Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
ACV will also cause anxiety in some people if used to often. Changes the PH of the body. I have to be careful not to do over one to two teaspoons at a time. Has anyone taken the tablets and do they work ? I also am a R.N. for 22 years and so sick of medication that D.R. put out like candy always looking for alter cures for problem. Most medication is short time cure to more medication.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Well, several months later and several months of taking ACV/BS and I began noticing increasing problems with vaginal yeast infection...much to my surprise. I have not suffered YI in years! I really could not understand why this was happening, but began to suspect it had something to do with the ACV/BS affecting the ph balance of my body.
The past two weeks I've come down with the cold/flu combination we've been hit with here in Kansas. I fell ill, I believe, because of a temporary lapse in my preventative supplementation measures. Plus, I work at a hospital so I'm exposed to everything. Flu bug symptoms included vomiting, terrible nausea, constant diarrhea (luckily I did not have this, but my boyfriend did!), horrible sore throat, mucus, coughing and stopped up sinuses.
To combat the illness I tried lugol's iodine, swedish bitters, h2o2, colloidal silver and salt water gargles for the sore throat. Outside of strep, I don't believe I've ever had a sore throat that lingered as long as this one did-about 4 days! I also quit taking the ACV/BS because I read long ago you should never try to lose weight while sick. I came back to EarthClinic to read about flu and sore throat cures and saw lots of feedback on cayenne pepper for sore throat.
I recently tried cayenne in an ACV drink recipe here that was so disgusting I had to pour the whole thing down the sink. It tasted foul and burned my mouth, so using cayenne for my sore throat was a last resort. But so many people said it was The Cure, so I had to try it. Here's what I did:
I emptied one capsule of cayenne into 3/4 cup of hot water and let it steep for a while like tea. I then drained the mixture through a coffee filter and into a small spray bottle. Then I sprayed the mixture on the back of my throat, gargled a bit, then swallowed. The spray completely bypassed my mouth, so no unnecessary burning. The burning in my throat actually felt kind of soothing and effective. And, what a miracle cure!!! What iodine, h2o2, colloidal silver and salt water could not do in 4 days, CAYENNE PEPPER DID IN 2 HOURS!!! It completely took away the sore throat and I continued to use it periodically for the next several days to ensure the sore throat did not take hold again.
Now, for the flu symptoms. After reading EarthClinic some more I learned ACV is the #1 flu remedy, and I had quit taking it!!! So, I started back on the ACV. I had severe nausea and sipping ACV/BS helped rid me of the nausea which would continue to flare up. The ACV/BS definitely seemed to help with nausea. I also noticed it helped unclog my ears.
I took a great deal of ACV/BS. My weight loss mixture has usually been 2 Tbsp ACV & 1/4 tsp baking soda with Stevia added to sweeten it up. After fizzing subsides I add about 1 qt water and drink through the day. I would do this 1-2 times a day. But in my attempts to rid myself of the flu I was taking 4-6 Tbsp ACV w/ BS in about 1 qt of water.
While I do feel this remedy has helped me heal from the flu, which I'm still fighting a bit, it has also had the unfortunate side effect of worsening my yeast infection! Two days ago I spent $12 on a bottle of probiotics to help. It's helped some, but not completely.
So, once again, I came back to EarthClinic and found the page on ACV/BS side effects. I see I am not the only one suffering from the yeast infection side effect of BS. So, I am now going to try ACV alone, no BS, mixed in water. I really wanted to use the BS because of all the good things I have heard and its ability to protect my teeth. But I am guessing it is responsible for my yeast infection.
Also, in my reading I discovered the suggested relationship between electrolyte imbalance and too much baking soda! For the past several months my heart palpitations had been getting incredibly severe, so I started taking various forms of electrolyte solutions. I found Ted's recipe of sea salt/magnesium citrate/potassium citrate to be a fabulous cure. But now I really suspect the baking soda might have been contributing or even directly causing my electrolyte imbalance and subsequent heart palpitations all this time!
I am further dismayed by reading that BS can deplete your body of chromium, B-vitamins and iodine---some of the very substances I have been trying to increase my intake of! I have also noticed that this winter my face has really dried out in ways it has never done before, such as crepey skin on my forehead and increased wrinkles around my eyes. I have been lamenting this as premature aging, but now I suspect the drying effects of baking soda. I hope I see a reversal in these symptoms, because I have read a great deal about how ACV is supposed to make your skin glow. I was beginning to think I was the exception to the rule.
