The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Colene (Denver, Colorado) on 12/22/2010
To the gal who microwaves her Apple Cider Vinegar - not a good idea since micro-wave kills all enzymes in all food including drink -Not the best invention for mankind (best place for microwave is - in a garbage heap)
General Feedback
Posted by Ruddy (Candan, Ontario) on 11/30/2010
Hi Just wondering after reading all these posts if I drink apple cider vinegar for one month then every other day for a year is that good enough? I dont want to take is everyday as it is bad for your teeth surely? How many times do you suggest you drink it and for how long? Also the rinse is fine that is once a week. This is for female pattern hair loss.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 11/18/2010
I was taking Nexium for acid reflux. The ACV really helped me better than the Nexium. When I am having an episode I take 1 tsp in 8 ozs water and immediate relief. I also noticed that my chronic yeast infections are less. I am also taking probiotics and using oreganol oil (5 drops in my juice in the morning). I am going to try the Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss.
General Feedback
Posted by Athena (Phoenix, Az) on 11/12/2010
I never knew this about Apple Cider Vinger!!!! That is amazing.. WOW!! So many uses for this stuff, its great!! I will try it and let you know.. I wish I had checked this site sooner. I just lost my dog Austin to ear infection and ticks. I know now plan to help all my other dogs..
General Feedback
Posted by Rita (Maysville Ky, Ky) on 10/27/2010
Why would apple cidar vinegar make you itch when taken internally?
General Feedback
Posted by Peg (Winston-salemjoalty, North Carolina) on 10/27/2010
It is likely clearing toxins, and this is a temporary condition.
General Feedback
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 10/28/2010
Some people can't tolerate vinegar as well as others. If you have candida it can actually aggravate it instead of helping it. I read so many wonderful things about ACV I decided to try it for my candida related health issues. I ended up getting a yeast infection from it, even when I mixed it with baking soda for the acidity. I'm not knocking the ACV beneficial effects for some people.... It's just not for me.
General Feedback
Posted by Christina (Ann Arbor, Mi) on 11/02/2010
It's possible that the ACV is throwing your body's pH balance out of whack. You should find out what your balance is before trying something acidic. "Apple cider vinegar is an exception: unlike almost every other vinegar, it has an alkaline ash and improves pH by making the body less acidic. "
Read more at Suite101: Tips to Balance Acid Alkali pH: Beat Chronic Pain, Inflammation, Acid Indigestion, Fatigue and More
Broad Benefits
Posted by Rich (Tampa, Fl) on 09/30/2010
I have had at least one sinus infection each year for the past 10 years. Every year it got so bad I had to go to the doctor and every year the doctor prescribed antibiotics. This year I got two infections, one in February and one in September. Both times I decided to drink apple cider vinegar with OJ and honey. I also boiled water with ACV, ginger, garlic, peppermint oil, and oregano. As God is my witness it started to get better immediately and it was better in two or three days.
I also had a stomach virus in February and took ACV for my nausea. I took it for 5 days and after the 5th day I was reading that ACV was good for high blood pressure. For the last 10 years I have very high blood pressure and refused to take medication. I decided to take my blood pressure , I was very skeptical that it would help but again as God is my witness it was 120 over 80. I stopped taking ACV and when I had to take a two part government physical it was very high again. I started taking it again and within two days it went down twenty points.
General Feedback
Posted by Gitslinger (Austin, Texas) on 09/24/2010
ACV has been great for my other ailments (especially warts!), but it made my hemorrhoids much much worse. They went from being a minor nuisance to swelling twice their size, becoming incredibly sore and oozing. Ouch! I'll never try this again!
Broad Benefits
Posted by Larryk (Fairfax, Va, Usa) on 09/13/2010
For your sinuses and hearing improvement, how much of the ACV/honey/garlic mixture did you take per day? Also, what are the proportions of each ingredient? Do you add water or juice to the mixture. Thanks.
General Feedback
Posted by Firepiperpat (Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada ) on 08/31/2010
A message to Earth Clinic: Why are you not fans of the baking soda/ACV mix? Do you feel that the addition of the baking soda adds too much sodium to be healthy?
Secondly, if our bodies are meant to be slightly alkaline, doesn't consuming ACV add MORE acid to our system? Won't my body then try to neutralize the acidity by drawing calcium from my bones to maintain the proper pH, which might lead to a calcium deficit leading to osteoporosis?
