Hepatitis C
Fatty Liver
Hepatitis C
Fatty Liver
I just popped a BHT capsule after reading that article. I am of an age where I am concerned about my heart and I also only have one kidney.
The heart and the kidneys are the organs discussed in this study and BHT is shown to significantly protect those organs from choline defficient damage. I do think this one of the benefits associated with the so called " tert-butyl effect ". That is what is so very different about BHT and BHA also when compared to other anti-oxidants including vitamin E....Oscar
Fatty Liver
"ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to determine the effects of two synthetic
antioxidants, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), dZ-o-tocopherol and ascorbic acid on the fatty liver and on the renal and cardiovascular systems of choline-deficient rats. Weanling and 6-week-old male rats were fed casein- peanut meal diets devoid of choline for 8 and 10 days, respectively. Survivors were fasted and then killed, and tissues collected for serum and liver lipid analyses and for morphologic assessment of tissue damage. Fatty liver, hemorrhagic kidneys and cardiovascular damage characteristic of choline deficiency were observed in deficient animals of both ages. However, BHA and BHT protected rats in both age groups from heart and aorta damage and also prevented renal damage in the 6-week-old group. Mortality was decreased by tocopherol, ascorbate and BHA and BHT, but most notably by the latter two. In weanling rats all additives increased serum lipids and all except ascorbate decreased liver lipids. In 6-week-old rats serum lipids varied, whereas liver lipids were increased by tocopherol and ascorbate and decreased by BHA and BHT. We conclude that tocopherol and BHA and BHT tend to decrease the effects of choline deficiency on the liver, renal and cardiovascular systems whereas ascorbate enhances them. Possible mechanisms for the various effects are discussed."
Full abstract here: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/97/2/219.full.pdf
Hepatitis C
Like you, I am wary of taking large doses of BHT and never felt any need to do so. I am adamant about not mixing BHT with any oil. I also believe it is NOT a good idea to mix BHT with any other supplement at the time it is ingested. I have NO opinion on other supplements including St. John`s wart because I never tried it or them. The BHT seems to work very well all by itself at least for me.
I do take a generic vitamin B complex tablet about every other day and a 500mg tablet of vitamin C also, again about every other day and an occasional multi-vitamin tablet also. This BHT really does work for all types of herpes virus in my opinion and that of many others... Oscar
Hepatitis C
So it is really good to know you have done tons and tons of research about BHT, albeit you use it for hep C and I am trying to get rid of herpes with it.
Now I have had herpes for about 6 months and have been taking BHT for about 1 month continuously. 350mg/ day when no outbreaks and 500g twice daily on empty stomach with a gulp of water (as you suggest) when I am getting an outbreak. I'm about 5'10, male 150 lbs.
Although it has helped, it hasn't helped in the way it has helped some people (completely OB free). I still get minor OB's but they don't get worse and it takes a few days for them to go away. I used to get an OB maybe every 3 weeks, but after BHT I have had 2 OB in a month (both minor that started to appear but didn't actually turn into a full OB)
I guess this makes me question if I should try taking BHT after meals? I know you are highly against taking it with fats, but does it matter we are trying to treat herpes instead of hep C or is empty stomach just the best way for BHT absorption. I'm also extremely weary about increasing my BHT dosage past 1g per day
Also, what about taking other supplements/herbs with BHT? I know you said somewhere wait like 1. 5 hours before eating after BHT. Should that be applying to other supplements too? A lot of people have said St. John's wort helps the effectiveness of BHT when combatting herpes. Would it be bad to take them together? People tell you it helps the effectiveness but no one really has a proper guideline as to how to combine it with BHT (as in when to take each)
Hepatitis C
General Feedback
In addition to the new treatment with BHT for 8 years already I inject myself with mistletoe of the oak as a 20mg injection 3 times a week
Other preparations ( daily medication )
Vitamin C 1000mg
Vitamin B-12 1000mcg
Vitamin B-6 100mg
Omega 3 1000mg
Milkthistle 1000mg
Solanum Lycopersicum D2
I think with this therapy, it should keep the viral load and the AST - ALT
to the above-mentioned values.
My dream would be to root out my Hepatitis C with BHT completely.
I do not have any extraordinary physical results, but the change after the first three days in how I feel mentally and emotionally is tremendous. Only two weeks ago I was completely consumed by how poorly I felt and how worried I was about my future. Because your persistence, and the responses of some of you who are also trying this treatment, I started, and I urge anyone who is on the fence about BHT to follow the wellknown- advise too. I will post an upgrade of my new results on my viral load, AST and ALT in a month or so and wish all of you all the best.
Hepatitis C
When it started again last week, I took the first 3 days of BHT 500mg twice daily on an empty stomach. I usually do not believe in miracles, but for me is probably a miracle happened - the herpes outbreak has not occurred. Additionally stops I feel as good as never before.
I will now continue with BHT-treatment with preventive 1x daily 250mg. Thanks again for your excellent work. All love from Germany, Karin
General Feedback
NOEL statement:
In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0. 3 mg/kg bw for BHT.
And also this PHYSIOLOGICAL REVEIWS article that does show an average lifespan increase of between 22% and 31% for mice that were dosed with BHT over their entire lifetimes compared to mice that were not dosed with BHT.
In my opinion those two reports and the very extensive research that was done to create those statements [ hundreds of studies over decades of research ] is subbstantial actual evidence as opposed to some of the different opinions being bandied about that BHT is toxic.
If you take the time to actually read those toxicology reports you will learn that it is only when mice and other animals are given massive doses of BHT that toxic results occur. Massive doses of many things will produce toxic results including many Vitamins, sugar, salt most definitely, aspirin and on and on. You can overdose on most anything if you try to.
You do what you wish to regarding BHT. It is an alternative treatment that seems to work for many people for hepatitis C and some other very nasty viral diseases....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Art 1a.
General Feedback
I have felt better since then, I could even say better than I did before. Lately when I lay in bed I have no pain around my liver or gall bladder area which I had for ten years and my breathing is normal. I did miss one dose the day after but since then I went back to one 350mg a day in the early morning hours and have had no problems since. So I don't think it was a reaction to the BHT. I wanted to post back because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about the BHT. The nice thing is you can miss a dose or two and it doesn't have a negative affect on you.
I will not be able to get another blood test until Apr. As my doctor orders them every four months. I will post back with the results. Art.
General Feedback
I ordered BHT last week and we should have it tomorrow. He has agreed to try it for a few months before he goes back on Interferon. We just got his blood work done and his viral count is pretty good.... 289, 754, but his liver enzymes are AST 107 / ALT 126. We are going to get his blood checked again in 30 days and see if there is any improvement, I will keep you posted. If there are any suggestions you would have, please let me know. Kathy from CA
Hepatitis C
I am happy to know you now feel well and look younger. This is not your imagination. I still get ID`ed at liquor stores every now and then and I am 62 years old close to 63 years old. That is if I dye my hair which is quite gray now for whatever that is worth. And oh yes I continue to take BHT on a daily basis....Oscar
Hepatitis C
If you will recall, I was diagnosed with HEP C last May. My viral load was over 3,000,000. and my liver enzymes were not good but I was asymptomatic. I had started BHT for one month along with whole organic milk thistle that I grind myself along with some other vitamins. I went back for a test one month later and my liver enzymes were normal but my viral load was now over 4,000,000.
I started another regimen along with the BHT and can actually see a difference in my face (my husband says I look years younger) and as far as symptoms, well I never had any to begin with so I feel great. I had planned another test in December but decided to wait until either April or May before I do that and would like to share the results here if anyone is interested. I will also state exactly what I am doing. Thanks all.
General Feedback
For the past four days at approximately 6am. I have been experiencing a feeling in my liver across my chest that feels like ants crawling around in my liver and it feels a little sore as well. Below is a post that Oscar made in the discussion where he explains how the BHT works and this is what comes to mind as I lay in bed .
( BHT once embedded in the different viral coatings are compelled to move about, wriggling and such very rapidly and thereby disrupting, liquidizing, destroying the different viral coatings. )
I do have to get out of bed to settle down and as I sit here typing I find my stomach bloating and pushing on my liver. As well I find it affects the nerves along the front of my arms. Of which I am taking B12 500mcg once a day to help with that.
Over all I feel better than I have over the past 10 years. I am more alert and not so tired and my memory seems to be improving a bit as I don't struggle as much with word recall. I find I have more energy but the will is lacking. Could be I have gotten used to putting it off till tomorrow. This year I am not tiring as much while doing my chores and my face doesn't get as red as it did. My urine and stools have been normal for the past year, but there were times in the past where my stools were light but my urine looked normal. I try to eat right cutting out all sugars, whites and junk food.
I am going to go every second day on 350mg in the afternoon on an empty stomach as usual and see if things calm down.
Blessing to all, Art 1a.
BHT Overview
Also, I do not know exactly when the first ALT and AST tests were done. And THOSE numbers are in the mildly elevated zone. I do think we have now established a baseline and that the next tests will be a lot more relevant. You feel better and your urine is now normal. Let us see what the next tests show. This treatment does take longer for some than others....Oscar
BHT Overview
I don`t know what to tell you Mario. You are feeling better and your urine is showing improvement. Perhaps you are at the tipping point where some real improvement can or will be shown in your next tests. I sure do hope so....Oscar
BHT Overview
The first kick followed Ted's treatment suggestion with Lysine and completed by supplementation with other antioxydants, that I began in late september. Urine was still a bit dark by end of october but less and chronic fatigue was a bit less heavy.
