Health Benefits

Discovering the Health Benefits of BHT: New Research and Findings

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
BHT Overview
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/15/2012

We people over at the BHT cures group have come up with some important discoveries regarding the BHT treatment for hepatitis B and C. From the feedback available here at the EARTH CLINIC and over at the BHT CURES GROUP:

1. Do not mix or use other treatments and supplements including: milk thistle and it`s extracts and also do not drink grapefruit juice for best results. Taking vitamins in moderate dosages seems to be helpful. I know that may sound screwy to many people out there but that is what the feedback indicates. That grapefruit juice interacts with a very many drugs or medications in sometimes fatal ways. Most especially with statin drugs and many pain medications. The list of things grapefruit juice negatively impacts is amazingly long. And, the milk thistle seems to make the treatment not work very well.

2. The people showing the most dramatic improvement are using a dose of between 200mg and 350mg taken twice a day, in the morning and at night with water on an empty stomach. Not every one can tolerate that much but most adults can. For those that can`t the treatment simply takes longer but still works with smaller dosages.

For more information about BHT to treat hepatitis viruses go to:

But please do report your experience with this treatment here at the EARTH CLINIC.

Also and importantly: Anyone wishing to try this treatment needs to test themselves regarding sensitivity to BHT. Start with very low dosages and see how it effects you. Generally most people tolerate between 200mg and 700mg of BHT per day well, but not everyone. Those capsules can be easily sperated and smaller doses created by removing some of the contents of those capsules....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Art Alias Davey D (Vancouver Bc., Canada) on 11/27/2012

Yes Oscar, my bad I failed to mention BHT. That is important and thanks for pointing it out.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/26/2012

Dear Art, You are discussing the BHT treatment are you not here? I am quite sure you are. My thinking is that you have suffered considerable liver damage but are slowly healing your liver. Do not get discouraged. The numbers are getting better wich indicates the BHT treatment is working. You are doing the right things by lowering the dose of BHT when adverse effects are experienced. For some people with serious liver damage the process takes longer. I would not say that if progress was not indicated. Just keep doing what you are. The indications are that your liver is healing... Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Art (Victoria Bc, Canada) on 11/25/2012

Upon reviewing my post on 3/08/12 I have to say that I dropped to 1 - 350mg every second day as I felt over loaded or bogged down. That was at 11/03/12 and now after 3 weeks I am back to 1 - 350mg a day taken in the night. I still feel good and a whole lot better than I did before January of this year. My last blood work was ALT 79 and AST 58 and Gam GT 29. Now these numbers are lower than my test in April. I do hope to see lower numbers again on my next test in December.

Thanks and stay well.

BHT Overview
Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa) on 11/22/2012

Oscar, Thx much for the feedback...

BHT Overview
Posted by Rave (Los Angeles, California) on 11/22/2012

To Oscar: Again, thank you for your impeccable timing of response. And thank you so much for the feedback, tomorrow would be one week since I started BHT, I will up the dosage tomorrow to 2 - 250mg capsules/day. Again, I can't thank you enough for the insight, I will apply all of these tips and see the outcome, I'll update you too with the test results as soon as I get them. I can't wait to be back in the US Navy!

BHT Overview
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/21/2012

Dear Denise, This issue about the possible adverse effect of BHT on nerve sheathing has come up previously. I do NOT know with any certainty if this is a serious issue or not. There are a number of people using the BHT treatment who have neuropathy to some degree. Now they had the neurapathy before ever taking BHT. My advise is to start with low dosages of BHT and see how that effects you. You can split these capsules and pour out say one half the contents and take only half a capsule per day and see if any adverse effects develope. People who wish to try this treatment have to find a dose they are comfortable with. Most people have no adverse effects with the lower dosages. 250mg per day or less. Also the B vitamins seem to help those with neuropathy. Vitamin B-12 especially so. I do NOT have all the answers. Most people respond very well to this treatment if they are careful about dosing. If adverse effects develope LOWER the dosage used....Oscar

BHT Overview
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/21/2012

Dear Rave from LA, I wish to clear up a mistake I made. Some people do develope chronic hepatitis B and it can lead to the same problems hepatitis C does. Now most people handle the hepatitis B much better than the HCV infection. Wikipedia says fully one third of all people have had hepatitis B at some point in thier lives.

The virons or viral particles are similar in structure to the HCV virons. Both have a coating made up of a bilayer of lipids with certain protein structures mixed in amongst that bilayer of lipids.

All I can say with certainty is that BHT cured me of both infections. I now test negative for both HCV and HBV using the antibodies test. That took at least two years of daily dosing with BHT for me. Now Mike [ twodragunns ] achieved a negative using the antibodies test in about 6 months for hepatitis C. That amazed even me. You can read what Mike has to say here:

[YEA] 05/27/2012: Twodragunns from London, Ontario, Canada replies: "I've been doing 2 x 250 mg daily of BHT with a splash of water on an empty stomach since Feb 1, 2012 and after 1 month all my symptoms of chronic Hep C had completely disappeared. I've just ordered 3 x 350 mg bottles from Vitamin Research Products and plan to up my dosage to 2 x 350 a day as soon as I recieve my BHT order.

I can't believe how good I feel these days and I have to thank Oscar for sharing this invaluable information with everybody that will listen and I'm sure BHT is the answer for many. I failed tx with Ribiviron daily and Peginterferon 1 injection per week back in 2008 and was a non responder after 4 months. I have genotype 1a which is very resistant to conventional therapies and had all the classic symtoms, like brain fog, joint aches and low energy, but after 4 weeks of BHT, "I feel like kid again".

I just had a blood test (5 vials taken) and they're measuring my viral load as well as all the other measures they do. I will post the results in late June after I see my MD and get the results. To all the na sayers and crap talkers that give Oscar a hard time about the validity of this treatment, "get a life and stop with the B. S. Posts that are accusing Oscar of spreading false information about this very effective treatment". I can tell it's working Oscar because all my symptoms disappeared and it's been 4 months now and I feel great!! I'm out golfing everyday (which I thought I'd never get to do again) and I'm playing very well!

Thanks again to Oscar from the bottom of my big old heart for discovering and sharing with us all this treatment that seems to be helping very many folks that have either failed conventional tx or not wanted to do this because of the catastrophic side effects. I'm going to keep posting here about my recovery from this chronic disorder and provide my medical test results as well.

kindest regards, Mike from London, Ontario, Canada"

And follow up here from Mike:

[YEA] 06/26/2012: "Got the best news I could ever ask for today, my bloodwork results are in and I no longer have any Hep C antibodies in my blood and my liver function levels are all normal. Now this is after failing conventional therapies back in 2008 and almost losing all hope of ever clearing this dreaded virus. I feel fantastic and I have to admit that BHT absolutely cures Hep C type 1a geno types when all else fails and it does it for pennies.

Anybody that comes across this post, you owe it to yourself to try this wonderful substance that has given me and so many others back our lives after thinking all was lost!! BHT works!! Thank you once again Oscar for saving me and many others by sharing BHT therapy with the masses. Cheers! "

And Mike again here with the short list of vitamins he uses:

07/30/2012: Twodragunns from London, Ontario, Canada replies: "I only take vitamin B-12 and a multi vitamin with my BHT..... I also do 20 mg of Rabeprazole for acid reflux and I was on Hydromorph Contin, but have stopped it since June 1, 2012.

I'm feeling very well Oscar and last blood work of May 16, 2012 shows me as undetectable and I had the dreaded genotype 1a!!"

Mike achieved these results using one 250mg capsule of BHT twice a day=700mg of BHT per day. Please do read what Mike has to say. He has achieved the very best results of anyone I am aware of. Mike`s statements are posted here at the EARTH CLINIC. My advice is to do what Mike did. Seems at least worth a try. And I always tell people trying the BHT treatment to lower the dosage used if adverse effects are experienced....Oscar

BHT Overview
Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa) on 11/21/2012

Hi Oscar, To your knowledge can or does BHT effect the lipid coating of nerves (the myelin sheath) as I have both neuropathy and hep-c? In other words, it dissolves the lipid coating of the virus... Does it effect the nerve sheath as well?

I am impressed about your postings of hep-c results... Congratulations to you for putting it up...

BHT Overview
Posted by Rave (Los Angeles, California) on 11/21/2012

Hi Oscar, thank you so much for your quick response. I found out I have Hep B in February of this year when I was in the US Navy, I was discharged because of it. I wanted to go back in but I'd have to clear Hep B off first. I have never experienced any symptoms at all, actually, had I not joined the Navy, I wouldn't have found out about it. So you say 350mg x2/day is the maximum dosage? The dosage I got from Amazon is 250mg in capsule form, I read one of your posts on a different forum, you said you took one 200mg per day. I've been on BHT 250mg since Thursday last week. I only take one capsule every morning (an hour or more before eating anything) as that has worked for you. Do you think I should double it - one in the morning and one later in the day? You also stated that dosing depends on weight as well, I am 5'9, 150lbs. Also, I just brewed fresh batch of Olive Leaf Extract water (we have our own tree in the backyard) I should probably drink it an hour after BHT. What do you think?

