Aloe Vera Gel
A neighbour suggested I try aloe vera gel. I'm glad I did. It really seems to help with the itching and stops his ears from being dry. Most of the condition is gone, but he still has some remnants of this horrible stuff on his face. Aloe vera gel is good here too.
I hope this helps dogs and owners. It's a terrible condition for your furry friend to have, but it's also an opportunity to show them how much you love them and how far you'll go to helping them through it.
Good luck!
PS. I'm using Aloe Pura Aloe Vera produced from 99.9% organic Aloe Vera gel
African street dogs are prone to mange. What works well - the classics:
- Shot of Ivermectine on day 1
- Antibiotics coverage according to vet's instruction
- Amitraz solution bath on day 1
- Amitraz baths must be given every 2 weeks, then every month until 100% recovery
- Skin condition will be greatly improved with Karit butter, or cade nut oil.
(Pitcairn, Pa)
What amount mixtures do I use? I have 8 year German Shepherd eating his back, inside legs, part of tail.Loosing hair on elbows too. Tried Borax, shampoo regular with oatmeal shampoo spayed rubbed in white vinigar, anti ich sprays & creams. Please help me with my BOY ARAGON
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Robert,
I am not able to advise on aloe vera dose, but I do want to add that a diet change can work wonders for some dogs. Read the label on the dog food and if you see grains try switching to a grain free diet - it can significantly reduce itching. Also if you feed grain free already, switching to a different protien can also help. Lastly, you might consider alkalizing your dog's drinking water or try Ted's Borax protocol for dogs to address systemic yeast in the GI tract which is usually a factor in skin sensitivities.
(Sydney Australia)
Robert, I tried aloe vera juice and gel for a dog I had and didn';t have much success, but the dosage is 1ml for every kilo of the juice. The gel I rubbed on him didn't get the results I had hoped for.
Do not give ivermectin to your GSD. Research ivermectin before use. The dose they give for mange is two times what they would give for heartworms. Herding dogs can have a severe reaction which does include death. Go with Apple Cider Vinegar accompanied by other treatments like coconut oil.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey there!
This is an old post but may be helpful to you:
Posted by Garry (RI) on 01/08/2007
[YEA] Saw the responses to your treatments and I gave him two dips with the peroxide / borax the first couple of weeks and then switched to a 50 / 50 water / white vinegar / borax dip ever since. I used white instead of ACV because it's cheaper and it seems that it's the acetic acid that is the carrier into the skin. ALL of his hair is back and he hardly scratches anymore. He gets the recommended borax in the the drinking water too. I intend to give him maintenance dips once every month or so and may continue with the Borax in the drinking water as an ongoing thing. Great advice! Thanks again!
I used apple cider vinegar on my dog who was badly infected cause for a while I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I sprayed and massaged the vinegar to his coat everyday for 3 days and bathed him fourth day, already looking way better, all the skin is turning pink and soft now. Still got come flakes, will continue treatment till 100%. Just want to share and thanks for the advise here I got!
So do you pour the vinegar or spray it? My dogs are battling this now and making me sad seeing them like this.
EC: If it's mange, please see our borax and peroxide cure for mange. It is the most effective, without any side effects.
(San Diego, Ca)
So is the ACV or Vingar better than the Hydrogen Peroxide for getting to the root? My dog has just past 3 weeks. I do it every other day. The part on the neck and shoulders back is almost healed. But the chin and around eye is not and looks like red elephant skin. Like to make it go faster! Homeopathic Sulfur and Psorium has helped. Giving Psorium 30 once a week and Sulfur 30 now 200 as least 2 times a week or more. It has help the itch and gets things moving. But the face/chin is a long is this going to take????
I just started Fresh Aloe for itch.
But do you think the Vingar will get to the bad part with the Borax better???? Thanks so so much!!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Lynn!
Vinegar is not better than the hydrogen peroxide for the mange remedy -it can be used in the formula, but it creates peracetic acid which is very strong and harsh on the skin. It sounds like you have a good start and are seeing results; please remember that healing takes time - it is something you simply cannot rush.
You might find the topical application of an OTC tripple antibiotic ointment helpful in healing the elephant skin - you might also consider coconut oil as well. The idea is to put a softening oil with an antimicrobial agent on the skin to sooth it and moisturize.
Additional approaches; alkalizing the drinking water with baking soda and improving the diet by going grain free if you have not done so already.
