I know you list taking a standard multi was OK to go alongside the BHT treatment. I've not been on a multi in a few months. I'm wanting to go back on a multi now.
You say not to use herbs in any theraputic dosages with the BHT. Is it OK to take a multi with some smaller amounts of herbals? The one I have in mind is here: http://www.sourcenaturals.com/products/GP1839/
I want to take a complete multi for men & this one is highly rated. I've been on numerous other multi's in the past but this one is what I want to take now. It does have several herbals in varying doses so I want to check with you before buying it to compliment the BHT treatment.
If this Multi you wouldn't recommend then please point me to a multi that would fit the BHT treatment. I want one specifically suited to men & not just a standard multi considered for everyone.
One other thing I found just searching through BHT links from Google. I want your opinion of the following article on BHT: http://www.rifeenergymedicine.com/BHT.html
What's your opinion in the article on the combination of high doses of Vit. E & Vit. C with BHT for treating the family of lipid coated viruses?
I really think my situation is possibly a candidate for something like the above article. I've had this virus for over 20 years now without any significant treatment from traditional medicine or any other means until the past 2 months or so.
I just think I need to go as aggressive as possible with treatment. I've been in really bad shape for almost 3 years now. I'm surprised that I haven't already passed on but The Lord has kept me here for a reason. I need to supplement with as many means as possible to attack the viral overload. I know this virus is the MAIN cause for all of my health issues. I thought for a long time it was more fungal/candida related but I never got anywhere treating candida overload.
If it's one thing I know for sure that I have it's viral related with herpes simplex dating back to 1994. The doctors have told me that herpes simplex has NOTHING to do with my health issues. Yeah right! Any pathogen(s) is the main cause for all of our health issues. So in their eyes viruses(long or short term) aren't a problem for my health? Are you kidding me?
Is it OK to continue using the alkalizing remedies listed here at EC while on the BHT treatment? I'm on the BS/H2O remedy taken @ 1/2 tsp. BS w/H2O 3X daily.
Anyhow, want your input on the information above as soon as you can get back to me. Thanks again Oscar for your time! Have a great weekend & God Bless!
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
I actually started the BHT treatment on July 10th. I began with a low dosage to avoid any unwanted problems to what I already have. I started at 175mg daily for 2 weeks. I then went to 350mg daily for another 2 weeks. I'm now on the 700mg dosage & that's been since around the 10th of August. I keep records of my supplements intake on my religious calendar so I can give you exact dates.
So, I've only been on the 700mg dosage for a little over 5 weeks now. I'm not a big guy at all. I'm 5'9" & weight 165 pounds. I don't have much fat except for the abdominal region. That's the only area on my body with excess fat.
I don't know what's the cause of excess fat there except for my digestive issues to go along with whatever pathogens are inside me. I just know it's mostly virus related though. I have viral problems without a doubt so that's why I think most of my problems are related to viral overload.
The excess fat in the stomach area is why I decided on the 700mg dosage instead of a 350mg dosage that others may take with less body fat/size.
I've read that BHT can be taken safely for extended periods of time at this 700mg dosage. It can even be taken continually at 700mg if needed without causing any liver damage or other side effects for most people.
I do have another question for ya Oscar. I DO NOT go to the doctors anymore! I stopped going in October of last year because of the lack of care that I had received & all of my health issues being blamed on my mind. Of course, my mind is a mess because of my ongoing physical health issues. My mind IS NOT the direct cause of my health problems though.
How will I know if the BHT treatment is removing the viral overload? Do I go strictly by watching/journaling the herpes outbreaks? Do I go by other symptoms improving like fatigue & pain? I'd just like to know what all I should be looking for in regards to if the BHT/Vit. C treatment is working?
You say to give the BHT treatment about 3 months testing. I would have to start with evaluating my progress at the 700mg dosage even though I started taking BHT on July 10th. So, that 700mg dosage started on August 10th so that means I have about another 2 months left to determine my progress.
Is 1000mg of Vit. C enough to go alongside the BHT dosage? I know you list 500-1000mg in your recommendations but I want to ask if more taken is OK without any interference with BHT or should I stay with 1000mg? And, you do say not to take the Noni that I asked about too right?
Also, do you have any dietary recommendations to go beside the BHT treatment? Do I need to avoid all fructose or any other particular foods? I don't see anything in regards to diet from your BHT protocol. That one article I read was avid at saying not to eat any fructose while taking BHT. What's your take on this & entire diet with the treatment? Thanks Oscar & God Bless!
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
I was taking 4 tbsp. of CS daily (on empty stomach) along with topically applying DMSO, CS, & Echinacea to my spleen area twice daily.
After only 2+ months of BHT/Vit. C I've seen also minimal results so far but do not want to stop the treatment too early. Like I said, my last outbreak was milder & didn't last but a few days.
I do understand that Oscar says to not take other supplements/herbs in theraputic dosages because they can interfere with the BHT treatment. I'm just looking for some real pain relief. I've not had real pain relief ever since this sickness blew up on me close to 3 years ago. I thought the Noni would help for the pain because of the people telling me about it.