Again, thank you for your quick response, I know this forum is for HC, but I posted in the HB forum and didn't get a single response, I posted there under the name of RJ, I also included there my test results.

BHT Overview
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/21/2012

Dear Rave from LA, For me, Oscar: The BHT did work for Hepatitis B as it also did for hepatitis C. And, from the feedback available: A gulp of water is what works best to wash the BHT down with. The dosages used vary for different people. At this time: 350mg taken twice a day is the MAXIMUM dosage recommended. Many if not most people are achieving very good results with less than 350mg taken twice a day. That is with water on an empty stomach.

I now test negative for HBV and HCV as of 2006 with the antibodies test. It is as if I was never exposed to both of those viral diseases. Up until at least 1998 I tested positive for both. I do recommend joining the BHT CURES GROUP here to stay up to date on all of the different people`s reports:

Also, for most people: A hepatitis B infection is quite different than a HCV infection. The usual pattern for HBV is that you get sick within a week or so and either survive it or you do not. Most people do survive. With hepatitis C you get soewhat sick soon, but recover. And then many years later as the virus eats away at your liver you get chronically and progressively sicker. Many people never do get chronically ill with HCV and many do. They are two very different diseases....Oscar

Posted by Rave (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/20/2012

Hepatitis B as it was with C? I already bought a bottle of 250mg 500 capsules from How much dosage/capsule(s) should I take per day. How long before I can get the undetectable results? Also, I brew my own Olive Leaf Extract water which also is effective against the virus, can I take BHT and push it down with OLE instead of regular water or does it really have to be water? Also, can I drink OLE right after BHT or do I have to wait an hour? Thanks for the feedback.

BHT Overview
Posted by Rave (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/20/2012

This is for Oscar but anyone can share their feedback. Is BHT effective with Hepatitis B as it was with C? I already bought a bottle of 250mg 500 capsules from How much dosage/capsule(s) should I take per day. How long before I can get the undetectable results? Also, I brew my own Olive Leaf Extract water which also is effective against the virus, can I take BHT and push it down with OLE instead of regular water or does it really have to be water? Also, can I drink OLE right after BHT or do I have to wait an hour? Thanks for the feedback.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/18/2012

Here is a link to the feedback available from people who provided a baseline and at least one blood test results follow up report. These are people with actual blood test results. Most of their names have been replaced with an initial and a number, D1, or S1 for example. Anyway, there is a lot of important feedback provided at one location:

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/10/2012

Dear Carol from Clearwater, In my opinion it is NOT advisable to be using oil capsules of any type. There is the rancidity issue. All vegatable oils tend to chemically react over time. For instance the oils can react with whatever the capsule is made of.

Also it is important NOT to take the BHT at the same time as any oil. People achieving the best results with the BHT treatment take it with a gulp of water on an empty stomach.

I use olive oil and I mix one capsule of BHT in with the bottle oil to prevent rancidity. I do the same with any cooking oil I use. This prevention of rancidity is one of the original purposes BHT was used for. BHT is an excellent food preservative. That is what BHT is officially approved of for by the FDA....Oscar

Posted by Carol (Clearwater, Fl) on 11/10/2012

Hi Oscar, Is it OK to take a coconut oil capsule instead of the tbsp of it? Thanks!

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, Syracuse, New York) on 11/06/2012

Dear Lana, Lower the dose of BHT used whenever adverse effects are experienced. Take no more than 350mg of BHT per day and maybe less than that. 700mg of BHT per is too much for you. Many people are having very good results with the smaller dosages of BHT for a hepatitis C infection.

Please lower that dosage now....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Lana (Raleigh, Nc) on 11/05/2012

Dear Oscar; OK, I am now off of the powder and only on BHT 700 mg in the morning. I found if I did it at night my mind was whacky, intense etc.. Not normal feeling. I also take R-Lipoic Acid 300 mg 3 times a day, do you think I should continue with that? Thanks sooooooooo much for the hope and health! Lana

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 10/22/2012

Hey, Oscar con mucho gusto vuelvo a poner mis resultados, pero no se si tu quieres los que yo puse en Agosto que es el unico que tenido, hasta Diciembre que voy a tener los nuevos resultados, asi que si tu quieres los viejos dejamelo saber y con mucho gusto vuelvo a publicarlos, ha me olvide decirte que mi BHT yo lo compre en Amazon. Mis mejores deseos.

Hey, Oscar I would gladly go back to get my results, but not if you want the ones I got in August which is the only one that had, until December I'll have the new results, so if you want the old let me know and would gladly go back to post, I forgot to tell you is that my BHT I buy it on Amazon. Best wishes.

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/21/2012

Dear Alicia, Thank you so very much for your continued dedication to helping others with the BHT treatment for hepatitis C. I very much appreciate your efforts and have posted this latest helpful information over at the BHT CURES GROUP.

Now Alicia, It would be very helpful if you can once again post your all important test results as you did once before. Those are among the most dramatic results ever posted. Sincerely, Your Friend, ...Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 10/17/2012

Hola, Oscar he leido tanto acerca lo bueno y lo malo del BHT, muchos efectos secundarios, en todos los que leen el foro, yo compro mi BHT en Link Life, Lot 041223, exp. May 2015, como tu sabes yo no he tenido efectos secundarios, solamente al comienzo un poco dolor de oido y reduje mi dosis dramaticamente, y los resultados han sido muy bueno, yo sugiero a todos aquellos con efectos muy malo que escuchen a su cuerpo, no quieran curarse de un golpe y poner tu cuerpo en riesgo, vale la pena tardarte un poco mas pero seguro, como yo solo tomo 250mg una vez al dia y mis resultados en el primer test fueron increible, yo espero que para diciembre los resultados salgan muy bien. Recuerden tu cuerpo reaciona cuando algo anda mal , por eso es mejor reducir la dosis hasta que tu no sientas nada extrano y que te moleste, eso es sabiduria, es mejor decir tarde pero seguro, buena suerte a todos, con mis mejores deseos.

Hello, Oscar've read so much about the good and bad of the BHT, many side effects in all who read the forum, I buy my BHT in Life Link, Lot 041223, exp. May 2015, as you know I have had no side effects, only a bit early earache and dramatically reduced my dose, and the results have been very good, I suggest to all those with very bad effects to listen to your body, not want to be cured of a coup and put your body at risk, tardarte worth a little more but surely, as I only took 250mg once a day and my results in the first test were amazing, I hope the results come out for December very well. Remember your body reacts when something is wrong, so it is best to reduce the dose until you do not feel anything strange and bothering you, that is wisdom, it is better late but safe to say, good luck to all, with my best wishes.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/08/2012

Dear Danny Lee, Phillipines, I just posted this message over at the BHT CURES group and this answer is the same for your concerns:

I started a new topic posting to try and minimize confusion in this group. Now from what you have stated you are a thin person who weighs 110 pounds. You have both genital and oral herpes. The good news for you is: The different herpes viruses are the most thoroughly investigated of all the viruses when it comes to BHT. BHT is a proven and effective treatment for both oral and genital herpes. You are concerned about adverse side effects and need to be. Start out with small doses of BHT. Start with 100mg of BHT per day and see how you feel with that. That may very well be all you need to deal with your herpes infections. If that does not work you can always take more and if adverse effects are experienced you can always take less of the BHT. Now this BHT is sold by a number of different online retailers. It can be purchased in bulk or in measured capsules. The measured capsules come in 200mg to 350mg capsules. These capsules are easy to pull apart to get a smaller dosage. You will need measuring spoons. They come in sets that include fractions of a teaspoon. You want to start with the 1/16th of a teaspoon measurement. That is 1/16th of a teaspoon. 1/16th of a teaspoon is somewhat less than 200mg of BHT. So use about one half of that. If you can find a 1/32 of a teaspoon measuring device that would be better yet. That should be about 100mg of BHT.

Now the people reporting the best results take the BHT on an empty stomach with a gulp of water. Wait at least 30 minutes before eating. You can always take more of the BHT as time goes by if you wish to if no adverse effects are experienced. Most people have no adverse effects at the doses I am discussing with you. Also, for thin people such as you: Taking one tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil may be helpful. This oil should be taken at least 2 hours after taking the BHT. Do NOT take the oil and the BHT at the same time. Doing so screws up the treatment. If you have questions I will do the best I can to answer them... Oscar

Also, as far as I know the BHT is available online in the Phillipines through the mail. I think there is at least one other person who lives in the Phillipines and has been able to purchase the BHT online through the mail with no problem. Trying to help, Oscar

Posted by Danny Lee (Cebu City, Philippines) on 10/07/2012

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with HSV1 oral and genital just last month. My first outbreak was terrible and Valtrex (valacyclovir) had side effects which I would really rather avoid. thats why i've have been frantically searching the internet for things that could help and stumbled on this group through earthclinic.

its been 2 weeks since i've been off valtrex but i'm still tingling in my face and genital area. Scarily, I also have tingles along my spine and behind my eyes. I feel I need to be more proactive and have decided to try BHT as my best bet.

i'm an asian female, 5'4 and 110 lbs. I want to take BHT but I don't know how to go about purchasing it (i live in the Philippines) and am also concerned because I read (from Oscar's comments) that skinny people are more prone to neural side effects. well I am definitely skinny.

currently I am taking Lysine, ginger and garlic extracts and vitamins A, B complex, C and E.

someone please advise.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/03/2012

Hi Oscar, I have tried to navigate the yahoo trip, but my email lists my name (unfortunate), and I don't know how to change that. This site is much easier, so I will try not to abuse the privledge in writing to you, specifically. I am also enjoying the EarthClinic group as a whole, very much.