(Tucson, Az)
I have a Pitbull I rescued she was about 6 or 7 weeks old at the time. She always had very pink skin, I thought because of her coat being so sparse and getting sunburn. That was until her left side of her face became like Elephant skin, hair loss and her eye swollen shut. The Vet wanted me to use some very nasty toxic mixed spray that has horrific side effects I am not willing to potentially put my Beloved through them when I came along this website.
Did you use straight apple cider vinegar? Or is it best to dilute it and make a spray with it. If spray is recommended, she does not like being messed with so a spray would work better for us, how should this be mixed with water. I have boiled water to disinfect it, just in case, even though I have filtered water.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Also, my Beloved's eye was brown and since this happened to her her eye is now a baby blue. Has this happened to anyone? My Vet has me putting ointment in her eye for bacteria. I have like 9 different things I do for her mange he recommended. Including Bravecto and I read it does indeed kill the mites.
She is getting better.
EC: Apple Cider Vinegar should be diluted with water when used on pet's skin. You might start with 1 cup vinegar plus 1 cup water. If it irritates her, use less vinegar.
Hi, would you add water to the cider vinegar? Thanks in advance.
(Sydney Australia)
Pauline, try half and half or 3/4s ACV and 1/4 water.
(Erie Pa)
I used apple cider vinegar. My dog was miserable for a year, I gave her two baths with apple cider vinegar and she is cured. Thanks. Cost $5 for two gallons.
(St. Augustine, Fl)
Did you have a scrape done at the Vet? Just curious. Thanks
Why not try all natural Pumpkin? Works like a charm.
Yes I also have 2 Newfies ...use not use borax
(Mpls., Mn)
Borax does not bleach the coat - its the hydrogen peroxide. Borax is safe!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I don't know whether my dog has fleas, scabies or mange, or some kind of dermatitis. (I'm praying it's not sebaceous adenitis, which is a known disease for poodles. He is considered young for SA. ) But I understand this solution is broadly effective for all these problems.
Sorry for all the dialogue. My concern: I have used hydrogen peroxide 3% on my dog, in combination with baking soda and dish soap when he was sprayed by a skunk. I do not think the hydrogen peroxide is good for his beautiful black coat!
So I'd prefer to use vinegar - regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar, whichever.
My question is do I dilute the 5% vinegar with water, as you dilute the 3% hydrogen peroxide?
Thanks for your help! I await your response. Cathy
(Pasadena, California)
hi Cathy, this sounds like a similar issue I have been struggling with my dog (a mutt)... The best thing I have found is bathing him every 10 days to 2 weeks with human shampoo made with tea tree oil and making sure to rinse it out thoroughly. I also cleanse his ears once a week because they tend to get very yeasty. I believe after much research, that I have been dealing with a yeast issue. The apple cider vinegar didn't do much for his skin issues, so I would try the bathing route if I was you. Also look into yeast overgrowth from your dog's food. Happens more than we realize. Good luck and blessings to you and your furry friend!
My 5 month old pup was diagnosed with localized demodectic mange. After lots of research I decided to use extra virgin coconut oil (feed it to her. I believe its 1 tsp per every 10 lbs and also rub on trouble areas) It does seem to help as some of the areas have cleared up but it still has spread now to other areas. I was thankful to come upon this website!! I will be trying the ACV, I actually just rubbed the red areas of her chest with it so we will see what happens!!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Kavegirl!
If your dog was skin scraped confirmed to have localized demodicosis, you might consider Ted's Mange remedy; I have first hand experience using the remedy for my pup that had demodex and it did the trick!
Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
1 -16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
I get both of these from the grocery store.
Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.
Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.
Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.
If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!
Dip the dog once per week for 1 month and up to 2; 8 dips should resolve the demodex and if it does not, then you likely are not dealing with demodex.
(Cancun, Mexico)
Hello. I just wanted to add here that keeping a dog in a tub for 30 mins does not sound easy. No bathtubs here at my house, so I sponge-bathed my dogs with the solution 3 times over the infected areas, which took one minute, then leave them to air dry. This works like a charm, every time. You want to get the skin wet, but it doesn't really need to soak the dog for 1/2 hr to work.
