Natural Remedies

12 Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies for Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Hyaluronic Acid

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Pegiot (Leavenworth, KS) on 12/01/2007

Our 11 year old dog was really slow getting up, and stopped running. A friend made some dog biscuits, adding a drop of hyaluronic acid to each biscuit. After 3 days our dog was running around like a puppy again.

Knee Brace

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Posted by Lily (Colorado, Usa) on 06/02/2016

For arthritis, this is a remedy that isn't something you can "administer" your dog but in my case it has done an incredible job of keeping my pup relatively pain free and active despite her arthritic knees. I use a dog knee brace, by Ortocanis, one for each of her knees that's affected. This brace in particular is flexible enough so that I can keep it on her for extended periods of time, and allows for full range of motion. She never wears it to sleep and I take it off when we're lounging around at home. But on the days where I can tell she's in more pain, or her limp is back, the brace almost always reduces inflammation and creates a noticeable improvement in her mobility.

Liver Powder

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Posted by Anonymous Dog Steward (Animal Country, Earth) on 11/25/2010


We have a dog that is a 10 year old blue healer. She was really struggling to get around and was very stiff and "stoved up". It didn't help that she was overweight and at her age it seems to take longer for her to lose weight. We thought that it maybe in the short future we would have to think about putting her down if she couldn't walk. I started giving her and our other dog 2 tsp of liver powder mixed in some plain yogurt daily and within 3 days there was a huge improvement! She could barely walk before and now will break out into short runs and moves 10 times quicker and walks much faster! Our other dog's coat is much softer and shinier. I have increased the amount I am giving them to 1 tablespoon. I am also going to try feeding them whole liver since we have some that is from a grass fed cow. Be sure to feed your dog something with fiber to help their digestive system as the liver seems to be a little constipating. I feed them pumpkin when giving them their liver(not mixed with the liver). I hope this can help anyone else who might be looking for something to help with older dogs. If I had know about this I would have been giving them liver since they were puppies.


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Posted by Mucky (Roseville, Ca) on 10/23/2014

The vet said the x-rays confirmed arthritis in our 10 year old cat. She was limping and acting different; isolating herself. The vet prescribed her some pain medicine and while waiting for it I put a good pinch of MSM powder in her wet food one evening. The next morning, I found her toys strewn throughout the hallway. Something she had not done since the onset of the limp. The limp was only noticeable if you looked for it. We continued the pinch of MSM plus a pinch of Vitamin C powder. After a few days, she was zipping and jumping around like her old self. Absolutely no signs of discomfort from the arthritis. Never even picked up the pain meds. Truly amazing.

Neem, Graviola, Chapparal, Andrographis

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Posted by Lizardhaven (Desert Hot Springs, California) on 01/12/2013

Neem, Graviola, Chapparal, Andrographis Herbal Tonic Reverses Arthritis, Joint Issues

i have had an elist for over a decade to help pets sent home to die when vets cancer treatments failed to work, or pets were too old and refused treatment. we wanted to find what increased the quality of life and extended the predicted life span.

One remedy we use is a strong tea made from 2 parts powdered neem, graviola, and chapparal, and one part andrographis.

We found that within a few days almost all pets felt better. Arthritis, other joint problems, and symptoms related to aging seemed to improve so consistently that many people now use the tonic as an arthritis remedy.

Replied by Jackie
(Melbourne FL)

I see the ratio you used for the herbs but how it a teaspoon or less and how much the mixture applied to the skin or do they drink it internally..ty very much

Olive Leaf Extract

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Posted by Dr. Dana (Kalkaska, Michigan) on 01/24/2012

Two years ago, my brothers dog (a 70 lb Shepard mix named Cassie) could barely get up let alone walk around without pain and discomfort. He left her in my care while he went on a trip. I was taking Olive Leaf Extract for a flu like symptoms, as O. L. E. Is a natural antibiotic. Cassie had been suffering for quite sometime, I got this idea to give her some of the stuff. The plan was to use it in a 2 week regimen just like I do for myself. I put a 500 mg pill inside a hollowed out vienna sausage, first I had to feed her some w/o the pill so she began to gobble them down, kinda like a kick start to get her gobbling. Once she was used to eating them I gave her the one with the pill in it, worked every time, she gobbled down the sausage and the pill. Much to my surprise, the very next day she showed a great improvement! I continued to give them to her over the next two weeks. It has now been over two years since this dog, that I didn't think was going to make it another 3 or 4 months, took the Olive Leaf Extract and she is doing just fine, especially for an old girl.

You can find Olive Leaf Extract in any health food or vitamin store, my bottle of (120) 500mg pills only cost $22. Way less than a trip to the vet, and there was plenty left over for me for later!!! Since Cassie's health so quickly improved, I have used the same treatment plan on my smaller 10 lb Shitzu dog with great results and no sign of side effects. Hope this helps your dog and or cat, or maybe even you and or your family and friends!