Great info on last post. Thank you. Our local DAV is pretty weak, and we can't even get a good phone #, and have tried many. We are in Modesto. Marv's agent at VA is making him wait for SS decision first, and is not returning repeated calls. It all starts with this agent. We do need DAV's help, as have been told it takes 12 months to get any VA disability. Way too long to wait! Big runaround. At least the disability claims don't cancel each other out, you think. Will know more very soon, and will try to get a good blood panel on him, too.

RE: myself... That antibodies test is the one that is now reported to the CFDC and insurers. Didn't use to be that way. (AID's people have total privacy?! But not us?! ) Hence, my concern. Pre-existing condition, blah, blah, blah.... With my private insurer. I am not married to Marvin. I have my own financial reasons why not, but it means I am not insured through VA, though I am a Significant Other, a status they do not recognize the same way.

I will have to just plot my own course of action, and my numbers may have to wait until I'm certain I am clear. Sorry, can't help others with my numbers. And, I do suspect I am not clear of the 'happy virus. ' Having dealt with many addict/ alcoholics, I have seen this virus jump pretty darn fast to the partner. I just don't need that albatross to deal with around my neck, with my insurer.

My local paper had a front page story that all people of the baby boom generation should get tested for it. I see it as an 'experiment' done on us somehow, but then I have a rather suspicious nature! --T.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/03/2012

Dear Wayseeker, I don`t know where to start. So Marv has PTSD. I do also. I got shot in the guts really badly in 1968 and was sent back to a front line unit in Vietnam 6 months later. There was no mercy back then for servicemen. I had a friend who got shot three times, had all his teeth blown away and on an on. Still they kept sending him and me back into action. And yes you can only remember fragments of what happened at the time.

The DAV will know how to deal with all this. And his SS disability claim will have NO bearing on his VA claim. From what I know he is eligible for both. If anything the eligibilty for SS disability would help with the VA claim. Get in touch with the DAV. You will get the help you need. My father, who was a WWII veteran did not even know he was elidgable for VA health care until he I made him aware of it. The VA does not advertise all this.

Now, as to your concerns about you being infectected with HCV: There is an inexpensive test that can answer that question. Get that test and find out. It is called the HCV antibodies test. Look, do not get all freaked out. This BHT stuff really does work if taken as discussed for a very many people. There is a very good chance you are NOT infected also. Stay in touch in this forum and do join the BHT CURES GROUP. I am the primary monitor there and am on your side so to speak. BHT CURES GROUP here:

Sincerely, ...Oscar

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/01/2012

Dear Oscar, Thank you so much for clarity on this matter re: the VA. Marv only recently became aware that he could be eligible for disability aid through the VA for Hep C. He had, off-and-on for 20 years, tried for it because of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but could not make it over the VA's humps and bumps. He has holes in his memory, and has blacked out the entire experience, therefore invalid in the VA's opinion. Marv could not tell them where he had been or what he had experienced, and so was repeatedly denied help by the VA. This, of course, is the very nature of PTSD, to have no memory of a traumatic experience. What a catch 22.

Now, with the recently discovered late stage cirrhosis and Hep C, they told him he "likely got it in 'Nam. " I thought this a strange remark. More likely, he got it in their group shots/ tainted blood shot!

I am the daughter of an attorney, and my instincts say lawsuit, or settlement of a disability claim. We will join the DAV today! He just got word of the decision being mailed to him for regular SS disability. We don't know what their decision is yet. Could be yes or no. Would this have any bearing on a VA disability claim settlement? Are you aware of any legal claim being settled in this manner? Or is this their quiet way of putting it to rest, to avoid legal action?

I am particularly annoyed, as I have born the financial burden, but in love, of paying for a great many things in caring for him and trying to find a cure. I am also quite ticked that I also must assume I have this, and begin to heal me, too. I have my own catch 22's with private insurance. It seems smarter to me to avoid the insurance rate hikes, being dropped, etc, and just assume the worst. I do already feel liver pain, and at the liver spot under my index toe. All positive test results are required to be reported, which in some countries already is grounds to not be employed. It would be safe to assume, as have long been together.

I have been doing the lypo Vit C, as am told this can also generate complete healing. Plan to move to BHT when run out of it. This strong form of Vit C can act as a strong detoxifier, and could null the BHT.

I am so grateful to you, and to EarthClinic and staff. You both have already made a huge difference in our lives, to have received such friendly guidance and suggestions. Some of us are more disfunctional than others, and don't know how to do everything!

I deeply believe in the power of sharing what we have found, in love toward one another, especially at this time. Marv has helped literally thousands of men with their sobriety over the past 32 years, for free and for fun. A more functional person would have been the director of a treatment center, knowing what he knows how to do. He is a very rare and special man, whom I pray lives a very, very long time.

Many blessings to you! --T.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/01/2012

Dear Wayfarer, I am happy to learn that Marv tolerates the BHT well and is already feeling better after only a few days. That is NOT unusual. Many people respond very well to this BHT treatment and very quickly.

Now it is important that he be seeing a medical doctor for test monitoring purposes. He is a veteran and is eligible for such services. All veterans are. There is NO requirement that he have been in combat or even served in a time of war. If Marv is a Vietnam war veteran and he got that shot I think he did he may very well be elidgible for a substantial disability claim. He needs to get in contact with a DAV [ Disabled American Veterans ] officer. These DAV people are devoted to America`s veterans and absolutely know how to deal with the VA. He may very well have a substantial disability claim if he seved in Vietnam and has hepatitis C.

Also, you did say Marv is a large man. For that reason I know of no reason for him to be concerned about taking that tablespoon of vegetable oil. That is a concern for thin or very lean people only.

From what you have told me it seems to me that Marv is responding well to the BHT treatment. But it is important that he be having liver function tests and viral load count tests done on a regular basis. So, again: Please have Marv get in touch with the DAV. They WILL walk him through any problems the VA comes up with. I can not help but think the VA is worried because he may very well be eligeable for a substantial disability claim. The DAV will know what to do to help you people. Sadly, many veterans have to fight for their rights with the VA and the DAV knows how to do that....Oscar

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayfarer (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/30/2012

Dear, dear Oscar-- Marv is on his third day with BHT, and being a large man, is already on 350mg 2x per day, and feeling better than he has in a long time, as well as quite hopeful. We see you as a very important person (VIP) and speak your name often! He insists on doing just the bare minimum of Vit C, plus BHT. He's not being good about doing a tspn of oil at all. As a large man, is this neccesary? And can it be organic coconut oil?

VA is $180.00 to join, and right now, I have spent several small fortunes on various healing protocols, and can't swing it. He is, however, trying a different angle with the VA, but is told it will take 12 months at least to get any money or aid, and must begin from scratch. Can this org. help make that wait more brief? Appears all they could do is give some minimal financial support, as they claim not combat related. I smell a lawsuit with that tainted blood issue.

I will try to navigate this site better, and go to the group you mentioned. I feel like I am writing too much here, but like you, my desire to share experience of what works is very strong. Thank you. --T.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/29/2012

Dear Wayseeker, Please have Marv join the DAV. These people are VERY good at looking out for veterans. It is what they do. They are VERY familiar with all the crap some people in the VA system do to thwart veterans and know the best ways to deal with said crap.

Also that shot I discussed earlier is a blood product. Much of the blood being used to make those injections was infected with hepatitis C.

But, this BHT treatment has worked very well for many people when NOTHING else did. So called non-responders to the conventional treatments. At this time the best results are with a dosage of between 200mg to 350mg of BHT taken on an empty stomach twice a day. Also, best results are reported by those who do NOT take milk thistle or any of it`s extracts. Do NOT mix the BHT treatment with anything other than moderate doses of vitamins. Also, I do recommend joining the BHT CURES group here:

Many people have achieved dramatic improvement in a few weeks to a few months. I do think it is at least worth trying. I want to see Marv get well like I did and so many others also. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by J (San Francisco, Ca) on 09/28/2012

Anyone still here? This site is really important for some folks moral support I think.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/28/2012

Oscar- To answer your questions: The VA has not done very extensive bloodwork, and won't do a ferrous iron test, nor are they doing anything else but giving up on Marv. They have not even bothered to help get him on a transplant list. I have cautioned him about that anyway, having read up on it.

Perhaps the best thing to do, as this lovely site does, is to simply jump to the solution, and skip the problem alltogether. I am all about throwing enough crud against the wall and seeing what sticks, giving each trial more than a fair shake.

