Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Posted by Jessica (San Diego)

ACV cured my sinusitis - caused from living in polluted California. Even better, I had adhesions from having a c-section with the birth of my son. The doctors, over and over, had stated it was Irritated Bowel Syndrome and gave me a pill and sent me home. I was constantly constipated and feeling ickie. I NO LONGER HAVE THESE PROBLEMS..

HERE IS WHAT I DID - they (the adhesions) went away after 1 week.

Every morning - prior to eating anything:
5 glasses of good water
(with the last glass)
1/2 shot (use a shot-glass) of ACV & 1/2 water (in shot glass)

DOWN that shot with the last glass of water. You will never be constipated and as far as sinisitis... takes a while to get use to the taste, but now I like it.. PAIN IS GONE! woooo hoooo

Nausea, Seasickness, and Hangovers
Posted by Anne (Orlando, Florida)

apple cider vinegar cures nausea, seasickness and hangovers!

Nail Fungus
Posted by R Moore (Cincinnati, OH)

had fungal toe for years, could not take the huge green pill, so tried ACV and have been free of the fungus for 10 years. I stopped taking ACV and within a week the fungus was back, so now I take a shot in the morning and at night.

EC: Click here for many more nail fungus remedies.

Posted by K.D. (Canada)

I used to take honey @ ACV years ago but for whatever reason, quit doing so. People used to remark how clear and glowing my skin was. Anyway, in the meantime, my monthly period once short (2-3 days) became lengthier and more of a bother lasting seven days. How annoying. I just began taking the ACV & honey tonic again for only 3 weeks and glory be, my monthly shortened to 3 days again. Yippee!

EC: 3 Readers have found success. (Note: 1 strong dose works.)

Joint Pain
Posted by Flo Clark (USA)

I've been drinking 3 TBSP. in 2 cups water everyday for 2 years now. My joints don't squeak anymore and I have never been so healthy. I've been informing everyone from my town and they too now drink the same dosage. God Bless organic apple cider vinegar!

EC: Click here for more knee pain remedies.
Click here for more joint pain remedies.
Click here for bursitis remedies.
Click here for pain remedies.

Posted by Ray (New York City)

I used to get severe heartburn after eating spicy things. Last year a friend recommended me to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. In less than a minute the burning sensations were gone. Ever since that I have never had any burning sensations. I used to take tums and rolaids or drink milk and it would not provide fast relief.

I used to suffer from heartburn after every meal. Even after breakfast! After stumbling on ACV, I have not suffered from heartburn ever since. It has cured my sinus headaches and also a wart that I had on my finger for 5 years! ACV is better than the doctor. I don't drink ACV but rather eat about 5 tbls. of it on a cabbage salad recipe. I eat it every day.

EC: Click here for more heartburn remedies
Click here for more acid reflux remedies.

Posted by Connie (Eugene Oregon)

I recommend anyone with heartburn to keep ACV with cloves of garlic in the refrigerator and drink an ounce of that mixture next time it occurs. The results is almost immediate.

Headache and Migraine
Posted by Reviewer (

In Dec. '97 and Jan. '98 My wife and I spent the holidays in Costa Rica. I had already read "Folk Medicine" by D.C. Jarvis and while we were visiting one of my wife's friends I noticed our hostess (the wife) seemed in pain. Upon querying her she said she only had one of her daily migraines which she has suffered most of her life. The migraines began when she was around 12 years and she rarely went even one day since without them. No doctors had done anything for her. She "lived" on Ibuprofen, 1000mgs 2/3 times a day. She was 52 Y.O. I mentioned the Folk Medicine book and 2 tsp vinegar with 2 tsp honey in a full glass of water. I told her it was worth a try, but (fearing it may take a while to take effect) I told her to try it faithfully for at least a week before abandoning it. I returned next day (1/2 block away) to find her bright and smiling giving me a big hug! NO MIGRAINE!! This was surprising enough, but I was skeptical ... placebo?...

