Remedy Side Effects
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Oil Pulling Side Effects

| Modified on Jan 07, 2025
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Oil Pulling is a popular remedy for a multitude of problems, but oil pulling is not without side effects.  Earth Clinic readers have reported problems ranging from headaches to gastrointestinal problems. Other readers have reported trouble with the following: increase in intestinal gas, increase in blood pressure, increase in mucous, increase in sweating, chest pain, burning sensation in the stomach, sore throat, and swelling in the hands or feet.

Oil pulling is commonly used for dental problems, detoxification, and general health.  It has been used for thousands of years in some cultures, though in the West its use only measures in the decades.  And yet, even the most safe and simple remedy can cause side effects for some people.

Side Effects from Oil Pulling

Jenny from Atlanta, Georgia, shares the following: "Hi. I have been oil pulling for a week with sunflower oil. Is fever a usual side effect? I've had a low grade (99-100 degrees) fever off and on for a few days. I've noticed in general after oil pulling in the morning I get dizzy and really hungry and then a burst of energy in the afternoon and then unbelievable sleepiness sets in. Anxiety levels are heightened as well."

Bella from the UK had side effects even when she tried to switch oils. "I've been oil-pulling with sunflower oil for three weeks and then changed to olive oil. Both oils have made my mouth really dry. I don't understand how oil pulling has dried my mouth out so much! The insides of my cheeks stick to my teeth. I've never had this problem before. I am drinking loads of water, about 2 liters a day in constant sips, but it doesn't help."

Some readers find that they have mixed results.  Genia from Wisconsin, experienced swelling in her gums and a swollen lymph node.  At the same time, she found that her skin looked better than ever!

Possible Causes of Side Effects

Earth Clinic readers offer a variety of suggestions to those who have side effects from oil pulling.  Trying a different oil, using less oil, or oil pulling for a shorter amount of time in each session.  Readers also suggest that often the side effects are a  "healing crisis" or "Herxheimer effect."

Please read on to see what side effects Earth Clinic readers have experienced.  If you have had side effects from oil pulling, please be sure to leave us feedback!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

23 User Reviews

3 star (2) 

Posted by Sunny (Mettur, Tamilnadu) on 12/02/2012

I had started doing oil pulling just before two months before that I doesn't have hair loss but after doing oil pulling, I had a lot of hair loss. Is that good? i had a lot fear over that..... Plz reply me

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Sunny: take 1 grm Vit-C before and 2 grm MSM after Oil Pulling.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Maria (Syracuse, Ny) on 07/16/2012

Hi Ted, I started OP last week with organic sunflower oil. The first time I did it, I felt great. But since then, I have felt very sick. My allergies/sinuses seem worse and my head is in a bad fog. I have a lot of allergies, but they have been fine prior to the OP. Also, my throat has been sore since I began. Are these side effects normal? Should I try using different oil? I has been almost a week that I have felt continually sick. Thanks!

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Maria, I'm not Ted, but yes, try changing oil AND space out your oil pulling more. If you are doing once a day, do it once in two or three days.

Replied by Ed
(Oakville, Canada)

It can be side effect, it is just a detoxing effect. Don't stop continue to do it.

Replied by Ed
(Oakville, Canada)

sorry correction, it should be it can't not it can

It can't be side effect, it is just a detoxing effect. Don't stop continue to do it.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jenny (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 12/03/2011

Hi. I have been oil pulling for a week with sunflower oil. I am type A blood. Is fever a usual side effect? I've had a low grade (99-100) fever off and on for a few days. I've noticed in general after oil pulling in the AM I get dizzy and really hungry and then a burst of energy in the afternoon and then unbelievable sleepiness sets in. Anxiety levels are heightened as well. Anyone else? Let's commiserate.

Replied by Policychecker
(Belfast, Northern Ireland)

Perhaps it would be wise to choose an oil that is compatible with your blood type. Have a look at Dr Peter D'Adamo's Work Sunflower oil I believe is an avoid for Blood type A.

