Remedy Side Effects
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Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Tristan (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/07/2011

Does anyone else get dry eyes from brushing with GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). Please let me know. Thanks. Tristan.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tristan (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 12/06/2011


Hi, I've been brushing with GSE, and it's great. But I get dry eyes when I do; I stop and my dry eyes get better. Has anyone else had this happen, also? I really would like to continue brushing with GSE.


Hyaluronic Acid

1 User Review

Posted by Goji (London, Uk) on 08/29/2012

Hi, Just recently I've been taking Hyaluronic Acid powder according to Ted's recipe to help with arthritis in my right knee, and have suffered some adverse reaction. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. Goji

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Beryl (London, Uk) on 08/23/2012

Hi, I've suffered with a faulty digestive system for several years, and have had pockets of trapped flatulence which have been so bad that they have caused me to feel very dizzy and upset my balance. However, about five weeks ago I embarked on an alkaline diet, and virtually all my digestive problems disappeared. I do, however, suffer with osteoarthritis in my right knee and pain in my spine, so sent off to Purebulk for the hyaluronic acid powder to try Ted's recipe. This was a week ago. Even after the first dose it seemed to upset my stomach slightly. The rumblings were back, but I carried on with it. Yesterday morning, the flatulence and trapped wind were back with a vengeance, and if I hadn't been standing close to a worktop I would have fallen over. Is hyaluronic acid acidic? Could this be the reason why the digestive problems have returned?

Love to hear your views. Beryl

Hydrogen Peroxide

18 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
3 star (3) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Linda (Lauzerte, France) on 11/30/2012

I've been taking FGHP for a little while now and have not had the results I would have like yet - but I have had an odd side effect.

I'm retired and normally go to bed about 11. 30, and wake about 8. 30. But now I wake at some ridiculous time, 5 or 6 am and today it was 4 am. I won't get out of bed then - particularly when it's cold and dark out - and so find I doze a little and am then up at 7. 30 or so. I have always needed my 8-9 hours a night but bizarrely, I am not feeling overly tired whereas before if I lost some sleep, I was washed out and fit for nothing.

Has anyone else had this? I've not noticed too much extra energy and my lungs are not clearing yet but I just find this odd.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rosemary (Katy, Tx) on 08/02/2012

Just started using H202 and have been having headaches. Any suggestions on how to relieve them?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Rosemary, lower your dosage or do the inhalation method instead.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky)
2043 posts

Rosemary, the H2O2 could be killing pathogens in big numbers causing what's called "dieoff". Or the H2O2 could be reacting w/ an heavy metal or aldehyde of which it cannot properly detox causing a cascade of harmful free radicals. Stop the H2O2 and take 4 caps Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay before retiring for 7 days, then try the H2O2 again. Vit-C w/ Bioflavonoids during the day would also help. It is also important that your body is properly alkalized for the H2O2 to function properly. Much info on alkalizing and "dieoff" or "herx" here on E.C.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Meredith (Dubbo, Nsw Australia) on 06/20/2012

Help! As per many of your suggestions I tried the 3% HP as a mouthwash/teeth whitener but unfortunately even though by the sounds of it, it seems to have helped many with gum problems, since using it my gums on the bottom teeth have receded considerably to expose an unattractive brownish colour. What to do? I have tried the niacin, vit C and CQ10 combo for 2 months now but that has not helped at all. I realise we're all different but I'm at a loss to explain why I've had such bad luck with HP when clearly it works wonders for others.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

I recommend using HP for dental use no more than MAX 1x every other day (pref 2-3x a week) for this reason. My dad lost 3 teeth using HP too often in his waterpik, and my mom got receding gums because (according to her) her dentist told her to use it 3-4x a day.

You can have too much of a good thing. Once its finished oxidizing the baddies, it starts oxidizing good tissue and you don't want that.

Replied by Sheila
(San Diego, Ca)

Hi Meredith, Try testing your saliva's pH level (using testing method from "The Acid-Alkaline Diet" by Christopher Vasey, N. D. ). If it is highly acidic in your mouth, it may be too acidic to heal your gums. If I recall correctly, hydrogen peroxide is acidic, and I recall reading one dentist's recommendation that the gums would heal quicker in mouth closer to alkaline. Don't quote me on that! You'll have to search around yourself. I'm assisting my husband at the moment with his receding gum line. He recently bought a WaterPik and is using it every day. I'm trying to get him to slow down and take his recovery in stages, acclimating his body, avoiding a Herxheimer or healing crisis if he does too much.

In your shoes, I would test my saliva first, and start rinsing or gargling with diluted baking soda after brushing. We avoid fluoride toothpaste, and now are avoiding glycerin in oral care products, and moderately supplementing minerals for oral health, and easing into a new nutritional program, among other things.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Eszter (Veszprem, Hungary) on 06/01/2012

Dear Earth Clinic, I would really appreciate it if you could answer my question. I started taking 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in distilled water a month ago to heal my candida problems. The protocol that I used was by Dr David G. Williams starting with 3 drops 3 times a day, increasing the dose with one drop each day. I have already reached 20 drops 3 times a day but I had to drop it back because I felt sick.

