Urine Therapy for Cysts: An Unconventional Natural Remedy

| Modified on Aug 16, 2024
Posted by Sandhya (Maui, Hi.) on 10/31/2014

Try peeing (midstream) into a jar. Wet a cotton ball or gauze or ? and put it on the cyst with a band aid. Keep doing this whenever you can. Do this for a few days and see if cyst goes down. It usually softens and brings down cysts on the skin. First time you try it do it right before you go to sleep and in the morning see if the cyst changes. Keep doing it for a week and noticing changes. It doesn't matter if the cyst if broken..... maybe it might burn a bit if skin is broken..... I don't know. The other remedy you might try is half tea tree oil and half lavender oil. It works on keloids so maybe on the cyst. Good luck.

Posted by Neil (Uk) on 02/22/2015

Someone here recommended using their own urine on a cyst on this forum. It may sound attractive to some of you because of its new-age/ayurvedic connotations but it really is non-nonsensical. Urine contains much bacteria and bacterial infection is on the the main complications with sebaceous cysts. You might as well smear it with garden compost!!

Whatever you do, don't put urine on a cyst.