Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leslie (Jonesborough, TN) on 12/12/2008

I have been taking a grocery store brand of ACV for a week now. I take 2-3 tbl spoons twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. It has taken my daily headaches completely away, my skin is softer, and just when I thought it wasn't helping my weight, I put on a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in a week, and they were loose! I've been pulling them up all day! I do want to suggest to definitely get the organic kind of ACV. I believe that it will work even better than the grocery store brand. I'm going to get some today.The only side effect so far is constipation. I hope by changing to the organic ACV that that will help.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Elena (Berkeley, CA) on 12/08/2008

I have just starting drinking ACV and water every day for close to 3 weeks now. I have suffered from acne since I was 12 years old and I am now 36 and as I've gotten older it has gotten worse. After drinking ACV for about 2 weeks, my skin started to transform and it looks great! I've tried everything to get rid of my grossly impacted pores and my pores are almost now completely free of debris. I have started using the ACV in my clay mask as well instead of water and it has made a HUGE difference. Not only has my face cleared up but the breakouts on other body parts are also clearing up. My skin is so soft, I have more energy and I've been having regular bowl movements. I've also noticed that my lips were very dry, they are now soft with no dryness.

Initially, when I started drinking ACV my skin erupted, now in retrospect I know that my body was just pushing the toxins out of my system. Also, my skin would be so oily, truly greasy several hours after cleaning my face, now I've noticed that my face has a beautiful glow but not OILY or greasy looking like before, this stuff is amazing! And I should also report that I do look 10 years younger as well! I am now looking forward to continuing my ACV treatment and have started to really take healing myself naturally very seriously.

EC: More acne cures here:

Broad Benefits
Posted by L (Orange County, California) on 12/06/2008

So I was trying Apple cider vinegar to get rid of warts, which it did get rid of them. I did not realize that it would get rid of my eczema too though. I figured I would start drinking it everyday and maybe I would see a difference. After day 4 my eczema is gone. I had tried the steroid cream and it did not work. I was not using the ACV for my eczema but it took it away, I did not put it directly on my eczema, just consumed it. I have lost weight in my stomach, which I have not been able to do for years, my bloating is gone and I am having regular bowel movements. I think I am also passing parasites. My skin looks radiant, I tend to have very dry skin on my face and it gets red and itchy, not anymore, its super soft and no red. My hair looks better. I cant wait to see how this is going to affect my period. I am a couple days late and I think it might be because of the ACV but we will see. The only down side I can see about the ACV is that if I drink it too fast and not throughout the day, I get a really bad headache. First 2 days I sipped throughout the day and I was fine. 3rd day I downed a cup in the morning and I had the worst headache ever, I had to lay down. Maybe its just my body detoxing. Did anyone feel this way after the 3rd day?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Frances (Blanchard, LA) on 12/02/2008

I have been using the apple cider remedy off and on for the last 3 weeks. Because I was laid off from work the state run insurance decided that I did not need the Acid Reflux med. They said I could use the over the counter stuff. After 6 months of agony I went to the internet and found the acid reflux remedy. It has been a great relief to me and it also has cleared my skin which really surprised. I use the apple cider vinegar to rinse my hair too.

I have been using 1 teaspoon to 8 oz of water. I use about a 1/4 cup of vinegar in a large 20 oz cup water shampoo and the rinse with the vinegar.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lori (Hammond, Indiana) on 11/26/2008

For about 2 yrs. I've been suffering from UTI's/Bladder Infections and most recently, Yeast Infections. I have been to the ER I don't know how many times, then I found a dr. that deals in that. I kept having UTI's and Bladder Infections and he kept prescribing my antiboitics, it got to the point where the antiboitics stopped working, I recently tried the ACV and I feel so much better! It really works. If I knew about this a long time ago it would of saved me a lot of trips to the ER. And I also love the added things it does for me, I have A TON of energy, my hair looks and feels a lot better, I went for a check-up last Monday and I lost 4 lbs. and I wasn't even trying. Trust me ladies, u should try the ACV!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, North Carolina) on 11/14/2008

I've been using apple cider vinegar for about 2 months now, and I have to admit that it does give you glowing skin. I drink one tablespoon of organic unfiltered ACV in a glass of water once a day and use regular filtered as a skin toner on my face twice a day. I'm in my late 20's and have acne, and I saw immediate results in 2 days. My skin glows, even when I have a break out. I use other products for acne, but I have noticed that break outs are reduced.