After a few days taking it I experienced a number of side effects (diarrhea, nausea) but the most worrying one is having a severe heartburn that I have never had before in my entire life. My tongue has had a white coating on it for years now because of the Candida infection but I cured it well gargling with 3% H2O2. After experiencing heartburn the white-greyish coating returned on my tongue even though I still gargle with it. But now I cannot get rid of it. My mouth tastes sour all the time and my heartburn is pretty bad. I am a little worried taking it so I stopped using it.

What am I supposed to do? Is it only healing crisis or my body just can't take H2O2? Should I continue taking it? Is it the right dosage? Thank you so much, Regards, Eszter from Hungary

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Eszter, If you have severe Candida it is almost certain you have some toxic aldehydes (a byproduct of fungal metabolism/fermentation) present in the body. This could explain the side effects of H2O2 therapy. In this event take 500mg Niacinamide 3x and 500mcg 1x Molybdem daily for 1 week then try the H2O2 again.

If you still have bad effects from H2O2 then it is advised to switch to a different form of oxygen for oral consumption. This other supplement is Stabilized Oxygen / Sodium Chlorite (NAClO2). I use 10-15 drops daily to increase my depleted O levels w/ good results (more energy).

Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

to Timh from Louisville, Ky, Usa:

I like your suggestion on stabilized oxygen and want to try. I have candida and bad reactions to H2O2 such as severe sleepiness, weakness, redness of the face, nausea. I almost starved on it because felt like my food was not moving through even 6 hrs apart from taking it. I ened up taking it in am and eating only late afternoon. Eventually had to stop. It cleared my eyes redness and I lost weight on it.

I want to try that liquid oxygen. Do you take it on empty stomach apart from meals? Have you seen in yourself any reactions to that?

Thanks for the recommendations.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Kk from Seattle, start off w/ not more than 5 drops 2 hrs following meals. The after meal theory supposedly reduces acidity while boosting oxygen. There are several brands w/ varying potencies so just follow labeled recommendation would be best. Also be sure to supplement Niacin and Molybdum so as to avoid aldehyde toxicity and the cascading oxidation that can happen w/ especially H2O2 therapy.

Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

Hi, thanks for the recommendation. I am still scared to start it again, but if I give it a try I'll get molybden and niacin.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky)
2043 posts

Kk, sorry I didn't mention any adverse effects from Stabilized Oxygen (but then again I didn't have adverse effects from H2O2 either despite a plethora of health problems). After reading about the aldehyde connection w/ yeast or fungus, I began using MolyB and NAD w/ very noticeable improvements. Supplementing Zinc/Vit-A is also recommended as they are critical to immune health as well as gastrointestinal integrity. Challenge your fear and gain confidence with the "start low and go slow" method/motto for supplementation.

Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

To: Timh from Louisville, Ky- I got this liquid oxygen it says to take it diluted in water. It does not say empty or full stomach.

I did not understand about side effects with that. So I should supplement with Molybden, niacin, vit Z, A... To avoid side effects. Is this right? Thanks

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Kk, if you have had a Candida infection for any length of time it is likely you also have some aldehyde toxicity. About two months ago I suspected this was one of my problems, supplemented NAD and MolyB (already use Z&A) and experienced detox for about 5 days. Aldehyde could be causing the reaction to the H2O2 so go ahead and start w/ an aldehyde detox for about 1 week, then start the Stabilized Oxy at 2 drops for starters in between meals and work your way up to not more than 10 drops 2x daily. Limit sugars and use lots of Garlic, Oregano, and Cinnamon to help kill the nasty Candida. Give us an update on your progress.

Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

Timh from Louisville, Ky, Usa, Thank you for thinking about me.

I know that H2O2 did some good to me. I have to learn how to do it correctly. My face still flashes sometimes and gets very red after exercises, even if I do not use it for a month already. You right about candida, I have this problem. I'll do the detox with Niacin and Molybden for a week and will post back.


Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

I remember getting severe flashes in the face with long lasting redness on H2O2. The higher the dose of H2O2 I was getting the longer the flash would last.

I see that Niacin can cause flashes too. Could you please explain how does it work that niacin/molybden counteract some side effects of H2O2, like flashing.

Is there any reference to look this up. Did you figure out this yourself?

I have liver FT elevation (possible fluke infection). I am treating it now, I 'll have to research this and try niacin/molybden when my LFTs are down.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Niacinamide is a flush free form of niacin. If you do have Fluke infestation then you may also have some type of bacterial infection as bacteria are waste products of Flat & Round worms. This connection explains why I experienced pronounced releif while using Uva Ursi or Cranberry, among other herbs. Here is a link to the Candida - Aldehyde connection.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jen (Tampa Area, Fl, Us) on 05/24/2012