Thanks for the info, ACV seems to be doing the trick! The heat was gone from the red spots within 15 minutes and the red was gone within 24 hours! I have beed spraying her with a light mist of ACV 2x daily and working it into her fur and she has been itching MUCH less, almost no itching. And it appears she is getting new hair growth :) I also have been rubbing vitamin e oil on the scaly areas and it appears to be helping also!
I enjoyed your post. I have a 15 lb Silky Terrier. He is 2 years old. I have been treating his Demodectic Mange since he was a pup with success. However Demodectic Mange is an Auto Immune problem so you have to treat the condition until the Immune System is built up. So the Ted's Mange remedy is not a cure, but it will control the Mange until the healthy Immune system takes over.
All dogs have Mange but their Healthy Immune System keeps the condition at bay. It is the same with Humans. We all have Cancer and other diseases but our healthy Immune System keeps them at bay. And for God's sake no one should ever use the POISON Vet cure Ivermectin.
Not that it doesn't work, but the problem is you have to administer this poison for the life of the dog, and if you stop using Ivermectin the Mange will return with a vengeance. Bottom line, the dog still has a weak Immune System.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Ken!
Thanks for your post!
I do want to point out that an autoimmune problem is one where the body's immune system attacks its own healthy cells- this is different from a weakened or compromised immune system which allows ordinary things that are commonly found on the body - bacterial staph or demodex mites - to run amok and cause problems.
I agree that a weakened or immature immune system may result in a demodex mite break out; in my experience there is such a thing as a cure - as Ted's remedy kills the mites, and when used consistently over time [6-12 weeks] will stop a mite break out. Some will insist that any sign of demodex = genetic issue/compromised immune system, however I tend to view demodex as a parasite first. We worm our dogs because worms are parasites and a heavy worm load can kill our pets; we don't say that our pet's inability to combat the parasite is an immune disorder: I tend to lean in that direction with most demodex issues.
Have you had your dog scraped and confirmed for demodex? If you did and got a positive 2 years ago, have you had one done recently? I ask because 2 years is a remarkable time to battle a parasitic mite with a 2 week life span. My last demodex dog - a puppy - was treated by the book with Ted's Mange remedy and she cleared up quickly. For your dog's mange to continue for *years* makes me wonder if you are dealing with a super resistant strain of demodex mite, an underlying health issue such as cancer or malfunctioning thyroid - or that you may be dealing with sarcoptic mange [and constantly getting reinfected for some reason] or that you may be dealing with something else entirely such as allergies.
In any event you may find it helpful to supplement your guy with yucca/yucca intensive; this helps to build up the immune system and reduce inflammation. Quercetin also may help, as well as colostrum; you can find all three of these remedies at your local health food store.
(Tucson Az)
Were you spraying with straight ACV? Your help is appreciated. Blessings to everyone and their Beloved fur kids.
EC: Hi Tammy,
Apple Cider Vinegar should always be diluted with water 50/50.
Can borax be replaced with Diatomaceous Earth?...borax might be too strong for my baby pit.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hello Dana,
The answer is NO. DE works differently than borax in the mange remedy. I used Ted's Mange Remedy as directed on my baby French Bulldog and it cured her demodex mange and was not too strong and did not cause any irritation or dryness.
(Cali Colombia)
Sorry, although I like to use natural remedies on myself and my dogs, I have used Ivemectin since 1984 and have never had a problem with any of my Riesenschnauzers and I had over 6 adults during that time. To each his own If Ivermectin will keep my boy from suffering and looking badly he is getting it. Now I must say I am using ACV straight and also Tea Tree oil but I have good days and HORRIBLE days. I hate seeing him suffer and he is only 4 months old and a big Belgian Malinois. It has to be his immune system because my little Yorkie is not affected. I believe in natural as well as the next person but I have great friend and doctor DR. O'birne a biomedical doctor and one of the best in the world and a HEEL Laboratory representative who goes on tour for HEEL, he is also a surgeon and a acupuncture practitioner. He says sometimes you have to use modern medicine if all else fails sometimes both. One of the smartest people I have ever met.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've been looking after a 7month old bull terrier pup for 6 days who has mange. The poor girl's skin was bright dark/hot pink and felt very hot to touch. She has lost most of her hair on the underside and it was very bristley to touch.
I've used ACV 2-3 times a day using 1/3 cup to 2/3 cup water in a spray bottle to soak her all over. Her skin is now normal light pink except a couple of the worst spots, her hair is soft to touch and she has come out of her shell playing with the other dogs. It is obvious she is so much happier now so it must feel much better!
