Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Lee (Adelaide, South Australia) on 07/04/2011

Does anyone know if ACV contains salicylates?

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Posted by Tinam1973 (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 06/25/2011

I have tried many of the recipies posted here and by far the best is to mix the Apple Cider Vinegar with apple juice. Having said that I still can't stand the taste. I had to stop because it was just too hard for me to drink. It has been almost a week and I can still taste it in my mouth. All my food tastes funny and I have a rotton taste in my mouth all the time. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any suggestions to get my taste buds back to normal?

I read on this website also, that applying the Apple Cider Vinegar to the underarms helps control body odor. I also read that you rinse but do NOT use soap. Can anyone tell me why that is? This stuff is so stinky to me....

Thank you friends for any information you may have to help. :-)

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (Ga) on 08/13/2015

I mix one tablespoon with my Zeal powder every day and it really tastes great! You may need to mix you Apple Cider Vinegar with a strong juice. I love taking it! Not crazy about the taste but it has really grown on me. The other key is to not breath through your nose till you have cleared your pallet with another taste or just plain water.

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Posted by Gary (Gosford, Nsw Australia) on 06/23/2011

Could you tell me, if the ph of a good apple cider is 2.5 or so, then how can this be good for trying to keep you PH level alkaline, what happens internally for this to be able to happen.

Thank you, Gary

General Feedback
Posted by Peggy (Santee, California, United States) on 06/11/2011

So I started drinking the ACV in water two days ago and I've since had terrible gas. ????????????

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Posted by Chegui69 (Long Beach, Ca, Usa) on 06/10/2011

I recently got a physical and showed I had raised triglycerides everything else was fine. So I started first to change my diet then I wanted to begin Apple cider vinegar cure Ted speaks of. 2 tablespoons of Acv(Organic) 1/4 teaspoon of Baking soda in a glass of water. I've only been doing this in the morings for now along with good eating habits. I'm on my 2nd week of this treatment and feel like my stomach stays very warm all day. Its starting to bother me somewhat. Feels like acid reflux or heartburn setting in... any advice will help.

thank you in advance!!!

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Posted by Peggy (Santee, California, United States) on 06/10/2011

Im new at this. Just started using the ACV yesterday. I am confused about the baking soda. I would think that would aggravate the stomach if taken every day. I'd like to see what answers you get to your question and what the need for the baking soda is?? I started taking a ACV pill everyday and also drinking the 2 tsp of ACV in water and sipping on that throughout the day.

General Feedback
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne , Australia) on 06/11/2011

Adding baking soda to the ACV will for the most part neutralise the acid. The warm feeling in your stomach may be the fact that the food is not digesting properly and is sitting in your stomach. I know a lot of people take these together but I don't agree with it. Acid reflux is caused by too little acid not too much acid in your stomach.

Try the ACV without baking soda.

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Posted by Angel (Dubai, Uae) on 06/11/2011

Hi Chegui69

Even when I tried the ACV with soda remedy I also experienced ths acid reflux. So I stopped taking it. Any advice from other members will be a great help.

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Posted by Chegui69 (Long Beach, Ca, Usa) on 06/13/2011

Hello Peggy, Debbie and Angel,

Well its been a couple days from the post and I've tried Zantac, Mylanta and herb teas... It seems to return later in the day. I should also add when added this post I was going through some tough anxiety and panic attacks ive havent had in years and I'm sure that added acid into my stomach that was not needed. When I would hit my panics attacks I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and perhaps acid building up. At this point I'm getting kinda worried.


General Feedback
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/13/2011

Chegul69 maybe try digestive enzymes to see if it is undigested food causing problems. You may have food fermenting in your stomach not digesting.

Also anxiety, panic attacks may be caused by B3/Niacin deficiency.

General Feedback
Posted by Leena (Montrose, Co) on 06/13/2011

In reply to Angel from Dubai regarding acid reflux. I was going through the worst of my life and tried drinking green tea with ACV. It made it a hundred times worse. So a friend of mine told me to drink plain hot water with nothing in it cause it washes the acid down. Sip on the hottest water you can. I tried this remedy and within 1/2 hour the acid reflux was totally gone. Don't eat anything right away and if it doesn't work have a second cup.

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Posted by Beth (London, Uk) on 09/14/2011

ACV - nay. Gave me a headache every time I've tried it.

General Feedback
Posted by Crystal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa) on 05/24/2011


This may seem like an odd question but I suffer from seasonal allergy. I always smell this foul smell in my nose. Other people can smell it too, its not bad breath but due to allergies. I read about mixing apple cider vinegar with water and dipping cotton ball and putting it in your nose, by inhaling that, the smell would go away. But my question is, is it safe to inhale vinegar directly? Please help.

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Posted by Ves (Victoria, Australia) on 05/23/2011


I think its important to note that when I'm reading articles or opinions on ACV that it is not clear that individuals are aware that ACV stands for Raw unfiltered unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar, (containing Mother) which is quite different to Apple Cider vinegar in the supermarkets.

Please ensure that readers are aware of this difference. Regards

Broad Benefits
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 05/17/2011

Stacey - The organic brand does taste different than the regular "H's" brand. The organic brand has a lighter flavor and by comparison, you'll find it tastes a little like white wine.

I loved all types of vinegar before I ever stumbled across this site (I could swig it right from the bottle if I had to... haha), and already had four different types in my pantry.

I actually prefer the taste of the stronger, non-organic ACV and strangely enough, it worked better for me in lowering my blood pressure than the organic did. Weird.

When I switched from regular ACV to the organic, my BP went back up. Guess it just depends on our individual systems.