I also understand what Oscar says. I wonder if Noni or any other superfood has ever been studied to degrade the BHT treatment? I don't want to be taking pain medication at all either but 1/2 tablet every few days does certainly give me a little relief at least but I know it's not the answer either. So, you're saying it's best to avoid Noni while on the BHT to be safe & to keep from any type of interference with BHT?
I have to ask why does taking prescription meds like pain medication & others not interfere with BHT either? We all here know prescription meds are just adding fuel to the fire so I question Oscar saying for everyone to keep taking their prescription meds while on the treatment as well. How can viral overload be eradicated while still taking medications with the BHT? I understand some meds can't be stopped cold turkey but taking meds with this treatment is a theory I can't understand either.
I also remember reading a post of yours a while back about someone asking you about the white coating on their tongue. You said that you were concerned about this being a viral problem for that person. I had always looked at my white coated tongue as a fungal issue. I tried treating my health issues with the candida protocol by Bill for months & months but got nowhere.
This post of yours led me to thinking this white coating on my tongue could very well be more viral than anything because if there's one thing I know that I have & that's herpes simplex virus & this dates back to 1994. I've been using tea tree oil on my tongue & inner mouth twice daily for a few months now & I have to say the white coating is almost gone.
Of course, the digestive issues with the viral overload can be seen in the mouth/tongue just like any other ongoing gut issues will be shown in the mouth area. I have come to the conclusion that most if not all of my health issues are related to my viral overload since I contracted herpes simplex in 1994 & never received any traditional medicine treatment for it. I still think there's a chance for some fungal issues but I know for a fact that I have viral issues so that's why I decided to go with treating that a few months back.
Dave, what is your suggestions as far as diet goes while on the BHT treatment? I mean I've tried the candida diet per Bill's suggestions but never got anywhere. I do take in some sugar but it's through fruits(not fruit juices, fresh fruit only) & at times an organic health food bar too that's Non-GMO. I don't take in much sugar at all. Probably 3-5 grams total daily unless I eat multiple fruits daily & that's very little.
I read an article a while back in which it stated to avoid fructose completely while taking BHT. I feel like that may be a bit extreme but I just want the absolute best advice possible while taking this BHT treatment. The BHT treatment is the cheapest remedy that I've seen for treating what I now believe is more viral related so this is certainly a plus for me & my family because we've spent so much money throughout this whole ordeal!
I'm just trying to hold on & of course continue to keep my trust in The Lord while going through this journey. It's not easy but I do have the greatest power in this world on my side. Thanks Dave & any suggestions are welcomed buddy!
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
Stay on your BHT and C...if doing BHT from everything Oscar says, BHT works best where nothing is interfering.
If results are not as you'd want then consider Colloidal Silver...apply topically and orally. Two tablespoons three times daily. I'd do this for a full month before judging results. I'd do this for six months to come close to killing a systemic infection.
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
I haven't seen any big changes yet on the treatment. I've had one pretty bad outbreak but the most recent one was milder & didn't seem as bad. It's my understanding that treatment with BHT will cause the herpes outbreaks to gradually disappear over a period of months up to a year.
That's my ultimate goal is to stop the outbreaks but possibly even getting rid of the virus all together with the BHT treatment.
What I want to ask is a question in regards to mixing in another supplement with the protocol. I don't take nothing but Vit. C with BHT right now. I'm wanting to add in a superfood with this treatment. I will be using this superfood for pain relief. I suffer from chronic pain & even have to resort to pain medication at times for some type of relief.
I don't want that so I was wondering if it would be OK to take Noni superfood with the BHT treatment? I know Oscar stated that some herbs/other supplements in theraputic doses can degrade the BHT treatment. Noni is supposedly wonderful for pain relief. I've never taken Noni so I can't testify about its health benefits. I just know others that have & they say it's helped not only with pain but many other symptoms as well.
So, to anybody that can answer this please do so. I'm going to continue the BHT protocol regardless but was hoping to add Noni to the treatment plan. I'm hoping to see this viral overload decrease over the next few months from the BHT treatment.
This may take a while for me because I've suffered from herpes for just over 20 years. I've tried numerous plans & protocols from right here at EC. No major changes yet from any of them including the candida protocol by Bill but I will continue pushing on & trust in Jesus to do what His Word say! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks & God Bless!
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
I expect or at least hope you are keeping the treatment simple and NOT using other supplements including: milk thistle, vitamin B12 and the rest. The ONLY supplement that seems to work well with the BHT treatment is a standard multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. And that is optional and NOT considered by me as part of the treatment.
So please do keep the BHT treatment simple and I very much hope your next viral load count will be UNDETECTABLE....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Now this is " The Life Extension Foundation ". I spoke with a staff member of LEF. She told me she knows of NO reason why you can not purchase BHT from them. The price for non-members is $ 16.50 US dollars for one hundred 350mg capsules of BHT. Now you will need a credit card to buy it or have a friend who will let you use their credit card.
If you join LEF and become a member you can buy the BHT for $12.38 for the same one hundred 350mg capsules.