This question is directed to Ted, please. Help! I did not know hydrogen peroxide 3% could damage tissue. For 3-4 years I poured about 8 oz. Hydrogen peroxide daily directly on the same spot on my scalp, thinking I was helping it. It only got worse. My scalp seems to have slowly dissolved from the inside. (The pain has been immeasurable for the past several years and I have been on several prescription painkillers for this with almost no pain relief. ) It feels like it dissolved the skeletal muscle under the skin, which has been fraying, stripping and snapping and pulling apart. It spread first to the muscles in my face and neck then damages the skin over them. My muscles working downwards from there on the body have been affected in sequence. Recognized diseases and conditions have been ruled out. I can't get any doctor to investigate the peroxide issue. Please give me suggestions of what I might do to find answers and suggestions for treatment. I desperately need your help. Thank you. Jen

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Georgie (Rapid City, Sd) on 01/25/2012

I started gargling with 3% hydrogen peroxide and have been having a real flare-up of acid reflux. A couple of days after stopping the hydrogen peroxide, the acid reflux went away. Then I started ingesting food grade hydrogen peroxide and the acid reflux has returned. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Simon (Nazeing, Essex) on 01/12/2012

Hi, was hoping to get some advice from Ted on hydrogen peroxide. I am taking 3 drops twice a day for over a week, but still feel awfully ill. Have had a relapse on ME and have nausea, brain fog, digestive disturbance, etc. Should I continue with the HP? Any help would be so appreciated. Thank you, Simon

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Hirize (Nashville, Tennessee, Usa) on 12/17/2011

Is it possible for anyone to have an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide??? My wife has been having sinus problems and congestion for some time. I read that a mixture of. 45 of 1% mixture in a cool mist vaporizer would help clear up these type of problems. However on the second night we used it she began coughing and wheezing immediately when she walked into the bedroom where the vaporizer was running after having had it on for about an hour as if she was having an allergic reaction to it. It took about two hours to recover from it. Has anyone ever heard of any person having an allergic reaction to peroxide??? If not, what could have caused this reaction??? Any help would be appreciated.

Replied by Sheila
(San Diego, Ca)

Could your wife's body have an acidic pH level? H2O2 measures as an acid and I wondered if maybe the H2O2 sent her 'over the edge' with acidity. Imbalancing her, thus a reaction. It's a consideration that might be worth looking into: acidosis. The body's blood pH is important, and sometimes overlooked.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by El (Cairns, Australia) on 12/14/2011


I have been taking only a couple of drops of 3% food grade peroxide on my tongue for about 2 weeks. I have noticed my vision is slightly blurry. Is this normal?

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Zug, Switzerland)

My husband who is a chemist says that HP is highly oxydizing and can give you cancer! He hates the thought of me using it for anything at all! I only use a few drops in my water pik when I want to give my teeth a good clean but even that he is against. He says that it can give me cancer!

Replied by Tamis
(Paris, France)

Hi El,

I've been taking 25 drops of food grade H2O2 twice a day for the last three weeks and have not experienced this effect. I doubt it is related.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi El from Cairns, It sounds like you need to increase your antioxidants. It is always best to increase your antioxidants when taking H2O2. All the best.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dapper (Vineland, Nj, Usa) on 10/24/2011

I have acid reflux. I started taking 12% hydrogen peroxide food grade. I am currently taking 3/4 teaspoon in 32 ounces of water. This is the second time I am trying this. The first time I did this I got blisters in back of mouth and in throat. The same thing is happening again. I have had a burning mouth/throat for about ten years. When I take the hydrogen peroxide it seems to make my mouth burn more and then I get blisters. Is this caused by some infection that comes up from stomach? Should I continue with this? Will this subside as infection is attacked? Please give me some advice on this matter.

Thank-you, Dapper

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rhandi (Wichita, Kansas, Usa) on 10/14/2011

I went through the complete hydrogen peroxide therapy regimen and have been on the maintenance dose for a few months. Has anybody had any problems with all-over body swelling while being on this therapy? I can hardly fit into my clothes, with no lifestyle/dietary changes. Very discouraging...

Replied by Warren
(Kirkland, Washington)

After reading a book on Hydrogen Peroxide, I decided to do the protocol described in the book. I made it all the way to 25 drops of 35% food grade H2O2 in eight ounces of water three times a day, then tapered down to three drops three times a day, the recommended maintenance dosage. The only problem I experienced was the bad taste of H2O2. I got around it by popping a small mint into my mouth, and holding it under my tongue for about thirty seconds immediately after drinking the solution. There is one thing I suspect most folks are overlooking: You need to use non-chlorinated water, so that rules out tap water almost everywhere. The book says distilled water is preferred. Fortunately, I bought a distiller about three years ago. Filtered water might be OK, depending on the minerals in the water, there could be a chemical reaction with the H2O2 that is highly volatile. The protocol got rid of more than one new basal-cell carcinoma that had appeared shortly after a dermatologist performed a biopsy on the first skin cancer I'd ever had in 89 years. You read that right--89 years! It also got rid of a Candida yeast infection on my skin (between my anus and my tailbone) that had plagued me for about ten years, AND the bright-red rosacea on my cheeks that a dermatologist told me 26 years ago was incurable! Speaking of skin cancer, there is a topical cream that works very well--IF YOU FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS PRECISELY. It is known as BCE5. Go to Google, and you'll find a ton of information, both positive and negative. I suspect most people who complain about BCE5 failed to follow directions.

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