I love solutions, and loathe fighting "the powers that be. " Marv remembers everyone getting shots from the same needle gun enroute to 'Nam. Grounds for disability, but it sits on the judges desk, and is called "a non-combat" related health issue. --T.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/28/2012

Oscar- You are an inspiration to Marv and me in a very dark hour. He is, for the first time, hopeful that he may live a longer life. Thank you for your prayers, and concern for others.

I have a question about lactoferrin (apololactoferrin) use to lower iron overload, and redistribute existing iron to the blood and away from Hep-C virus attachment to it. Has anyone used this alongside BHT use, or is it a non-issue with BHT being sufficient by itself. Advanced cirrhosis always involves iron overload, I have read elsewhere. Hep-C feeds on the excess iron, and even steals it from forming blood platelets, etc.

Any ideas on this? We are so comforted by the heartening news of your, and others', recovery, from Hep-C, so generously reported here on EarthClinic. --T.

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/28/2012

Dear Wayseeker, I just prayed for Marv and want to see him make a full recovery from hepatitis C. Now, I am very troubled that you are having problems getting help from the VA, the Veterans Administration. I am a veteran also. I have had both good and bad experiences with the VA. Many veterans have hepatitis C. The VA is legally obligated to help these veterans. Did Marv ever recieve any blood transfusions? Also did he ever get any shots that are prodects of the blood? If he served in Vietnam he almost certainly did get such a shot. There was some shot they gave ALL of us as far as I know. I forgot what it was called.

If he has not yet joined the DAV he owes it to himself to join. The DAV is the Disabled American Veterans. They have been very helpful to me when dealing with the VA....Oscar

Late Stage Cirrhosis
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012

Hi All! New here, and have read all posts. My Sweetie, Marv, just started on BHT today, 9/27/12. We do not have current liver counts, VA not being very helpful. We may order tests anyway, but won't have a perfect starting number.

Marv is in stage 4 with cirrhosis but not cancer. He has ascites (swelling of stomach and one ankle / foot). Like Oscar was, in liver failure, and not doing too well, and not eligible for interferon. (Wouldn't do it anyway.)

Have been on many, many things, basically "throwing the best and brightest" we could find to try to beat this thing. Marv now insists on going it alone with BHT and vegetable juicing only. And Vit C.

Keep Marv in your prayers, please, for a complete recovery to health! Will keep posted as to symptom improvement, and any numbers I can locate for him.

But we are now on board! --T.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/15/2012

Dear Lana, Thank you so very much for reporting back in with the EARTH CLINIC with your response to the BHT treatment for hepatitis C.

I do want you and others to know that those reporting the best results do avoid milk thistle as a part of this BHT treatment. In my opinion certain milk thistle extracts combine with the metabolites of BHT in such a way as to make the BHT treatment much less effective....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Lana (Raleigh, Nc) on 09/13/2012

OSCAR!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much. Well, I started taking BHT in January 2012 and my viral load was way high, today is 9/13/12 and I went to the doctor for my annual bloodwork and viral load tests. The ast and alt are lower than they were a year ago, the viral load is 8 million units lower. I was hoping for virus free, but am still hopeful. I was taking one 350 milgram daily, now I am taking 2 in the morning...

An hour later I take Liver & Bile extract which is powder and has milk thistle, dandelion and other important ingrediants in it... That was purchased through iherb for 14 bucks... Hoping that next year things are even better. I am hopeful and feel good. I eat healthy for the most part and I rarely drink. My downfall is sweets, not all the time but when I start to eat them its hard to stop... Exercising more now too. Thank you so much for hanging in there with this. I had spent thousands on Liver Life which is 56. A bottle and I wasn't getting worse but couldn't afford it... Thanks to you I can have hope, health and not go broke... God Bless you and your work, Lana

General Feedback
Posted by Victoria (Atlanta, Ga, Us) on 08/19/2012

How long have you been taking BHT?

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/14/2012

Dear Alicia, Lower the dosage of BHT taken any time adverse effects are experienced. This dosage issue is different for each person and may change over time for each person. Whenever adverse effects are felt LOWER the amount of BHT taken....Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse, Utah) on 08/13/2012

Hola, Oscar he leidos casi todos los comentarios acerca de BHT, y no he visto a nadie que sienta como hot flas repentinamente, esto me esta pasando a mi y siempre tengo calor, es esto normal o deberia preocuparme, gracias.

Hello, Oscar I read almost all comments about BHT, and I have not seen anyone suddenly feel hot flash, this is happening to me and always I have my heat, is this normal or should I worry about, thanks.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/03/2012

Dear Karl from Digby, For best results do NOT mix BHT with anything!!! Just take a gulp of water to wash the BHT crystals down. This mixing BHT with oils is a big mistake. It dilutes the effect very much. You you chose to buy it in bulk. You need an accurate measuring spoon to come up with even a rough estimate as to what those dosages are. You need to spend a very few dollars to get a set of fraction of a teaspoon measuring spoons. 1/8 th of a teaspoon = about 350mg of BHT. These fraction of a teaspoon devices also should include a 1/16th of a teaspoon measurement because 350mg of BHT may very well be too much for you to be starting out with. So buy a set of these fractions of a teaspoon measuring spoons and use them. And do NOT mix BHT with any oil at the time it is taken. Take the BHT with a gulp of water on an empty stomach for best results....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Karl (Digby, Nova Scotia) on 08/02/2012 10 posts

What did you use, capsule form or powder? I have powder and am looking for a mix for it. Evidently oil or alcohol are the only choice but what type of oil? Will coconut oil work or organic olive oil maybe, please help....Thanks

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/01/2012

Dear Mike [ Twodragunns ], Thank you so very much for reporting back in at the EARTH CLINIC. Mike`s BHT success story is the most dramatic story I am aware of for the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C. Mike was a hepatitis C type 1a person. He was a non-responder to conventional treatments. He now tests NEGATIVE with the HCV antibodies test. It took me over 2 years to achieve that. Mike did it in about 6 months. Mike says he also takes a multi vitamin pill and a vitamin B-12 pill. He was/is using one 250mg of BHT TWICE a day at 12 hour intervals. I know of NO one who has made a more remarkable recovery from hepatis C with the use of BHT than Mike. Thank you very much Mike for reporting here at the EARTH CLINIC with your results....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Twodragunns (London, Ontario, Canada) on 07/30/2012

Yes Oscar I was doing 2 x 250 mg caps per day, one every 12 hours with water only...... I recently started doing 2 x 350 per day, but had some sleepless nights, so dropped back down to 2 x 250 per day. Feeling fantastic and hope everyone else finds success using BHT.

Twodragunns - Mike

Hepatitis C
Posted by Twodragunns (London, Ontario, Canada) on 07/30/2012

I only take vitamin B-12 and a multi vitamin with my BHT..... I also do 20 mg of Rabeprazole for acid reflux and I was on Hydromorph Contin, but have stopped it since June 1, 2012.

I'm feeling very well Oscar and last blood work of May 16, 2012 shows me as undetectable and I had the dreaded genotype 1a!!

Thanks Oscar,

twodragunns - Mike

Where to Buy
Posted by Imready (Edgewood, Texas) on 07/28/2012

I ordered my BHT from Ebay, and the seller just bought it from the above address, and had it shipped to me, for twice the money! I'm sure you can contact saveoncitric, and get sent right to your door. I paid about $15.00 for a pound of it on Ebay, and on the saveoncitric web-site, a pound is $7.50 a pound.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/22/2012

Dear Dimahfromme, If you live in the USA the measured capsules of BHT should be available. But I will answer your question: 1/8th of a TEASPOON of BHT = about 350mg of BHT. Now for all those buying BHT in bulk you NEED an accurate measuring device. Here is one company that sells them and I am sure there are others. Here is a link one such company:


Posted by Dimahfromme (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 07/20/2012

This is to Oscar from Syracuse, New York: I would like to ask a question, I have plan to use BHT for the GW, but the problem is I can't find BHT capsules in my country. But I can get access to the bulk of BHT like pounds of it... funny!

Is there a simple way of measuring it like for 250 mg or 350 mg, for instance using fraction of teaspoon or so? Thanks for helping.

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/17/2012

Dear Alicia from Syracuse, I am NOT a doctor. I still take BHT 6 years after I was told I have no testable indication I ever was infected with hepatitis C and B. I take 350mg of BHT per day. I do so because I have good reason to think it will protect me from many viral infections. What you do is up to you, not me....Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Alicia (Syracuse) on 07/16/2012

Hola oscar, cuando una persona va a camino a una recuperacion completa de HC, o sea el virus no es detectable, por cuanto tiempo mas una persona debe seguir usando bht, o puede discontinuarlo, cual es tu sugerencia. gracias.

EC: Hello Oscar, when a person goes to a full recovery way of HC, ie: the virus is not detectable, but how long a person should continue to use BHT, or may discontinue it, what is your suggestion. Thank you.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Carol (Eureka Springs, Ar) on 07/14/2012

Hi, Am unsure why my post does not show up. Hmmm? Maybe it was not approved or I did something wrong. Anyway, thank you so much for your input and encouragement!

The doctor was not concerned about the lowered platelets and white count from 1 lone lab test, however we will continue to monitor and continue BHT.