General Feedback
Posted by Carlos Viccino (Piracicaba, São Paulo Brazil) on 08/12/2010
Dear friends, I would ask about the worms that exist in the vinegar, especially in apple vinegar is not filtered or treated much to inhibit the growth of these worms. Wonder if is bad for health? Or if they grow and create a population in the stomach. Anyway, what is the truth about these parasitic worms of vinegar, for those who make use of apple cider vinegar for health? Is it dangerous? dangerous as there are worms that attack the human body. I look back, Grateful, Carlos Viccino
General Feedback
Posted by Leslie (New Castle, Pa) on 08/13/2010
Carlos, those aren't worms. It is sediment from the unfiltered vinegar. This milky, cloudy, and stringy looking stuff at the bottom of the container is what contains the healthiest part of the mixture. It also lets you know that the important vitamins and minerals, enzymes, and naturally occurring good bacteria have not been compromised due to over processing, filtration, or excessive heating. Before consuming, shake the bottle gently to thoroughly distribute all of the nutrients, pour, and serve.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Rajni (Montreal, Quebec) on 04/26/2009
I have been drinking one tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar in a glass of water with i tablespoon honey. I have seen some benefits. I do not get colds and my skin is much better but I find I have a hoarseness in my voice. I had tongue cancer and have had radiation to the mouth. I was looking for a remedy to help with my dry mouth.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Nath (Winnipeg, Canada) on 06/11/2008
I've been using 2tbs of acv with a glass of water. Benefits have been better digestion, energy, less asthma symtoms, not so pale in the face, weight loss. I stopped taking for a while to see what would happen, and the reverse of the benefits occured.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Nadia (Shenzhen, China) on 05/24/2008
I started taking ACV for 3 weeks about 3 months ago without baking soda and it was fantastic, cleaned my whole system, having lots of energy, no pain, weight loss and etc. I am taking AVC+Baking soda now but it seems I don't get the same result as before, am I doing anything wrong here?????. However I recommend it to EVERYONE to please try it for at least 2 weeks , 3 times a day. 2 TBS in a cup of water upon rising, mid morning and mid afternoon. I thank Earth clinic for this site.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Nicole (Dallas, TX) on 07/30/2023
Re: ACV taken with baking soda not effective
ACV is an acid. The benefits of ACV come from the several types of acids (plus probiotics in the mother) that work their magic when ingested.
Baking soda is a base. It neutralizes acids and makes liquids more alkaline. We don't want to neutralize the acids in ACV with baking soda, it renders them ineffective.
To not decalcify your teeth with acid when drinking ACV, drink it with a straw and push that as far back as you can handle. Then make a solution of baking soda and water (about 1 tsp to a cup of water). Rinse your mouth and teeth with it. Spit out. That will neutralize the acid on your teeth and you're good to go.
Hair Growth
Posted by Maria (Jacksonville, FL) on 06/25/2009
Would you please let me know the amount of ACV you were taking on a daily basis, I have a seventeen year old daughter and noticed her hair line is thinning.
Hair Growth
Posted by Noreen (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/14/2009
thank you
Hair Growth
Posted by Deborah (Denver, Colorado) on 01/26/2015
I am 60 plus and I have been losing my hair and I need to know what are the amounts of ACV and water, how often, do you let sit, do you scrub your scalp, I need to know I am so embarresed to be in public, won't go to social event because of it. I even went to the Womens Hair Club and they said there is nothing they can do for me. I work but wear a head band; it helps kinda, of course it is so thin from my forehead back to crown. Help me please
Hair Growth
Posted by Timh (KY) on 01/27/2015 2042 posts
Broad Benefits
Posted by Linda (Clyde, Texas) on 02/07/2008
I've used ACV for many problems including fungal infections. When my son came back from Iraq he had a horrible case of athletes foot. I used 1 cup ACV and distilled water as a foot soak and the infection cleared up completely. He only needed to do the foot soak 1 night. Also, I developed that horrible toenail fungus like my mother had...thick yellow nails with a flaky exudate underneath...I started soaking my toenails in ACV straight from the bottle. After a 10 minute soak, I would use a q-tip and get the ACV up under the nail. Within a week, I had healthy growth of my nails. Now they are completely normal. The prescription for this was $600 which I couldn't afford. The ACV was $3.95 and I only had to use a shot glass of it every night for a week to clear up the problem. Once new growth was healthy, I stopped the toe soaks and have not had to use it again.
I've used ACV to get rid of ringworm too. It works as quickly as black walnut hull extract. Just dab it on with a cotton ball, and BLOW as it burns. It may burn, but it works.
Finally, I worked in Iraq for a year and developed a horrible fungus in my sinuses and had to have emergency surgery. The fungus would always come back and I finally cleared the infection by using ACV in my nasal irrigator every day. I put 1 mL of ACV in a WaterPik bowl, with warm water. It burned and made my eyes water, but I could BREATHE! Anytime I have symptoms of that fungal infection, I immediately start using ACV in my nasal wash. Anytime I have the slightest symptom of cold or sore throat, I use a shot glass of plain ACV and the symptoms are gone with 1 dose. Now my BP is getting high, so I know what to do...I never should have gotten off of it. This is a great site by the way. For beauty, I've used a water/ACV mixture to tighten pores and to eliminate dulling from shampoo. My dogs get 1 mL of ACV in their drinking water every day and NEVER have fleas or ticks. I don't have to purchase expensive flea remedies. Just a little ACV will do it, but you have to be consistent with it.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Peggy (Hinesville, GA) on 01/30/2008
Hi, First, I'd like to say thank you Earth Clinic and Ted for this site and the contributions. I share it with everyone I can. This is a concern I have which I patiently direct to Ted. I have been using AC vinegar since last spring. I take at least 2 TBsp a day with 1/2 tsp. of baking soda 2x a day. I fluctuate between 2 and 5 pounds in weight loss due to the belief that I have other issuses that may need addressing in order to see the true benefit of its use. It has kept me feeling good, BP has lower some, but not where I need it to.
