Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Ron (Paragould, Arkansas) on 04/07/2008

I'read and heard all these great things about apple cider vinegar. I have an uncle who is in his 80's and has taken apple cider vinegar since he was a very young man and he's never even been in a doctor's office. I tried it with water, with honey, and with a few fruit drinks. The best thing I've found for drinking ACV is V8 vegetable juice. I mix a small amount of V8 with my ACV, and have a larger cup of V8 in my other hand as a chaser. I grand slam the mix, never even letting it touch my tongue, then chase it with the pure V8. Most of the time I never even taste the ACV which is FINE with me! Plus I'm getting all sorts of good stuff just from drinking the V8!

Posted by Noel (Santa Fe, NM) on 05/22/2008

What is it with such antipathy to ACV taste? I don't find it hard to handle at all - just mix in some water and throw down; I usually add some stevia but don't really find it necessary.

ANYWAY, I do have a good testimonial, amidst doing a lot of other natural health stuff these recent years, so it's a little hard to scientifically isolate results. ONE thing I know for sure the vinegar has immediately helped me with is clearing up a sort of dandruff condition under my eyebrows -- frustrating and sometimes embarrassing for over 20 years! I never really liked applying things to my skin, even natural oils and creams; they never helped. The ACV cleared it up! Now I'm experimenting with my scalp too - wonder if it will help with my somewhat-thinning hair that seems possibly related to my scalp condition, tending to both oiliness and dryness.

Posted by Jeffro (Goreville, IL) on 06/19/2009

I have seen a couple of people using V8 "juice" to take their ACV or H2O2. Two servings of regular vegetable V8 meet the RDA's max for sodium intake. I don't trust the RDA to determine what I need and don't need, but just be aware of what you are doing if this is your regimine.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aseem (New York, NY) on 06/01/2008

Hi how are you? my wife and me live in Manhattan, NY. its virtually impossible for us to get unpasteurised acv. the only product we've been using since years is Heinz. just cant procure pure organic undistilled acv in the city. any other brand alternatives suggested? ive been having 2tblsp acv with 2tblspn honey in a glass of water first thing in the morning. 2tblspn of acv only in a little water with each meal since 1996. had cut my finger once and immed poured raw honey on it, within 20 seconds the bleeding stoppped and there are no scars. Thanks to whoever first understood the value of these two natural wonders!

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/15/2008

You should be able to find organic unpasteurized ACV at any health food store, Whole Foods, etc in NYC. I've most commonly seen the brands "_____" with a yellow label and "Eden" with a dark blue/green label. I just bought a bottle last night.

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LaToya (New York, New York) on 01/10/2009

There are several Whole Foods Markets in the city. They sell the good ACV. You can find the closest store at

Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 01/11/2009 490 posts

Hello Latoya,

I don't buy the cheap distilled vinegar for any use, but I do buy a gallon of ACV at Save-a-Lot for about $2/gallon. If you keep it around long enough it grows plenty of mother without any help from the expensive _____ stuff. It works fine for me and has been for years now. I cook, clean, drink, and make medicine with it. At that price, I can afford to keep nothing but ACV and I always have it on hand for whatever I want to use it for, including cleaning my coffee pot periodically.

Posted by Susan (Lawrenceville, GA) on 03/05/2008

I was looking for a home remedy cure for my female dog who has urinary tract infection for the second time. I did not want to pay the expensive vet bill again.This is how i found your web site. I hurried to the store to get some ACV, put a tps. in her food and in no time she was back to her self. Praise GOD for this miracle! The same night while i was walking her i fell off of my shoe and spranged my foot to where i could barely walk' I took 2 tbls. of ACV 2 times a day. By the end of the second day i was up and running, literally. It decreased the pain and did not even turn purple.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tracey (Chicago, USA) on 01/24/2008

I use ACV for ear mites on my cat and itchy skin. They bite their skin-- I suspect allergies. They don't have fleas, but even if they did, I'd still use _____'s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, because it's undiluted and has all the vitamins and minerals and potassium intact. The cats have stopped biting and scratching. I put it on a cotton swab for the ears, a cotton pad (round ones for removing makeup)for the fur, and I also put a tiny amount in their wet food. They do not like the smell, but the cats took to the ACV better than the ear mite medicine I had applied to the ear.I think the ACV soothes the cats' ears. I use 2 t. of ACV in an 8 oz. glass of water with a little honey. I drink this in the morning, and I think it's helping my tendonitis (from typing too much) and my brain fog. I am thinking much more clearly and I feel that I have more energy.