I'll now reduce the ratio down to 1/6 ACV to 5/6 water.
Injections and vet treatments made no improvement to her condition for over 3 months yet this has improved it in a week. Will keep using it for the next few weeks to see how much it improves.
(Raleigh, Nc, Usa)
Well I want to let you know that I made a concoction of apple cider vinegar plus baby oil plus Listerine. Apparently as everyone knows, baby oil smothers the mites, the Listerine and the antiseptic in the Listerine helps heal and soothe the affected area. As far as the apple cider vinegar I really still don't know what it does but I put it in there I use this simple spray bottle and I used equal parts of apple cider vinegar in the stream and 1/3 cup of baby oil.
I sprayed it on the dogs and in two days their hair is growing back. I have three outside dogs they are fairly large I also gave them each one small Benadryl tablet for anti-itching as I heard this helps him to stop bitching as well. I'll keep everyone updated on the progress but so far this concoction seems to work
(Raleigh, N.C.)
Did this really work for your dog? If so how long was it before you were able to see a difference?
(Manhattan Beach, Ca)
Can you be more clear about the exact proportions of acv, baby oil and listerine
(Manhattan Beach, Ca)
Can you be more clear about the exact proportions of acv, baby oil and listerine
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Phyllis!
The thread you posted to has been inactive since last June; in case the original contributor does not see your request, I will post Ted's Mange remedy for you:
This is what I do to make up the mange remedy.
Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
1 -16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
I get both of these from the grocery store.
Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.
Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.
Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.
If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!
Dip the dog once per week for 1 month and up to 2; 8 dips should resolve the mange and if it does not, then you likely are not dealing with mange.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Now I have discovered ACV. Today is the 3rd day of ACV in his food and he is no more scratching at all.
I intend to start giving my baby some multi-vitamin tablets and would like to know whether those sold over the counter consumed by humans can be given to my westie. If not, what brand of pet multivitamin would be good? Which ingredients in the vitamin tablets should I stay away from.
I have also placed an order for Borax and will be following thru the HydroPero Borax regime.
For those who are in SG.... Can get in touch with me at [email protected]. Maybe we can share some tips.
Thanks Ted.
(New York, New York)
Well while Apple Cider Vinegar might be beneficial, it doesnt cure the problem. OMG, NEVER EVER USE BORAX ON YOUR DOG.... I have four pit bulls and one got mange and theyb spread it to eachother because I couldnt keep them apart. They cried for eachother. Vet injections can be deadly. Borax felt hot and somewhat of a burning sensation, which is more tolerable when you think about it than a persistant itch. I tried the patch test on my arm.
Please use safe products on your pets, nothing harsh, ive Leave this treatment to air dry on your dog or cat. Read some crazy things. Yeah you go nuts when your dog doesnt get better. Give them good quality food, dog food or raw diet. Then give them a bath with antimicrobial or antibacterial shampoo for dogs. Wash all the things they lay or walk on with hot water and bleach, try to use the one that is not original, the sent is harmful to pets, clorox lavender or any other sent is great. Then pour a mixture of warm water and listerine original, use it equal parts or try to use a bit more Listerine, this really works. Listerine is an antiseptic, and it kills the itch, the mange is on the skin and hair follicles, and just below the skin -why it takes soooo long to cure. But if you care for your pet, and dont want them bleeding and in pain, DO THIS, IT REALLY WORKS. The hair w-ill grow back and your dog will feel better and know you are caring for him. Some people spray the mixture on, I wanted to see results, and stop their discomfort, so I poured it on where needed and gently did their faces with a cotton wash towel. The bumps all gone, the itch all gone, the mange, after 2 Months, and dogs will vary, ALL GONE. GOOD LUCK.
I used the Borax solution on my whole body multiple times. Including my face. It does not burn or sting at all. It did not bother my eyes at all. Perhaps you tried boric acid.
(Missouri (mo))
Does this really work and what do I do I how do it.
EC: The most popular remedy for mange is the borax and peroxide treatment from Ted. Thousands of people have used this remedy worldwide since 2004. Instructions here:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Then I tried one capful of natural apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. I took a cotton ball, dipped it in the mixture, rang it out good. Then cleaned his ears with a slightly moist cotton ball. Within a couple of days I saw a big difference in his ear grime.