I've not had any chemo. I plan to continue the BHT for years... at least, assuming labs continue to be ok, white count normalizes, etc.

Thank you all! Carol

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/14/2012

Thanks for getting back to this forum and clarifing who you are Twodragunns. There are people who would like to discuss the BHT treatment with you at the BHT CURES group here:

And for those forum members here at the EARTH CLINIC it would be helpful to hear from you. One of the issues that have come up is: What if any other supplements were you taking ? I never took anything else other than an occasional vitamin C and vitamin B complex tablet. Are there other supplements you were taking or not?

The BHT treatment worked so very well for you many people wish to learn any details you can provide as to dosage and how you took the BHT. You said you were taking one 250mg capsule of BHT twice a day with a dash of water on an empty stomach. Do I have that right? ...Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 07/14/2012

Dear Whomever, If you wish to you can open these BHT capsules up by gently twisting and pulling the two ends apart. Then tap out a small amount of the BHT and push the capsule back together.

But this may not be necessary. One 200mg capsule of BHT per day is likely to be a safe dosage for most adults. You do want enough BHT to destroy those viral particles. You have to find a dosage you are comfortable with. I think 200mg of BHT per day is not too much for most adults, but if it is for you, you can open those capsules up like I just described. I want to see you get free of this disease very much and the BHT seems to work very well for many people....Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Susan (Syracuse, Utah) on 07/13/2012

Hola Oscar, estoy muy preocupada, cual es la manera correcta de disminuir la dosis de bht, estoy ordenando capsulas de 200mg, si tengo que disminuir la dosis cual es la manera correcta, para que todas la veces sea la misma medida, cuanto es 180mg en cucharaditas, si es que tengo que disminuir mi dosis, una dosis baja tiene el mismo resultado, yo quiero este virus fuera de mi cuerpo, mil gracias.

EC: Hello Oscar, I'm very worried, what is the correct way to decrease the dose of BHT, I'm ordering capsules 200mg, if I have to lower the dose which is the right way, for all the times is the same extent as is 180mg in teaspoons, if I have to lower my dose, low dose has the same result, I want this virus out of my body, thank you.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Twodragunns (London, Ontario, Canada) on 07/11/2012

Sorry about that Oscar it's Twodragunns from London, Ont, Canada that replied with: 06/26/2012: "Got the best news I could ever ask for today, my bloodwork results are in and I no longer have any Hep C antibodies in my blood and my liver function levels are all normal. Now this is after failing conventional therapies back in 2008 and almost losing all hope of ever clearing this dreaded virus. I feel fantastic and I have to admit that BHT absolutely cures Hep C type 1a geno types when all else fails and it does it for pennies."

Anybody that comes across this post, you owe it to yourself to try this wonderful substance that has given me and so many others back our lives after thinking all was lost!! BHT works!! Thank you once again Oscar for saving me and many others by sharing BHT therapy with the masses.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Mary (Springfield, Mo) on 07/01/2012

carol how long do you plan to take bht. I was wondering how long to treat certain ailments.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/30/2012

Dear Carol, I am glad your HCV viral load count has gone down significantly. But I am concerened about the low platelet and white blood cell counts. I very much hope you are seeing a good doctor to monitor and advise you about these conditions.

It would be helpful for me to know whether you have ever undergone any type of chemotherapy for HCV or some other condition. Such treatments often do lead to the conditions we are discussing.

Try not to be frightened about all this. These conditions very often resolve themselves once the chemtherapy is stopped if that is the cause. Also there are other things to consider as discussed here:

Because you are having other issues I do recommend you join the BHT CURES group here:

By joining that group you can stay in closer contact with me and the over 80 members using the BHT treatment. You very much still need to be seeing a good doctor. There is no substitute for that.

Look, your body is winning the battle with this hepatitis C infection. This BHT treatment does work. It takes longer for some than others. Do not get discouraged. Your body is healing itself of this infection with the BHT treatment....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Carol (USA) on 06/29/2012

Count me in as another person with results with BHT! In the past 6 months of using the BHT 350 mg 2x/day, my viral load went from 7 million to 2. 7 million! Am wishing things to go faster, but will continue with the protocol as you have clearly delineated. Thank you, and will keep you posted. My white fell count and platelets were below normal tho. Have you heard of anything relating this to BHT? Blessings! Carol

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/27/2012

Dear whomever, Please tell me who you are. I mean the webname you use. Any details regarding dosage and whether or not you are using other supplements will be helpful. This IS Oscar. Please do that for me and the other forum members. Sincerely, ...Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Susan (USA) on 06/26/2012

Got the best news I could ever ask for today, my bloodwork results are in and I no longer have any Hep C antibodies in my blood and my liver function levels are all normal. Now this is after failing conventional therapies back in 2008 and almost losing all hope of ever clearing this dreaded virus. I feel fantastic and I have to admit that BHT absolutely cures Hep C type 1a geno types when all else fails and it does it for pennies.

Anybody that comes across this post, you owe it to yourself to try this wonderful substance that has given me and so many others back our lives after thinking all was lost!! BHT works!! Thank you once again Oscar for saving me and many others by sharing BHT therapy with the masses. Cheers!

Hepatitis C
Posted by Skyrandall (Camas / Roseburg, Oregon Usa ) on 06/24/2012

Dear oscar I said I would post my hep c history and here thay are . In 2008 I found out I had hep c 01/29/2008 alt48 ast37 02/03/2008 alt 53 ast35 07/22/2008 alt 102 ast62 2/18/2009 alt 125 ast 72 08/26/2009 alt70 ast56 09/13/2010 alt79 ast56 04/06/2010 alt68 ast52 09/19/2011 alt61 ast41 06/11/2012 alt49 ast43. As of 04/28/2011 my viral lode was 10 million genotype 1b. On bht for a few days up to two 350mg doses a day one in the morning one at night on emptey stomace I take nothing but the bht. I have had hep c for 35 to 40 years as far as I can tell bad choice in 1970s. I will get retested in 6 to 8 weeks keep you posted. Skyrandall

Hepatitis C
Posted by Skyrandall (Camas Valley/roseburge, Oregon USA) on 06/23/2012

dear oscar yes that is right. And I will post my info here on earth clinic I am new at the computer and how all this works. Please forgive that and my spelling skyrandall

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/22/2012

Dear skyrandall, I do not give out my e-mail address to anyone. To do so is more than I can deal with. I am sorry, but I am not willing to do that. But, there is that BHT CURES group I discussed with you. I do think you joined this group. Is that true or not?

Joining that group is the best way of staying in touch with me and there are all the other group members also. A growing number of people are reporting success stories at the BHT CURES group and here in this forum. I am going to encourage people over at the BHT CURES group to report thier stories here in the EARTH CLINIC forum. This forum has played a crucial role in this endeavor and still does and warrants, deserves to have much of the credit for the success of this effort. This forum and that group are saving people`s lives. That is very important....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Skyrandall (Camas Valley, Or) on 06/21/2012

Hi my name is Randall. I would like to talk to Oscar about BHT for hep c. I have had it 35 years with no treatment and just got the BHT and also about the hip forms . I only found out in 2008 that I had hep c.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/20/2012

Dear Sarah from Fort Wayne, My heart goes out to you. I am very much hoping the BHT will work for you. From what you said you are using the BHT the way you should. You started with one 350mg of BHT per day and plan to increase the dosage to two 350mg per day. If you have any problem with that increased dosage you can always go back to the one capsule per day or take two doses every other day and see how well you tolerate that. This dosage issue is different for different people.

Now, The BHT treatment by itself has worked very well for some people for genital warts. For those it has worked for dramatic improvement occurred in about one month. The warts were gone in about one month. If the BHT works you still need to keep taking it to prevent a relapse.

Also, I do encourage you to join the BHT CURES group because there are a number of other people there who are dealing with this problem. For one of those people the BHT by itself did NOT work. BUT this person did find an additional treatment regimine that included: 2,000 mg of Vitamin C per day that seems to be working well for that person along with the BHT. 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day is THE UPPER LIMIT of what is considered safe to take. But that is pushing it. So give the BHT a try and if needs be you may wish to add that vitamin C. And do join the BHT CURES group. There are other people there dealing with this issue successfully here:

I know how frightened you are and how terrible that is to have to live with. BUT, real people are finding real answers for this problem at that group and here in this forum....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Sarah (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 06/18/2012

I was married for ten years and caught husband in an affair. While separated I developed genital warts around the anus. I had a doctor put some type of treatment on them that burnt them off. Not only did it hurt horribly, I developed a nasty infection even though I cleaned my bottom frequently. I decided NOT to go back for more treatment!

I then tried tea tree oil and it did not help me. Infact, it seemed to spread. From there I tried organic apple cider vinegar. FORGET that! It burned so bad! I couldn't even stand it on me for a second! I then tried peroxide and had no luck either.

I am at the end of my rope. I have now had this issue of genital warts for a year. It is not even my fault that I have them!

*** I just received BHT in the mail. I have read to take 350 mg up to twice daily and wanted to confirm this dose on here. I will begin with just 350 mg in the morning and if all goes well, I will add in one more 350 mg pill in the evening.