Additionally, drinking ACV has helped my acid reflux. I do not exactly understand how consuming an acid helps, but it does. I suppose it is possible that my stomach does not have to produce and excessive amount of acid if I am ingesting one.

As a side effect, I did notice that I had the constipation problem other people mentioned. I found it was worse the more ACV I drank, so I just restrict myself to 1 tablespoon per day and give my body a break from ACV at least one day a week.

Weightloss-wise, I've not noticed any results, but I think this is because I am not significantly over-weight and eat a healthy diet in the first place. I'm a 5'8'' 155lbs woman, so even a 5-10lbs loss from drinking ACV would be a bit drastic. I may, over an extended period, lose a bit, but I think that ACV helps more if you have not been taking any weight management measures. I think it might be helpful if more people describe their lifestyle pre-ACV in the weightloss section so that people will have a better idea of what results they can expect.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mona (Brampton, Ontario/Canada) on 11/02/2008

I am using Apple cider vinegar remedy ACV 2tsp 2 times a day for the last 2 months. It has cured my sinus, acidity generalized weakness, acne. But one thing that is worrying me the most is ever since I have used it my menstrual flow is very low which was quite normal previously. I am scared with it what is the reason should I continue taking ACV as my allergies are controlled with it.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cailin (Philadelphia, PA) on 10/31/2008

I love my crazy mother. The random remedies that she recommends always seem to be nonsense at first, but they work EVERY time!!! I have been a huge fan of earth clinic since my mom introduced me years ago when I was a very very poor college student. ACV basically works for everything. Clears up your skin, good for your insides - outsides, and apparently yeast infections. I also have been adding it to my dogs water bowl and it has cleared up her horrible skin (which i have spent HUNDREDS of dollars at the vet's office trying to cure). I have been in AGONY the past 24 hours with this horrible yeast infection. I get one atleast every other month and I always use that stupid, expensive monistat or vagisil. They are messy and unsuccessful in easing the pain. This morning I hopped on earth clinic, and sure enough ACV was the cure. I put some on a wet washcloth and held it on my lady area for about 3 minutes. It burned like hell at first, but it worked!! I'm going to soak in the bath now, as I'm sure that will be much relief as well. I have had problems with 'yeast' since I was a teen. I have been on those "Nature's Cure" yeast pills, but they aren't really helping. I'm going to start taking acidophilus pills cause I heard that they are great. I love you earth clinic!!! i just want to smother you with hugs and kisses!! thank you so much for the relief.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Barbara (Austin, Texas) on 10/27/2008

I just started using ACV as a mouthwash and it seemed to clear out my sinuses and stopped my tooth from hurting. I gargle with it and no sore throats. Allergy symptoms gone. So far so good. On baking soda, it is high in sodium so I dont think taking it on a regular basis is a good idea. If I get leg cramps and cannot sleep and have to walk it out, I put a pinch of baking soda in water and drink it and it does immediately relieve the cramps. Cramps due to acidity. ACV is an antiseptic. I also use ACV as a tone on my face just dab it on and it makes y our skiin feels so clean. I dont use it on my face everyday just a coupld of times a week.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michele (Lake Stevens, WA) on 10/24/2008

I read this book about Vermont Folk medicine and it talked about drinking ACV, honey and water and how it pretty much helps with everything. So I figured I would give it a shot, cuz it can't hurt. And now I mix a pitcher of it and me and the kids drink it. I just had my cholesterol checked and it lowered 30 points in a year. I wasn't even worried about my cholesterol. We refer to the mixture as honey drink and it makes a difference for me feeling hot and cold, having energy, rarely getting sick. I am totally sold and now buy honey and ACV in bulk. And I recommend it to everyone.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dee (Arkansas, USA) on 10/23/2008

