Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Acid Reflux
Posted by Angela (Des Moines, WA)

I was just diagnosed with acid reflux and was prescribed Aciphlex. I hate taking all of those new medications out there, they create more problems in other areas. After talking to many people and doing lots of research online, I decided to try vinegar. I first bought Heinz apple cider vinegar. Then I read that Heinz was not real vinegar and that I should try [an organic brand]. I actually did not have to go to a health food store. I bought it at Safeway. My throat was raw, but it made it feel better within the first half and hour.


EC: Click here to read ALL of emails that we've received about apple cider vinegar (ACV) curing Acid Reflux, including hundreds of other recommendations to cure Acid Reflux, Gastritis and GERD.

Posted by Joanie (Akron, Ohio)

My cousin's doctor recommended ACV for gout, she passed this website on to me, so I've only been using ACV for about 3 weeks now, and no migraines, no sinus headaches (northeast ohio weather horrible), allergy symptoms have all but disappeared, and FEWER HOT FLASHES (am 47), I don't understand why more physicians don't tell us about this miracle cure-all!


EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.

Posted by Wheller (Hartford, Ct) on 09/27/2011

Did anyone ever receive the recipe? I would really like to try this. I too suffer every morning getting out of bed. Its my lower spine. Its horrible.

Posted by Dolly (Vienna, Mo, Usa) on 12/29/2011

Take an empty milk jug and put in one pint of ACV and then fill the rest of the gallon jug with equal parts grape juice and apple juice.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Deborah (El Dorado, TX)

I don't know if it (ACV) contributed to my blood pressure getting under control or if it was the medication, but I can say I do have more energy. I take 2 TSP with 8 oz of water.

EC: Click here to read more emails and cures for blood pressure.

Posted by Stacey (Seattle, Washington)

My best friend's mom swears ASV works on burns. When I recently burned my thumb on the oven I immediately poured some in a small cup and soaked my thumb in it for awhile and sure enough! burn pain, no scarring!

Posted by Linda (Little Rock, MS)

If you burn yourself, put ACV on the burn. The burn will stop burning quickly and will not blister as bad, if at all.

EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.

Cuticle Pain
Posted by Cindy (Smithfield, Utah)

I have a problem with my cuticles tearing all the way back to my knuckles. I have tried every lotion and cream available. It is very painful and interrupts my sleep. A few days drinking acv and it clears up but as soon as I stop, it comes right back.

Posted by Connie (Portland, OR)

I suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I tried at least six or seven medications over a five year period but nothing worked. They all were just expensive and had bad side effects. A naturopathic biologist told me to take ACV and after a couple of days I felt much better for the first time. I believe there are people who need the prescription medications -and counseling is a great help to most of us- but for those of us suffering from occasional recurrent depression/anxiety I believe it is a fantastic cure. I have only taken it when my depression pops up and found relief every time. After reading the benefits for weight loss though, I believe I will begin taking it daily - and brushing my teeth afterward!

EC: Read more depression cures here.
Read more anxiety cures here.

Posted by Patch (Sarasota, Florida, United States) on 06/27/2012

(I'm pretty sure you want to brush your teeth *before* not afterwards... Acids weaken the enamel, and brushing then damages it / wears it away. If you brush before, it's not such a big deal. That's my current understanding of it.)

Posted by Ratazayah (Newark, NJ)

When I was an infant the Dr's told my mom I was going to die, due to a particularly high fever. She was told by an elderly friend to soak a wash cloth in acv and place one on my forehead and one on my stomach, while it smells like all get out, my mom was able to check me out of the hospital and from that day onward, it's literally been a life saver to all the children in our family with high fevers. It takes about an hour to break the fever.

Posted by Siberianwolf (Omsk, Russia) on 05/24/2008


Whoa!Whoa! Whoa! FEVER is your FRIEND !!!! It is the indication that your body is FIGHTING the infection. Mess with it at your peril. Let your body do the work it was designed to do...heal itself. NO outside interference can do that.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/26/2008 490 posts

To the Siberian Wolf on his "Whoa" on fever Hi Siberian Wolf, I agree with you onleaving the fever alone to let it do its job of fighting off infection. However, I noted that only one of those who wrote in said it failed to reduce the fever and that none of those who said it worked mentioned having to repeat the egg whites later. So I have come to the conclusion that the next time me or my loved ones have a fever, we'll give it a try and see if it works. Just think of the wear & tear on the body and the misery you could avoid if using egg whites one time removed the fever and it didn't return. I would have to say that obviously those egg whites delivered nuclear bomb to my soldiers fighting the infection and they wiped the enemy out!! Of course some of those who succeeded with egg whites could write in and let us know if the fever return and they had to repeat the egg whites. It would be helpful to all of us to know.