To be brief, she ran out of vinegar at 25 days, and thought she was migraines, no pain killers. After 4 days with no mixture she had her first migraine again, and we quickly got her some more vinegar. Immediately, on re-starting the vinegar/honey drink, no migraines. When we left to return to USA she was on her 45th day without migraines except for the day mentioned. She now drinks 2 glasses a day and so far, NO MIGRAINES!! I of course felt delighted to have been able to help her this way. She had the real thing with flashing lights, sounds, grinding pain. She really looks like a different, bright, person. Any one wishing to verify this I can give her name and address in C.R. Her daughter is married and lives here in the USA near us.

EC: Click here to read many more remedies to cure headaches and migraines.

Heart Pain
Posted by Tim P (Montana)

Last night I was feeling a huge pain in my chest and my heart felt heavy and I even was weak in my left arm. Thinking it may be something serious I almost called the hospital, but remembered someone once said that ACV cleaned arteries and has helped many from serious problems. I woke up this morning and drank 1 cup straight of ACV and within minutes I felt the pain go away. After 1 hour I had my strength back and was feeling back to normal. (Although throughout the hour I had to drink about 3 glasses of water and eat a few teaspoons of honey since my gut was bloated.) No waiting in a hospital line for me and I am back to feeling like I have more energy than I can remember in just a few hours time. I was say that without a doubt that ACV saved my life and saved me a ton in hospital bills. Now, I am stocking up on that great stuff and will eat much more healthier. By the way, I also ran across a website about High Fructose Corn Syrup and its deadly dangers. You may want to read more about it since it is a very dangerous ingredient in almost all of our foods. For me, its fresh veggies and fruit for the rest of my life with a few shots of ACV once in a while.

EC: Earth Clinic note: If you are having heart pain, please do call or doctor or visit and emergency room!

Click here'for more heart remedies.

Interstitial Cystitis
Posted by Sherry (Boon, Michigan)

I have a bad bladder condition called Interstitial Cystitis and certain foods I eat cause me to have what is called a "Flare" up. When I take ACV, it relieves my symptoms within a half hour. It is definitely a natural wonder! I would recommend Apple Cider vinegar to anyone that can take it. It's so very good for so many conditions.

I take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey added to a hot cup of water when I have an interstitial cystitis flare up or an upset stomach. This helps me so very much..

Posted by Brett (Milwaukee, WI)

ACV takes care of my indigestion. I just dilute about a teaspoon in some water and drink. Within 5 minutes, my indigestion is gone.

High Cholesterol
Posted by Susan (USA)

One reader found success in lowering her high cholesterol by diluting ACV with a small amount of grape juice; she also drinks close to 80 ounces of water daily.

EC: Click here to many more testimonials and remedies to cure high cholesterol!

Hiatel Hernia
Posted by Kelly (Edmond, OK) on 11/05/2006

I find that a tablespoon of ACV with water before a meal significantly reduces the swallowing discomfort due to Hiatal Hernia. It is not a cure, but it definitely makes swallowing easier for me.

Halitosis/Bad Breath
Posted by ReeRee (Dallas, TX) on 03/07/2007

Apple cider vinegar is a great mouthwash, it actually takes and conquers the odor of bad breath for long lengthy hours try it

EC: Click here to read more remedies for bad breath.

Hair Conditioner
Posted by Barbara (Phoenix, Arizona)

I have been using vinegar once a week for years and years as a hair rinse. It gives my hair the perfect pH balance. As a result, at the ripe old age of 63, I have very thick, healthy, shiny hair. When I tell people about it, they think I am crazy, but it works!! I remember when I was very young, my mom would wash my hair in rain water and then rinse it with vinegar.

I use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup vinegar diluted with about 1/2 cup water. I shampoo and rinse first then pour on the vinegar - let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then shampoo again and rinse very well so there is no odor of vinegar. This was even recommended to me by a beautician once, and I hadn't even told her that I was already doing it!! The vinegar also removes all the old shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc. build-up in the hair.