Now, since I began BHT on 18th of january, my alertness improved, my urine is generally clear with only few brownish reminders once a while. I now continue the BHT treatment as 350 mg X 2 times a day on empty stomach and will have another blood test to report the 22nd of march. But this time my doctor, who is by no mean familiar with HCV is asking RT-PCR qualitative and quantitative tests. I imagine These are the test that tell if the virus can be count by hundreds or by millions?
Anyway, the S/CO ratio passed from 161. 89 in october to 131. 03 in february. I don't know if this means little or big improvement, but I keep on.
Hepatitis C
In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0. 3 mg/kg bw for BHT.
I am NOT up for or capable of teaching a course in what is called: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY....Oscar
Now my experience as I experienced it with the use of BHT to treat hepatis C is very much the same as yours. There were times I noticed my urine would at times appear darker than what is normal in those first 2 to 3 months of treatment. But after about 3 months of the BHT treatments my urine was and still is always normal.
It does take differing periods of time for the different people using the BHT treatment to have consistantly normal liver function. From my experience as time goes by any and all symptums dissappear within a very few months. I had a very diseased liver and you did also. Thank you for your updates Dave. With your feedback and that of others we WILL answer these questions and come up with some valid guide lines as to the use of BHT for hepatitis C and some other viral diseases also....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Now, this BHT and its metabolites seem to me to be the right size and the right shape the disrupt these different viral coatings. And I do have good reason to think that: BHT and it`s metabolites will be drawn to these viral coatings and always be seeking and never achieving permanent hydrogen bonds in the same way that water molecules do. These bulky molecules will be wriggling about very rapidly tearing apart these lipid and protein envelopes. Well that is my theory for what it is worth. And once these coatings or envelopes are stripped away the bodies defense mechanisms recognize what is left of them as foriegn bodies also and the usual immune system respones may very likely play a role in this or it may not. The BHT alone may be enough to make these different viruses incapable of infecting any uninfected cells.
What is important for you to know is that these BHT treatments are working for you. That is what is really important to you. So just keep taking it and do NOT worry about exactly how this process works. Stick with what is working for YOU....Oscar
And yes, BHT and its metabolites do end up stored in fat tissues and other tissues also for up to two weeks. But this BHT is constantly being metabolized and excreted also. So you DO NOT end up with 2 weeks worth of BHT and it`s metabolites being accumilated in two weeks. The same is true for certain vitamins also. A general rule is that the water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C are quickly metabolized and work their way through a person`s body in a very few days and that the oil or fat soluable vitamins such as vitamin E take a week or two to work their way through a person`s system. BHT is similar to vitamin E in that way. I think this is a part of the answer as to why even low dose BHT therapy works. So find a dose you are comfortable with and stay with that. You want enough of what is the metabolites of BHT in your body to readily destroy these viral particles in your blood and inter-cellular fluids. You do not want more than what your body can safely handle and this does vary from person to person.
From the feedback available thin or lean people tend need less BHT and are those most prone to side effects. So find a dose you are comfortable with and stick with that dosage. It will work. It may take a bit longer and maybe it will not take any longer. Low dose BHT therapy worked for me and I weighed 175 poubds when I first started this treatment back in 1997. I was only taking one 200mg capsule of BHT per day. I was lean but not thin back then.
If you are having problems joining that group well I did also and I am a moderator there. I am not very computer savy, or smart and I eventually figured it out. Just keep trying. I had to change my yahoo name three times because I kept screwing up the process in some way I do not understand. Stay touch here in this forum.
And do join the group if you feel like it. You have to create a Yahoo acount to do so or one of the other similar accounts. There is NO fee. I do not understand it. If anyone out there does and can explain and help those who wish to that would be appreciated by me. That group is here: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/
Sincerely, ...Oscar
350mgX2 times a dayX14 days/1000=9.8
I have been wondering about the one hour before or after eating upon taking the BHT. I have started to wait longer because I have a slow digestive system. I know this because my pain meds do not work well until two hours after I eat. So for some of us we have to extend that time period from one hour to two and a half hours. So I find it best to take it around 3-4pm while I am having my afternoon coffee. I know it is working because I feel more like my old self before I started the pegetron therapy. I find I have more energy now and don't tire as easy as I used to. The thing is since I have started taking it with coffee I am getting high anxiety in my chest the next morning around 7am. I can deal with it as I know what is happening so I use acupressure on my wrist which helps to calm me enough to get another hours sleep. We shall see how long this keeps up as I only take one 350mg cap in the afternoon. Taking a second one makes me dizzy while I am in bed, which brings me to my second issue.
I read somewhere that it stays in your system for 14 days. So taking 350mg x 14 = 4900mg or 490 grams in the body before it starts to flush it. This does not alarm me but does beg the question about saturation of the body. So taking two a day would double this to near 1000 grams. I know that when I was on the pegetron my doctor told me it would take my body 5 years to flush it all out as it is stored in the fat cells. I have to believe he was right because it took 5 years to feel normal again and escape the foggy brain syndrome. Now I feel sharper and my memory is improving. I am anxiously awaiting my next ALT test numbers which will be done in a month or two. My numbers have been all over the place for the last 5 years because of the ibuprofen use I suppose. Now I take nearly none since starting the BHT. I have been on it now since 20/Jan12
I have joined the yahoo group bigmac68 but can't figure out how to post there. Posting here is so much easier.
Thanx, Art. 1a.
Hepatitis C
Also, and importantly: HPV is NOT a lipid coated virus as I had assumed it was. As did fatcha brute from what he stated.
HPV is a protein coated virus. So your experience and that of fatcha brute`s is new ground in the treatment of viral diseases with BHT. So it appears that BHT is very much an effective treatment for at least some protien coated viruses also.
This is very important new information. Again: This forum is the ONLY one that has taken a serious interest in BHT as a treatment for viral diseases that I am aware of. So please do keep posting here in this forum. Let me ask you teru: Are your genital warts all gone now or not ? Your feedback is very important to all those other people out there suffering from this condition. Please be totally honest. I have no desire to be promoting wishful thinking about this, but if the BHT treatments are working people need to know about it.
Also, I do ask you to join this Yahoo group created by Victoria, a member of this forum. I am a member and a moderator at this Yahoo group: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/
This discussion group's focus is: The use of BHT to treat viral diseases. Now I have no contact with fatcha brute so you ARE the primary source about BHT as a treatment for HPV and resulting genital warts.
Look, you are a very important person to those who have genital warts and HPV. Please stay in touch with this forum and join that Yahoo group.
Thank you so very much teru, for this very important feedback. This is a very real example of what so many people hope for in and of the World Wide Web. Thank you teru, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
Well, if I could draw a few simple diagrams you would immediately see what I am talking about. Just for fun: draw a 6 carbon ring, add those tert-butyl groups, the OH group and the methyl group and play around with it. I do that sort of stuff all the time. Hey, I would very much appreciate your joining me and Victoria`s discussion group at: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/
You obviously have an interest in this and I would very much appreciate your thoughts about all this. I am getting older Dr. W and my mind is not getting any better. I have been at it for 15 years now and need all the help I can get. Please at least join the group and take it from there....Oscar
Hepatitis C
BHT Overview
Now there is an explanation for that. ALL proteins are very dependent upon hydrogen bonds to hold their stuctures together. A simplified but accurate way of looking at what proteins are is: Branched and unbranched strings of amino acids. Now these strings of amino acids stucture is highly dependent on said hydrogen bonds. When these proteins are placed in a nonpolar liquid such as carbon tetra-chloride these protiens become denatured. They lose their structure or shape. The covalent bonds are NOT broken and yet these proteins collapse because these hydrogen bonds disappear in a non polar liquid. Now what BHT and its metabolies do is to very much disrupt these hydrogen bonds and thereby denature at least some proteins in certain protein coated viruses enough to destroy at least some proteine coated viruses including at least some HPV viruses.
Also, BHT is BHT. There is no specific brand. It, BHT is the accepted name of a specific compound [ butylated hydroxytoluene ]. It is a historic or trivial name, but that is what it is called....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Also, I do not know anything about these home test kits. If you can afford it I do think having liver function tests done by professionals is the way to go.
And I do NOT know about all these other supplements you have discussed. From what fatcha brute and teru from Paris have stated: They make NO mention of other supplements and the one capsule of BHT taken twice a day worked very well for them for genital warts and with fatcha brute, hepatitis C also as stated here: http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?p=6967512Â
In my opinion: As a general rule: It is NOT good to mega dose with any vitamin or other supplement because when you do so you end up screwing up any number of metabolic processes. I do take a generic vitamin B complex pill and a 500 mg vitamin C pill about every other day. I am very wary of MEGA DOSING with anything and do NOT do it.
The BHT seems to work very well all by itself as a treatment for viral diseases of many types including HPV.
Now if you wish to you can join this Yahoo discussion group that Victoria started and I am member and I do stay in touch with that group here: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/
Dennis, I do NOT have all the answers regarding the use of BHT to treat viral diseases. I am NOT a doctor. This treatment is experimental at this time. BUT, there is a growing number of people showing dramatic positive results with the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C and HPV also....Oscar
Hepatitis C
BHT Overview
Hepatitis C
Our understanding about bht treatment is it allows the bodies natural immune system to the go after these viral cells once the bht has broken thru the lipid envelop. Please correct us if our perception of this is wrong. That is why we added a load of immune boosting supplements and vitamins to our regiment.
We also read that to protect the body from some of the effects off bht that taking milk thistle for liver, chlorophyll to assist in additional oxygen to cells in lungs and gelatin for kidney protection. Again are we correct in our treatment or is all of this unnecessary?