So then I thought I would try it for the mange and ring worm, I took the mixture, and soaked his ear good. I also wet the areas where there was the most flakiness and crusty flakes. Again within a week, big improvement! I highly recommend anyone to try this, but for him I couldn't use full strength. Just the smell made him puke on the spot.
One capful is all you need to one cup tepid water, it worked so well. I imagine you could also use it in a spray bottle and spray around the house, wherever he hangs out. They also liked me, so I used full strength on myself for ring worm and mange mites.
(Salisbury, Ma.usa)
I always knew that dogs had mange but but not cats(?) I never got to see what it looked like first hand until I just saw the picture of mange on a dog in this chat forum. I have been trying to find out what my kitten has, I found her as a stray roaming aimlessly around certain streets, I looked at her sores and thought it was where she keeps biting her self, then I saw this black mite come out of her fur/how gross, I have tried about every thing including dawn dish liquid there are white sores all over her body then some black sores I'm assuming are the mites. I'm going to have to try everything until I find a remedy and first is the Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water. I am constantly cleaning everything with either amonia or bleach. Thanks to every one here for your input, it's been a god send for this site. I cannot afford a vet only to find I'm back to square one still looking for the same remedies. Thanks....... ;o)
(Georgetgown, South Carolina)
(Qld, Australia)
IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT HELPING YOUR PET WITH MANGE, PLEASE READ. My dogs hair was falling out so naturaly I look him to the vet, spending hundreds on vet bills, skin scrapes and medication, I was told I had to put him on ivomec, I didn't know much About the product but trusting the vets advice I begain to use the ivomec. I was recommended 1.2 ml a day until the mite died. About 2 weeks into the treatment I noticed a big change in my dog, but it was not for the better. He was swaying and began to fall over. He became a very sick dog. I took him straight off the medication and he became healthy again, but it did not kill the demodectic mite he was diagnosed with. I didn't seem to have any form Of effect on the mite at all.
Almost giving up I found this site! I read a few post and saw a few people had positive things to say about apple cider vinegar. I was in my local shopping centre and it caught my eye. I thought it was worth a try! I have been puring it directly on a cotton bud and applying it directly to the infected area! I had only applied it to one section of the infected area for testing and In just four days his hair had starting growing back in this section, its clear that this really works as the areas I havnt applied it to were still the same, I had noticed a huge difference, so t I applied it to all the infected areas. Pryer to using the ACV, I rubbed mayonnaise over the infected area ( This is ment to help to suffocate the mite), and have started him on a raw food diet. If your serious about helping your pet I seriously reccoment these things:
1. Make sure he/she is clean.
2. Make sure where they sleep is clean.
3. Clean drinking water
4. Put them on a raw food diet. - tuna - off cuts of raw meat from your local butcher. - raw egg - & graded carrot.
5. Add a thick layer of mayonnaise to the infected area. Leave it on for a few hours! Rince off with water!
6. When infected area is dry rub on apple cider vinigar and leave it on.
I just wanted to share my experience and findings with everyone, and helpfully this info can help someone else as it has helped me!
(Long Beach , Ca)
Hi, I read your post and I am going to try the ACV because I already spend so much money going to the vet. And my chihuahua still has the mange. I am very sad because I try to keep her clean and I do what the vet say and it is not working. I wonder how she is getting the mites. I have birds and I want to know if the birds may transmite the mites to my dog. Also, I have grass in my backyard do you know if the mites are also present in the grass? I am going to start today the ACV treatment. Thank you
(Atlanta, Georgia)
My puppy mill rescue dog has had demodectic mange all of his three years since I've had him when he was 2 weeks old. I took him to a couple different vets when one treatment would fall then to the next. And here's what I'm learning after I almost lost my dog after what was diagnosed as overdose on ivermectin-which by the way is great for ear mites and the mange, caused my dog to go blind and paralyzed within hours of the new refilled dosage of ivermectin-any treatment for demodex mites are temporary only because it will start taking over your pet's skin because of the weak immune system. So whatever works, great. Keep On that track until it doesn't work, go back to something that used to work. It won't cure your dog, but will make it manageable.