I have had lot and lots of trouble with my stomach and teeth and gums, cracked heels and alot of other things, so one day I was reading about all the healthful benifits of ACV and about a week ago I started taking it, 2tsps in an 8 oz glass of water 3x a day and I right away felt the difference and seen the difference in my complextion, and even in my gums they are not swollen and they are actually clearing up, my mouth feels much better now. I just tough it out and take it with water, it isn't really that bad after you get use to it, shoot with all the health benefits I think I can handle the taste. Anyway I am so glad I started drinking it, now my husband is drinking it to, he just started we shall see how he does with it, he has high blood pressure I am hoping it will help him with that. Anyway just wanted to put my two cents in about the amazing apple cider vinegar.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Assia (Las Vegas, USA) on 10/16/2008

my name is assia from las vegas : i have been trying apple cider for the last 2 weeks ,i love it iam glad that i found some thing so cheap and effective .i have been drinking apple cider 2 table spoon +water 8oz three time a day .my hair is getting longer my skin looks amazing iam 29 years old , some people think iam only between 19 and 22 years old that is fantastic , i hve noticed little fading even in my spider veins (i have two of them in my legs) this apple cider is god sent methods to deal with any thingi n your body . women out their you have to start taking it is really good stuff.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Betty (Plant City, Florida) on 10/11/2008

Raw organic apple cider vinegar has helped me so much, I feel like a vinegar evangelist!! I tell everyone about it. I heard about it in 2003 after having been in the hospital for chronic broncitis three times that year and had develped asthma, was on a nebulizer and inhalers. I have always had allergies.

After I started the raw vinegar mixed with raw honey - I have been drinking 1/4 cup mixed with a glass of water at night.- I have lost 55 pounds, which I learned was due to the vinegar daily - have not had bronchitis or asthma and have quit taking acid reflex meds, lung meds, singular for asthma, don't need the nebulizer or inhalers. I also quit taking nexium and just learned it is also good for leg cramps. I am a much healther person. I take mine at night, but think I will try taking smaller doses three times a day. Even my lung doctor agreed ACV was good for your lungs. He said his Mother raised them on it for sore throats and colds. Too bad the drug companies don't agree. Thanks for your site

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rebecca (Aberdeen, Washington) on 10/09/2008

Apple cider vinegar all but eliminated swelling and pain. I am 58 and have been in good shape most of my life but had a low back injury over 3 years ago and have had severe pain and stiffness which has sent me to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and even a rolfer for 15 sessions! All of these helped but very temporarily. I have also been doing yoga and exercises from a book called Relaxercise (excellent by the way) which have also helped but only somewhat. I had been getting worse within the past few months and had develped knee, foot and hand pain along with swelling of these areas especially one ankle and foot which was twice the normal size. It hurt to walk or wear any type of shoe. My husband is an RN who looked at my swollen ankle and foot and told me it almost looked like gouty arthritis. This comment prompted me to research the subject and I found a blog of 100's of people all of who had been using ACV and all but 1 person rated the treatment 5 stars. I immediately went to a health food store and bought the organic, unfiltered ACV and started by taking 3 tablespoons in a large glass of water sweetened with organic raw honey. Following the first dose the night before, I woke to find the swelling reduced to about 1/4 of what it had been and the pain nearly gone. The stuff works like a miracle! I have continued to take it every day but have cut down the dose to 2 tablespoons 2-3 times per day in the same amount of water with honey. I have only a twinge of pain and 1 spot of swelling about the size of a quarter remaining on my ankle. Amazingly, my low back has less pain and more mobility than what I have ever had since the injury over 3 years ago. All this and I have only discovered this treatment less than 1 week ago! Amazing!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bob (Boston, Ma) on 10/05/2008

I ended up on your site looking for a cure for shingles. I found it and it involved among other things Apple cider vinegar to be ingested and a mix of Aloe vera and crushed cayenne pepper rubbed on the redness which almost instantly brought the blisters to a head. I was done with shingles in about a week. Because of all the testimonials here, I decided to keep on taking the ACV orally 3 times a day. In liquid form or capsules. I realized that my flow of urine got stronger and started to last much longer. I had prostate problems for a few years and I was taking every day some very expensive herbal tea that was working somewhat. I decided to stop the herbal tea and stay on the ACV only. I now pee like a 15 years old and I'm not on any medication. ACV also cured me of my insomnia! Thank you Earth Clinic for such a great site.

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