Also does coconut oil used in the diet adversely affect the bht? L-lysine, olive leaf and astragalus are suppose to have anti viral effects as well. Is this overdoing it? We added the DIM as a preventive or possibly treatment for any cancers which may be in the works. My girl doesn't have insurance yet, but will in one month and we aren't sure what type of Dr. would specialize in hpv. I am seeing a surgeon to keep an eye on the active warts I still have but no Dr. for the hpv. The gastroentenologist is for the hcv which is active however they have told me my liver is in good shape.
It was mentioned that there is a kit for testing for the hcv antibodies. Can I purchase one or is it obtain thru a Dr.? We are most concerned at this time with the hpv as we both have it, it's the subtype which causes cancer. Any additional info about treating the hpv would be greatly appreciated as radiation and chemo don't sound like fun stuff! Thanks
Now BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] can NOT uninfect an infected liver cell the same as the interferon treatments. But with daily dosing with BHT eventualy there are NO infected liver cells because every cell in every person`s liver is a new cell about every year or so. And with daily dosing with BHT you prevent any uninfected liver cells from becoming infected. This does take years [ at least 2 years ] of daily dosing with BHT. And eventually you will test negative with this KIT test. This test, tests for hepatitis C antibodies. Those antibodies tests are going to test positive until ALL your liver cells are no longer infected. That does take years of daily dosing with BHT.
The really good news is you are not going to get really sick. You are not going to have liver failure. Those interferon treatments did work.
Another forum member did say BHT was not available in Pakistan. I am not at all sure that is true or not true. You have to buy BHT through the mail in any country. Try VRP [ Vitamin Research Products ] in a web or google search and see if BHT is available in Pakistan or not. There are many other retailers of BHT also. See what you can find out regarding the availability of BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] in Pakistan and let this forum know what you find out. Is BHT available in Pakistan or not? ...Oscar
BHT Overview
I understand you two are freaked out. You have to use self control here. Just calm down, you CAN do that. Now, this mixing of everything you have read of, about together is NOT a good way to go.
Also, you did mention a doctor who wants to prescribe one of the interferon treatments. There are some new drugs that have been added to the interferon plus ribaviron treatment with significant improvement indicated.
Have you tried any of the interferon plus treatments at this time ? If so what were the results ?
I am wary of these treatments but they do work for many people.
For right now: lower the dosage of BHT to no more than 350mg of BHT taken twice a day and see if any improvement is shown in the liver function tests and the viral load counts.
Regarding the other supplements: Do NOT mega dose on any of them.
BHT seems to work very well all by itself if taken in the dosages I have discussed. I am trying to be helpful. If you choose to continue the BHT treatments: Lower the dosge to no more than 350mg of BHT taken twice a day and do not mega dose on any other supplement for at least 3 weeks and see if there is some improvement or not. It seems to me you are mega dosing on those vitamins you stated.
From my experience and the growing feedback available: The BHT works very well by itself. Also that megadosing with vitamins and other supplements does NOT help at all while using the BHT treatment. Please do read what Dave from New Jersy has to say and fatcha brute and january and Gina and Victori and toad and Teru and me. All of us had dramatic improvement with NO megadosing with anything. Teru and fatcha brute for HPV [ genital warts ] ...Oscar
General Feedback
We have also been taking Milk Thistle to protect the liver as well as L-lysine, astragalus, alpha lipoic acid , grape seed extract, 1000mg of Vit E, 3000 mg of Vit C, 1000mg. Vit D-3, whey protein mix with amino acids added, olive leaf, turmeric or curcumin and recently we added di-indolymethane(DIM) which has shown to totally cure Stage 3 cervical cancer which my girl is concerned about. We eat extremely healthy (lots of colorful veggies and minimal amounts of lean meats).
I tried to discuss this regimen with my Dr. who wants to start me on interferon treatment for the Hep C in June after my follow up with the cancer surgeon. I am not sure that I am interested in the interferon as I have read about the possible side effects, however apparently it can cure the body of the Hep C with no antibodies showing in final testing. My Dr. said we might as well drink Clorox if we were going to take BHT. How can I find a Dr. who will support our choice to use BHT and provide the necessary blood work to see if it is working. My girl said that it appears that one of the warts ( on the outside ) seems to be gone, but still has several just inside the vagina. We hope that we are providing our bodies with an appropriate regimen however would appreciate any input and references for how to locate a Dr. who would support our choices.
BHT Overview
Now those are impressive numbers, the sort of response that indicates the BHT treatment is working and is similar to what some of the others I discussed in the past have experienced including myself. Your viral load is less than 1/4 th of what it was prior to the BHT treatments and there is some small improvement in liver function in about one month of the BHT treatments. Those are very impressive results from a person who had a very a very infected liver with idications that the infection was getting far worse rapidly. You have turned all that around and are now showing dramatic improvement with the BHT treatment in only one month.
As I have said many times now it takes longer for some than others to get to that NO VIRUS DETECTED status. In my opinion your initial response is a very good one considering everything. Just keep doing what you are. You are winning this battle. Your liver is healing itself with the use of BHT. This BHT stuff realy does work.
Dave, it is very important that you keep this forum upated regarding your progress with the use of BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C. There is NO other big forum taking a serious interest in this. But there is a Yahoo discussion group about all this recently started by Victoria, a member of this forum and I am a member of that group and one of the moderators of that forum. I do encourage you to join that discussion group. Victoria and me are trying to do what we can to promote this life saving information along with this forum`s efforts. Your participation in that forum would be helpful. Here is a link to that Yahoo discussion group if you choose to join it: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/BHTcures/
Now, it is not our intention to in any way compete with THE CONTACT EARTH CLINIC, but rather provide a discussion group for those using the BHT treatment to compare notes and such. The CONTACT EARTH CLINIC is the big forum and by all means report your progress here in THIS forum first and foremost. But your participation in this discussion group would be appreciated....Oscar
BHT Overview
Today marks 34 days of twice a day 350mg BHT for me. Last fall I was very sick. My doctor had blood work done to see just how bad things were in mid October. My viral load, which has always been high, was 23,000,000!! The highest it had been before was 12,000,000 or so. My ALT and AST were always just above normal but last October were AST 203, ALT 155.
Unfortunately it took until late December to discover this web site (thanks to my wife) and Oscar's posts on BHT. I started taking the BHT January 6th, 2012. That is not long ago. I had blood work done February 6th and got the results today. I know that Hep C viral loads fluctuate and my new numbers my reflect some fluctuation but, my new viral load as of Monday this week is 5,000,000. Seems to be quite a drop to be only a fluctuation. My Doctor is apprehensive but supportive. AST and ALT were not as impressive at 132 and 128 but encouraging enough.
I am convinced this is working. I seem to get the best results physically when I do not add other supplements to my daily routine. I have been on Prevacid for three years and find that I don't need it much any more. I have taken one pill every 6 or so days for the last three weeks. Coincidence? I don't know.
There are days when my urine is a little dark and my stools are not entirely normal day to day but the difference from last fall to now, after one month of BHT, is thrilling. We bought 9 bottles with a 50 day supply in each and are in it for the long haul. I encourage anyone who knows someone with hepC to expose them to this site and Oscar's work. I personally cannot thank him enough.
God bless, Dave
Hepatitis C
There are risks depending on the solvent
maybe a 5% alcohol solution [Beer ]
I cringe at the thought of an IV introduction but that might be the most potent of all.
General Feedback
Oscar, what is the most safe dose as of now for Hep C, 1a with F1 (minimal fibrosis)?
Thanks all.
General Feedback
I, Oscar, am a member of this group. This group will provide a forum for us to discuss the use of BHT as an alternative treatment for lipid coated viral diseases. That is the focus of this group....Oscar
But, from your statement: You were NOT experiencing any such side effects and was responding very well to the BHT treatments prior to adding the olive oil to your diet. So for you: Go back to taking the BHT without the olive oil in your diet until and unless you start experiencing any nervous system disorders. And NEVER mix or take the BHT at the same time as olive oil or any other oil. Stick with what works best. It seems to me you do NOT need or desire the addition of olive oil to your diet, at least for now. If you do start experiencing nervous disorders you might want to try one tablespoon of olive oil every other day and see how that works for you.
Now when I was really sick with hepatitis C I did not take any olive oil or any other oil. I was lean but not thin. I weighed about 175 pounds and am about 6 feet tall. The digestion of all fats and oils do require bile salts and other things produced in the liver. This may account for this set back in this your BHT therapy. I do NOT have all the answers for each and every person regarding the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C. Hopefully, with the feedback that you and others are providing we can answer these questions and come up with some meaningful guide lines.
I wish I had reliable answers for each and every person trying this BHT therapy, but I do not at this time. For now and for you I will say go back to what was working very well for you and stop taking the olive oil at least for now and let us see how that works for you. You are getting well and the BHT therapy is working. We just need to establish and stick with what works best for you. You may very well wish to include some olive oil in your diet as your liver function improves and you may already be there. I do NOT know.
Do not get overly concerned about some minor set back. You tolerate the BHT very well and it is working for you. And please: keep me and this forum updated as to your progress along with any setbacks or problems you may experience. This is the ONLY way there is to answer these questions, with feedback.