Here is some more information about LEF along with a phone number if you have any problems:
Nigeria is not listed on the countries with restrictions http://www.lef.org/Vitamins-Supplements/Shipping/Shipping-Information.htm? Do recall there sometimes being problems with credit cards from that country. If you were informed that they couldn't buy the product from us, you are welcome to contact Customer Service 1 800 678 8989 or http://[email protected] to find out.
So I very much hope this resolves this problem for Nigerians. I do recommend you start out with 1/2 of a capsule for at least a few days to make sure you have no problem with using BHT. The capsules are easy to pull apart. Then just fold the remainder in a piece of paper for the next dose. Also: I very much advise taking BHT with water only on an empty stomach for best results.
Also: Please report back to the EARTH CLINIC and let me know if this works out for you people. Also: You people need to boil any water you drink to ensure it is safe to drink. The same is true for everyone because so much of the entire world`s water is no loner safe to drink unless it is boiled first....Oscar
Quick follow up to Nigerians: There may be other payment options for buying BHT from Life Extension Foundation. Such as a BANK CHECK or MONEY ORDER if you do not have a valid credit card. You can speak with a customer service representative at: 1-800-678-8989. This is a good company. If you don`t screw them around they will sell the BHT at a good price. I have purchased BHT from them for many years. It is a good product based on my experience with them. So this should solve this problem. I still do not know what the problem was to begin with. There are NO trade restrictions regarding Nigerians buying BHT according to the woman I spoke with. She does state there were problems with Nigerians and credit cards. So if you try and scam or cheat them with invalid credit cards don`t blame me or them. I do know most Nigerians are good people but I have learned there are some Nigerians who try and scam people. The same is true of some Americans so I am NOT judging Nigerians per se. As far as I know there is NO reason you can not buy BHT from LEF. If you want this BHT do NOT try and screw them around with invalid credit card numbers. It is up to you to establish trust with these people by being honest and using valid funds. I went to the trouble to find a retailer for you. Don`t make me live to regret doing so....Oscar
BHT Overview
Where to Buy: Nigeria
I do NOT know the political situation in Nigeria. I do HOPE that the USA president Obama cares about Nigerians. He is of African decent. I do hope it is NOT the USA that is the problem. You tell me because I do NOT know.
We peoples of the WORLD have to find ways of getting along with each other or spend our lives fighting each other....Oscar
BHT Overview
Where to Buy: Nigeria
BHT and Peripheral Neuropathy
BHT and Peripheral Neuropathy
Is there some sport such as fishing you enjoy? Hiking and bicycle riding are really good for you. Bike riding is actually kind of exciting and hiking enjoyable. As corny as it sounds: Bird photography can add to both as far as enjoyment goes. Just bring a decent camera along with you.
We are about the same age. We both have to find real things that make our lives enjoyable. Sitting around and feeling pain is not good. Finding activities that keep us physically active that we enjoy is vitally important. It is all too easy to fall into self destructive depression at our age. I see it happen to so many people, myself included....Oscar
BHT and Peripheral Neuropathy
I am dealing with Peripheral Neuropathy and Diabetes #2 which is the result of interferon. Just google the side effects and see for yourself. It saddens me to think there are still people who will take that stuff as prescribed by doctors whose only concern is money. The BHT at 350mg per day on an empty stomach lowered my liver enzymes and gratefully cured my brain fog and flue like symptoms. Now I can eat chicken without feeling like I am getting the flu, and I thought it was my sister's cooking. LOL.
Now at this time I take R+ALA for the PN and Chanca Piedra for the pain in the lower lobe of my liver on my left side which by the way started after my biopsy back in 2002. Today I am having a good day but there are some bad ones where energy and stamina are very low. My Alt is 55 AST 51 GGT 32 because stupid me had to get a shingles vaccine out of worry. I am sure my numbers will drop some more if they can find a vein to draw blood from. There are few who can and now they are no longer there. I do appreciate Oscar for all his suggestions and hope he can put all his wonderful info in one column.
Having a good day. Art.
I do appreciate
Where to Buy
Where to Buy: India
Interestingly they have come to similar conclusions as mine as to dosage. For most people: one or two doses of 250mg of BHT per day seems to be what works best for most people as a treatment for viral diseases.
I recommend starting with one 250mg of BHT for one week. If no adverse reactions are experienced start taking two 250mg of BHT per day. One dose in the morning and one at night with water on an empty stomach. If you weigh 130 pounds or less the one dose per day may be all you need to get this hepatitis B infection resolved, cured. To get truly cured takes at least 2 years of daily dosing with BHT as I described or recommended. I hope this information helps you. Please report back to this forum with your test results. Also keep this treatment simple. Do NOT take a bunch of other supplements. Many compounds react with BHT in a way that makes the treatment NOT work. The only supplement I think is OK to use with BHT is a standard multivitamin and mineral supplement. MANY compounds will screw this treatment up including: milk thistle and vitamin B supplements. Drinking grapefruit juice also makes the treatment NOT work. Those statements are based on years of feedback from people using the BHT treatment....Oscar
Where to Buy: India
General Feedback
I used to have a lot of trouble with mouth ulcers, this was an ongoing issue for 10years or more. Anytime I bit my lip or cheek, or even just a minor abrasion to the lining of my mouth, and I would be guaranteed to get a mouth ulcer. Tried the usual antibacterial type remedies such as topical peroxide, iodine, bicarb, salt, rinsing with alcohol. That stuff didn't work for me though. In the end my ulcers turned out to be caused by a virus (maybe a strain of HSV), and a potent anti viral called BHT worked for me - from what I read it only works for lipid-coated viruses (fortunately the majority of viruses are lipid coated! ). I took about 500mg of BHT twice a day and that fixed it. And by fixed I mean I'm practically cured, as I don't need to take a maintenance dose of BHT to keep the ulcers away. 500mg worked, but maybe 250mg would be fine too, but I know that taking 1000mg in one dose was too much for me to handle as I would get some pains in my tummy (possibly liver struggling to metabolise it).. That only lasted an hour or so.