(Dover, Nj)
(Tucson Az)
All blood born living things have mites. All of us. It is when our immune system spirals the mites develop in massive amounts and create havoc. Now, there are other forms of mites, scabies, this is not immune system born and is highly contagious as I understand the research. I have read most of the posts here, and one suggesting nothing works......but this post was related to "yeast infection" this is totally unrelated to "mites, " "mange, " I know I have both experiences with my clan. For sure a difference in how to treat both experiences. With yeast infections, I find Selsum Blue shampoo works great killing the yeast. I am going to try the ACV for the mange my Pitty has and I will update her results.
(Las Vegas, Nevada)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hello Chia,
It does not sound as if your pub has mange. Pustules/pimples are typically associated with staph infection. You would do well do give your pug a dip in Ted's Mange Remedy, as an initial skin cleanse, and you could follow up with a few more dips to get the skin infection under control, but too many dips will only dry her skin out even more. You might consider coconut oil on her skin to help with the dryness after you dip her. I have found that skin troubles are directly related to diet - what are you feeding? Look at your dog food bag and read the ingredients - if you see corn or grain in the list then you might see great improvements by switching to a grain free diet. I also suggest you consider Ted's Borax Protocol for dogs and also alkalizing her drinking water with baking soda. If you can switch to a grain free diet, and then fight the yeast from the inside out via treated water, the topical skin treatments will be more effective.
Apple Cider Vinegar
C M Stanton. Australia
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Lafayette , Georgia)
how often did you use the viniger on the dogs mange an did it work thanks jim from Georgia at [email protected]
(Pell City, Al)
(Angeles City, Philippines)
hi! just want to say that i tried this apple cider vinegar to my dog(toy poodel) for the last month he suffer from mange...then i found this site and tried this apple cider vinegar...for 5 days now...and guez what?! it works! my dogs hair now is growing back...just want to say thanks you...
(Huntington Beach, Ca/usa)
I just sprayed my pug with this solution and I am hoping it works. She is an itchy mess and the vet just says she has allergies. I have my fingers crossed. Thanks for the information!
(Strasburg, Colorado)
i am a naturopath and I deal with people and not pets. I use and recommend apple cider vinegar to most everyone as it seems to have amazing healing capabilities. I never thought about using on my animals. Duh. One of my pugs that was rescued from a puppy mill came to me with a hot spot on her tail. Within 2 weeks she was covered in hot spots. Vet said she had allergies.
Soon pug #2 with beautiful hair had spots all over her, to the point of bleeding. Vet said pug #2 had allergies as well. I thought this odd since everyone was fine until the puppy mill pug came to live with us. Had a skin scrape done and nothing was found. Many hundreds of dollars later, pug #3 and husky are scratching and have hot spots all over them. Figuring its not allergies but rather mange, mites maybe scabies. I have started using apple cider vinegar on all dogs and myself as I felt a couple of bites on my arms. I will let you know the result. Should have thought of this a long time ago!
(Georgetown, South Carolina)
happy to report lucky is doing much better//hes not acting sluggish like he was and the bald spots are looking much better no redness which means the bitting has stopped//i also dont hear him gurgling and guggling (the sound when hes into a biting frenzy)and its only been 4 days since I first used the acv// today I was planning on taking lucky to vet to get a diagnosis but I dont think that is neccessary lucky is doing fine and so are tips, and runt // thank you for your help . A doglover till I die, ms avent
(Auburn, Nh)
I have 2 dogs Booda (pug) & Bella (Lab/Border Collie) booda started digging about 2-3 months ago and the vet said allergies, than Bella is itching since 2-3 weeks ago and now so am I, as we speak :-(. This is a big deal as I have done meds, cleaning everything in hot water, vacuming, and a scrin scrap that was negative on booda (pug) my vet says fleas (dont see any types of bugs at all), and my dr says dry skin or stress. I am dying over here to find a remedy can someone PLEASE HELP US! ;-(
(Alvin, Texas)
Dear Folks with itching dogs- my dad has two Boston's Terriers and they both have suffered with the chewing on feet, tail etc. Dad was able to take them to a vet dermatologist (yet- there is such a beast- kidding) they had the "scrape test". Results were varied from foods to different grasses- in other words ALLERGIES- egads. They are now (and have been for years) on a rabbit meat diet (available canned and in dry from various manufactures) and doing well. There are also Limited Ingredient Diets you may want to try. When they occasionally find their way into the cat food or something outside (like spring or fall) sets off the chewing feet- we give them benadryl. I know telling the dosage is important here but the best I can do for you is to advise you to ask/call your vet - most will tell you over the phone how much for your dog's weight. Hope this helps. Patience is key.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Borax, Neem
The Nahni of Buddy and Hercules
(Salisbury, Ma)
Doggie Nahi;Wilmington, OH.