I also have high blood pressure that was insanely high before I was medicated. At the age of 27 it would go up to 120/170. I now take one atenolol 25mg once a day and it keeps my blood pressure in a healthy line. I am now 33 years old. I know, I know: I smoke cigarettes as well. I will also attempt to cut back.

IS IT SAFE TO TAKE BHT WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE as long as the high blood presure is medicated and under control?

I have all natural vitamins I want to take along with the BHT. What else would you reccommend I take along with the BHT and vitamins? Supplements? Topical products to apply?

Because of the divorce, I do not have alot of money. I will check back here often for replies and will keep all of you informed as to what happens in regards to the BHT.

Thanks so much for your help. It means alot. I truly am scared.

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/02/2012

Gee whiz anon from anon, You are so very protective about who you are. Perhaps you can understand why myself and Joe do NOT want our faces plastered about the internet. Think what you wish to about BHT. I really do NOT care, ...Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/01/2012

wow this sounds amazing, wish to see pics of your youthfulness ;p Will EC allow user pics (library) at some point?

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/01/2012

Dear Joe, Yes, I do NOT even mention the other benefits of BHT including maintaining youthful appearing skin because I think people will think I am full of crap. I am now 63 years old. Within the last year I have been ID`d two times when buying alcoholic beverages. This was after I had dyed my hair that is grey now. Anyway, I laughed and told the sales persons: You HAVE to be kidding me. No, they said, I need to see your driver`s license. I showed them my driver`s license and bought my beverages. Now this only happens when I dye my hair. I think I look at least 40, but I am 63. And NO, I never had any sort of cosmetic surgery or treatments and do think those sales clerks must have had bad eyesight.

Anyway, yes: This BHT stuff will go a long ways in maintaining youthful appearing skin. It prevents free radical damage and cross linkage in skin tissues and that underlying fat layer of said skin tissues. The preservation of oils and fats was what BHT was engineered to do in foodstuffs and fuels and rubber. Things that have a high hydrocarbon content. It works in non-living entities and living entities with said high hydrocarbon contents. It is GREAT stuff. GET BACK and GET SOME!!! ... BHT ...Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Joe (Anonymous) on 05/31/2012

Hi. I don't have hep C or any health problems but I have been intrigued by all the BHT posts and thought I would try it for its antioxidant properties.

It's been 4 weeks since I started taking one 350 mg cap first thing in the morning either with water or ACV. I knew it was working because right away I broke out in small pimples and my skin got "greasy" and more oily than usual. This is what happens to me when I first start fasting, so I knew I was detoxing. Everything went back to normal after a week and now my skin is REALLY nice and soft and getting better everyday. The rough soles of my feet started to peel off (how weird! ) and so did the rough dark patches on my elbows. My skin also smells nice, almost like that of a baby!

The most shocking thing is my digestion. For years I have been emptying by bowels twice a day (with this "urgent" feeling) and suffered from extreme gas no matter what I ate. The gas is now COMPLETELY gone, and although I'm only going to the bathroom now every other day that is completely fine by me because the cleanup is not messy and I don't feel constipated at all... and I eat extremely healthy (vegetarian with lots of raw foods and the occasional fish, nothing fried, lots of brown rice, no processed food, etc).

Just thought I would share. This has been such an interesting and unexpected discovery to me! Take care everyone and good luck!

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/30/2012

Dear Twodragunns from London, Ontario, Canada, I am so very glad to hear from you. Your kind remarks mean a lot to me and I want you to know that. Stay well my friend and enjoy your golfing. What a great time it is right now to get out there and enjoy life after a long winter. Your freind, ...Oscar

Where to Buy
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 05/28/2012 2043 posts

Les, I purchased some BHT from a reputable store ---VitaminLife. It is LifeLink BHT 250mg 500 caps.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Twodragunns (London, Ontario, Canada) on 05/27/2012

I've been doing 2 x 250 mg daily of BHT with a splash of water on an empty stomach since Feb 1, 2012 and after 1 month all my symptoms of chronic Hep C had completely disappeared. I've just ordered 3 x 350 mg bottles from Vitamin Research Products and plan to up my dosage to 2 x 350 a day as soon as I recieve my BHT order.

I can't believe how good I feel these days and I have to thank Oscar for sharing this invaluable information with everybody that will listen and I'm sure BHT is the answer for many. I failed tx with Ribiviron daily and Peginterferon 1 injection per week back in 2008 and was a non responder after 4 months. I have genotype 1a which is very resistant to conventional therapies and had all the classic symtoms, like brain fog, joint aches and low energy, but after 4 weeks of BHT, "I feel like kid again".

I just had a blood test (5 vials taken) and they're measuring my viral load as well as all the other measures they do. I will post the results in late June after I see my MD and get the results. To all the na sayers and crap talkers that give Oscar a hard time about the validity of this treatment, "get a life and stop with the B. S. Posts that are accusing Oscar of spreading false information about this very effective treatment". I can tell it's working Oscar because all my symptoms disappeared and it's been 4 months now and I feel great!! I'm out golfing everyday (which I thought I'd never get to do again) and I'm playing very well!

Thanks again to Oscar from the bottom of my big old heart for discovering and sharing with us all this treatment that seems to be helping very many folks that have either failed conventional tx or not wanted to do this because of the catastrophic side effects. I'm going to keep posting here about my recovery from this chronic disorder and provide my medical test results as well.

kindest regards, Mike from London, Ontario, Canada

Where to Buy
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/27/2012

Dear Les from Santa Fe, Here is a direct link to LEF`s BHT purchase site:

It costs $12.95 for one bottle of one hundred 350mg capsules here. This is where I buy my BHT and they will not cheat you. You will get a good quality product at that website. They sell the Vitamin Rsearch Product brand. You can also buy the BHT directly from VRP for about the same price. I usually buy at least three bottles at a time to make sure I do not run out....Oscar

Where to Buy
Posted by Les (Santafe, NM) on 05/27/2012

Where can I purchase BHT? I don't know of any stores that sell it and the only website I found it on the seller seemed to be a fake because I never received them.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/25/2012

Dear Kim from San Ramon, I am NOT trying to tell you or anyone else what to use to treat your hepatitis C infection. I am saying BHT does NOT work well with milk thistle and it`s extracts from the feedback available....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Kim (San Ramon, Ca) on 05/23/2012

I am unfamiliar with BHT as I have not used it. I have though found milk thistle helpful for my Hep C condition. Milk thistle helps to regenerate the liver. I have taken the supplement for a number of years.

I was diagnosed with Hep C in 2000 which resulted from a blood transfusion I received in the mid-70's. My liver enzymes were normal. A lot of people do not know they have Hep C and usually find out by accident after a physical exam.

In 2004, I underwent treatment for the Hep C (ribivarin and interferon) after my liver enzymes elevated. The treatment was successful for me. My liver enyzmes continue to remain normal.

Success of treatment depends on your genome type and stage of the Hep C.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/23/2012

Dear Janie from Bucharest, There is nothing " stupid " about your question. Like everything else in life: You don`t know the answer until you learn what the answer is.

The answer to your question is: The viral load count should go down eventually if the BHT treatment is working. This may take a few months depending on different factors. The same is true for the conventional treatments.

Many people have reported dramatic improvement in a very short time. Others have shown NO improvement or even higher viral load counts after many months of the BHT treatment.

I do think it is a bad idea to be mixing the BHT treatment with many of the other alternative treatments including milk thistle and it`s extracts. This is because BHT will react in undesirable ways with such treatments in my opinion. For best results use the BHT treatment by itself and NOT in combination with other alternative treatments. These viruses are hard to treat. The BHT may very well NOT work for everyone. The same is true for the conventional treatments. People have try and find out what works best for themselves. The conventional treatments do work very well for many people. I want to see people get well one way or another with whatever works for them....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/18/2012

Dear Michael from Kigali, You can buy BHT through the mail from a number of different retailers. I buy mine from Vitamin Research Products. I have been paying about 10 dollars US for bottles of one hundred, 350mg capsules.

The dosages used vary somewhat for different people. Most people who have used this treatment successfully use between 200mg and 350mg of BHT once or twice a day. I do recommend starting out with only one capsule a day and seeing how well you tolerate that for a few days before trying that second dose per day.

Also, from the feedback available it is best to NOT mix this treatment with other treatments including milk thistle extracts. Just eat a healthy diet and do NOT be trying a bunch of other supplements while using the BHT. An occasional vitamin pill might be helpful but do not be megadosing with vitamins either. The BHT treatment seems to work best when not mixed with other supplements. This is because BHT will interact with many other supplements in unpredictable ways. At this time I do recomment taking the BHT with a small amount of some sort of fruit juice to ensure an adequate supply of glucose at the time it is injested. BHT should be taken on an empty stomach. If stomach discomfort is experienced a small piece of bread should help. Just a small piece of bread.