General Feedback
EC: Hi Pete,
Please read the info on our BHT page here: www.earthclinic.com/remedies/BHT.html
Where to Buy
See my detailed treatment protocol here:
PLEASE post in this EARTH CLINIC forum your results with the use of BHT. You did NOT mention what disease you wish to treat with BHT. Will you do that for me and the other forum members....Oscar
Where to Buy
I am going to assume you are considering or using BHT for one of the viral hepatitis diseases because is mostly what I discuss. Hepatitis often leads to some degree of peripheral neuropathy. We have had at least a few members in our group discuss it.
I recall an " Art from Vancouver " discussing BHT and PN at length in this forum. He had hepatitis C and had undergone the peg-interferon + ribavron treatments without success and much damage to his body including PN. For him the BHT seemed to help a lot with PN. Now you need to start with the lower dosages of BHT and find a dosage you are comfortable with. We have had many success stories from people using 250mg to 500mg of BHT per day. Lightweight and thin people seem to do best at about 250mg of BHT per day.
Here is a link to our group:
If that link does not work: Google: THE BHT CURES CHAT GROUP. Once there click JOIN THIS GROUP and follow the instructions ...Oscar
BHT and Peripheral Neuropathy
Also there are companies in India that make and sell BHT. I am NOT sure if they sell to people living in India or not....Oscar
Where to Buy: Nepal
Where to Buy: Nepal
I am Om from Nepal and have been suffering from Hepa B since one year. I have already tried all herbal medicine which have been finding out in India for hepatitis B but I am not getting good response, instead my Hbsag titer is increasing day by day. I have decided to go through this medicine and follow all the precuation as suggested by Oscar.
I am from Nepal so it has been difficulties to find out BHT in nepal. So, could you please provide me some information so that I can order online. And another question, my weight is 53 kg, what does would be perfect for me. If I take 250mg per day, would it be better.
Waiting for your response! Thanks Om
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
So sorry to hear that you will no longer be our #1 advocate for BHT. You have helped so many people here who were facing sometimes rather dismal futures and have given hope and healing where only decline seemed to be approaching. Thank you so much for your wonderful protocol and the sincere effort you have made to reach those in need. You will be missed, but we hope you will still drop in when you can. Take care and best wishes always.
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
So, if you are interested in the BHT treatment for Hepatitis C and B and other viral diseases the information is available for you. I will post MY recommendations regarding BHT here once again:
Weight is an important factor in determining dosage. Fat content of a person`s body is another. Generally the more you weigh and the higher the fat content of your body the more BHT you need to effectively treat a viral infection. Many average size men have done very well with 250mg of BHT taken twice a day. If adverse side effects occur and persist, LOWER the dosage of BHT used. That is the treatment.
Supplements that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment are:
1. A regular type multi-vitamin and mineral pill once a day.
2. A regular type vitamin B complex pill.once a day.
3. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] per day. 1mg is the same as 1, 000mcg { micrograms ].
4. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of between 500mg and 1, 000mg per day.
5. The lipid monolaurin. Unsure about dosage.
6. The herb chianca piedra seems especially helpful in treating hepatitis B. Unsure of dosage.
7. Sodium selenite in a daily dosage of 50mcg [ micrograms ].
Also, and importantly: Continue taking any doctor prescribed medicines or drugs. Very many of the people who have had dramatic improvement with this BHT treatment are taking a doctor prescribed medicine of one type or another.
1. Milk Thistle and it`s extracts. Degrades the treatment to the point that it no longer works.
2. Grapefruit juice. Degrades the treatment to the point it no longer works.
3. Colloidal silver
4. Hydrogen peroxide taken internally. Hydrogen peroxide is a REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES. It will make the BHT treatment NOT work.
5. MMS [ Miracle Mineral Supplement ]. MMS is chlorine bleach, a very powerful oxidizer that will react with BHT in such a way as to make the treatment not work.
6. Vitamin E supplements. Yes, you NEED some vitamin E. But a normal diet provides plenty. Vitamin E supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses ability to replicate and should be avoided for that reason.
For best results, stick with those supplements I listed that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment. Vitamin B12 is an especially good one.
That treatment works consistently well based on the substantial feedback available....