So, for now: If no adverse side effects are experienced with the use of BHT I advise against the addition of any sort oil to a person`s diet in the first 2 months of treatment because all fats and oils do put an additional demand on the liver. I do NOT mean a person should avoid all fats and oils. A healthy source of lipids is essential to a healthy diet. Simply do NOT add that extra tablespoon of olive oil if and only if no previous nervous condition developes with the use of BHT. I do NOT have all the answers. You have to find out what works best for you....Oscar
BHT Overview
Unfortunately though, I went through a down turn as my symptoms returned with my urine darker and my bowels light colored and loose. What conspicuously did not happen was a loss of energy and focus. I still felt great. After about three days of worsening symptoms things slowly started getting better. As of today I am not back to where I was last Wed. But I think things are going in the right direction.
Is this common? Are there ups and downs symptom wise? I had been reading about thin people (me) needing to take a tablespoonful of olive oil and did just that last Wed. Night and wonder if it may have had something to do with what happened or not. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help. Good luck everybody.
Hepatitis C
Simply stated: It is the metabolites of BHT that enters the bloodstream and NOT the undigested BHT. There are a number of different BHT metabolites. All of which maintain the 6 carbon ring structure and all of these metabolites have oxygen atoms added in different ways to the BHT. These additional oxygen atoms are what makes these metabolites somewhat water soluble. I keep using the word somewhat because these metabolites still maintain a high degree of lipid seeking behaviour.
And this lipid seeking behavior combined with the relatively large and bulky shape of these metabolites that now have the necessary additional oxegen atoms is the reason the metabolites of BHT are able to destroy the lipid coatings of viruses such as hepatitis C in all of its variants.
Also, these BHT metabolites with their added oxygen atoms will always be seeking but never achieving so called hydrogen bonds. This keeps these BHT metabolites moving about, wiggling and such very rapidly and that is what destroys these lipid coatings of the different lipid coated viruses including hepatitis C.
So in conclusion: using BHT in an enama will NOT work....Oscar
BHT Overview
It does take some time as I have explained many times now for anyone to get well with this treatment. A few weeks to a few months depending on how infected and damaged a person`s liver is to begin with for one thing. Again: BHT can NOT uninfect an infected liver cell. What it does do is to prevent any unifected liver cells from becoming infected by destroying the viral particles in the blood and other intercellular fluids. And like I have said: EVERY liver cell that makes up a person`s liver is a new cell about every year or so.
So: if no new cells become infected a true cure eventually does occur. This does take years of daily dosing with BHT and I am sure it varies from person to person. This is because the BHT is NOT 100% effective in destroying all the viral particles. Some of these viral particles will remain intact and go on to infect other liver cells. But as time goes by with daily dosing with BHT: Less and less of the liver cells are infected and more and more of them are uninfected. But you can live a perfectly normal and healthy life as this process goes on once enough of your liver is healthy and functioning adequately. So, there is no big hurry. I say that because you can definately take too much BHT in hopes of getting truly cured more quickly. People need to find a dose that is both safe and effective and this dose does vary from person to person.
So: You are off to or with a good start: You found a dose that is effective and is not causing adverse effects. Keep the forum and me updated with your progress. Ciao, ...Oscar
BHT Overview
In the days following absorption of bht, I noticed a slight amelioration in the coloration of urine and no noticable side effects. I still need a lot of rest though. An herpes irruption who was coincidently emerging at that time disappeared.
I have to say that I was already taking others antioxidants or helpers as l-methionine, serrapeptase, nattokinase, milk rhistle, astragalus, l-proline, l-lysine, c vit. And suma wich helped to improve my condition since august whe my urine was darker and my energy at an all time low. I just added amor seco few days ago. But none of these ingredients or the sumn of it is susceptible to break the virus to the point that I would test negative in the future. So we will see.
Thanks for the link about blood test.
Hepatitis C
Ever hear of coffee enemas? I wonder if using BHT and delivering it in that manor might be faster?
BTW I have not done a Viral load in 6 weeks and I won't do one until late march, however my Glucose has suddenly dropped to the near normal range and other thing suggest that the Virus is no longer affecting my liver at all. I expect it to be zero in march.
Dr W
BHT Overview
Your attention to detail is important and appreciated. You have established a baseline as to liver function tests at: AST= 71 and ALT=111 as of 12-1-2011. Though these readings are somewhat elevated they are in the mildly elevated range as discussed here: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/liver_blood_tests/page3_em.htm
Now: You began a 230mg of BHT taken 3 times per day. You did not mention any adverse side effects. This is of course very good. And you began this treatment on 1-18-2012. Most, though by no means all people tolerate such a dosage well with no side effects. Let me just say that if you do start experiencing adverse effects I do suggest lowering that dosage. I also do think it is a good idea to include taking 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil in your diet taken seperately from the BHT, NOT at the same time. This is to insure an adequate source of high quality lipids to protect against adverse side effects associated with the use of BHT. Wait at least one hour before or after taking the BHT. Hey, I expect you are an Italian and the health benefits of olive oil are well known, especially amongst the Italians. You also noted that you are infected with HCV type 1a. Your attention to detail is very important and much appreciated. Ciao, ...Oscar
BHT Overview
I began a 230 mg 3x/day BHT treatment on 18th of january. I will go for a blood test on 15th of february and I will post the result on the 23rd or around. Ciao for now. Mario
Hepatitis C
I was also thinking that it may partially explain why some people respond faster than others to the same dose of BHT.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C
Also, I did warn against mixing BHT with anything other than perhaps beer. Taking BHT with beer may mainline BHT and it`s metaboles to the liver and thereby concentate BHT and it`s matabolites in the liver.
Anyway, like I said: it takes years of BHT therapy to acheive a true cure which I have done for myself. But, NONE of the other treatments can do that because they are so toxic people can not take them for more than a year or so. For the prescribable treatments: 5 years without a relapse is considered a true cure.
I did warn you about mixing BHT with other compounds. BHT is NOT an unreactive compound. It does readily enter into chemical reactions in the stomach and duodenum. That is why it is such a powerful anti-oxidant. The BHT more readily enters into oxidative reactions than such compounds as vitamin E by a factor of 240 times more readily as discussed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butyl#Tert-butyl_effect
The so called " tert-butyl effect ". Anyway, it does take YEARS of daily dosing with BHT to truly free the liver of any and all infected liver cells....Oscar
Hepatitis C
I have been using BHT along with Silmarin and St. Johns Wort. and a good diet
The long and short of it is this Viral load was not zero this time but it was very low. at 100K and my liver enzymes were all good with no symptoms at all.
As I said before this treatment should continue for at least as long as the main stream treatment does which is about a year.! Am on month 5 and plan on continuing for another 6 to 9 months.
Do not forget that I use a combo to fight Hep-C.
That combo is NAC and Silmarin as well as BHT and St John's Wort
The MD with whom I work is impressed with my numbers.
Hepatitis C
Dr W for the less informed, the side effects of the standard treatment Ribovirion and interferon:
Bleeding hemorrhoids
Canker sores [lots of them]
Joint pain
Flu symptoms
Damage to eyes and Kidneys
BHT- I have no side effects that we can detect
Dr W
Hepatitis C
In answer to your questions: I know of NO reason why your uncle should not give the BHT a try. There is NO evidence that BHT taken in the dosages I have discussed harms the liver or the kidneys.
Also: I also got infected with hepatitis-C by way of blood transfusions [ at least 17 such tranfusions ]. More importantly: I lost my entire right kidney along with most of my liver and half of my large intestine as the result of that gunshot wound. That injury is why I got those blood transfusions.
So, in effect, I had some of the more serious disadvantages your uncle does when I successfully used BHT to treat my hepatitis C infection: A failing liver and only one kidney with me.
In my opinion: The BHT treatment has to be worth a try. The prescribed treatments include kidney failure as one of the possible side effects. At the dosages I have discussed: There is no evidence that BHT harms the liver or the kidneys. Again, from the feedback available: That dosage is: one 350mg of BHT taken TWICE a day with a gulp of water on an empty stomach for average size adults. Please stay in touch with this forum as to your uncle`s response to this treatment if he chooses to give it a try....Oscar
Hepatitis C
You are putting me in an uncomfortable position in that I do NOT wish to infer that other companies are selling the wrong compound. From our past conversations it has become clear to me that the public relations departments of the different companies INCLUDING VRP, are not chemists.
What else can I tell you? VRP is a trusted name in the supplements industry and I am SURE there are other trusted names also. I have only my own experience to draw on regarding this issue. I have no desire to be put in the position of endorsing this or that company and CANNOT do that. I do NOT work for or with ANY company.
Perhaps it is time for other forum members who have been using BHT to treat the different lipid coated viruses to give some feedback as to what brands or company names they have been using. Many thousands of people have been using BHT for a long time now to treat the different herpes viruses for sure. So let me end on that note, that question: What brand have you other forum members been using to treat viral infections successfully ? ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Did you contact VRP to know exactly what they are selling? And of course, I will write back in a month to report what happens. I'm expecting the best. This will be my last message concerning this BHT name problem. I don't want that this board to become the BHT board. My best for you and HAPPY XMAS to everybody.
Hepatitis C
So, there is new hope for non-responders to the earlier treatments. Happy Holidays, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
12/17/2011: Mike A from Marietta, Ga replies: "Oscar, I have had HEP c for 35 years and have tried many things to cure it over 2 years of interferon, berry extracts, milk thistle, juicing and now BHT. I am in stage 4 liver disease and you do give me hope, but I do hope I'm not doing more damage then good, but thanks for all your feedback and research. Mike"
I don't know what to tell you Mike. You did try the interferon treatments for over 112 weeks without success. You tried the BHT for 12 weeks and want to go back to the interferon? treatments. Dr. W did state that to give the BHT a fair try should be about 6 months. Without any doubt the treatment time required for BHT will vary from person to person. You do what you have to do.
