If you are going to use Cinnamon, make sure it is pure Ceylon Cinnamon, and not Cassia which contains 5 % Coumarin, a toxin that is very harmful to the liver and kidneys. Ceylon Cinnamon only has .05% Coumarin. The Cinnamon you purchase in the stores or Supermarkets has little or no curative properties... I had to send away to Sri Lanka to get the TRUE CINNAMON Good Health...
Side Effects
I read all your remedies using a teaspoon or more of cinnamon a day, but then when I did an internet search, I found all sorts of wanrnings about long-term usage of cinnamon. There can be a real danger of liver damage. Here is one link I found, but you can do a simple Google search yourselves. http://www.bfr.bund.de/cm/279/frequently_asked_questions_about_coumarin_in_cinnamon_and_other_foods.pdf
I think you should post this warning on top of all the posts indicating large daily intake of cinnamon powder. Thanks.