My VERY BEST to all forum members and especially the dedicated staff here at THE EARTH CLINIC....Oscar
Hepatitis C
BHT Overview
Trying to help, ...Oscar
BHT Overview
Hepatitis C
BHT Overview
BHT treatment as recommended by Oscar is:
100mg to 350mg of BHT taken with water on an empty stomach once or twice a day. The dosage varies for each person. Weight is an important factor in determining dosage. Fat content of a person`s body is another. Generally the more you weigh and the higher the fat content of your body the more BHT you need to effectively treat a viral infection. Many average size men have done very well with 250mg of BHT taken twice a day. If adverse side effects occur and persist, LOWER the dosage of BHT used. That is the treatment.
Supplements that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment are:
1. A regular type multi-vitamin and mineral pill once a day.
2. A regular type vitamin B complex pill.once a day.
3. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] per day. 1mg is the same as 1, 000mcg { micrograms ].
4. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of between 500mg and 1, 000mg per day.
5. The lipid monolaurin. Unsure about dosage.
6. The herb chianca piedra seems especially helpful in treating hepatitis B. Unsure of dosage.
7. Sodium selenite in a daily dosage of 50mcg [ micrograms ].
Also, and importantly: Continue taking any doctor prescribed medicines or drugs. Very many of the people who have had dramatic improvement with this BHT treatment are taking a doctor prescribed medicine of one type or another.
1. Milk Thistle and it`s extracts. Degrades the treatment to the point that it no longer works.
2. Grapefruit juice. Degrades the treatment to the point it no longer works.
3. Colloidal silver
4. Hydrogen peroxide taken internally. Hydrogen peroxide is a REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES. It will make the BHT treatment NOT work.
5. MMS [ Miracle Mineral Supplement ]. MMS is chlorine bleach, a very powerful oxidizer that will react with BHT in such a way as to make the treatment not work.
6. Vitamin E supplements. Yes you NEED some vitamin E. But a normal diet provides plenty. Vitamin E supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses ability to replicate and should be avoided for that reason.
For best result stick with those supplements I listed that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment. Vitamin B12 is an especially good one.
That is the treatment that works consistently well based on the substantial feedback available....Oscar
So, like I said: If you are trying the BHT treatment report in and let us know how it is working....Oscar
It did. I mean right away.
I will probably be easy on BHT. I used about half cup massaging my body. Obviously it was too much.
In trying BHT, I also figured that maybe I was dificient of collagen. No wonder I suffered arthrities in the past. Thank you all who posts here.
I appreciate your sharing. I will also update the progress..later. Good luck.everyone.
And no one else responded to my general "challenge" to describe what process was being used by someone who has argyria. That was my point. And you also talk about another neighbor you have who uses the electrical system and has no problem.
My argument is, we hear of argyria cases and I can never can get an explanation on how they are incorrectly doing it.
One part per mission is like one inch in 12 miles. I do more than that but the miniscule amount cannot cause a problem. Now if I drank a cup of concentrate daily... An amount you could actually see in the glass container and drank that every day for months, then I could see how that concentration... 100,000 parts per million perhaps, how that amount could cause argyria.
Thanks for responding.
I am going to add my ten cents here also. Bicarb when given to birds and rats will blow them apart in seconds due to the rush of oxygen it supplies to their body, but it doesn't do it to humans or any other species that I know of. What's to say the web page you read is not Pharma scare tactics? You don't sell a product to bankrupt yourself by putting a negative statement up with it? Instant Bankrupt? And its been known for a long time pharma and supplement companies pay the lab workers to get rid of dead ra's and put live ones in the Labs so it gets passed as 'Safe for use'??? I too would like to see more solid evidence on this, I admire you greatly Oscar, but it's a bit suspect to me, I am with Dave on this matter. And there are other posts like this on EC that look like their all reading from the same piece of paper word for word. Love Andrea C xxxxxx
Here is what Weil says....
The white truths are always compromised by the dark lies, and the consequence is that grey area that many people get bogged down in with no path out.
The BHT treatment is:
> > > > > 200mg to 350mg of BHT taken once or twice a day with water on an empty stomach. The dosage varies for each person. Generally, the more you weigh the more you need and the less you weigh the less you need or desire. Age is also a factor. People around age 60 have a harder time tolerating higher dosages.
> > > > > Supplements that work well with BHT are:
> > > > > 1. A generic multivitamin and mineral supplement.
> > > > > 2. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] which is the same as 1, 000mcg [ micrograms ] per day.
> > > > > 3. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of 500mg to 1, 000mg per day.
> > > > > 4. One vitamin B complex pill per day.
> > > > > 5. The lipid monolaurin. Not sure of dosage.
> > > > > 6. The herb chianca piedra has helped some people. Not sure about dosage.
> > > > > 7. Sodium selenite in a dosage of 50 [ micrograms ] a day.
> > > > > Supplements to avoid:
> > > > >
> > > > > 1. Milk thistle and it`s extracts. It reacts with BHT in a way that degrades the treatment.
> > > > > 2. Vitamin E supplements. Yes you need some vitamin E. But vitamin E supplements were proven to ENHANCE hepatitis C`s virons ability to replicate and therefore vitamin E supplements should be avoided.
> > > > > 3. Any and all other supplements should be avoided until and unless I see evidence they work well with the BHT treatment.