Of course, there are many many messages about how much ACV/BS has helped people. I'm guessing it all comes down to finding what works best for your body. I often think back to the blood type diet recommendations and how certain things work for certain blood types and other things don't. It appears that baking soda does not work well for someone like me who is O+ and has a naturally acidic body chemistry!
(Kent Oh)
I believe, (from reading a brochure at a hospital lab years ago) that you should consume varied foods so that your urine alternates between alkaline and acid for best health and prevention of stones. I also think (from reading a Reader's Digest or Prevention book) that vinegar and acidic foods help slow the metabolismn of starches and sugars to prevent high glucose blood levels and therefore prevent glucose lows due to insulin release and therefore aid in reducing hunger and avoiding weight gain. So I have my pickle if I have a bun with my hamburger to avoid being hungry later.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
... I want to point something about the Baking Soda remedy for increasing the alkalinity of body. Unfortunately, this remedy worked for me in the beginning, as I noticed improved digestion, but then I noticed I came down with a chronic case of Bacterial Vaginosis. A fishy odor coming from the vagina. I have heard, women who are on Birth Control Pill get BV. But I have never used BCPs. Further reading, I found out that Baking Soda, and for that matter most anta-acids can lead to the depletion of B-vitamins in the body. ( including Folic Acid & B12). And no wonder Folic Acid is recommended as a cure for BV.
'I am taking Folic Acid ( 1 mg) and B-complex now, but the fishy odor is not gone completely! I am really stuck with this odor which I NEVER had before. So could it be, my folic acid levels are depleted and I am unable to get them to a healthy level. As of now, I am suspecting Baking Soda has done this to me. And I am abstaining from using it anymore. I would be interested to hear what other female users have to say about this.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(Los Angeles, CA)
Just wanted to say that once I took the apple cider vinegar out and took the baking soda alone as Ted suggested, the pains and burning in my face and mouth area stopped. I guess I was having a negative (allergic?) reaction to the ACV. Thanks to Ted. I also need to get the rest of the supplements and the potassium citrate to add to the baking soda and I will let everyone know how it goes. My pH has not stabilized yet, but it hasn't gone to the 5.0 range (where my pH was before starting baking soda). I've also started to drink soy milk and grinding my vitamins and I can't say for sure yet, but my hair loss does seem to be under control.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Dear Betty: The hypertension may have come from the black strap molasses and possibly vinegar. The baking soda should be 1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day and avoid dinner or eat a very early dinner, e.g. 3 p.m. The major control of the body's blood pressure is actually controlled by sodium nitrite. But sodium nitrite degrades relatively quickly to make it use in lowering blood pressure if the body is acidic. That is because sodium nitrite quickly degrades to nitric oxide which defeats its purpose in toward its intended target in reduction of constricted vessels before it reaches its destination.
'Therefore, I would take sufficient get urinary pH to near 7, and at least for now avoid vinegar, black strap molasses, NO FRUIT JUICES, no french fries, no fried foods, snacks, corn syrup, and no dinner if the blood pressure is too high. Once the critical phases is over, only light dinners free from any vegetable oils or using coconut oil as substitute are actually a lot safer. Time and time again, common table salt caused high blood pressure while a sea salt does the opposite, due to the reason that sea salt pH is about 8 while a common table salt pH is quite acid at 5. Again, avoid sugar and salt added together when preparing any meals, especially common table salt. Avoid all canned foods and packaged food when eating, as it is high in psuedoestrogen contaminants and just prepare foods the old fashioned way.
If fear of too much sodium (I experience don't seem to indicate sodium, it is the chlorine!) then just add potassium. Chlorinated water, fluoriated water, and even sulfites found in dried fruits can lead to high blood pressure within hours, while french fries and potato chips and even popcorn in some cases can raise blood pressure even faster. I don't know why no one bother to mention this, it has problem occurs all the time with friends and family I know.
Lecithin can help, at lest reduce the free fatty acids, such as one tablespoon of granulated lecithin eaten along with foods a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(Orland Park, IL)
(San Fran, California)
(Galway, Ireland)
Reply to Laura, Selfkant-Hongen, Germany (12/9/2007) The side effects you wrote about sound more like SE s of Excitotoxins eg. Aspartame, MSG etc. (in chewing gum, diet drinks, oriental fast food) rather than anything related to ACV. TRY STOPPING ALL EXCITOTOXINS and take Magnesium citrate and B complex vitamins with food twice daily. (Dr Russell Blaylock & I hope this helps.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(Vancouver, WA)