I think I read the treatments to be a week apart, but please don't quote me, Im not too sure of where to actually start, my mangy mutt is a kitten(chuckles)she is very hard to hold onto and I have no one to actually help me. I did part of her mid section back but I never got to get to her tail which is also infested, I tried to do her ears where they too are a nasty smelly mess, it's a total nightmare and I know she is in great pain even though I did some of the work she seems to feel better than when I found her as a stray.
I found the original web page in here as to the treatments step by step instructions they are great, but I keep getting lost with so many posts an pages. Keep searching an you will be sure to find the great site, you might want to try a web search?. Good luck
(Brooksville, Fl)
I found an easy solution for mange. A small matted pekingese ran in front of my daughters car. Well thank god she didnt hit it. She brought her home and she was badly matted with black mange from mid torso to back legs. She was so stinky I could smell her from across the room. I work with a local rescue so she knew I wouldnt turn her away. I shaved the matts. She is a small dog so it was easier to do this. I put olive oil on her for two days and covered it with a small very stretchy sock cutting holes in it like underpants. Of course I removed it to take her outside.
After two days of that I soaked her for 15-20 minutes in Dr Scholls foot soak (CVS has a brand of there own foot soak almost same ingredients) which contains borax, iodine and some other very good ingredients. I did not dry her I let her just blot dry and air dry. I saw immediate improvement in her. I have used the olive oil on many mites and lices before and the foot soak on my own kids that had itchies! So I tried in on this small beautiful girl. What a success! The black skin flaked off and low and behold she had short hair under that huge patchy place. Her coat was full thick and shiney. She laid down and off to sleep she went. Cheap and easy fix. Now I will take her to the vet to check microchip and get a checkup. Hope everything else goes just as well!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Mayonnaise
First put mayonnaise all over the dog - it has to be real mayo. Leave on for 30 minutes then rinse very well with warm water.
Then, instead of using shampoo, I took a bar of Caress Beauty soap. Lather up and scrub her all over down to her feet and in between the pads left on for 10 minutes. Then rinse through very well to remove all soap. Then I mixed up apple cider vinegar and water (50/50) and poured over her and allowed her to dry as much as possible without towel drying.
Then I took betadine applied on cotton balls, and apply to affected areas and let dry.
What an amazing difference. In 5 days I have done this twice. Hair is growing back, bumps are gone scabs are gone. I would recommend this to anyone.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Mayonnaise
Apple Cider Vinegar, Mayonnaise
(Washington, Missouri)
WHO Knew......... This works..... I have done my border collie 2 times, 12 hours apart and the difference is nothing less than amazing. This took so little money, energy and risk... It did take alittle time. Soooooo unreal that this was the answer all along...... THANK YOU SO MUCH....
Apple Cider Vinegar, Mayonnaise
the woman from Florida who runs a puppy rescue ..
THANK YOU for the Mayonnaise and apple cider vinegar cure for Mange !
simple and soothing for my pooch..
The Mayo she said deprives oxygen from getting to the mite...
I just took a plastic teaspoon and slathered it on the hair loss patch and directly on with the mite bumps ... about an hour later I removed the mayo with a paper towel.. and took sterile gauze pads and soaked them in the apple vinegar.. I left the gauze soaked pads in place for about 10 minutes ( my pooch was very cooperative. so I guess she felt relief immediately.. and became calm as if she was getting a spa treatment.
I did this procedure twice in 12 hours ( night time ) and I am amazed to report that YES the mites vacated the bumps .. you can see the exit opening in the bumps
but they were evidently trapped in the mayo.. and were tossed out in the paper towel..(RIP... < smile > and my dog's relief? priceless all this from my cupboard./ grocery store.. fantastic
I now have made a mixture of the borax soap ( 20 mule team laundry detergent .. from Von's grocery store) and diluted 3 percent hydrogen peroxide ( cut with equal amounts of water to reduce it to approx 1 percent hydrogen peroxide )
I made a paste of sorts of the mixture and took a plastic spoon and mad a sort of poultice? covering the effected mite bumps on my dog.. I have placed it on her and am letting her dry -- as I said the relief she is getting is making her soooooo cooperative
NOW while she is sleeping I am taking all towels used, and my bed sheets and putting them in the washing machine..bleach, hottest water, 20 Mule Team Laundry detergent .. and washing everything while she sleeps ..
wow I cant believe the difference @80 percent improvem3ent and almost all the mite mounds/bumps are gone !!Again thank you for this web site.. amd thanks Ted and the woman with the Rescue in Florida for posting your natural treatments on this site ..