These are MY recommendations....Oscar
So stop taking the fish oil, vitamin E supplemennts, and all of those other things that are not on my short list of supplements that work well with BHT.
Why not at least give that a try ? If it does not work you can always go back to that other stuff. I am very much hoping the keep simple method works as well for you as it has for many others....Oscar
I can go on line and come up with abstracts that make assertions about silver accumulation in the organs and what I find is that they are using silver as a compound or like one that was done for a Euasian Toxocology Journal... Chickens were given the silver in unspecified quanties from a POWDER. Imagine the PPM level of that.
You depend heavly on that unnamed and uncited "study" to describe Ag as poison. Yet by not being able to analyze how the study was conducted we do not know the validity of your criticism.
Electrolysis made silver diluted to less than 500 ppm will not accumulate and even critics of CS concede that fact. Only big Pharma want to frighten us into believing otherwise.
I've been on CS about five times weekly at the high PPM now for 20 years and what you describe as "poison" must be a slow killer. I feel great. (And have had four hair samples taken in past ten years with NO indication of even abnormal silver levels.)
Oscar, if you had followed your own advice and trusted Pearson and Shaw's admonition about not using BHT to kill viruses if related to liver issues, you'd called BHT a poison. (Life Extension Companion)
Fortunately, you didn't follow their warnings and you have helped many people who are being devestated by Hep B and C.
And is BHT part of the "Human biology"? You criticize Ag, one of the elements of the periodic table, for not being part of the human biology when we get microscopic amounts of Ag daily and does no damage at all and yet you are an advocate of BHT which is not an element and definitely not a part of the human biology and you assert is a Hep B and C killer.
And on the odd assertion that silver softens the heart causing congestive heart failure. Please cite a source for that idea. I've read a lot about CHF over the years in all its many forms; usually the extra pressure being caused by plaque build up, or water retention; and that excess causes the heart to enlarge and HARDEN because of the intense pressure it must exert to force the blood through a restricted opening (hence high blood pressure as indicative of heart problems). A recent Mercola explanation of why distance runners develop HARDENED hearts which is just what happens with congestive patients. I've missed the "softening" issue which you attribute to silver sofenting the heart to cause CHF. I've read perhaps a dozen causes of CHF but the softening one has eluded me.
I've read plenty about the heart muscle "streching" as it tries more and more to pump blood all the while never catching up... That's not "softening" so I'm not at all following what you mean when you equate the "softening" with CHF... and then say that silver can cause the same.
Please cite your sources so I can get better informed.
I take echinacea when I have an outbreak.
As I mentioned I did talk with Stephen Fowkes two years ago when I had the problem and he told me to stay on it and the reaction would clear up, but the reaction was so bad that I didn't want to take a chance he could be wrong and get myself in worse condition.
I really do want to try BHT again as I have quite a problem with herpes but am always responsive to natural remedies and believe it would probably work for me.
I so appreciate the time you are taking to answer questions.
That toxicology report described the one toxicology test they had done. Ten young healthy rats were given the colloidal silver as recommended with dosage adjusted for the weight of these young adult and healthy rats.
After only two weeks on the colloidal silver treatment: Two of the ten rats so treated had discolored livers. One of those ten rats had softening of its heart tissue. This is called congestive heart failure. So out of ten rats so treated for only two weeks, three of those rats had observable signs of vital organ damage. The person who did this testing said the results were inconclusive.
This colloidal silver treatment does remind of the old salts of mercury treatments for syphilis. Those salts of mecury did work to varying degrees as a treatment for syphilis. But like mercury, silver accumilates in certain vital organs and damages them as that toxicology report clearly indicates. At least in my opinion it does. I am sure I will catch some heat for expressing my opiinion. So be it....Oscar
Infection in the ears may be going on also so consider an application in the ear canals. The two (sinus irrigation and ear irrigation) will get to the eustacian tubes. I've had twenty years of experience with CS/ make my own and have personally seen hundreds of anecdotal stories so know quite well the results. Silver solution properly made will kill virus/fungus and bacteria if properly applied. Depending on the infection, repeated treatment might be necessary and sometimes for a long time. There are variables.
You asked me why I started using BHT and stuck with it. My answer is because I was very sick and went to the VA outpatient clinic in Boston seeking help. The doctor gave me a physical examination and asked me if I had ever had blood transfusions. I told him I had many blood transfusions as a result of an old gunshot wound in 1968. He explained to me that I had jaundice and other signs of liver disease. He ordrered some blood tests and had me come back a few days later and told me I had hepatitis C. He told me they had this drug called interferon and that it helped some of veterans treated with it but only about 25% of them. This was in 1997 and they only had the first of the interferon drugs back then. He also said it made some veterans sicker and go bald. He ordered more blood tests and set up an appointment for a week later. I was unhappy about all this on the train ride home. I stopped in at a book store and they had a big dispay of Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw`s " The Life Extension Companion ". I bought the book and read up on the use of BHT to treat the different herpes viruses. They discuss BHT as a treatment for lipid coated viruses. They also warn people with liver disease to NEVER take BHT. Well I found out hepatitis C is a lipid coated virus and decided to give BHT a try as a treatment for hepatitis C in spite of their warnings. I figured it could not be any worse than this interferon stuff.
