Re: Colloidal Silver
2 days agoHi Debbie,
ACV has a pH in the 2 to 3 range whereas the nasal mucosal pH is in the 5.5 to 6.5 pH range which imo makes the ACV too acidic for the interior of the nose and also imo, ACV smells really bad and the thought of having that smell directly concentrated inside the nose is a thought I don't want. Try the silver first to see if it resolves the issue after a period of testing it.
Baking Soda and Molasses Protocol Question
2 days agoGood morning. I'd like to know if the baking soda and molasses protocol can be used for anything else other than cancer treatments. Could it be used as a general cleanse? Could it be used externally to help with skin disorders like eczema and hives? I would love it if someone could please reply to this message as soon as it is convenient. Sincerely, Nora
Re: Would Miso be Bad for Estrogen-Based Cancer?
2 days agoI believe there is a misconception here, it is more so the "iodine" in sea vegetables rather than the miso which contributes to the Japanese and Korean people low in cancer rates, this is often why soy is combined with kelp and sea vegetables as soy is known to block and interfere with iodine absorption and utilization. Iodine is proven to protect cells from radiation.
Re: Mite Infestation Remedies
2 days agoHello Sunnie, actually ACV is 95% alkaline, and 5% acidic, so it really helps to restore the natural alkaline balance of the body when taken internally.
Take 1 teaspoon in a 100ml glass of pure spring water stored in glass, as many times as you can daily. Alternatively, filter and boil your tap water for 5 minutes at a time to remove the nano plastics and then store in glass bottles.
Re: Treating Aspergillois
2 days agoHow can I contact you about more of your information? I was diagnosed with Aspergillus and I suspect it's what is deteriorating most of my body; joints lungs, vision, spine, sinus, bleeding gums, depression.... Within days of taking a break from Itraconizol, all symptoms get worse including itching and burning vaginaly... My dietician that has me on the RX also has me on Designs For Health Digestzymes. It doesn't say Aspergillois on it. Wondering if the company will respond? How do you find out? Thank you for any assistance. How are you doing now?
Re: Colloidal Silver
2 days agoRe: Nattokinase + for Blood Clots
2 days agoAgree about not taking Walmart's Spring Valley supplements! Some years ago a study was made about their brand. Seems that NONE of their brand's bottles contained the substances on their labels. This does NOT require that natural supplement companies' products actually contain the substances on their labels. Since then I have not purchased any of Walmart's brands of supplements. Most of mine come from Swanson Vitamins because their capsules are available, reasonable, and they WORK for me! I post publicly on MeWe.
Re: Hand Tremors
2 days agoAccording to Research, the treatment with intramuscular high-dose thiamine (Vitamin B1) has led to a rapid, remarkable and persistent improvement of the symptoms in two patients with essential tremor. 100mg twice a week. Just remember that Thiamine needs Magnesium and Potassium as transporters. Another form of B1 is TTFD and it crosses the blood brain barrier and doesn't need any co-factors.
Re: Colloidal Silver
2 days agoThanks Art I will use the Silver in the nose. What are your thoughts on dabbing diluted apple cider vinegar in the nose? I hear it dissolves dead skin cells. The only two things I've seen that dissolves dead skin cells are HP and ACV. Someone suggested garlic but I think that would be the potential to burn. I'm just trying to find the best solution. I promise this is the last question I'll have for you. Appreciate your information.
Re: Long-Term Antibiotic Use
2 days agoRe: Long-Term Antibiotic Use
3 days agoHi Debbie,
You should check out ECs Borax page here to learn more as well as how to use it :
Borax will have an alkalizing effect on the gut as it has a pH over 9, but sipping it throughout the day will minimize this effect.
Re: Colloidal Silver
3 days agoHi Debbie,
If that is what I had, then I would use it. The silver will likely be gentler to normal cells than hydrogen peroxide(HP) as HP is a powerful oxidizing agent. The body generates HP in small amounts for its antimicrobial effects, but the body also generates catalase to neutralize the HP into harmless oxygen and water so it self regulates the HP that is created so it does not do excess damage to normal cells.