There is the BHT CURES group you may wish to join to stay in touch with others who are trying this treatment here:

Also, if you decide to give this treatment a try please do report your results here at the EARTH CLINIC forum....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Miles (New York, Ny) on 05/18/2012

If I might suggest, look into "Lipid Exchange" (or PLX) and the pretty good results that are being achieved with oral supplementation (and IVs) of phosphatidylcholine (PPC), found in lecithin and naturally in egg yolks and krill oil.

It's said the liver, brain, instestines etc. are comprised largely of fats (lipids) and phosphatidylcholine is said to repair and regenerate cell and cell membranes and return to health.

Reports are that PPC oral dosages of between 3-6 grams a day (and some take more) -- taken with Vitamin C (and some recommend Vitamin B-1), as well as the good fats Omega 3s and 6s EPA/DHA -- are achieving very good results.

I've only recently discovered this and am curious if others have had experience with this?

Hepatitis C
Posted by Janie (Bucarest, Romania) on 05/18/2012

Hi everyone, I have a question if someone have an answer. I was thinking about what tigra said that her viral load is very high after using bht: is it possible to get so high because the viruses can't enter the cell anymore or its just speculation what I say here. Might be a stupid question though, thank you.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Michael (Kigali, Kigali City, Rwanda) on 05/17/2012

Hello everyone. I am glad to see this forum. In fact, I live in Rwanda and I was diagnosed HVC in 2002. The doctor told me that my liver function is very low on May 1, 2012. He said that the protein metabolism is quite bad which can lead to disastrous consequences and death.

Please help me and tell me what I can do now. I am 29 old now and I am praying that God gives a remedy for my disease. About BHT, how can I get it? What is the cost in USD?

Please let me know if you know something. Thank you. Michael

My email address is micmas2(at)

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/07/2012

Dear Tigra, You surely gave the BHT a try. The good news is that the conventional treatments work much better for HCV type 2 infections, much better than type 1 infections. Also: females respond better than males. People starting these treatments with normal liver function tolerate the treatments better and respond better. Also: The conventional treatments for HCV type 2 infections are generally much shorter in duration. If you decide to go with the conventional treatments from what I have read: You should NOT be taking BHT while undergoing these treatments.

Here is a link to the Veterans Administration`s hepatitis C website. The VA is and are leaders in the conventional treatments. I am very sorry the BHT did not work better for you. Here is that VA link:

Sincerely, ...Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 05/07/2012 2043 posts

Tigra, although I have never been officially diagnosed w/ Hep. , I have historically responded favorably to natural treatments, and until recently favorably to BHT. I first began using Licorice Root caps w/ good results, but other problems prevented any long-term wellness. Eventually, I modified the standard Dr. Murray / Pizzorno protocol. First, take 1 grm vit-c and wait about 10 minutes, then take any form of Glutathione boosters like NAC or SAM-e (I used 1grm each of Glycine - Cysteine - Glutamic Acid B-50) wait another 10 minutes. Take 1-3 grms of powdered Licorice Root, wait about 5 minutes then take 250 mg DMG. This combo has proved faaar better than any other (for me anyways). Your choice for ALA is good but it appears you may have insufficient levels of Glutathione for any boost from ALA to even take place. Speaking of boosting G, Selenium is critical for G production, but remember to take separately from vit-c.

If hypertension becomes a problem (as it did w/ me) here's an entirely different anti-viral protocol (which would be good as a rotational for anyone): St Johns Wort, Lysine, Colloidal Silver.

One or other of these protocols 1x or 2x day plus other nutritionals. I believe DMG may modulate or boost Glutathione better than ALA but this is just my opinion; anyway it appears Methylation from any source (B-12, Folic Acid, TMG, DMG, SAM-e, B-6) may be severely lacking in any Liver disease. Also (as I learned the hard way) a clean Colon is critical for Liver health. Coffee enemas may be necessary to eliminate die-off and metabolic waste.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Tigra (Medford, OR) on 05/06/2012

Dear Oscar, I wish I were posting something other than what I am going to say here but I think I need to let people know what my experience has been thus far with BHT. As you will recall, I was diagnosed with HEP C last May. My liver enzymes were elevated and had been for quite awhile and my viral load was at 3,000,000. I immediately started dosing with milk thistle, turmeric, various vitamins and 200mg bht on an empty stomach. Within one month, my liver enzymes were normal but my viral load went up 1 million to 4,000,000. I upped my dosage to 350mg of BHT and included 600mg of R-alpha lipoic acid (real important to state this is "real" r-alpha lipoic acid) not the stuff off the shelf. I continued this therapy for the past 8 months and decided to test myself around the 9th month. I increased the BHT to 700 mg for approximately one month before I tested. My liver enzymes continue to be normal but my viral load is now at 12,000,000. Needless to say, I am very disappointed and bummed out because I truly believed this was going to work. I have genotype 2 and now feel the next step is to go through the treatment, if they'll do it instead of waiting until I have liver damage. Wish me luck and for the rest of you, given the circumstances, I would still give the bht a try if I had to do it all over again.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 05/06/2012

Yes I did and am no longer available to answer questions about BHT therapy. But there is an extensive and informative discussion about BHT therapy here in this forum:

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/25/2012

Dear Henryf from Miami, Sorry I did not get back sooner. What I have learned about HPV virus, the cause of genital warts is that there are over 40 variants, some no doubt harder to treat than others.

Now the two people who did report very good results were/are taking 2 capsules of BHT per day. Also there are people reporting good results using the apple cider vinegar treatment applied topically with a cue tip to these warts.

So I see no reason to not use both treatments. You would be attacking the virus internally with the BHT and topically with the apple cider vinegar....Oscar

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/23/2012

Well, the BHT seems to work very well for some people for genital warts and not very well for some others. This is not surprising because there are over 40 variants of HPV virus, the virus that causes these warts. The dose that seems to work best is 350mg of BHT taken twice a day. There is a long thread that discusses all this here in this forum here:

Read what is said there and decide for yourself if you wish to try the BHT treatment....Oscar

Posted by Wondering (Dm, Ia) on 04/23/2012

I was diagnosed with gw in Jan. And I keep going to the Dr. and getting them treated but they keep coming back. I read about bht and decided to order some and am waiting for its arrival. However, I am nervous about taking it. What dose should I start at? I am barely over 5 ft and weigh 165. I see talk about liver testing. Is that for the bht or something else? I don't want to hurt my liver but I want rid of these things!!!

Hepatitis C
Posted by Hpv2years (Bkk, Thailand) on 04/17/2012

Oscar, Thanks again for another swift and engaged response... I have read a lot about BHT now, mostly thanks to your research and directed links, and today (this morning on an empty stomach) I had my first BHT 350mg capsule. (Well, actually just over half a caspule, as I tested it first by dabbing some just to make sure I asnt going to react badly, then left some out so as to work up to 350mg).

If it works, I will definitely report it, and if it doesn't, it will be useful for others' treatment and so you know that it might not work for HPV.

Fingers crossed though, and I will update when I get any kind of result. Thanks...

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/14/2012

Dear Elena from The Hague, BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] is only available by mail as far as I know and is NOT available in health food stores and such. There is VITAMIN RESEARCH PRODUCTS that sells the BHT and other online retailers. I buy my BHT through LEF [ Life Extension Foundation ] and it is the same VRP product. So the BHT is available through the mail in Europe, the UK, the USA and most other nations or areas of the world through the mail only....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Elena (The Hague, Netherlands) on 04/10/2012

Hello, I life in Holland and I want to try BHT but cannot find a shop in Europe where I can Buy. Only on a UK webshop I find: "BHT. Each capsule of BHT Plus contains 180 mg of BHT plus 80 mg of ascorbyl palmitate, a fat soluble form of Vitamin C". Can I use this to treat Hep C (a). Does somebody know where I can buy good capsules in Europe or from the US?

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/26/2012

Dear S from Sacramento California, Those are very healty liver function test numbers for anyone, with or without a history of hepatitis. Please keep posting any and all liver test results including viral load counts if such test results become available to you. It is important to make note that: S. From Sacramento is using the 350mg of BHT twice a day dosage and has been doing so for a little more than one month....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/23/2012

Really great to hear from you fatcha brute, I want you to know that because of your posting over at the hip forum about BHT as a treatment for genital warts: teru from Paris has now cleared from gentital warts in one month of the BHT treatments also and teru had a nasty case of genital warts. Your posting [ that I reposted here at the Earth Clinic ] resulted in at least one person`s recovery from a very troublesome and dangerous condition. There is a BHT cures group that would very much appreciate your participation. I am Oscar, and a member of that group. If you wish to join here is the web address:

I know for sure Hanna would like to hear from you because she said so. She is a member of this group and has posted here at The Earth Clinic also....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by S (Sacramento, California) on 03/23/2012

Hello everyone, I would like to post my results after a little over a month of BHT 2x a day 350. These results are amazing. I have normal liver function thanks to this forum. Thank you, Oscar!!


Ast 19 (13-39)

Alt 30 (7-52)

Ggt 20 (9-64)

Bilirubin total 0. 2 Low ( 0.3-2.0)

Before I was told in 2006 that I had stage 4 liver damage due to my hepC that my counts were in the millions with this other test done by oncologist.

