Coconut Oil and Turmeric
Coconut oil is absorbed differently. That is why it became a health fad for people. Humans found they lost weight when they added coconut oil to their diets.
Low fat diet is not the way to go. Dogs need healthy fats just like humans. They NEED omega fatty acids. Keeping a dog on a low fat diet will give the dog heart disease and skin issues like itching and flaking.
You should really do more research on holistic remedies for dogs before you give your dog a heart problem.
Cotton Thread and Clear Nail Polish
First, I tied a cotton thread, wound twice as tightly as possible and then knotted off around the very base of the skin tag. Then I coated the skin tag with clear nail polish. If you go to youtube, you'll find a kindly man who has treated many dogs with these two methods (separate videos). Urls are below.
At the 3 day mark, I tied another piece of thread to ensure as the skin tag had shriveled considerably in size and you need it tight to cut off the blood supply to the skin tag. I also coated it again with clear nail polish.
It took a week before the large skin tag had completely shriveled up and turned black. I then sterilized some good scissors under a flame and then snipped the dried tag off at the base being careful not to snip her skin. She had no pain when I snipped it off and there was no blood. Also, it doesn't appear that tying a string around the skin tag caused any pain or discomfort at all. She didn't lick the skin tag once the whole week.
It can also work on other growths besides skin tags like cysts and tumors.
The videos I watched first before attempting this: (the string method) (clear nail polish method)
About a year ago I noticed a large 1 1/2 boil on the back of my German Shepard. I tried lots of natural remedies with no success. Some time later I took her to the vet and he looked at it and then took a small lance and popped it open and out came this pimply white poop. He said it was basically a clogged oil gland, like a large pimple. He left a small hole and gave me some antibiotic ointment to inject into the hole to clear it up. I did that for a while, but it didn't work. It kept filling up, but the hole was still there. Again, I tried all my natural anti infection remedies and I have lots...nothing working worked. It kept filling up again. Then I had a flash. What's happening is the gland is clogged and coagulated. It needs something to dissolve the gook that's blocking it. DMSO I's a solvent and presto...
I squeezed out as much as I could and then I soaked a Q tip with DMSO and applied it for a few days and it completely dried it out.
Many months later, I noticed another one closer to the tail. I tried popping it, but it wouldn't budge for me. I thought maybe it's something else. Coco went for her regular vet visit and I asked him to look at it. Again he lanced and drained it. When we got home, I squeezed out what was left and again applied DMSO with a Q-Tip and then poured a little over it and again it completely dried it up.
Just to clarify, this is not the more flat fatty tumors, which are more jelly like to touch. These are like round boils, but I'm sold on the DMSO for this.
DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Thanks to whoever wrote in about DMSO and Peroxide combo in EC's pets section. Inspired me to try this remedy combo.
Note: I tested this out on myself first (and am still using it) to make sure there were no side effects like burning and am happy to report there aren't any side effects with this concentration other than white skin on fingertips if I hold a supersaturated H202 cotton ball to an area fon my body for over 8 minutes. This disappears an hour or two later.
The Remedy:
I simply added a few drops of DMSO to a small dish containing 12% FGH2O2 and applied with a qtip to the mole on the top of my dog's head the first night. The mole started to flake apart within a few hours after application.
The second night, I held a cotton ball doused in the same mixture on the spot for a minute.
To my utter amazement, the growth simply fell apart and off his head right then and there!
Now, the vet had frozen this same mole off his head last October and it caused him considerable pain at the time. It also took 3 weeks to disappear, during which time it bled from time to time. Then it grew back a few months after that.
So imagine my hoorah when this ugly looking thing just fell off after such a short time. No blood, no pain. So amazing. I should have taken pics, but I didn't think it would work that fast.
I continue to use this combo on another skin tag near his bottom lip and also on my other 15 year old dog who has a few benign cysts on her face and neck. Can't tell if it's going to work. They seem to have shrunk a bit but hard to say. However, definitely not the dramatic instant cure like the skin tag/mole. So the success of this remedy really depends on the type of growth it is.
P.S. Would 3% peroxide be strong enough to achieve an almost instantaneous cure OR just the peroxide on its own (without the DMSO)? Not sure about that. Try it and let us know. I'm happy with the 12% after testing it extensively on my own skin for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Brilliant! That's very interesting. I recall just barely touching a horrible weeping hot spot on my dog's neck with a cotton ball with some apple cider vinegar on it before he bolted - wasn't even on it for a second - and how it had dried up by the next day.
