I could not believe how well the egg white remedy worked for the burn on the palm of my hand. I grabbed a cast iron skillet that had just come out of a 400 degree oven and was in horrible pain for 2 hours. I had been alternating soaking it in icewater and holding ice cubes when the pain drove me to the computer. After soaking my hand in a small plate of egg whites, in 30 minutes the pain was gone, the burn looked minor, and the next day there was only a reddish mark there, no bubble blister!! AMAZING!! wish I had known this cure YEARS ago!! THANKS A MILLION!!!
Egg Whites
wow i cannot tell you how grateful i am to have gone to this website! EGG WHITES!! i just burned my finger on a poptart right out of the toaster.. however dumb it sounds.. it hurt soo bad! after dealing with the pain for about an hour i couldn't take it anymore.. so i tried the egg white method and my finger is sitting in the egg white with no pain.. just a little stinging but not as bad as it was before.. i was a savage for too long. try the egg whites!! ice sucks!