3 User Reviews
10 days after I started him on the water, the cyst is gone and his eyelid 100% healed!! It makes me think that the tap water that I had been putting in his water bowl, even filtered by a Brita container, was the cause of the sty in the first place.
This simple remedy saved me at least $800 in surgical bills at the vets. I am very grateful for the person who posted this remedy on Earth Clinic.
(Boston, Ma)
You should get the biopsy done to make sure it isn't cancerous. If the bumps are cysts then try the spring water treatment. If they aren't cysts the spring water won't do anything but waste money.
(Nashville, Tn)
I have a Lab with lumps under her coat. She is about to be 9 y. O. And of course she is part of my family. The vet said biopsy but then what? I am not wanting to do chemo, etc. So, what is your spring water? I would love to do holistic avenues before anything further is considered and certainly don't want to make her life anything but better.
(Dutchess County)
I have a Shih Tzu who has many many cysts all over her, she gets nothing but spring water but still gets them. I'm also doing all the research I can to figure out what to do for her.