Posted by Beverly (Phyllis, KY) on 01/09/2008

I recently tried ACV for the first time. I tried it mixed with baking soda and then alone. Alone, I mean mixed with water-2-TBSPwith4OZ.water.This worked for so many of my ailments I can't begin to tell you. But the BITTER TASTE!!!!!!!!!UUUGGGHHH!!!!!! So if your like me and you have very sensitive taste buds, try this-USE A STRAW to quickly sip the drink,and have a water chaser ready. It's the only way I could stomach the bitter taste. Now I take it daily, thanks to my straws!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Queen (Auburn, WA) on 11/27/2007

Okay, this is unbelievable but it is really happening in my body. On saturday, I took my stepson out to dinner and a movie for his birthday, and we started talking about a friend of his who was taking acv and was having mind numbing results..well..I ran out at midnight saturday night, and bought some..I have been taking 2 tablespoons 3 times a day in apple juice. My hair, that was dry and brittle has grown one inch in 3 days, it is super soft and has body and life. My skin is starting to get much softer. I am usually very tired but last night I went to bed at 4am in the morning, I woke up at 9:30 am this morning and had a ton of energy, with hardly any rest at all. My clothes are fitting a bit looser as I spend a bit more time in the bathroom. I find myself thirstier for more water which is a good thing as our bodies need more water than food. Also,today, I have just added honey to the mix.I will keep you all posted.

Iodine Depletion
Posted by Sean (Toronto, Canada) on 08/05/2008

Dear Ted, Firstly, I want to convey my heart felt thanks for the awesome job you have done in posting your tips! God Bless you!!

Could you comment on the ACV's role in affecting Iodine in the body? I started taking ACV + Honey for the last 20 days, and my skin is excessively itchy and resulting in small bumps / rashes on the skin where-ever I scratch. At times, it is so bad I scratch so much that I see blood.

I worry if this is caused by ACV impacting my iodine levels in the body? I am a borderline Hypo thyroid patient and trying the ACV remedy to see if it helps my hair regrow (I have very very thin hair).

Please advise. Thanks!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Cape Canaveral, FL) on 08/22/2007

I used to be prone to constant urinary infections to the point I no longer felt them. One time it had got so bad I actually felt the severest of symptoms. At the time no medical insurance and no money to go to a doctor. So I emailed a friend who had a huge book on herbs and natural remedies. He researched for me and found if I took a bath with apple cider vinegar it would eliminate the urinary infection because the urethra acts as a wick and draws the high ph into the bladder. Well I had no bathtub and no access to one. So we devised this plan. I would take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar and place it on my urethra for twenty min three to four times a day. The skin would burn and it did hurt alot. But I persisted. I woke up the next day and had no symptoms at all. I continued to use the acv for three more days. Since then I have not had another attack of urinary infection.

Years before I forgot to mention this. A neighbor told me about acv and honey as a remedy for headaches depression arthritis pain help and lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. Well i suffered from all of these symptoms. I asked how much to take. She said she took two tablespoons each of acv and honey in enough hot water to melt the honey and drank it down half an hour before she ate. I did the same. The first week I lost ten pounds of excess water weight due to bad diet of too much salt. I sweated alot and peed alot. I lost a total of forty pounds. I had visited my doc before I started and thirty days after. He was amazed at the weight loss and asked how I did it. I told him and he said oh. he wasn't concerned at the amount in that short of a time. I should have been. It is dangerous to lose too much weight in a short amount of time. But I believe in my case it was extreme excess water weight. My cholesterol dropped from 256 to 156 in six months. My blood pressure was below normal and I couldn't gain weight. So acv and honey is my magic remedy. My kids would see me taking the acv and honey for my migraines. They wanted to try it for their headaches. Well after the first time they used it they didn't want tylenol anymore. Ever. To this day they are teenagers they remember it is instant and keeps the headaches away.

I have laxed in my daily regimen of acv and honey and have gained back the weight and the blood pressure. i am going to start it again. Anyways. Thank you for your time in reading its benefits to me. Hugs to you.

Posted by Anne (Minneapolis, MN) on 12/09/2021

How do you think she took the ACV for cellulite?

