013. I took one capsule of 350mg (its the Vitamin Research Products) brand and I know from reading all your posts this is the brand you have been using to achieve your truly remarkable results of eliminating the Hep C and B virus for good. So as per your advice I took one capsule on Monday, but had no side effects etc, so on Tues I took one 350mg in the morning and one late afternoon, both on an empty stomach again no effects experienced good or bad. Then on Weds I ramped it up to 2 x 350mg caps in the morning and 2 x 350mg caps in the late afternoon again on empty stomach. On Thursday I did the same so that was 1400mg a day. On the Friday, Sat and Sun I am back to 2 capsules a day as I noticed in your posts you don't recommend more than 700mg a day which is what I'm currently on.

I haven't had any effects as of yet good or bad. I was wondering how long would it take before I have any indication as to whether it is working or not.

As a side point prior to taking the BHT, I was taking ACV a dash in a cup of water with a teaspoon of Manuka honey twice a day - this greatly reduced a chronic pain in the right side of my stomach, I was also taking Black Seed Oil two teaspoons a day and Olive Leaf Extract capsules - around 8 a day.

Although this mix seemed to reduce most of the arthritic pain in my joints it never removed it completely.

However now I am taking the BHT, I have put everything on hold with the exception of the ACV that I am now taking in the evenings only. Do I have to take the BHT on its own or is it okay to take other things during the day - not at the same time as taking the BHT but say an hour or two after, or would you just take the BHT with nothing else ?

I also read the e-book link you posted in one of your posts and that was a very interesting read, so I have high hoped of this BHT in helping me combat this virus I have. How long did it take you before you realised the BHT was working ? Do you think a week is to short to assess whether it is working or not, as at the moment I haven't experienced anything that would indicate to me that it is working or not.

Kindest of regards....

Replied by Pete
(Los Angeles)

Hello Oscar & Bill from Philippines. I have had a problem with a pain in my chest that would radiate up into my jaw and ear on the right side and give me a panic attack. I had found that it was not a heart attack. I would feel spaced out when this happens. Would you have any idea what is causing this? I cannot drink a beer or enjoy it. I always have a taste in my mouth. If you have any idea on how to treat this or have a name for it, it would be appreciated. Thank you

P.S. Must be viral

Replied by Ray
(Brooklyn, Nyc)

I am wondering as a long time consumer of BHT (4 life extension), & a new consumer of Lyposomal (livonlabs) "C"; If the BHT might lessen the beneficial "lipid-coating" of the "C" (as if it were a lipid-coated virus)? Or, since viruses are not known to have Ultrasonic Vibration capabilities, perhaps this is not a problem & the BHT might help the "C" & visa versa? The bottom line is I do not want to give up the long term benefits of BHT, or miss out on the benefits of Lypo C... Thanks for any help you can give, Ray

Replied by Swfowkes
(Cupertino, California)
46 posts

Dear Tired: The HTLV / HIV virus / viruses are indeed lipid enveloped. I keep a list of known lipid-enveloped viruses in The BHT Book, to which Oscar linked years ago.

The book is a free PDF download. To get the latest version, go to the steve page at Project Wellbeing (dot com) and click on the book. Then "save to disk" to archive it on your computer.

Just a note regarding ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses: they are not only lipid-enveloped to make them difficult to treat and very virulent, they also have a special anti-selenium mechanism in their genome, which causes massive depletion of selenium as the virus replicates. It appears that ALL of the hemorrhagic fevers have this selenomethionine-coding sequence. So in my opinion, BHT is fundamentally insufficient as a mono-therapy for hemorrhagic fevers. Selenium supplementation to prevent acute selenium depletion is also needed. As far as I know, this anti-selenium aspect of such viruses is well known, but nobody has yet allowed selenium therapy to be used.


1 User Review
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Posted by Pamaley (Sacramento) on 01/09/2022

Update: The reason I was sick for 2 days was I didn't drink enough water. Bad habit. But as soon as I did, I got better the same day. It just shows why a remedy may not work sometimes. Alot of variance to consider such as nutrition as well. Garlic and pomegranate juice is my main support. It helps immensely. Take care

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