I notice that there is a cure for people who have Scabies.. with the same remedies
if it works as well on the same treatment for people as it did my little dog.. i can only imagine what relieve it would be.. hopefully I won't befall such a medical issue myself.. but if I ever should I am reaching for the mayo and cider vinegar.. and the borax and peroxide treatment --cause they are Very Very effective.. WOW
my pooch sends you big wet grateful kisses K. Anderson
EC: We can't find the original post from Florida! Can you let us know what page you found it on so we can link to it? Thank you!
(La Mesa, California)
Comment on this post from April ...
07/09/2009: April from North Florida, replies: " For mites on the dog -- try covering the dog with mayonnaise!!! Leave it on as long as you can before rinsing it off. After rinsing I like to shampoo the dog and rinse with vinegar and water. The dog may smell like a salad while wearing the mayo, but the mayo suffocates the mites. We run a dog rescue and take in babies with all sorts of skin ailments, and this works like a charm getting rid of mites. Lots of people claim dogs with mange are incurable - well, the mange caused by mites is taken care of with mayo every time."
April thanks for posting tis.. I did this twice in 12 hrs to my little female pooch
it is awesome.. and the mayo also made her coat smooth and the vinegar balanced out the residual redness of her skin .. I can't believe how well it worked and how calm it made her.. like she was getting a spa treatment .. the may gave her instant relief
guess the mites are less active right away?? And she just laid there I was able to leave the mayo on for over an hour each time. I put sterile gauze pads in the apple vinegar and let them stay on her deflated mite sites......again AWESOME.. about 75 to 80 percent better after the first treatment and a small gain after the 2nd on.. I am letting her skin recuperate and w ill do it again in a day or two
my question.. how often to you do this treatment.. how long does it take ( does it vary) to eliminate all the mite sites? and more specific instructions would be appreciated
a big thanks from me.. and great big wet kiss from Roxie...KA from La Mesa California
EC: Thanks! That post came from this thread:
Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil
I have a 4 month-old puppy who was dumped in a ditch in the rural area where we live. In looking up a natural remedy and also talking with my vet, we have been doing the following:
In equal portions:
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
I wet my puppy with warm water, then sponge the mixture mentioned above. Let the dog dry on its not dry off with a towel. Do this every other day. I have seen good results by the third dose.
Also, check with your vet about how to improve your pet's immune system. There are so many ways to do this, however, I suggest you ask your vet. Be sure to ask about yogurt, probiotics, adding a tsp of apple cider vinegar to the food. Also, ask about a med that will stop the itching while the pet is in recovery.
I am a "people" nurse and not a doggie nurse. However, I believe in the more gentle ways of helping a pet, without causing the pet to become more ill due to excess chemicals.
Best wishes on all pet owners going through this problem Remember, this takes time and does not heal overnight.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Tootiecomputie!
Kudos on finding a home remedy for red mange!
I would only say that it sounds expensive - and that you might get more bang for your buck using Ted's Mange remedy.
That said, the drawback for some in using Ted's remedy long term is dry skin, so I will not hesitate to recommend your formula in that instance.
Thank you!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Ted's Remedy
I decided to try the Ted's mange remedy. I will say that after 2 days he has gotten better. I put the mixture in a spray bottle and either squirt it on his belly and groin area (he doesnt really like being sprayed) or I put it on a cotton ball and rub it all over his underside. He really likes this better. I just pet him and talk to him until it dries. My problem is that he wants to lick this area afterwards so I do rub it on him 2-3 times a day. He loves having his belly rubbed so it is very easy for me to soak his underside. He is a great puppy, I hope this continues to work. I will post again after I have done this longer.
(Johannesburg, South Africa, South Africa)
My babe boerbol has extreme mange, he was treated by the VET and is home, there is still the redness on his face & neck, he is on medication please advise if the mayo & apple cidar will assist with the redness, she scratches and it bleeds