I have heard that sesame seed oil is popular, but can't say for sure as I don't use it.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Il)

Side effects are from toxins living in your body. Keep doing what you're doing- it will pass. Sunflower is the best for oil pulling and blood type doesn't matter at this point because you don't eat this.

Replied by Policychecker
(Belfast, Northern Ireland)

I appreciate you don't swallow the oil, however you absorb the oil in our mouth, just like you do in your stomach or on your skin, so I would use something other than Sunflower oil. It's not recommended for many if any blood type.

Also the reaction mention earlier is a typical intolerance reaction to something, the obvious thing would be the sunflower oil or something in it. - try another oil and see if you get the same reaction, fairly sure you won't. Kind regards

Oil Pulling
Posted by Newbyop (Silver Spring, Md) on 11/30/2011

I stumble upon this website, and found interested Oil pulling so decided to try it, I have been OP for the past 4 days, however I have developed a really bad headache its mostly preassure on my forehead, I was wondering if this is part of the detox process, has anyone else experience these symptoms, I'm not sure if I should keep doing it. I am also doing the 3tbls of ACV in my water daily and 1tblsp fo Blackstrap Molasses daily, Since all this I'm not feeling that great not sure if this is for me or if this is part of the process. Thanks!

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Newbyop, start with less of everything. OP say once in a few days, take only 1 spoon of ACV a day or less, and less BSM.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Il)

Mmsg, dont make this guy confused. Do your oil pulling every day, even 3 times a day if you can, it will pass faster, this is side effect everybody has one, keep doing what you're doing.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Martika (Cumberland, Ri) on 11/29/2011

This is for Ted in Bangok, can you reply as to why when I did the OP I had such severe upper mid back and chest pain I was in tears and the canker sores are worse I had to stop using this. Now the bad taste in my mouth is awful over 1 week I have stopped but the odor and bad taste are terrible along with watering of the mouth and nausea.

I would like you to tell me how to use sodium perborate/ magnesium chloride or the pennywoth and where I can buy them. Please reply.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Senthil (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 10/03/2011


I asked my mother to follow oil pulling since she felt burning in stomach and head-ache. She used Sesame oil for oil pulling. She is feeling stomach pain. What's the reason? I am bit worried.

Reagrds, Senthil

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kalani (Anchorage, Ak) on 09/24/2011

I just used sesame oil for 5 min. My mouth got too full to swish anymore so I spit it out. As I ran my tongue around my mouth I noticed a blister of some kind had formed inside my cheek. I don't have any known allergies so is this toxins reacting to the oil?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Bella (Uk) on 09/17/2011

I've been oil-pulling with sunflower oil for three weeks and then changed to olive oil. Both oils have made my mouth really dry. I don't understand how oil pulling has dried my mouth out so much! The insides of my cheeks stick to my teeth. I've never had this problem before. I am drinking loads of water, about 2 litres a day in constant sips, but it doesn't help. It is less noticeable with the olive oil, and I had a two-day break when I switched oils, but it's still far from 'normal'. Why is this happening? Should I continue, or not? I'm getting a rough texture inside my cheeks at the front, too

Oil Pulling
Posted by Ar (Houston, Tx) on 07/19/2011



I started oil pulling with sesame oil about a week ago for red/receding gums. The OP has made a huge difference in the health of my gums and I actually saw some gum recession fill in. However, all my molars have fillings (not mercury), and I had a root canal in my upper left molar that was not crowned.

I have noticed that the molars have become yellowish with some dark spots appear through them - as if the enamel is wearing off? On the root canal tooth, the surface is rough and it has white spots showing through.

Has anyone experienced this? Based on this, I have stopped pulling but would like to find a way to continue b/c of the benefits to my gums.


Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Ar, if you research Weston Price website they tell you how to remineralise your teeth enamel.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jim (Ocean View, De) on 04/01/2011

Am into my third day of OP using EVCO. Experiencing mild aching in my feet and legs. Anyone else had this reaction?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shell (Payson, Ut, United States) on 01/28/2011

I have been oil pulling for three weeks and this morning I had a dull pain in my lower right abdomen when I bent over. It is also tender to touch. I don't think it's appendicitis, although I could be wrong. My question to you is should I keep oil pulling and see if it heals on it's own? Thank you.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I think that side some of the effects I read about on this site are often a coincidence. People start taking something new or doing something they never did before, then anything that happens is a result of that but this is often not the case. The best thing, I suppose, is to always stop whatever you are taking or doing, wait for a few days and then start again and see if it happens again. You can have pains for a lot of reasons and I don't suppose it has anything to do with oil pulling.

Oil pulling seems to worry a lot of people but in the end, if you ask me, it is only a bit of oil in your mouth, how much harm can that do? I have been doing it for quite a while now and to be honest I never noticed anything negative but then I don't connect it to any of the little pains or discomforts I sometimes have!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Maria (Yonkers, New York) on 01/25/2011


I did pull olive olive oil for a month and now I can sleep well, my nasal passage are clean and no need to wake up at midnight because I can't breath. Is gone. Wait 2 weeks to start again.

Now I tried First day Surprise!! Blood is coming out from the back of my throat and feeling sore and swollen throat . Stopped and wait 1 week. Again, blood but more, sore feeling. Have a appointment to see the Doctor tomorrow, hope is not cancer. Will post again after the doctor.

Replied by Maria
(Yonkers, New York)

Ok. See the doctor and I am fine. Was afraid but No cancer, no infection, no irrritation (.. ) {} xoxoThanks Ec

Oil Pulling
Posted by John (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/25/2009

I tried oil pulling twice for a sinus infection - it did absolutely nothing aside from giving me a horrible case of acid reflux for days - please beware of this therapy - it can have dire side effects!! I wish I had never tried this horrid thing!

Replied by John
(Chicago, Illinois)

I just posted before & I wanted to add that since oil pulling I only did this awful thing twice) I also have persistent phlegm in the back of my throat that is irritatating 24/7. Does anyone know why this happened to me or how I can get rid this? I am scared now that I am worse than before!!

Replied by Lita
(Sanford, Fl)

That's one of the oil pulling BENEFITS, it gets rid of the phlegm. Getting rid of it clears your lungs and sinus. Can't you breath better already?????? Good Luck!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Genia (Madison, WI) on 12/22/2008

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for about 10 days now & was recommended this by an instructor in a holistic health class I'm taking. I didn't do a lot of research before I began, which could be a mistake. I was told it was a general detox, which I've done before so I'm familiar with feeling slightly under the weather, tired, etc.

However, about a week into the oil pulling I woke to find my top left gum tissue around the molar really swollen and painful. It was so painful it woke me out of sleep. Also, my lymph node on the the same side is very swollen and painful to light touch. My cheek on the same side is tender to the touch...I assume sinus. My gum in the area I described is still swollen and painful and so is the lymph's been four days!! and am generally feeling under the weather.

I was told that my body is just getting worse before it gets better, but I'm tempted to stop due to the discomfort level. I do have amalgam fillings in the area that is swollen...could this be the problem? Should I stop the oil pulling? Or is there a modified way to continue?

On one good note, my skin has never looked better! It's the dead of winter in Wisconsin which usually causes severe dry skin for me, but my skin is softer than it's ever been and I barely have to put on moisturizers!

Looking forward to hearding your feedback,

Oil Pulling
Posted by Rilma (Baytown, Tx) on 10/21/2008

I need suggestions for bad OP detox

I have been trying OP with cold pressed coconut oil for three days and the results have been fantastic--decreased hunger and amazingly increased energy. My mother has several things wrong with her-diabetes, and arthritis being the primary ones. She has tried the OP for two days and her arthritis has flamed up so bad that she can hardly get out of bed. Is there anything that she can do to speed up this detox? Anything that will help ease her some.
Also, I wanted her to try the ACV first but she is allergic to apples--is there anything else that has the same effects, or has anyone else been allergic to apples and gotten around it to use the ACV. This web site is wonderful and I hope I posted this in the right place."

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