Local Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 06/25/2007

I've already written about how vinegar helped my husband and I but I wanted to share this information... Buying organic vinegar at a health food store is REALLY expensive. We found it for half the price at a local apple orchard-open only on Saturday's until the fall season. If you have one nearby, you might check. We paid $16.00 a gallon at a health food store and only $8.00 at the orchard!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mike (Summerville, South Carolina) on 06/03/2007

i just stumbled on your web and thought i would share with you.ive been doing organic acv for about 4 years.shared it with my friends and family and here are some of the cures...cross my heart! 2 cases of boils.1 of athletes feet.1 infected finger nail due to a schrimp stick and this lady had been on antibiotics for 2 weeks with surgery 3 days away. i told her husband she would cancel the surgery if she applied acv on the wound through out the day.and she did! 1case brown recluse spider bight.1 case possumm bight.1 case outer ear infection.numerous cases of colds.external or internal acv is worth its weight in gold. truth

Broad Benefits
Posted by Therese (Belleville, Illinois, USA) on 05/02/2007

My children and I have been sick for over a month. Nasal congestion, constant coughting until vomitting. Nothing the Dr. gave us was helping. My dear mother in law told me to try:

8 oz warm water
2 teaspoons ACV
2 teaspoons Honey

The first day I tried it and it brought up and out a very nasty brown mucus, and shortly after I started to feel better, and able to breath without coughing. The second day I noticed my acne was clearing up. The kids are not fond of the taste but they will drink it because they feel much better!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maisha (San Francisco Bay Area, California) on 04/01/2007

I hope yu have a few minutes to read thru this. I've tried to keep it brief, but that's just not possible when praising ACV! There are NUMEROUS instances where ACV came to the rescue!!

1) I discovered ACV when my stomach ulcer was SO bad, every breath hurt, smoking just burned my stomach and, after eating, pain was constant. I was drinking liquid antacid straight from the bottle every few minutes.

A vegan friend told me that stuff was WORSE for me than the ulcer. He fixed an 8 oz glass of water with equal parts of ACV and honey (2 Tbs each; more honey if needed). By the time I took the THIRD swallow, I could feel the pain and pressure lessening like bubbles bursting inside. I started making it by the gallon (1/2 Cup ACV, 1/2 Cup honey and fill jug with water). Keep it in the fridge and shake before serving. I drank a glassful 30 minutes after EACH meal. In LESS than a month, I was symptom free and have had no problem since. I still smoke, I eat any/everything I want and no problems. I've fixed it for many, many people with acid reflux, chronic indigestion and diverticulitis. Every one of them was able to get off prescription meds within 3-4 weeks. (There's an additional regimen for curing diverticulitis. I'll send it in another time).

I started reading about ACV and found it balances Ph: if you're too acidic, it makes yu more alkaline and vice-versa.

2) ACV also cuts mucous. My son and I both had frequent sinus colds and bad seasonal sinus allergies. When I read that dairy creates mucous (a fertile bed for all manner of "nasties"), I took both of us OFF milk. (He was only 2 so I had to make sure he got enough calcium from other sources.) We drank ACV with honey 3-4 times a day. We both got to where we preferred it to just plain water. It's also a great thirst quencher. Our colds were cut by at least 1/2 in frequency and severity; our allergies all but disappeared. It helps if the honey is from LOCAL bees; it helps build your resistance to pollens in your area.

3) A few years later I had stopped drinking the ACV/honey drink and got pneumonia. When the doctor told me I had to go in the hospital, I could not go. He said if I didn't, I could die. He gave me a huge dose of antibiotics and said to return in 48 hours; if I was still as congested, he would have to insist on hospitalization. I went home and drank a glass of the ACV w/honey EVERY hour. I also put enough ACV to cover the bottom of a small saucepan and heated it very slowly. When it started to steam, I inhaled the fumes. Believe me, it burns wherever there's congestion and made me cough like crazy. (Keep eyes closed, it stings.) After about 8-9 minutes of coughing, I could actually lie flat without feeling like I was drowning and slept like a baby for the first time all week. I repeated inhaling the steam 2 more times over the 48 hour period. When I returned to the doctor 2 days later he said, after listening to my lungs, "If I didn't KNOW yu had pneumonia, I wouldn't be able to tell right now." He was blown away!

4) Put 8 oz of ACV in your bath water and soak to relieve aching muscles, remove dead skin on feet just by rubbing, refresh skin all over, etc. No, yu won't smell like a salad afterwards. As soon as yu dry off the smell evaporates.

5) For healthy, shiny hair: pour 1/2 Cup ACV thru freshly-washed hair. Do not rinse it out.

6) For bruises: soak a cotton ball or gauze pad in ACV and apply to bruise with adhesive tape. Re-wet with ACV whenever it dries. Bruise noticeably diminishes in size overnight.