Also, I see NO reason why you cannot try them both at the same time. I wish you the best whatever you do....Oscar
Hepatitis C
So, in conclusion: The product sold as BHT by Vitamin Research Products is the desired compound even though their public relations department does NOT know the difference between di-butyl and di-tert-butyl. Why would they ? And in all fairness, the same can be said for the other companies selling BHT.
It does require some back ground in chemistry to know the difference and public relations people are unlikely to have ANY background in chemistry.
I want you to know that this conversation between you and me has brought to my attention the so called " tert-buytyl effect " as described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butyl#Tert-butyl_effect
This is without a doubt in my mind another important difference between BHT and so many other compounds and helps to explain just why BHT is such an effective anti-oxidant and anti-viral agent.
Please do this for me and your fellow forum members, it is very important: Report back into this forum with your reults with the use of BHT to treat genital warts. The amazing health benefits of this inexpensive compound very much need to be brought into public awareness.
As a reminder: fatcha brute was/is using two capsules of BHT per day and all of his genital warts were gone in one month along with achieving a NO VIRUS DETECTED result regarding his hepatitis C infection. This stuff REALLY DOES work. From his webname I do get the impression he is not a small man. My reason for saying that is: That if you have any problem with the use of two capsules per day, a one capsule per day dosage may work very well for genital warts. Let the forum know your results....Oscar
Hepatitis C
"Please tell me if the butylated hidroxytoluene product you sell it's the same as dibutyl Hydroxy toluene or dibutylhydroxytoluene. I'm confused if it is the same product with different name?? Thank you."
"Thank you for your inquiry. These products are the same thing. Please contact us if we can be of further assistance.
Thank You!
Wishing you the best in health."
Very nice of them to answer so fast. I'm going to start today with BHT and hope I can give good news in a month!!
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
The desired compond is the one with 2 butyl groups arranged in what is called the tertiary formation. There are are very important differences. There is what is called the tert-butyl effect for one thing. You can read about that here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butyl#Tert-butyl_effect
Now I will say: I think it unlikely that the people who answer the phone at the different companies are the chemists involved in its manufacture. I see all sorts of different names given to what is called BHT. This is the result of the use of different historic or trivial names used by the different companies. The important thing you need to know is if that product has those two butyl groups arranged in the tertiary arrangement. That is the desired compound. The sad fact is that these trivial names are the ones almost always used. The proper name is:" 1, 3 di-tert-butyl 2 hydroxy 5 methyl benzene ". I have yet to find a company using the proper name in compliance with the international rules. It is a simple enough system when it comes to naming 6 carbon ring compounds, and yet, you end up with this compound having all these different names. I get very frustrated with this unnessary confusion. Again the important thing to find out is if the BHT has the butyl groups arranged in the tertiary formation. That is what is so very different about BHT and a very many other simular compounds. Those tert-butyl goups. You will find names including para-cresol, methyl phenol, and others. That is why they created these international rules that everyone seems to ignore. I can`t change that. I can provide a link to what is called a skeletal model of what the compound should look like here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butylated_hydroxytoluene
I want to do what I can to eliminate this confusion. Usually if the BHT is being sold as a food preservative, it is the correct compound because that tert-butyl effect I discussed earlier IS what this compound requires to be an effective anti-oxidant but that is NO guarantee is it? As I have stated previously I use the BHT sold by: Vitamin Reseach Products. I am sure there are other companies selling the correct compound. If you have further, additional questions please do ask them. I very much want to have people giving this BHT treatment a try, using a reliable product. Sincerely, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
I will go back to the shop were I bought my BHT and I will try to take more informations. I also send a email to where you buy the BHT asking for some information because they do not write anything except the name and seems there is more then one name for this product. Thank you again and I will let you know what I found. I'm going to try the BHT for my genital warts.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
I don`t know what to tell you. I have NO desire to discredit this company. But I am right about the difference between di-butyl hydroxytoluene and di-tert-butyl hydroxytoluene. Perhaps whomever created the label did not notice that " tert " portion of the prefix. But that still makes me question the professional standards of this Company. How could it not ? There are many companies making BHT. How can I possibly know the quality of their products ? I do see this on the VRP product lable: " This product is manufactured in a NSF GMP registered facillity ". You can learn about what that means here: http://www.nsf.org/business/gmp/index.asp
So, in conclusion: your question has forced me to at least try and come up with some answers regarding product quality regarding BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ]. And, my answer is: Is the manufacturer a registered or certified NSF GMP company or NOT? If it is NOT, that is a good reason NOT to buy their product, in this case BHT. I think this is some helpful and important information....Oscar
Hepatitis C
So, if the product you purchased is in fact " di-butyl hydroxytoluene " it is NOT the desired product. And if who ever is selling this product made such an obvious error in their description of their product I would have NO confidence in their ability to properly manufacture it. This is first year organic chemistry level stuff. I have to seriously question whether or not they have a for real chemist working for them. It is the kind of mistake only a rank amatuer would make in nomenclature.
Now quit struggling with it and buy a good quality product you can have some faith in. I assume you have hepatitis C. Why play around with some questionable product when treating this very serious disease? As I mentioned before: Vitamin Research Products [ VRP ] has been making and selling BHT for a long time now. It is the company that makes the BHT sold by the Life Extension Foundation, another trusted name in the supplements industry.
I will state that I have NO financial interest in these organizations or any other for that matter. I am sure there are other trusted names out there. VRP is the brand name for the BHT I buy and use and has been for over 10 years now. I want everyone out there to know that I have NO finanacial interest in this BHT stuff. I have never made any money promoting BHT. Not one penny. And I have never been paid even one penny for my efforts by anyone. I do NOT own any stocks, bonds, in ANY company and I do NOT work for anyone. Sorry about that rant by me. I have been accused of somehow profitting from my discussions about BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C in some of the OTHER forums, NEVER this forum....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Dibutyl Hydroxy Toluene
Di-butyl Hydroxy Toluene
THey said all this names for the same product. I check on the internet and the formule for this is C15 H24 O as for butylated Hidroxytoluene so now little confused...
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
BHT has a number of different names, almost all of which are considered historic or trivial names and are NOT the correct names, in compliance with the international rules of nomenclacture regarding organic compounds. If it does not include the prefix " tert " I cannot assume it is the same compound. The prefix di means two, the prefix tert designates a specific arrangement of the butyl group. Butyl means 4 carbon atoms. It may very well be the same compound but I do not know that for certain. That is how sloppy or confused this nomenclature is. Is it called BHT or not ? If you give me the seller`s name I can research this for you. The name you provided suggests that it is NOT the desired compound. It should read di-tert-butyl and NOT di-butyl. Di-butyl indicates a linear arrangement of those 4 carbon atoms in the two butyl groups. So, if that name is NOT di-tert-butyl hydroxytoluene I have to assume it is NOT the right compound.
Also: I would not trust any company selling this product [ BHT ] that would make such an error. If they cannot even correctly identify it how can anyone trust them to know how to make it correctly. Having said that: The historic or trivial name " buylated hydroxytoluene " IS the accepted name most often used to designate this specific compound. I will end by stating that VRP [ Vitamin Research Products ] is a trusted name in the supplements industry and has been making BHT for many years now....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Mon, 12 Dec 11 21:47:33 -0600
Now to get back to you Taylor: You have some other serious health concerns. You are seriously overweight and that is stressing your heart. Please do what you can to lose some weight. Some moderate exercise is important. And you need to eat less food and healthy food only. You are going to beat this hepatitis C with the use of BHT, but you still have to work on losing weight. You can do it. Buy those dumbells I discussed and use them. You can do that while watching TV.
Also, this BHT does help to clean the cardio-vascular system of harmful deposits. It helps improve your blood circulation, but you still NEED to do some form of exercise. I want to see you get well and be well. But you need to make some effort. I know it is hard to do when you feel bad and do not have much energy, but you can do it. Just start with getting outside and going for walks every day and slowly exercise a little more each day. I don`t want you overdoing it because of your heart condition. Start with short walks and work from that. You can beat this and the BHT will help a lot. Stay in touch with this forum and let us know how you are doing. Sincerely, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
About the fat *sigh* yep, I have lots of it, unfortunately, so I will do 7 days of the 2x dose then start the 3x every other day dose as you suggested and then, if all goes well, proceed to the 3x daily. And I will try some walking :) Hopefully my energy level will improve soon between the treatment and the walking.
I thank you Oscar for doing all that you do, and your dedication in trying to help others.
May you and yours and members here have a blessed and joyous Holiday season!
Love, Tay
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Now to your question: Should a person who weighs 250 pounds up the dosage to three 350mg capsules a day? My answer is, not necessarily. Is a lot of your body weight fat tissue? If it is I would suggest trying a third 350mg capsule every other day only. And if you experience any negative side effects go back to the 350mg of BHT only twice a day. If you are comfortable with the three 350mg capsules every other day you can always try taking that dosage every day also. The best dosage IS going to vary from person to person and body weight is a factor, especially if a lot of that weight is fat tissue. BHT and its metabolites accumulate in fat tissues to a point. So it would make sense that people who have more fat tissue may require more BHT for best results. But there is no big hurry with this treatment. Finding a dose you tolerate well is the most important thing.
Now, as to how soon you will start to feel more energetic: For me that took about 2 weeks and others have reported similar results. BUT, a lot of your lethargy may be attributed to carrying around a good deal of fatty tissue. That puts a good deal of strain on a person`s heart for one thing. Try and at least get out for a good walk every day. You need to get some exercise to be in good health. And buy a set of dumbells and work out with them. You can do this while watching TV. I do exactly that.
