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  Re: Melatonin Lotion Vs Gel and How to Make Melatonin Gel

4 minutes ago
Posted by Art (California) on 02/04/2025

Hi Confused,

I have mainly switched to melatonin gel because it works at least as well as the lotion, has much less "extra ingredients", has the same pain relieving effects and it can be used in sensitive areas which are questionable for the lotion. I really like the fact that I can use it around my eyes without irritation and the fact that the aloe gel, like melatonin, can help fractures heal faster.

I'm not telling people not to use the lotion, just updating as the science continues to expand and the melatonin gel seems like a natural evolution to melatonin lotion.


  Re: Melatonin Lotion Vs Gel and How to Make Melatonin Gel

6 hours ago
Posted by Confused (Somewhere) on 02/04/2025

These studies seem off. "99% of the gel is water.4 Additionally, mucopolysaccharides along with amino acids and zinc present in Aloe vera can lead to skin integrity, moisture retention, erythema" That teeny 1% of "mucopolysaccharides along with amino acids and zinc" must be quite powerful? UV light causing immunosuppression? I had read the opposite, it is the UV which boosts the immune system. No disrespect, Art. Just scratching my head.

  Re: Plugged Ears

6 hours ago
Posted by Lynn4 (Maryland) on 02/04/2025

I have had a problem now and then like that. I ended up going to an urgent care facility and had my ears cleaned. It was what was needed.

  Re: Honey, Cinnamon and Probiotics for Gastritis

6 hours ago
Posted by R (Austin, Texas ) on 02/04/2025

Hi, what brand probiotics did you use?

  Re: Digestive Problems from MSM + Camu Camu

6 hours ago
Posted by Laurie (Oregon) on 02/04/2025

way too much 1/4 tsp is where you should have started. having said that, instructions are on the back of my msm package, but I am having extreme anxiety, feeling like I may have a heart attack, but my heart is perfect, its just stress and anxiety. I have been using 1/4 tsp for 2 weeks. I am stopping the use of this product to see if the side effects go away.

  Re: Bromelain for Trigger Finger

6 hours ago
Posted by Shirley (Toronto, Canada) on 02/04/2025

Hello there. You talked about supplementing with pineapple juice to get bromelain. It's unlikely that there will be a lot in the juice. The part of the pineapple that is rich in bromelain is the core. Slice it thinly and eat it that way. It's good fiber as well.

D-Ribose for A-fib?

17 hours ago
Posted by Susan (Asheville, NC, USA) on 02/03/2025

Has anyone used D-ribose for A-fib? I opted not to take prescription meds and some of the natural blood thinners I take are: natto kinasse, gingko biloba, phosphatidyl choline, quercitine, alpha lipoic, Vitamin E...both tochoperol & tocotrienol. C, magnesium, cod liver oil, turmeric, multi, L-carnitine, and some others. My diet is healthy/plant based with occasional fish. I'm still concerned, as I still feel my heart racing at times (right now) and on 3 or 4 occasions, I have gone into A-fib which always frightens me. I've heard of good relults with D-Ribose and would like your feedback. Thanks, Susan

  Re: Ted's Hyaluronic Acid Remedy

17 hours ago
Posted by Art (California) on 02/03/2025

Hi Heather,

If you don't get the answer you are looking for, there is this that you can consider:


Coffee for Bloating and Constipation

19 hours ago
Posted by SUNNY (Ca) on 02/03/2025

Coffee for bloating. A Dr. on YouTube said bloating is due to constipation. Makes sense. A cup of Coffee takes away my bloating by helping me to poop fast. Works in like 20 mins. Also go walk around.

Honey for Dog Seizures

19 hours ago
Posted by Erika (Campbell River) on 02/03/2025

When your dog goes into a seizure get honey onto the gums asap. Rub the honey into the side of gums in mouth and the seizure should stop within seconds (I heard that from someone and it worked for my dog)

Eggs + Butter for Weight Gain

19 hours ago
Posted by Orlands (Brazil) on 02/03/2025

There is only one way that I found to gain weight. I gained nearly 15kg.
Which is eating dinner with 8+ eggs scrambed eggs with 2 tablespoons of butter.

All hormones derives from cholesterol and eggs and butter are foods with that have a huge amount of cholesterol, which will turn into muscles. There is no other way for me...

The only issue for me is appetite... I need to do a huge effort to be able to eat that...

  Pau D'Arco for Crohn's Disease

24 hours ago
Posted by J.cole (US) on 02/03/2025

I've read about Pau De arco

i was reading it can cause diarrhea. That's what I've got to get stopped. Did it give you Diarrhea?

  Re: Ted's Hyaluronic Acid Remedy

24 hours ago
Posted by Heather (Ontairo, Canada) on 02/03/2025

What is Ted's recommendation for the HA please?

  Side Effects of MSG

1 day ago
Posted by Art (California) on 02/03/2025

Hi Ahlam,

Here is a link to a review of the use of MSG that comprehensively describes the positives and negatives of MSG :

Here is a relevant quote from the review that summarizes the effects of MSG in humans :

' In conclusion we would like to state that although MSG has proven its value as an enhancer of flavour, different studies have hinted at possible toxic effects related to this popular food-additive. These toxic effects include CNS disorder, obesity, disruptions in adipose tissue physiology, hepatic damage, CRS and reproductive malfunctions. These threats might have hitherto been underestimated. In the meantime, people keep using ever larger amounts of MSG unaware of the possible consequences. Further studies need to be undertaken in order to assess the connection between MSG and cardiovascular disorders, headache, and hypertension in human models. MSG is a controversial food-additive used in canned food, crackers, meat, salad dressings, frozen dinners and a myriad of other products. It is found in local supermarkets, restaurants and school cafeterias alike. While MSG probably has huge benefits to the food industry, the ubiquitous use of this food-additive could have negative consequences for public health. If more substantive evidence of MSG-toxicity would be provided, a total ban on the use of MSG as a flavour enhancer would not be unwise to consider. '


 Latex in Aloe Vera

1 day ago

  Re: Vitamin D and Serrapeptase for Sinus Polyps

1 day ago
Posted by Brenda (Hillsdale, Michigan) on 02/03/2025

Hello, how long did this protocol take to relieve your sinus trouble?

MMS and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Question

1 day ago
Posted by Sabrina (France) on 02/03/2025

Hello, I wanted to know if I could use hydrogen peroxide with a nebilisator while using the mms? I am currently undergoing the Humble Jim HRP procedure. I have had MS and severe SJSR for years. Do you think that using the H202 and humble jim procedure with the mms at the same time is a good idea? or take h2o2 orally? Thank you, Good day

  Re: Parasite Cleanse Helped Hyperthyroid Symptoms

1 day ago
Posted by Ana Gratzia (UT) on 02/02/2025

Hi! Thank you for sharing your experience on hyperthyroidism. Would you please share your protocol for parasite cleanse? How much wormwood did you take and when in the day did you take it? For how long?

  Re: Diluting 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1 day ago
Posted by Earth Clinic on 02/03/2025

Please see the following page on Earth Clinic:

Diluting 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1 day ago
Posted by Timmo (New Taipei City, Taiwan) on 02/03/2025


I am only able to buy 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide where I live. What should my dilution be? I am referring to this article: Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

I can't find where to reply to that article with my question, so I am posting this.


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