Foul Smelling Stools
Posted by Susan (USA)

Regular ingestion of ACV with water helps to reduce the incidence of foul-smelling stools. My wife was amazed!

Posted by Susan (USA)

I was having terrible gas, my stomach hurt every time I ate something, then, the gas, both ends, it was terrible!

Posted by Ron (Long Beach, CA)

I was having terrible gas, my stomach hurt every time I ate something, then, the gas, both ends, it was terrible! My doctor wanted me to have a colonoscopy, as she thought it might be cancer. I had an old apple cider vinegar book, I have had for years. It told me to take two tablespoons after every meal, the same day I took it, my symptoms went completely away, plus, I just feel so much better, everything

EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.

Posted by Denise (Tahlequah, OK)

I am a 31 year old college student who also works full time. Lots of stress and the desire to eat spicy foods has led to a problem with GERD. The doctors gave me Zantac and other medicines, but not being a fan of medicine I searched for other options. My chiropractor told me to try organic apple cider vinegar. I picked up a bottle of' vinegar at my health food store and started drinking it with honey and water a couple of times a day. The combination cured my reflux problem and also gives me energy. I also have found that I have not been sick and I have been taking this for over four months. I read that apple cider vinegar is also has a natural antibiotic effect. It cleanses the body. You can try the vinegar you get in the store but for all the benefits organic vinegar with the 'Mother' is your best bet. I drink the vinegar and even eat it with my food on a daily basis. It really does work.

EC: Read hundreds more testimonials and cures here.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Tina (Sunnyvale, California) on 05/27/2008

The ACV may work on dandruff but boy it smells horrible. I tried the lime juice (yes, fresh squeeze lime juice) and it does clean my scalp like nothing else. You may want to apply the juice on your scalp for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a little bit of shampoo. I've been doing this once every week now.

Interstitial Cystitis
Posted by Sherry (Boon, Michigan)

I have a bad bladder condition called Interstitial Cystitis and certain foods I eat cause me to have what is called a "Flare" up. When I take ACV, it relieves my symptoms within a half hour. It is definitely a natural wonder! I would recommend Apple Cider vinegar to anyone that can take it. It's so very good for so many conditions.

I take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey added to a hot cup of water when I have an interstitial cystitis flare up or an upset stomach. This helps me so very much..

Interstitial Cystitis
Posted by Sunny (South Gate, Ca, United States) on 04/12/2013

How have you been doing with the ACV? Any long term improvements cure? I have been wanting to try it, but I was worried because it's a vinegar and I know vinegars burn? Did u find it to "flare you ever"? Thanks!

Interstitial Cystitis
Posted by Sunny (South Gate, Ca, United States) on 04/12/2013

FYI baking soda works too :)

Heart Pain
Posted by Tim P (Montana)

Last night I was feeling a huge pain in my chest and my heart felt heavy and I even was weak in my left arm. Thinking it may be something serious I almost called the hospital, but remembered someone once said that ACV cleaned arteries and has helped many from serious problems. I woke up this morning and drank 1 cup straight of ACV and within minutes I felt the pain go away. After 1 hour I had my strength back and was feeling back to normal. (Although throughout the hour I had to drink about 3 glasses of water and eat a few teaspoons of honey since my gut was bloated.) No waiting in a hospital line for me and I am back to feeling like I have more energy than I can remember in just a few hours time. I was say that without a doubt that ACV saved my life and saved me a ton in hospital bills. Now, I am stocking up on that great stuff and will eat much more healthier. By the way, I also ran across a website about High Fructose Corn Syrup and its deadly dangers. You may want to read more about it since it is a very dangerous ingredient in almost all of our foods. For me, its fresh veggies and fruit for the rest of my life with a few shots of ACV once in a while.

EC: Earth Clinic note: If you are having heart pain, please do call or doctor or visit and emergency room!

Click here'for more heart remedies.

Posted by Connie (Eugene Oregon)

I recommend anyone with heartburn to keep ACV with cloves of garlic in the refrigerator and drink an ounce of that mixture next time it occurs. The results is almost immediate.