Now I wish you well Taylor and to be well. Please report in to this forum with any and all blood test results regarding hepatitis C: liver function tests and viral load count tests if you can. I do understand that some people have to pay for such tests themselves and cannot afford them. But if you can get these tests done, please do report those test results in this forum. Happy Holidays, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
As you must know the prescribable treatments often do not work and have very serious health risks. I do take a lot of comfort from that NOEL statement I have discussed in the past. I will post it again at the end of this response. It specifically discusses the dosage levels that BHT has proven to have a [ No-Observed-Effects-Level ] on the liver and how that NOEL was established. I found that report within the last year.
Also, I was very sick with hepatitis C when I first started treating myself with the BHT. At that time I was told I had a failing liver and that is why I was as sick as I was. I was never told I had a certain stage of this disease. I don`t think they had such a rating system back then in 1997. The only treatment available was interferon. There was only one type of interferon back then. My doctor discussed this treatment with me and said it worked for some people, but that it might cause baldness and make me even sicker. I tried this BHT after reading about it as a treatment for herpes. Now I got well and fast using this BHT and so have others. I never had any side effects.
Of course I CANNOT guarantee you anything. But there has been some very positive results being posted in this forum and some other forums also. If you feel this BHT is harming you, you can always stop taking it. It takes about one week for all of the BHT to be cleared from your body once you stop taking it.
From the feed back I am aware of: most of the people who are in a state of liver failure start feeling much better within a matter of weeks. And liver function tests show NORMAL or close to NORMAL results in a matter of a few weeks or as much as two months of treatment.
I do suggest you have the liver function tests be done on a weekly basis because you are as sick as you are. Those tests do not cost that much. The viral load count test is the expensive one. Here is a link to the toxicology report I refered to and that NOEL statement is the last paragraph of that report: http://www.inchem.org/documents/jecfa/jecmono/v35je02.htm
And this is what it says:
In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0. 3 mg/kg bw for BHT.
In my opinion: BHT is the safest treatment that is truly effective available at this time. Obviously and of course it is up to you if you choose to give the BHT treatment a try.
I do ask this of you: Please report any and all test results in this forum. It is the only way to establish just how well this treatment works. A number of people have said they will do just that and some few have. Please be one of those that does....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
I have been looking into this for more than 14 years now. Since I came down with hepatitis C with a failing liver back in 1997. I successfully self treated myself for that disease using only BHT. I was never given any of the prescibable treatments. The only treatment available back then was interferon. Anyway I was well: liver function tests NORMAL and NO VIRUS DETECTED in about one month of self treating with BHT. I have also discussed and will restate: Simply achieving a NO VIRUS DETECTED result does NOT mean you are cured of hepatitis C. That takes at least 2 years of daily dosing with BHT to achieve because your liver will still be full of infected liver cells that will go on to infect uninfected cells. But because every liver cell is a new liver about every year, eventually, with daily dosing, a true CURE is achieved with BHT. You in effect insure that no new cells become infected.
This was pretty amazing and I knew that at the time. I have been looking into it since then: reading the literature available and such. The most helpful literature is the different toxicology reports and studies that have been done.
What I learned from those reports is that: BHT itself does NOT enter the bloodstream. BHT has to be altered in such a way as to make it somewhat water soluble. This is accomplished by adding at least one and often more than one oxygen atom in a number of different ways to make what are called the metabolites of BHT somewhat water soluble. There are more than a few of these metabolites. The one thing they all have in common is that: All the metabolites of BHT maintain a six carbon ring and also maintain those two bulky tert-butyl groups. With some, some of those tert-butyl group`s hydrogens are hydroxylized, become an O-H. With others the methyl group becomes a carbonyl group, one oxygen atom double boned to one of the ring carbons [ C=O ]. And with other metabolites both of those events occurs.
So, what you end up with is: A number of different metabolites that all are SOMEWHAT water soluble, but still maintain a high degree of lipid seeking behaviour. To destroy these viruses the metabolites of BHT have to find these lipid coated viruses and this is how that is done.
Now, exactly how do these metabolites destroy the lipid coated viruses? The answer is: They are bulky molecules that have oxygen atoms always seeking hydrogen bonds but never achieving them in a permanent way. That keeps these molecules moving very rapidly grinding away at those lipid coatings. A very rapidly moving globular molecule drawn to and tearing apart those lipid containing outer coatings of those different viruses.
But we have to keep in mind that these metabolites will be drawn to any and all lipid containing structures throughout the bloodstream and the inner surfaces throughout the cardio-vasular system. These metabolites may also effect structures such as the sheathing that coats nerve cells also. Now this nerve sheathing is much more substantial than these viral coatings. This sheathing is made up of chemically bonded lipids. The viral coatings are NOT. Also this nerve sheathing is much thicker than these viral coatings. Much thicker and the types of bonds that hold this sheathing together are much stronger also. The reason I have focused on this nerve sheathing is because I think this is the cause of the undesired side effects some people experience when they try BHT therapy. Lean and thin people seem to be the people most prone to bad side effects with BHT therapy. That is why I believe it is a very good idea for such people to be taking at least 2 tablespoons of olive oil at least one hour before or after taking the BHT. NOT AT THE SAME TIME. You want the BHT to seek out those lipid coated viruses. That is why you do not take BHT along with, at the same time as ANY type of oil. But, for lean and thin people it is important to supply a good source of high quality lipids to replenish certain tissues with said lipids. Simply take the BHT and the olive oil seperately to solve this problem.
This bulkiness and the lipid seeking nature of the BHT metabolites along with that phenomenon I discussed about those oxygen atoms always seeking but never achieving those hydrogen bonds is what destroys those lipid coated viruses. Also, the size, not too big and not too small is a crucial factor in all this. I am talking about the size of the metabolites of BHT. The right size and the right shape combined with the lipid seeking nature of these molecules. That is my explanation for how and why BHT and its metabolites are such an effective treatment for the different lipid coated viruses. I think this is a well reasoned explanation for how BHT destroys lipid coated viruses. This theory of MINE is NOT copyrighted, but I would appreciate attribution, acknowledgement from anyone writing about this theory of MINE. It is a request by me. Just put according to Oscar in there somewhere. I spent many years putting all this together....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
If you are the Mark from San Diego who is treating MS, and I think you are then: You need to be especially careful using the BHT as I told you earlier. I need to be real clear with you. First of all you are the ONLY person I know of trying or who ever has tried using BHT to treat MS. And like I have been saying I think taking 1,500mg per day is too much for you. Please lower that dosage to no more than 350mg of BHT per day for MS. Even that may be too much. I don`t know. Please do not get in a big hurry with this and assume larger doses will work better. You need to find a safe dose that does not aggravate your condition. You scared me Mark by upping the dose to 1,500mg of BHT per day after only 3 days. So, I was assuming you were treating hepatitis C when I made my last 2 previous responses to you. You are trying something no one else ever has that I know of with the use of BHT to treat MS. You need to do so with caution. Please see how you do with the 350mg of BHT per day and if you have any negative reaction lower the dosage. I want to see you get well. This BHT just might work for the reasons I discussed with you. But I also warned you to be very careful.
I will explain again: BHT interacts with lipids in ways not fully understood at this time. That is how it destroys lipid coated viruses such as hepatitis C. This MIGHT work if your MS condition is caused by a lipid coated virus. But no one knows whether or not MS is even caused by a lipid coated virus. Also, that nerve sheathing is made up of lipids. The BHT may also interfer with those lipids, I don`t know. It may also help preserve or maintain those lipids, again I don`t know. That is why it is so important for you to proceed with caution with the BHT. If you tolerate those 350mg capsules well and have no side effects, it makes sense to me for you to take only one 350mg per day and see how you do with that dosage. That may very well be the right dosage and taking more than that may prove harmful, again I don`t know. My big concern is how BHT effects the nerve sheathing with an MS patient. And do take at least 2 tablespoons of olive oil at least one hour before or after taking the BHT. This is to ensure an adequate source of very good quality lipids. Stay in touch with the forum and make note of what condition you are treating [ MS ] to avoid any future confusion about all this when you make your postings. Take care Mark and I hope this works for you....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Is this what happened to you? Are you trying to discredit BHT therapy and blame 3 days of using BHT for what is a pre-existing condition? And why on Earth would YOU choose to increase the BHT dosage if the BHT aggravates this condition? That makes no sense at all.
If you believe BHT is aggravating this condition: STOP TAKING IT.
If on the other hand you tried these other treatments and were damaged by them say so. And if that is the case BHT may very well help you. But take it with caution. DO NOT INCREASE the dosage to 1,500mg. Lower the dosage. Start with a very low dosage and see how it effects you. You make me paranoid. I get the feeling you want someone to blame for your problems. It is not going to be me. If you have any reason to think BHT is harming you stop taking it....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Still, I see no reason why you should increase your dosage if you are concerned about BHT being the cause of this lesion. From the feedback I have gotten: one 350mg capsule of BHT taken TWICE a day is an effective dosage for most average sized adults.
Mark, were you on the peg-interferon ribaviron treatments prior to trying the BHT ? Partial paralysis is one of the conditions attributed to such treatments with some people. Please answer that question for me.
Regardless of whether or not you had such treatments I see no reason for you to be increasing your BHT dosage at this time. I can`t tell you what to do, obviously. But it does seem logical that if you feel this BHT is causing or aggravating this spinal lesion you should lower the dosage, NOT increase it. The whole idea is to find a safe effective dosage.
In my opinion 1,500mg of BHT per day is pushing the upper limit as to what is a safe dosage based on that NOEL [ no-observed-effects-level ] I have discussed, refferred to in the past.