General Feedback
Posted by Art (Tustin, California Usa) on 03/22/2012

The following link takes you to a free downloadable book that discusses many aspects of BHT including its effectiveness, toxicity, uses, dosing and relevant study links. It is very interesting and probably a must read for anyone who is taking BHT or thinking about doing so. It is in PDF format and you may have to scroll down just a bit once you get there in order to complete the loading sequence. It's not too long and fairly easy reading.


General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky) on 03/22/2012 2043 posts

If I might add a post for the theory of BHT's effectiveness. First, I have never been diagnosed w/ Hepatitis nor liver disease BUT I have good circumstantial evidence of Liver dysfunction which could very likely include Toxic or Autoimmune H, Primary Billary Cirrhosis, Fatty Infiltration. Only a few days of 250mg BHT I experienced noticeable overall improvement in health condition, but it seemed to kinda flatline at this as no more improvement was noted 2 or 3 wks latter... Until one day I developed a headache (which I usually associate w/ a dominance of whatever kind or kinds of pathogen that would be circulating in the blood). Well I had discontinued BHT for maybe 4, 5 days prior to the headache. Instead of the usual amping up of the antimicrobial herbs, I decided on 500mg BHT (at day 2 of headache) and got relief instantly. Given the complexity of my condition, there's certainly too much to properly unravel here to draw any valid conclusions; but previous antiviral herbs, lysine and sometimes added Colloidal Silver strongly suggest viral involvement (which is why I decided to try BHT to begin with). The rub is the "immediate" relief of the probable viral induced headache; which would suggest that BHT is possibly directly toxic to viruses. The name as well as the smell of this compound would also agree to this.

This possibility needs to be put on the "watch" tag of this biochem. Anyone with any input please post so we can learn more.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Fatchabrute (Tucson, Az, Usa) on 03/21/2012

Hep C BHT. I have been taking BHT, two 180 mg caps once a day I had a test before the BHT the HVC RNA PCR QUANT WAS 2110000 H >43/IU/mL BUT NOW... 837. 930 H

Then there is another no. Under that HCV RNA PCR QUANT >6 H.32 1.63 Log IU/ mL?? which I have no idea what it means.

A year after tha1test I began BHT within a month the venerial warts I had for 25 years went away, totally gone. I then waited about a year and had another Hep C test, I waited 1 month the doctor called me and told me something was wrong that the lab didn't enough blood to do more testing and I needed to go for another test. Well last week I went. The Doctors office told me to come in this friday in two days, I asked for the numbers of the test and the nurse gave me this HCV RNA PCR QUANT .... 837.930 the other HCV that was 6.32 H is now 5.92.. Reference range 43Iu/mL was the same. And the 1.63 no. was the same.

Now I do not know what those numbers mean but the most important are BEFORE BHT 2110000 H AND AFTER THE BHT 837.930. I have not seen the Doctor yet but the numbers look good to me!!

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/19/2012

Dear Paul and Karin from Otterndorf, Deutschland [ Germany ]. I want to thank you both for your VERY important feedback regarding BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C and herpes also. This herpes is an important issue also. The different herpes viruses are very troublesome in and of themselves and can lead to more serious conditions including some forms of cancer.

As I told you previously: BHT is NOT a miracle but it is surely a blessing. Now there is every reason to believe that BHT is an effective treatment for both hepatitis C, B and the different herpes viruses.

It is my new updated opinion based on the feedback available and those toxicology reports I have discussed in the past that: It is best to take the BHT with some sort of fruit juice as opposed to water. This provides for an adequate source of the sugar glucose. There are different sugars and glucose is the desired sugar. Fruit juices contain glucose. Grape juice is a good one. So are many other fruit juices.

It has come to my attention after rereading the different toxicology reports that glucose plays a crucial role in the metabolism of BHT. Now glucose exists in your blood pretty much at all time. BUT, I do think taking the BHT with a fruit juice will help a lot.

We are coming up with some real and important answers as to how best to use BHT here in this forum. So please feep this forum updated with your results. There is a discussion group devoted to BHT therapy. I am a member of this group and encourage you both to join in this discussion here:

Thank you both so very much for this ALL important feedback. Without such feedback this project would go nowhere....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Paul (Otterndorf, Niedersachsen, Deutschland) on 03/18/2012

Hello Oscar, the first time in my life where I felt like "wow.. can this really be happening.

After more than 20 years.... exactly 4 weeks without any stupid herpes outbreak untill today I have not had any herpes-outbreak.. Thank God! What does this mean seriously? Can I go my whole life without ever having one? Could it be that its very mild in some way? Thanks so much!

With best regards, Karin

General Feedback
Posted by Paul (Otterndorf, Niedersachsen, Deutschland) on 03/18/2012

Hello Oscar, after a month of BHT-treatment I have received the latest upgrade of my blood test results. I got my viral load results today and while not cleared I am improved.

Here are my recent results from 03.14.2012 followed by the prior results:

14th March 2012

Viral load: 1, 23 million

AST 50

ALT 54

10th January 2012

Viral load: 2, 3 million

AST 65,

ALT 55

I am really happy. I still feel very good, absolutely no side effects. Currently I take 3 x 250mg daily BHT. Maybe I will increasing the dose from 3 x 250mg BHT to 4x 2 50mg BHT. You may have a few suggestions to reduce the viral load even more?

With best regards


Hepatitis C
Posted by H (Lincoln, Nebraska) on 03/13/2012

To Teru from Paris - are you still free from genital warts after taking BHT, and how long did you have the warts before you started taking the BHT? Were they pretty severe? Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/13/2012

Dear Hpv2years from Bankok, I will provide that NOEL statement again here:

In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0. 3 mg/kg bw for BHT.

That NOEL [ No-Observed-Effects-Level ] statement is at the end of this lenghty toxicology report linked to here:

And there is also this PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS table that shows an average lifespan increase of between 22% to 31% in mice dosed with BHT over their entire lifetimes compared to undosed mice linked to.

So, I have provided this information for you to consider. Is BHT dangerous? That is for you to decide for yourself and is not my choice to make. It is up to you to decide for yourself.

The most common side effects I am aware of reported by some people are:

1. A nervous condition similar to drinking too much coffee.

2. Stomach discomfort

As to dosage: one or two capsules per day of BHT in 200mg to 350mg doses taken on an empty stomach. Teru and fatcha brute were and or are taking two capsules per day with a gulp of water.

Now I made the effort to answer your questions. You can thank me by reporting into this forum with your results with the use of BHT to treat HPV if you choose to try the BHT to treat this viral infection.

Also there is this BHT CURES group you may wish to join that is focused on the use of BHT to treat viral diseases here. I am a member of this group and encourage others trying the BHT treatment to join this group here:

I wish you well, ...Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Hpv2years (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/11/2012

Hi Oscar, thanks for your reply. I have ordered both so I guess I will take the one which arrives first! When and how is it best to take BHT daily? In the morning or with food, or what?

Also, are there any side effects I should be aware of... And is it dangerous in your opinion? I just read it's been banned in England for a long time.

Fatty Liver
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/08/2012

Dear Debbie from Melbourne, Listen, I have no way of knowing what is causing your Son`s digestive problems. Has he been dignosed with one of the hepatitis viruses? I am NOT a doctor. How long has your Son been having trouble with his digestion? Such problems can be the result of many different conditions and need to be addressed or at least diagnosed by a real doctor. Very often young children do grow out of such conditions. There are so many childhood diseases or conditions and very often young children do grow out of them. He needs to be seen by a qualified pediatrician to get a valid diagnoses as to what is wrong with him if this condition persists....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/08/2012

Dear HPVfor2years from Bangkok, I do not know much of anything about DIM [ diindolylmethane ]. I did find this link that discusses this DIM compound:

Make what you will of that. Regarding BHT: fatcha brute and teru from Paris reported dramatic results using 2 capsules of BHT per day as a treatment for genital warts.

fatcha brute says all of his over 100 warts were gone in one month of the BHT treatments and teru had similar results in one month.

In my opinion: even when all warts have disappeared you still need to take some BHT daily to prevent re-occurance of said warts. My best guess after the warts are all gone: one 350mg of BHT per day should be used as a maintance dose for at least 2 or 3 years....Oscar

Hepatitis C
Posted by Art (Vancouver Bc, Canada) on 03/08/2012

Give it time, normally it takes a couple of weeks. How much are you taking? What I like about it is I feel anxious in the morning but my eyes still want to stay closed. I take 350mg twice daily at bedtime and in the early hours of the morning. I do find the one at bedtime helps to make my oxycontin 10mg work better. I did start off with a small dose and now I can't tell the difference.

Fatty Liver
Posted by S (Sacramento, Ca) on 03/07/2012

Dear timh, you are definitely entitled to your opinion and but unless you can relate to this topic of hep c , you are otherwise clueless! I have tried bht and it has helped me more than milk thistle and other supplements that I have taken for my liver. I had blood work done from 2 different places and my Labs came back normal liver function after taking bht for 1 month. This forum is utilized to communicate and receive knowledge and advice from our experiences to be able to help others. Your negativity is unwelcomed in our forum!!

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