The BHT worked so very well for me I was showing signs of improvement in one short week. When I saw that doctor he said I looked much better and ordered new liver function tests and a hepatitis C RNA test.
Anyway, after only a month or so of this BHT treatment my liver function tests were all normal except one that was close to normal and I was testing NEGATIVE with the hepatitis C RNA test. The doctor told me his residency with the VA was over. I told him I felt well and had no reason for any more doctors appointments.
My treatment was one 200mg of BHT twice a day with water on an empty stomach. I also took a standard multivitamin pill and a vitamin B complex pill now and then. About every other day along with a 500mg vitamin C pill and an occasional sodium selenite pill.
For me the BHT treatment worked very well. The results astounded me. I sent a letter about all this to the CDC and THE AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION. The only response I got was a request for money from The American Liver Foundation. I called them and told them to never ask me for money again....Oscar
I am amazed at the number of people who insist on mixing all sorts of stuff together. A large part of pharmacy is all about avoiding mixing the wrong things together. Read the bottles and pamphlets provided with almost any drug out there and you will see that I am right about that....Oscar
Hepatitis C and Peripheral Neuropathy
With colloidal silver I'm concerned about turning blue. I saw photos of the guy on the news who turned blue from using colloidal silver and died recently.
The nervous reaction I had from taking the 350 mg capsules was pretty bad. It was internal shaking 24/7 and I was also very sick. I took the capsules for four days and quit. I then contacted Stephen Fowkes who was kind enough to respond and even talked with him on the phone. He told me it was a metabolic problem and that I should up my intake of Armour Thyroid. I tried that but it made no difference, a fact I didn't relate to Stephen Fowkes as I felt it was useless. It took me a year to fully recover. Since I told Stephen Fowkes about it I am always surprised to read on the internet that no adverse reactions have been reported as I did report that reaction to him.
I may try to take a tiny grain of it to see if I can build up. Thank you for replying.
To answer your question; you are going to try again the BHT to kill the virus but the first time you did it you had a reaction and your question is... is there a way to take it such that there is no reaction?
There is such a thing as building up a tolerance to something. So try a TINY amount of the BHT and just see. That's what I'd do anyway. Your first reaction was not life threatening was it? I did not get that from your post. So just try a few grains; the smallest amount you can... and with food so the BHT isn't hitting the system on an empty stomach.
By the way; there are other ways to kill a virus. I'm a big advocate of Colloidal Silver (high dose) taken over months to kill a system wide infection / echinacea.... Five drops twice a day for a month. Topical applications if possible of same.
Hepatitis C and Peripheral Neuropathy

I would like to try it again and am wondering if anyone who has had this reaction has been able to take it at a lower dosage. If so, what would be the dosage to try?
I noticed a suggestion to break a capsule and touch the powder with a finger tip and try that for a reaction. If a reaction occurred when taking this small amount would it be as strong a reaction as with the 350 mg capsule? Or a lesser reaction?
I ask this because a pharmacist once told me that if you ever react to any medication you will always again react to it just as powerfully even if it's taken in a minute dose. Not sure whether to believe that as it doesn't seem logical.
If that company does not sell to Ghana you need to google search for one that does. I hope that company sells to Ghana. If not you will have to find your own source for BHT....Oscar
BHT Books
Genital Herpes
On the echinacea, use the liquid found in health food stores. It is a concentrate that is medicinal... Important to apply topically as well as four or five drops in water and that drink three times daily. A "tea" is not strong enough. Putting both the C Silver on topically as well as orally is the strategy.
I've made my own for 20 years and have found some producers make varieties that just don't seem to work. By way of example I had obtained a "super fine superior" CS and was experimenting with it in my sinus and a sinus cold actually started while I was using this "super" silver... The cold got worse even as I increased the dose and finally, after two days used my own home made version and INSTANTLY the infection was gone. To know if you have the most effective CS use the brand you have been using on.... Say on a sore throat... The brand of CS should knock that out instantly... After two "gargles"... if it doesn't then the type of CS being used is actually inferior despite the claims on the label being "the best" etc.
Oh, and about the echinacea, I've seen some writers who don't like the echinacea being used orally for more than a few months. But one book I read by a Doctor around the 1900s used it to treat spider bites had his patients drinking it (five drops in water) four or five times daily for six months made no mention of adverse effects from such heavy consumption.
How to Take BHT
This is in response to a number of different posters. I have discussed this issue many times now. In my opinion mixing BHT with any oil very much degrades the treatment. For best results BHT should be taken with a gulp of water only. Do NOT mix BHT with any oil at the time it is ingested or anything other than a gulp of water.
My opinion is based on the results posted in this and other forums....Oscar
I've changed my diet since I started having frequent outbreaks. I used to be able to eat anything except peanuts and not have an outbreak. Guess I didnt kniw how lucky I was all that time. Now it's no sodas diet or not. Almost eliminated all sugar and bread. No juices. Just drink water with lemon for PH. I have been taking ACV 3 times a day in the last 2 weeks. 2-3 garlic cloves a day. Salads, fruit, Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey, eggs, cheese, turkey, chicken, veggies.