Raw Goat's Milk

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Posted by June (Kc, Ks) on 08/02/2009

Raw goat's milk for old arthritic cats and dogs

This past month my 15-year-old male cat (who is largely blind due to cataracts and has very bad back trouble after being run over by cars twice) has begun acting better. He trots around the yard, has an increased appetite, has put on weight and overall has more energy. It even seemed like he could see better. We were unsure of the cause. I thought it could be the milder summer weather or the h2o2 I put in his water or just luck. But now I think I know the answer to the riddle of his improved health: raw goats milk.

I got some more goats milk this morning and was talking to my friend about her own cats and dogs. She said they inherited a 13-year-old dog who had been cruelly penned up and could barely walk. The dog cried whenever she tried to straighten up. She was given goat's milk, just like all the other animals on the farm, and now the dog runs around "like she owns the place."

That was the light bulb moment for me. My cat loves that milk and when we gave it to him he bugged us all day every day for doses of the milk. We thought it was cute, but of course didn't realize it was doing him so much good.

What's really funny is he usually scrams whenever people visit. But he sat right by my friend as we chatted. I think he could smell the goat's milk!

I grew up on a farm and milked the goats every day before school and at night. My mom always said goat's milk was the best for you.

Rhus Toxicodendron

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Mary (Denton, Maryland) on 11/18/2009

I have used RhusTox 6x, 4 pellets 3x/day for my older dogs who have trouble getting on their back legs. Once I see improvement, I cut back the dosage to once or twice a day. It works quickly.

Rhus Toxicodendron
Posted by Lone (Denmark) on 07/26/2006

My dog's arthritis pains have been significantly reduced with Rhus toxicodendron.

Sea Mussels

1 User Review
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Posted by Josie (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/22/2010

I give my severely arthritic pit bull New Zealand Green-lipped Sea Mussels (Perna canaliculus) and it works brilliantly. She weighs about 55 lbs and is on the lean side...if your arthritic dog is even slightly overweight the kindest thing you can do is get the weight off. I give 1000 mg two times daily on her food. She likes the taste. You'll find the capsules at your health food or supplement store. She's been on them for over six years without interruption until I ran out of them for two days last week. The difference was astounding, we won't run out again. Feedback I've had from other folks is that they either work spectacularly or not at all, but for my part I'm thrilled we tried them. Thanks!

Sea Salt Water Cure

4 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Wichita, USA) on 08/23/2008

Natural remedies for animals seem to fly in the face of those who claim they only work as placebos.

Shake some unprocessed sea salt into the pooch's water. Domestic animals are notoriously salt deficient. If you know of someone who has a pet with arthritis, you can see the benefits of the watercure immediately. Just shake some sea salt in their water dish. I don't know if it's the salt or if it is the fact that they seem to drink more water if it has a pinch of salt in it, but it works. The "placebo effect" claims so often used against natural remedies won't hold up against a dog that is cured of arthritis or a child cured of asthma.

Sea Salt Water Cure
Posted by Cindy (Wichita, Kansas) on 08/17/2008

For my Lhasa Apso, I have used sea salt, after I had used it on myself with such amazing results. My "puppy" was 16 years old and could barely move around. I simply put a little salt in her water and she immediately started drinking more water. Her water consumption had slowed way down when she started getting old.

Unfortunately, she was already well into kidney failure but she was quite perky and able to jump up on the couch and run up and down the stairs as she hadn't in quite a while. It was very strange. She was perky and happy up to the very end though she was extremely emaciated by then. I was very comforted to have made her last days so happy and active. I miss her very much.

Sea Salt Water Cure
Posted by Bob (Moscow, Pa.) on 04/24/2007

If you check our pet testimonials On our site and read the home page story of how this was discovered, you will see that curing pet arthritis is not even a challenge. Just add unprocessed sea salt to its food and water and within 24 hours a pet will stand up and walk with a limp even though previously it had been unable to stand. Best of all it is free. Bob Butts

Replied by Sam
18 posts


I tried this with my dog last 2 days and no sign of improving unfortunately.


1 User Review
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Posted by Lorraine (Canada) on 09/25/2022

Look up benefits of SERRAPEPTASE, has never yet failed for my elderly arthritic cats and dogs. Works best on its own.. take 1 hour before meals or two hours after meal


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Posted by Bonnie (Colts Neck, NJ) on 12/28/2008

Shakey dog legs: My 11 year old Jack Russell terrier is in good health walking at least a mile a day and running in a big yard. Over the past year he has developed a shakiness in his rear legs-like a nervous tremor. He is not in pain but I was hoping someone might have a supplement to suggest-He gets a dab of coconut oil daily and I have started ACV drops on his back and water. I was feeding antioxidant vitamins too. Any suggestions would be most helpful. Thanks!

EC: Our dog Max has had this issue for the past few years -- he's turning 15 in March! T-Touch (aka Tellington TTouch) has been very effective at stopping the tremors for a day or two.

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