I have started experimenting with it on my face as a toner morning and night. I spray a cotton ball and gently wipe my face to my neck, then follow with vitamin E oil to soothe the slight itch and smell. This is to purify the skin for toxin. My face feels better but will keep everyone posted on further results.
Also, I am using it along with Tea Tree oil to help rid three small warts near my vagina. The treatment consist of acv applied for 5 minutes with q-tips and follow up with t-tree oil three times a day. After bath at night, I spray a cotton ball and apply in place against the area and leave for thirty minutes. It is painful. After removal of cotton ball I apply more t-tree oil to soothe the pain and then I can rest. So far the skin on the warts are turning white and shrinking, one is a little raw, but it is working. I will follow up after end results.
Now for Ted, I am now taking' 2 TBsp of applecider vinegar with 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1/2tsp of cinnamon,1 TBsp of apple cinnamon Lecithin and 5 drops of organic cayenne pepper as a concoction upon arrival in mornings, noon and night. Is it healthy to take that much baking soda daily month in and out? My family is harrasing me because they say vingar is a blood thinner and may cause me problems and I am concerned about the dose of baking soda? Will you clear this up for me so that my family will let me continue my experience for weight loss and lower blood pressure in peace. Thank you in advance, Ted and God bless you all.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Mira (Venice, CA) on 01/28/2008
LET ME START BY SAYING I THINK THIS SITE IS THE BEST ONE OUT THERE ON THE INFO HI-WAY.. I had a sinus infection on and off for the last 15 years! I have tried everything and more from the regular md's including pain pills for years to get rid of that horrible head ache around my eyes and cheek bones. A couple of years ago while walking, I Met a man selling a book about Cancer cures/prevention. he had published the book himself and i was interested in prevention, and what he had to say. He told me that all Humans and animals would benefit greatly by drinking and BATHING in ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR WITH THE MOTHERS... I found this to be very interesting and decided to do my own experiments and research, I have a dog who was beginning to get mange on her hind knee it was red and irritaded the vets wanted to give her some horrible medicine and she was clearly not feeling well.I held him over the sink and poured the Vinegar strait from the bottle over her infected knee she squirmed a bit probably from the stinging but a second later that smart pooch put her leg on my chest so i could at it better (as though she knew i was gonna fix her) after the first time it was 80% better and in two days that mange was gone! so I took a bath using the vinegar i probably used a quart as I buy it in gallon jugs ...I could not believe how I felt after one bath..."Reborn" is the word that comes to mind. after that one bath I began to take it orally, in the morning or anytime i had heart burn another ailment of mine...The ACV has worked wonders,also it took My skin tags off and made my skin and hair so much brighter.i also only use coconut oil for moisturizing and a small amount in my hair for dryness.
I started reading about baking soda and gave that a try too...I put a small box of baking soda with the vinegar in the bath. Amazing, all my aches and pains were gone! the skin on my knee caps looked like they were 12 years old, No ashiness,or dryness... now about the sinus infection, I was really sick, for a month in November and Dec.07 i had a crusty sore on the tip of my nose and I had laryngitis from working in year round air conditioning and the dry winds that plague California, and it was like the 5th time in a year that I had come down with it. Being a singer,with a weekly show this has been so depressing for me... so i took one tablespoon ACV and warm water in a Netti tip your head from side to side not backward. It burned I have to admit.... so I rinsed again with plain water to get the sting out. My eyes started to water and my throat hurt and I blew stones out of my nose! I am not kidding. the mucous changed from greenish yellow to clear almost immediately, The sore on the tip of my nose went away over night, i blew my nose after that for a week, as wads and wads of mucous came out..I could actually sing the next night! It was a Miracle for me...
Then I found your site on Oil Pulling I had never heard of it before and I mistakingly thought it I read safflower oil in stead of sunflower oil. I got the courage up to try it and could do no more than a couple of minutes. Now I doubt if I will ever go to the Doctor ever again! After one try with the Safflower oil my VOICE was better than when i was kid! As if the oil had lubricated all that was rough and scratchy! I am so amazed at the oil pulling, I wonder why no one ever talks about it publicaly as the best thing ever for well being, as one of your writers on this site put it "The virus was made in nature can be healed by nature too!" I am a true Believer and will do these remedy's for life.I could go on and on about the benefits of these homade remedy's that REALLY WORK!
Broad Benefits
Posted by Joseph (Chesapeake, Virginia) on 06/05/2008
curious what is oil pulling -- can anyone explain please? Also I just started to lose my voice. Apple cider to the rescue within one hour the flem from my throat is clearing.