I have lost 15 lbs due to my diet change. Used to jog but stopped for 3 months thinking it may be the cause. But started doing it again. Used to practice hot yoga and stopped that too thinking it was causing stress on my body.
Lloyd. I will try the CS. The one I took before was 250 Ppm from Natural path silver wings. I drink Echinacea tea 2 times a day as well as lemon balm tea. Like I've said before, I've tried it all. Spent so much money on it all and seen little to no change. I've tried all natural stuff and now trying BHT for a month and still having outbreaks. It's very frustrating.
My ob/gyn put me on anti anxiety meds thinking it may be the cause but how can I not be anxious when I keep having weekly episodes...
Thanks all for kind replies.
Genital Herpes Outbreaks
Genital Herpes Outbreaks
Thanks for responding to my post to your original post. I'd recommended Colloidal Silver and observed that you had occasional outbreaks over the years but now it is constant which led me to conclude that the virus is now systemic throughout your system. You commented back that you had tried CS for two weeks.
In my post to you I said it would take many months to kill a system wide infection. If you revisit my suggestion the amount of time for dealing with a system wide infection is a lengthy one and also I recommended echinacia, if I recall correctly. Both, CS and echinacea can be applied topically too. Finally, look at the ppm on the label. Make sure the ppm is sufficient. I recommend one of over 100 ppm. The ones that say 5 ppm, I have little confidence in.
Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes
Maybe you could help solve a mystery of HOW those who have argyria made their silver. Or what is the source of their silver. Those of us who make our own are mystified at such cases. I've consumed my own for over 19 years... Often five times a week and my skin is very white. I've given hundreds of bottles away and never has anyone turned grey or blue. The old method was to use a silver spoon in a cup and then with tanic acid, the silver over a few days would break off. That would then be consumed. ("Blue bloods" is the term that was used to describe those who had money enough to own silver... Or "born with a silver spoon in your mouth" for the children who would be given silver spoons to suck on when an infection was about and whose skin was apparently effected by such consumption. ) The Greeks over 2, 000 years ago silver plated their food plates with it because they recognized the benefits of eating off such plates and silver coated goblets.
I do not even know anyone who has argyria nor have I ever seen one. You'd think with the hundreds of thousands of people who do consume CS that blue people would be everywhere. Universally today, pure silver "rods" are used... A little thicker than a paper clip and those attached to batteries or an outlet and in minutes a cloud of silver is broken off the "rods"... And that cup of clouded water is diluted until one cannot see the presence of any addition nor can one taste any metalic addition. The Parts Per Million would be about 100 PPM (100 atoms of silver to one MILLION molecules of water). And the silver "rods" I started with nearly 20 years ago... Are the same ones I still use. So little silver is used... microscopic amounts are what we are talking about.
So here is what I'd appreciate: Anyone who has argyria or knows someone with the stain, could you please enlighten us as to HOW they prepared their silver. It's sort of like complaining that too much water can damage you... So don't drink water. Yeah, too much water can actually kill you... especially if you are face down in it for a few minutes.
So PLEASE help... For those of us who know first hand how effective CS is... let us know how those who have been "overdosed" have prepared their mixture.
What I want to know is just how the ones who have argyria prepared their silver. Step by step and the amount of silver water consumed and if it was a compound that they actually consumed. Did they take it as a "cream" form? Where did they get it if they did not make it themselves? How long did they take it?... That is for a month; years etc. Please, every detail would help explain what happened.
Rob, could you talk to that person in your neighborhood and get some info as desired above. Thousands of CS makers would be grateful.
Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes
I noticed recently that Dr. Weil has endorsed the use of monolaurin... Quote.. "Monolaurin is believed to have the potential to permanently inactivate the fat coated viruses that cause these diseases by fluidizing the lipids (fats) and phospholipids in their envelopes, leading to the disintegration of viral particles."
I noticed iHerb sells monolaurin .. & there is another brand ...Laura....n
Also, Lypospheric Vitamin C gives a fast boost to your immune system and is a good addition to fighting viruses.. Unfortunately, it too is expensive... (overpriced in my opinion, but I still buy it)
Genital Herpes
HSV 1 as well as HSV 2 are viruses, of course. BHT may work well according to Oscar oft posted on Earth Clinic. But if no luck with BHT and your non-Hep B or C virus, then PLEASE try a STRONG (high PPM) of Colloidal Silver. (BHT appears to work well on Hep B and C.)
You can apply Silver topically to affected area AND orally on empty stomach. You need two tablespoons three times daily. Now that you are having constant outbreaks you can rest ASSURED that the virus is now SYSTEMIC. That is it is throughout your body. It will take six months to eliminate the virus completely, but be patient. I've seen many, many cases where systemic viral/fungal infections are reversed with CS.
Also, you need to be on the herb echinacea. Five drops in glass of purified water twice daily for a month. Like CS you can apply echinacea topically.
Echinacea is excellent for killing all kinds of infectious microbes and I've used it successfully for very bad spider bites for instance. Applied topically, I repeat the application on the site and then re apply twice every hour... Total three to five times in a day. Do this for up to three days.
Genital Herpes Outbreaks