Please stay in touch with this forum and lower your BHT dosage. Also, please do answer my question regarding any earlier treatments you may have tried. Why are you taking Low Dose Naltrexone for example? MS and other cental nervous system conditions are discussed as conditions LDN is used for. If you have such a pre-existing condition, why would you attribute a spinal lesion to 3 days of BHT usage ? That makes no sense to me.
I try my best to help people with hepatitis C. But if you have a pre-existing central nervous system condition you need to be honest about it. I don`t know what to make of this unless I get some honest answers from you....Oscar
Hepatitis C
3rd day on BHT and this is what I found. MRI shows a lesion on T-6 spine which controls sensitivity of lower legs. BHT is making legs more numb, I think it's attacking the virus and this is causing inflammation. Today I am at 1500 mg and just maybe this will kill it or it could get worse. I will try anything. Next week I get my LDN and will take 4.5 mg a day. I will keep you posted.
Hepatitis C
NOEL statement as to BHT:
4. EVALUATION In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0.3 mg/kg bw for BHT.
Hepatitis C
Now, from the feedback I have gotten: one 350mg capsule taken TWICE a day seems to be an effective and safe dosage for most average sized adults. Take the BHT on an empty stomach. Do NOT mix it with ANY oil.
Now please post your results in this forum. Any details regarding test results and things including genotype will be helpful for other people following this topic. Also do the sensitivity test I have discussed. Most people have NO side effects but some do. This issue can be resolved with some simple ramping up on the dosage. You take care and I look forward to hearing back from you....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Where is a good source for ordering the BHT, I was diagnosed 3 years ago when giving blood thru the Red Cross. After researching and seeing all cons of the interferon treatment available, I decided to wait on treatment and now I'm glad I did after finding this forum and the information and results you are posting concerning success with BHT.
Hepatitis C
The primary physiological problem that is what MS is, is the degradation of the myelin sheathing of nerve cells or neurons. This myelin is composed of compounds with a high degree of hydrocarbons just like the plastics that coat electrical wires to insulate those wires. BHT is very well known and used as a preservative for any and all compounds with a high hydrocarbon content. So, just maybe, this BHT will go a long ways in preventing the degradation of this myelin sheathing that is what MS is. I don`t know. I don`t know if anyone has even considered just that as to MS.
Ideally: You would be destroying the virus and preserving or maintaining this myelin sheathing at the same time with the use of BHT.
Without any doubt: biochemistry is much more complex than ordinary chemistry. By that I mean: principals that are true and valid in non-living systems, do NOT necessarily hold true in a living organism, a person. So I think there are two reasons why BHT may help with MS. But as I stated in my earlier response to you: there are also very good reasons for you to be especially careful if you choose to give this BHT a try. Do that simple ramping up of BHT as I discussed and do take that olive oil as a way of ensuring you compensate for any possible loss of lipids in your body. I know it is somewhat contradictory. If you choose to try the BHT be careful. Pay attention to how it may be effecting you. It may just work. It may also aggravate the condition. If it has any negative impact you can stop taking it. It takes about one week for all BHT and it`s metabolites to be cleared from a person`s body.
BHT has been looked into a whole lot. But I do not know if anyone has tried it as a treatment for MS or not. You are exploring new territory here if you choose to give the BHT a try as far as I know....Oscar
Hepatitis C
BHT [ butylated htdroxytoluene ] is a well known treatment for LIPID COATED viruses ONLY. There are a very many lipid coated viruses. Is the POSSIBLE MS virus a lipid coated virus ? I don`t know.
If your MS condition is caused by a lipid coated virus BHT may very well help a lot. BUT, the condition known as MS is a result of the depletion of lipids in the myelin sheathing of nerve cells. BHT interacts with lipids in ways not fully understood. It in some way fluidizes, or strips away said lipids from the outer coatings of lipid coated viruses.
So, if you choose to give the BHT a try for your MS condition: THIS is a very good reason to proceed with a great deal of caution. Do that BHT safety test I have discussed. Open up a capsule, empty it`s contents onto a small dish. Lick a finger and lick the crystals from that finger. Wait at least one day to see if you have a bad reaction. And then carefully ramp up the dosage. One lick the first day, two licks the second day, three licks the third day, etc.. IF your MS condition is the result of a lipid coated virus, BHT may very well be helpful.
MS is a very serious condition with no known cure as you know. Just maybe BHT will help. I have no way of knowing that. It, BHT, may make matters worse. I do NOT know. If you choose to try the BHT do so with caution. And do report back to this forum with whatever your experience is if you choose to try it. That is up to you. Also, if you try the BHT I recommend taking some olive oil at least one hour before or after taking the BHT, NOT at the same time. I would say at least two tablespoons of olive oil, perhaps more. I wish you well whatever you do or do not do....Oscar
Hepatitis C
I was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago at age 52, The only symptom I have is numbness in legs, no pain and still golfing. My Kinesiologist says I have a virus in spine. MRI shows a lesion in spine as well. When I take a hot shower my legs get more numb and stiff. I also had shingles 10 years ago. Will BHT kill this virus or am I just grasping at straws?
Hepatitis C
I am currently doing your protocol of 350mg 2x day with water on an empty stomach, but I'm thinking of upping the dose as I still feel no ill effects at this dosage and I would like to saturate my system more completely.
For the record, in response to an earlier post by someone else, I have 1a and have no progressed symptoms except lethargy and brain fog.
I also want to point out that at a hep c workshop I attended by my HMO - which was basically a sign up for the chemotherapy treatment, there were 3 people attending who had gone through 2-3 courses of chemo treatment and failed. Worse, they admitted to having a variety of permanent side effects from the chemo. One man could hardly walk because of some type of muscular and/or nerve damage from the treatment. Why on earth these people were back signing up for more treatment, I cannot understand. They were lured in by this new treatment combination that is now being offered, but the interferon is not dropped from the schedule. Needless to say, I declined the chemo treatment. I also declined the liver biopsy.
Anyhow, I am laying more stock in BHT and were I not putting hope into recovering with BHT, I would just as soon do nothing but a diet and supplement related regimen rather than take the chemo. But for now, my research indicates to me that BHT is my best hope to beat Hep C. Thanks again Oscar!!
Hepatitis C
Table: http://physrev.physiology.org/content/87/4/1175/T3.expansion.html
I know of no other compound that can claim such an average lifespan extension as is proven in the many mice and other mammal studies that have been done with mice dosed with BHT over their entire lifetimes compared to mice that were not. So, if BHT is so bad for you why do these BHT dosed mice live so much longer than the undosed mice ? That makes no sense at all. The proof is in. BHT is good for you if taken in reasonable dosages. If you take BHT in massive dosages it is bad for you. So what is a reasonable dose ? For people treating hepatitis C the evidence available is that one 350mg capsule taken TWICE a day on an empty stomach is an effective dose for average size adults. As a lifespan extender one 350mg dose per day for average size adults seems to be what most people are taking. As far as I know people in the UK are allowed to buy the BHT, though food marketers are not allowed to add BHT to food products sold there. Here is a link to the most thorough toxicology report on BHT I am aware of: http://www.inchem.org/documents/jecfa/jecmono/v35je02.htm
You can scroll to the bottom of that report and read about the established NOEL [ No-Observed-Effects-Level ] for BHT and how it was arrived at:
In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction
in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with
repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case,
enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver.
A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the
long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a
NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments
of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into
account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety
factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0. 3 mg/kg bw for BHT.
So, like any of the other treatments discussed in this
forum, you have to make up your own mind about the BHT.
I do what I can to provide what information is available
about this BHT stuff.... Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
That's all for now, God bless everyone and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hepatitis C
In my opinion: BHT and its metabolites will NOT interact with other medications in the bloodstream. The PH value of the blood is maintained in a very small or tight range and is slightly basic. It requires a fairly strong acidic environment for BHT and it`s metabolites to interact with any given compound.
If you choose to give the BHT a try as a treatment for your hepatitis C infection this is an addditional reason for you to do that simple safety test I have discussed previously: open up a capsule of BHT and empty it into, onto, a small dish. Lick your finger and daub it onto the BHT crystals and lick that finger. Wait at least one hour to see if your have an undesirable reaction or not. Again, most people by far do NOT.
This hepatitis C is a serious infection and requires a treatment that works. I believe this BHT is the most effective treatment available. That belief is based on sound reasoning resulting from the substantial evidence available that BHT is a potent anti-viral against a very many lipid coated viral diseases of which hepatitis C very much is. The prescibable treatments are very risky and known to cause serious permanent damage to many people`s health. These treatments also DO NOT work for many people. They only work for 45% of people with one of the type 1 variants. 80% of Americans have one of the type 1 HCV variants. And many of those these treatments do work for relapse within a few years. This is because clearing the blood of any and all viral particles does NOT clear the liver of infected cells. The same is true for the BHT treatments. BUT, with the BHT you can continue to dose yourself for the years required to achieve a true cure, to completely clear the liver of ALL infected cells. The conventional treatments are too toxic to do that with. Also those conventional treatments are very expensive. On a worldwide basis, far too expensive for most of the people so infected.
Now, I made the effort to answer your questions as best I could. I do ask you to report back to this forum with whatever your results are if you choose to give the BHT a try. This is the only way to answer the questions surrounding the use of BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C.