Broad Benefits
Posted by R (Denver, Co) on 05/15/2011

Glad to hear ACV working for you! How often and how are you taking it?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rochelle43 (Belton, Sc) on 05/16/2011

PLEASE OH PLEASE TELL ME HOW AND WHEN YOU TOOK THE ACV!! :) I have _____'s organic ACV with the mother , but not sure if I should take it b4 meals or after... Or sip thruout the day??? I have read SO MANY difffernet approaches that I'm confused! I also have 4 children... But now my wt. stays around 180 and has been for 2 yrs. or so.


i will check back soon in hopes that you see my question

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stacy (East Hartford, Connecticut, Us) on 05/16/2011

They tell you to dilute it in water, but it's still too gross for me, so I drink it with Crystal Light! I mix 8 oz. of Crystal Light with 2 tbsp of ACV 3 times a day, always before I eat. I also took sugar out of my diet completely! I was never one to check the amount of calories in something before I bought it, but I have been really good about it lately. I dont buy it if it has more than 150 calories in 1 serving. Eatin smarter has a lot to do with the weight loss I think!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 05/16/2011

Stacy - Yes, it's definitely about what we eat and not about the ACV alone. I took the ACV w/ water and a few drops of honey religiously - three times every day for two months and never lost an ounce. And it's not like I was stuffing my face with high fat/high calorie foods, either. I ate sensibly but still never lost weight drinking the ACV mix.

I continue to take it though, because it definitely did help lower my blood pressure.

Unfortunately, for those of us fighting the battle of the bulge, there really isn't a miracle supplement. It's the age-old 'less calories and more exercise' that actually works.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/16/2011

Please read my answer to Liz, it is not at all about counting calories! This is what we are told but then we are told so much nonsense...... Get informed!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 05/18/2011

Nancy - That's pretty much what I said. ;-)

General Feedback
Posted by Beatrice (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/29/2011

Hello there, I am a big fan of natural medicine vs. conventinal and have just started to drink the ACV in water mixture for what I believe is a stomach ulcer along with poor digestion in general. I just had a small amount of it to try it out, and I felt a little bit of discomfort/burning, but nothing unbearable. Once it calmed down a little though, I did notice I felt more energized and had a more uplifting mood and I just felt a lot better in general, it was amazing! I'm not sure if this was unrelated or a placebo effect, but I did feel a whole lot better in a matter of minutes after drinking it.

I was just curious, the instructions state to drink it 3 times a day before meals, but is there a problem with drinking it during or after meals? Or before bed time?

And also, does ACV help regulate blood pressure or does it just lower it? I do experience low blood pressure/arrythmias at times and I wouldn't want to cause any harm in that sense.
Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Steve (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/28/2011

Hi I was just wondering does it matter if it's distilled apple cider vinegar or does it have to be regular? Or is organic better? and the _____'s brand is that at whole foods or at a local store you can buy from?

General Feedback
Posted by Beth (London, England) on 04/26/2011

Would someone please explain why apple cider vinegar should be better for the health than apples?

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Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/26/2011

Beth, one reason why ACV is good for you (I wouldn't say apples are bad) is that it is a fermented product which means it adds back good bacteria into the intestines. Many people nowdays have bad digestion because of antibiotics killing off the good bacteria in the stomach.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Calvintage (San Diego, Ca) on 04/13/2011

I have used ACV for a nasty sinus infection, cleared it up wonderfully so that I didn't have to use antibiotics. I have used it while pregnant and breastfeeding to improve my recovery time with a cold, or to avoid getting one while my children had one.

I have used it for the same reasons for the children, as young as 3... A small amount 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp, with plenty of honey in hot water... If I give them a straw they will drink it up and are now used to it.

I used it also for my 3 year old's eczema. She had a mild case, on legs, from 9 months - 3 years. I just put it on with a cotton swab, maybe I put a bandage over, I forget. She said it stings, but a few minutes after, it would stop itching. I think it was gone in 3 days and never came back.

I also want to say I have taken it while breastfeeding with no noticeable difference in my baby's burpiness or spitting up or fussiness. I have been cautious not to take it to frequently in case it effects the amount of milk I make, or makes me lose weight, which I don't want to do while nursing.

I also have taken it daily when not nursing as an energy drink. (hot with honey) It works as well as coffee but without the jitters.

I also have used it on a cotton swab on my face, makes it glow! I told that to my sister who had been getting expensive acne medication, she stopped using that when she found how good ACV works on her skin... She has been using it now for over a year with excellent results. I love ACV!

General Feedback
Posted by Cj9113 (Middletown , New York) on 04/11/2011

I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with water and I am having a hard time drinking it cause of the taste. My question is, can I drink it in orange juice? will it still work the same for losing weight and any thing else it works on???

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Posted by Deb (Middletown, Ny) on 04/12/2011

In 8 oz glass of water put 2 tbs ACV and 1 tbs of honey. Tastes pretty good!

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Posted by Celeste (St Petersburg, Fl/usa) on 04/06/2011

Hello everyone, I want to combine ACV, BSM, honey, coconut oil, for a tonic, to be used during the day. Is there any problem with that? Thanks.

General Feedback
Posted by John N (Boston, Ma) on 03/21/2011

Hi, I have just started to take Apple Cider Vinegar and i'am a bit confussed on what brand to buy, how much to take daily, should I drink it thru out the day instead of 3 times a day before meals, when should I brush my teeth after I take Apple Cider Vinegar, by avoiding the teeth as I take it would that help? I really want to find the best plan daily to take this to help with weight loss, hair loss, aches and joint and muscle pain but mostly to keep my ph balanced. I have been using Heinz acv, about 6 tablespoons a day. Thx John