7) For insect bites: I suffered from horrible allergic reactions to mosquito bites as a child. I was bitten by a spider a few years ago and also had a bee sting that same summer. Within seconds, the swelling and pain was traveling up the leg/arm. I poured ACV in a bowl and soaked the bitten area. The swelling and pain/itch lessened IMMEDIATELY!

8) For sun burn: Put 8 ozs of ACV in tepid bath water (NOT HOT water) and soak. Because it takes a few hours for the burn to reach the surface of the skin, yu may not feel it until later that evening. Best to soak as soon as yu can SEE that you're red and BEFORE yu feel it. For smaller areas or for more severe sunburn, after the bath and perhaps 2-3 times during the course of the day/evening, soak a washcloth or a dishtowel in ACV diluted with warm water. Place the compress over affected area and keep wet with the liquid. Yu can alternate the compresses with an application of Aloe Vera gel (kept in fridge, it's very cooling). The ACV relieves the burn and ALSO helps prevent peeling. It's a drag to suffer all that discomfort trying to get a tan and then end up looking like a spotted leopard from peeling.

A votre sante. (To your health)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anne (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 03/18/2007

What a great page! I am taking one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar morning and night - mixed in half a glass of water with the vitamins I take at breakfast and with the evening meal. For many years I have taken vitamins as a person with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and many other ailments. However, my nails have always been atrocious (an indication that I am still missing out on a complete balance). So I spoke to a naturopath and named all the vitamins as well as the prescribed medications I have to take for the FM/CFS. She suggested ACV as wll as my aforementioned regime. She said that it sounded as if the prescription medicines were getting in the way of the full benefits I should be experiencing from the vitamins. Now that I've been taking ACV for a couple of weeks (plus vitamins and prescriptions) I'm feeling better than ever before - MUCH more energy, MUCH more on the ball in general. Having now read about dental concerns Iintend to drink my ACV mix with a straw to avoid it touching my teeth!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Javier (Miami, Florida) on 03/10/2007

My name is Javier, from Miami Florida, I discover your Website by searching the web, and I have been reading a lot about it. I have acid reflux since 15 years ago, and I always try to stop taking Prilosec, lately I don't feel Prilosec have no more effect in my body and I also use Tums, I try ACV two tablespoons and 2 of honey in a half glass of water after breakfast and after dinner, and it really works, I still can't believe it. I had acid reflux, heartburn, arrythmia caused by chest pain over night, and now it is incredible, I have no symptoms, I sleep better, and also I have loose 6 pound in 10 days, I found out I feel less tired myself, the pain in my legs is gone, my throat has no acid or sour taste in the morning, I am very happy, Thanks again.

Halitosis/Bad Breath
Posted by ReeRee (Dallas, TX) on 03/07/2007

Apple cider vinegar is a great mouthwash, it actually takes and conquers the odor of bad breath for long lengthy hours try it

EC: Click here to read more remedies for bad breath.

Halitosis/Bad Breath
Posted by terri (martinsville, va, usa) on 10/18/2008

How do you use the ACV for bad breath? I recently started drinking ACV, with 100% grape juice (no sugar added).

Halitosis/Bad Breath
Posted by Lins (Syracuse, NY) on 05/02/2009

YIKES ACV is an acid and very corrosive to teeth so I would strongly suggest that you stop using this as a mouthwash STAT.

When one is on an ACV regimen (which is ALWAYS diluted with water),it is highly recommended to use a straw aimed at the back of the throat to help reduce contact with teeth followed by a thorough gargle.

Good luck with your condition.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bridie (Hackettstown, NJ) on 03/03/2007

I just had to write. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar after reading all the ailments that it cures and the testimonials that you have on your website. I was a little skeptical at first, but I have to tell you that I am a firm believer now. I suffer from allergies, sinus infections, candida, heartburn from hiatal hernia. No longer do I suffer from these ailments. I use to take allergy medicine daily. No more!!!! What a blessing to find something that works. And the added benefit from the Apple Cider Vinegar is I have so much energy and my skin looks beautiful. Thank You.

Clean Burn Marks Off Pots and Pans
Posted by Stuart (Pittsburgh, PA) on 02/27/2007

My great great grandfather sold a liniment known as "IXL liniment, fit for man and beast" He claimed it to be 100% successful with all kinds of ailments and illnesses. I am not discounting the advertisements of either IXL OR ACV. One of the benefits of ACV that you failed to mention is its ability to break up black burns in pots and pans. Boil enough vinegar to cover burn mark and boil for half an hour. Keep track of contents so vinegar does not evaporate and allow to cool enough to handle. It takes a lot of hard rubbing but it will break up. Re boiling vinegar several times helps.