Garlic for Cysts: Natural Antimicrobial Remedy and Benefits

| Modified on Aug 14, 2024
Posted by Nicole (Montreal) on 09/09/2016

Editor's Choice Hi,

I had a cyst on my forehead, for the last 4 years, the size of a green pea.

Last night (2016/09/09) at 2:30AM, I crushed a clove of garlic and applied it on my cyst and around it. I held the crushed garlic in place with scotch tape. It burned quite a bit for half an hour. I went to bed with the garlic and scotch tape in place.

7 hours later, I woke up and looked at my forehead. Under the scotch tape, the crushed garlic had turned green overnight.

I removed the scotch tape and garlic.

To my great surprise, the cyst had COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED. A small puncture mark was left, probably due to where the liquid was drawn out by the garlic.

Also redness of the skin; better than that cyst that reminds you of witches.

I am on a waiting list to get a family doctor. I should be waiting another 4 years to get one.

That is the reason I tried the garlic treatment and it WORKS.


Posted by BlindedbyScience (Candler, NC) on 07/21/2021

I had a full 1cm fatty cyst on my knee. One day I just noticed it so I was pretty surprised. I've had it for about 3 mos. After reading a review for garlic on here, I wanted to try it. I smashed a garlic in a press. I took a piece that was still left in the press, the smashed part and taped it to my cyst with a bandaid. I did not cover the whole cyst but close.

After 15 mins I noticed it was burning so I left it on for about 1 hr and a half. It was reddened when I took it off. The next day I had a burn mark where the garlic was and the cyst was flattened where the mark was. So awesome. I taped a tiny piece of garlic with scotch tape for a couple hrs to a part that was still left but I didn't feel it burning.

Anyway I went to work. This morning it is almost completely flat. I will probably let it go a couple of days before I decide if I need another treatment. I am completely thrilled! That didn't cost a thing. My initial treatment was 4 days ago so I still have the burn mark and expect that to take a while to go away (like any burn mark) but totally worth it!

Posted by Humberto (USA) on 01/10/2008

I had a cyst behind my ear. I would pop it and white stuff came out that smelled really bad.

1. I cut a clove of garlic and smeared the juice on it.

2. I put a cut clove on it with a band aid and left it on for 15 minutes. 3. I minced the garlic and put some juice on it.

(DANGER) 4. I made garlic paste with extra virgin olive oil. Crushed/minced up garlic, add extra virgin olive oil. Put it in a glass jar. It turns into a paste (like jam or jelly). I left it on for 1 hour. I made a mistake. I should had left it on for only 15 minutes. I burned my skin.

WARNING: Only leave it on for 15 minutes. The cyst is gone. The garlic killed it.

Posted by Cfitz (Georgia) on 07/31/2021

Just noticed the date of your post. Hope all went well these last four years. I am going to try the garlic on the Baker's cyst behind my knee.

Posted by Will (Kirtland, Oh.) on 05/10/2024

Castor oil will help. Shouldn't put garlic directly on skin. Always put thin cloth between skin and garlic. Barbra O'Neil teaches this in her lectures. Watch them on You tube. Good luck.

Posted by Cfitz (Georgia) on 07/31/2021

Oh my goodness! Four years until you can see a doctor? Take care of yourself.

Posted by CW (Asheville, NC) on 06/28/2008

I've had sebaceous cysts all my life. Of late, I got one that came to the surface, burst, and got infected. It was awful, and after 6 weeks of not healing with antibiotic cream it was time to try something new.

So I did this:

I cleaned the wound again with peroxide. I then did one round of moxibustion on it. I used drawing salve for one day to get some of the deep infection out. I then began to put a bandaid with silver gel, turmeric, and a thin slice of fresh cut garlic on it twice a day as well as taking garlic and turmeric internally in gelcaps. It is now 50% healed in only 3 days. Amazing.

Posted by Aja (NZ) on 05/16/2023

Thank you, that is interesting. I have a small cyst in one nostril and another small one in the corner of upper eyelid. It doesn't bother me, and it is barely noticeable. Looking at all the remedies, there is nothing that would be suitable for the eye. I much prefer to improve diet, or address deficiencies, so this looks as though it's the ticket! I'm off grains, gluten sensitivity is a problem and sometimes cross reactivity with non gluten grains. Easier to go without, rather than have dermatitis outbreaks.

Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 07/19/2023

Lou, try applying coconut oil.

Posted by Lou (Italy) on 07/18/2023

Hi there, I tried garlic crushed over a little cyst in my cheekbone, as it was suggested here. I placed it with a gauze as a paste and on top of the cyst. It started burning a lot by I kept it overnight and slept with it. I woke up in the morning and it left me a terrible burn mark that was dark and somehow purplish. The cyst was a little flatter but I am left with this mark🙁 do you have any suggestion what to do for the mark and burning sensation also continues the day after. Please help. I do not want a scar or a mark forever. It is on my face under the eye 🙁