Re: Petty Spurge Herb for Basal Cell Carcinomas
3 days agoThank you for the detailed info. I'm in Georgia USA and trying to find some Petty Spunge locally, so far haven't been able to find any. Anybody know where in the Atlanta area one might find the plants growing? Anybody know a way to get seeds? Was going to order some from Australia but doesn't look doable due to import restrictions.
Re: Long-Term Antibiotic Use
3 days agoArt, that is so great the your PA was helped by borox! I told my husband about that, I've looked up borox before, but have not tried. I'm glad you are pain-free. I wonder if borox would do anything negative to gut flora.
Good to know that the gin evaporates and doesn't really penetrate in the skin. Thanks for that explanation.
So my anxiety comes from the 20 years of use of the antibiotics and it's almost like the anxiety is subconcious. I would have never gotten sick if I had not taken them. It has lead to many, many oddities of pain with the most troubling being chemical sensitivities. Apparently antibiotics are horrible for mental health, I don't know how to fix my declines immune and limbic system.
Thanks so much for your help, Debbie
Re: Colloidal Silver
3 days agoArt, I made a mistake by purchasing Silver Biotics thinking it was Colloidal Silver. After I read your post about best Colloidal silver and that ionic silver is more toxic to the cells. Would you still use it. silver Biotics was on your list of suppliers.
I bought it also to put on two cysts I have, one in each nostril. What are you thoughts also on using hydrogen peroxide on the cysts. What would you use? Thanks again, Debbie
Re: Long-Term Antibiotic Use
3 days agoHi Debbie,
Regarding your husband's psoriatic arthritis (PA), I also have PA and have kept it in remission for over 16 years using Ted's borax remedy for men. My PA was severe and it affected many joints throughout my body. It took about a month to start to see benefit and I was pain free after three months. I have taken borax since starting it except for a few test breaks and have remained pain free in my joints.
Regarding ML, gin is made with several herbs and the herbs themselves are suggested to have beneficial health effects. Lastly, I find the light scent of gin to be much nicer than other clear alcohols such as vodka. The gin mostly evaporates shortly after application.
If you also use EFT, you can try using it to try and release and expel whatever is the cause of the anxiety. Because of the length of time you have had excess anxiety, you may have to work at EFT hard and long to see if it will help.
Iboga Root Bark for Depression
3 days agoHey, how much iboga were you micro dosing per day and were you doing it every day/at certain times / empty stomach etc? I did it in Gabon and brought some back to microdose but found it hard to maintain with full time work, plus wasn't sure of amounts (they didn't recommend how much to take)
Re: Healing A Cavity Naturally
3 days agoWhen my son was 10, his dad took him to a dentist who said he needed 3 small cavities filled. I looked and they were very small brown lines at the bottom of the teeth. We simply took a qtip dipped in hydrogen peróxide and held it on them for 1 minute 2x/day. One week later the disappointed dentista reported that he did not need any drilling anymore. Hah, dollar store hydrogen-peroxide beat him and he didn't make any money off my son. My son is 23 yrs old now and has never had a cavity drilled because we know how to stop them.
Re: Breathing Exercise for Hiatal Hernia
3 days agoRe: Hand Tremors
3 days agoHi Mike, I too have ET. I belong to a Facebook group on ET and have found a lot of great information there. Having just been excluded from a clinical trial for Ulixacaltimide, the only drug being developed for Essential Tremors, I'm researching natural remedies for this condition. There are medical possibilities for treating essential tremors but they are my last resort. Focused ultrasound and Deep Brain Stimulation have worked quite well. please visit th e F B group for other suggestions for more natural remedies as well as work arounds for daily living. Also, International Essential Tremor Foundation has great information. Look for them at