(Cancun, Mexico)
Diamotaceous Earth (aka fossil flour), is literally dirt cheap. Sprinkle some over the area! Another poster in a D.E. thread here mentioned to not use a metal spoon when handling D.E. as that would negate the charge. I can attest it sure feels that way when I rub D.E. on an infection of mine, ie tiny electrical discharges). When I found Dog#2, both shoulder blades had massive infection with large pus pockets. He was in agony. I could see small slits on each blade so I knew the D.E. would have them draining in 15-20 minutes, and I was right. I was able to sprinkle some D.E. on him and it was so light it didnt cause him additional pain. 20 mins later I could smell the pus just leaking down from the wounds. The dog was out of agony for about the cost of about 25cents. I haven't found that post again yet to thank that guy, but D.E. has saved me and my rescues from many different infections, sores & bites, burns, and alot of pain! D.E. contains silica, which is something our skin has/needs, but not for too many days in a row, as it can be drying to the skin. I only use it in the initial healing phase. Our bodies do heal themselves very well, if infection is kept out of the way. After infection is no longer a concern, you want to moisturize the area to aid in cellular turnover, which speeds healing.
Multiple Remedies
Often, with tumors, dogs do well with some salt. Two water bowls, one with some salt and one plain. You could actually do 3 water bowls and check iodine levels at the same time.
(Dublin, OH)
Hi Marilyn,
My Golden Retriever had a similarly-sized cyst which grew. You don't say how long you've been using the turmeric & coconut oil, but I added these to my dog's food each time I fed her (2x/day) for 2 weeks. Make sure you're using Organic UNrefined Virgin Coconut Oil since unrefined VCO is best to ingest.
Here's the EC link to my post about my dog's cyst:
Frankincense oil is very effective in clearing the excess sebum and unblocking the blocked sebaceous glands. It also helps in reducing the problem of inflammation and itching very effectively. Therefore it is advisable to apply some frankincense oil over the affected areas to get relief. Frankincense essential oil has been very helpful to my family for cysts. It is gentle and can be used on broken skin. I think Now Brand sells one that is 25% Frankincense so it is already diluted and ready to use. Turmeric and Coconut oil is good for internal medicine.
Sialocele Remedies
EC: Definition: A sialocele is a cyst filled with a collection of mucoid saliva in the tissues surrounding a salivary gland.
Dear Lucus,
I would try massaging the cysts with a bit of castor oil a couple of times a day.
Also, see Earth Clinic's page about using turmeric for all sorts of things in pets, including cysts.
~Mama to Many~
Turmeric and Burdock Root
I have an 8 month old German Shepherd Puppy. Over a month ago we noticed that she had a large lump under her neck, off to the side. It actually looked like she had a tennis ball under the skin. It did not seem to cause her pain and wasn't affecting her activity. I took her to the vet. The vet drew out some blood from the area and concluded it was a hematoma. This seemed odd to me, but given how much she wrestles with our older German Shepherd, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. The vet gave her a course of antibiotics. I went ahead and used them because I was about to go out of town and felt I needed to cover my bases. The swelling began improving and within a week or two she looked normal.
Another week or two passed and suddenly the lump was back! Again, it looked like she swallowed a tennis ball. It felt doughy. I am not convinced it was a hematoma, and oddly the antibiotic seemed to work. At the same time, it fit the description of a lipoma, though that seemed odd for a puppy.
I started giving her turmeric and burdock root twice daily. Each is in pill form. I fold them into half a piece of cheese and she takes it easily.
Within a few days the swelling was subsiding. I think something may have drained; she had some evidence of fluid on her neck. (But, then again, she is a farm dog and it could have been anything! )
I still do not know what she had. Infection? Lipoma? Something else?
I do know that next time there is a mystery lump, my first remedy with be turmeric and burdock root! (She is about 50lbs. I gave her one of each pill twice a day.)
~Mama to Many~
Vinegar + Coconut Oil
But within a week, the hair had grown back completely healthy and there was NO remaining bump. Previously, even after popping, it looked almost like a bit of a wart was left. Within a day or two that had fallen off and it was just a hole that we kept clean as we kept applying both 3ish times a day! I wish I had taken this route in the first place as we already knew it was just a simple sebaceous cyst.
Keep this in mind if your dog gets one! It worked wonders for ours! (FYI: Apple cider vinegar with the "mother" works best of course, but others will be fine. BUT the coconut oil MUST be unrefined or else it will just make things worse because it's basically fryolator oil if it's 'refined'! )