From the feedback available at this time: It takes at least two 350mg capsules a day for best results for most average size adults. Take one capsule twice a day on an empty stomach for best results. Thin or lean people probably require less BHT and are more likely to have undesired side effects. This is because BHT and it`s metabolites accumilate, end up being stored in fat cells. All the BHT and it`s metabolites are constantly being metabolized in different ways and eliminated in about one week from a person`s body. It is all part of the process. Take care and I wish you well and to be well, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
That variance in dosing reminds me of a similar effect with high dose oral vitamin C as described by Dr. Tom Levy and Dr. Cathcart. In summary, for those people who feel very sick and symptomatic, the body seems to absorb much higher amounts of the oral ascorbic acid, and much less is excreted. Also, they have much higher bowel tolerance before getting diarrhea. It would seem the body 'knows' it really needs to hold onto the ascorbic acid and so it does.
I noticed that both Victoria and Dr. W, who were not feeling symptomatic and had more normalized labs, seemed to require higher doses than Oscar2U, who was very symptomatic.
Just a thought I wanted to share. :)
Hepatitis C
Thanks so much for this forum!!
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Something quite remarkable is happening here in this forum regarding the treatment of hepatitis C. We are getting some real answers regarding the use of BHT to treat HCV. This requires feedback from forum members using BHT to treat their infections. The more specific the feedback the better. Things like the dosage used and the HCV genotype and all test results will help answer all these questions.
This hepatitis C is a very dangerous disease that infects about 150 million people woldwide and new people become infected all the time. The conventional treatments have very bad side effects for many people, are very expensive, and only work for about half the people so treated.
As you pointed out type 1 HCV has been the hardest to treat. It is also the most common variant by far at least in the USA. About 80% of people in the USA infected with HCV have one of the type 1 variants. I consider Victoria`s initial test results to be quite good. The conventional treatments require 48 weeks or more of said treatments and only work for about 45% of HCV type 1 patients. Many of the people that undergo these treatments suffer serious permanent damage from them. I do beleive this BHT will prove to work for ALL people with hepatitis C. This is because of the structure of all the variants of hepatitis C. The HCV virus in all of it`s variants have a very high portion of their outer coatings made up of lipids. These viral particles are quite small for a virus. Exactly the type of virus BHT has been shown to be effective as a treatment and preventative or protection against. So when you go to the dentist for example you may wish to take some BHT to protect you from getting HCV or AIDS also. AIDS is another lipid coated virus. Because of the nature of on AIDS infection I expect it would be harder to treat BUT preventable if one takes BHT on a daily basis.
I need to thank Ted for providing this forum. It is the only forum that has taken a serious look into BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C. Thank you Ted. You are saving millions of peoples lives and I am not only referring to BHT. Far from it. Your devotion to helping other people find answers to their health problems is very much appreciated by me and I am sure all the other forum members also.
So, please keep the feedback coming in. I had about given up on presenting my story about my success with the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C. I have been at it for over 14 years now. I need to thank Victoria also for encouraging me in my efforts at a time I was considering giving up on it for lack of interest and negative feedback. This BHT stuff really does work. And we here in this forum are going to answer the questions surrounding it`s use as a treatment for hepatitis C and other diseases. There are some people who do experience negative side effects when trying the BHT. Most people do not. I believe these issues can be resolved with some careful ramping up as to dosage. The same is true for many treatments by the way. And thank you for your interest JD, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
By the way--thanks for your drive to get the information out about BHT.
Hepatitis C
Thank you for your feedback Victoria. It has been my sincere hope that we here in this forum can answer these important questions as to how best to use the BHT. I wish to also say to those who cannot tolerate the higher dosages that: As long as improvement is being indicated, there is no big hurry with this treatment. As long as your liver is winning this battle, improvement is shown in the tests, you will get well eventually. Not surprisingly it takes longer for some than others....Oscar
Hepatitis C
10/31/11: viral load: 496, 313, AST 32, ALT 32
8/16/11: viral load: 1, 396, 524, AST 46, ALT 49
So, with taking the BHT now since 8/10/11 at 250 mg/day in the morning with water, at the least my liver panel is within normal range now and my viral load is approximately 2/3 improved.
I am going to follow Dr. W's regimen advice starting today. I will report back with my next labs. Does anyone know where I can get labs done at a reasonable price? My doctor says she will not order any more viral load tests unless I go for the interferon treatment. So, I will need to pay out of pocket for any further labs. Thanks, Victoria
Hepatitis C
BHT has been shown to be an effective treatment for many lipid coated viruses and EBV is such a virus. If you have a EBV infection you may wish to try the BHT to treat it and let this forum know what the results are. I have no experience with the use of BHT to treat EBV and because of that cannot offer an informed opinion about the effectiveness of BHT as a treatment for Epstein-Bar Viral disease....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
I have received feedback from some people trying the BHT. The large majority of people seem to tolerate daily doses of up to one gram or so very well. There are some who report some lower GI discomfort and an undesired stimulant effect with the use of BHT. Most people seem to tolerate the dosages you have discussed very well.
I agree with you vey much, like I said. I have been promoting the use of BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C for many years now. I take your feedback very seriously and thank you for it....Oscar
Hepatitis C
The side effects for Riboviron and interfearon are often life long where the bellyache is short term.
I suggest that you put up with the slight discomfort and start out at at least 350 mg 2x day and work up to at least 700 mg 2x a day and if you can move it up to 700 mg 3x a day [ 2100 mg ] 2. 1 grams]
However have your liver enzymes checks monthly if you go this high a dose.
It eliminated my virus in 8 weeks vs. 45 weeks of interfearon and riboviron for a possible cure which was not a sure thing by any means.
Animal studies suggest that 2 grams a day is well within the safe dosage, it took a 74 gram equivalent to do liver damage in rats?
Remember that Vit C also boosts the BHT so do take mega-doses of Vit C as well.
Hepatitis C
I very much encourage people trying the BHT to start with small doses and hopefully find a dosage they are comfortable with and stick with that. It has become apparent to me that these dosages can vary from person to person greatly. Some tolerate what I consider high dosages well. And others have a hard time with the smaller dosages I have discussed.
Hepatitis C is a very serious disease. Simply doing nothing does not seem to me to be an adequate answer. Anyone who has looked into it will find there are many very serious side effects with the conventional treatments also. Far worse ones in my opinion including: chronic anemia and kidney failure with the conventional treatments for some people.
Thanks again Dr. W, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
I suggest you take a minamum of at least 1 gram, and I took at least 3 caps @ 350 mg every day for 3 months. When my first Viral load showed up at 2 million I bumped that dose up to taking up to 6 of the 350 mg caps a day, about 1 every 4 or 5 hours along with the St. John's Wart and NAC and Sam-e
Do not give up... Take it for at least 6 months or more, and it will work. Dr W
Hepatitis C
I take BHT and St John's wart together along with NAC and Sam-e along with a multi for men.
Durring the time when my Viral load was 2 million I took the BHT [350 mg] up to 6 times a day which did give me a bit of a problem with lower GI isues .
I believe that you must Saturate your system with BHT ahd keep the titration levels in your blood high for at least 4 to 6 weeks to kill the virus and get SVR. [Sustained Viral Responce] [dead virus]
I also believe that you should dose between meals and take the BHT with enough fluid so it is completely absorbed into the blood stream for the best results. BHT should kill the Hep C virus in almost every case if it is used for long enough and in a high enough dose
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Please save your medical records and share your methodology: The dosages and how the dosage was taken. There is no one else focusing on the use of BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C than us here in this forum. What you have to say is of vital importance to millions of people. I am doing what I can to spread the word in other forums and will add your story to those others I mentioned. Thank you Ted for providing this life saving forum. Thank you Dr. W for giving the BHT a determined try and effort. I know your initial results were not all that encouraging. I am hoping that between yourself, me, and some others we can answer the quetions as to how to best administer BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C.
For now I need to make very clear to everyone interested in the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C that: It takes years of daily dosing with BHT to achieve a true cure as I have done. Clearing the blood of the virus does not clear all those liver cells that are still infected with HCV. BUT, with daily dosing with BHT you ensure that no new cells become infected. The liver completely renews itself about every year or so. With daily dosing with BHT eventually the liver is completely free of infected cells. That is when a true cure is achieved. This takes at least a couple of years of daily dosing with BHT. I don`t know how many years and no doubt more for some than for others. But then BHT has proven itself to be an average lifespan extender for mice and other mammals, so, if your tolerate BHT well there is no reason not to continue taking it and good reason to. I am pretty excited about Dr. W`s results and wish to share them in the Life Extension Forum because there are people there giving the BHT treatment a try also. Thank you Dr. W, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
Viral load ""NULL NULL" No virus detected!
THE BHT works in my case, will continue at 350mg morning and eveningLiver enzymes within normal limits. Keep in mind I was using up to 1500 mg a day on high dose days and 700 mg on off days and 3 grams of C a day along with lots of vitamins.
Thanks, Dr W
Hepatitis C
CS will kill virus, coated with lipid, as well as the uncoated type of virus and will kill bacteria and fungi also.
One anecdotal I have of a friend, who is a college professor with a case of Lyme disease (bacterial). Four experts (MDs) tried to cure him with antibiotics and a multitude of other drugs but to no avail. After five months post infection, he was unable to leave his home for lack of strength and was literally concerned for his life. I convinced him to try CS. I brought my little generator to his house so he could see that the water solution I was making really had silver in it, and he watched as the silver atoms came off the negative pole in a light "cloud" until in eight minutes the two cups of water had a light saturation of silver. Then I diluted that mixture with 16 cups of pure water and there was his bottle of colloidal silver. He took twice a day, quarter glass, on an empty stomach. In five days his strength returned greatly. In two weeks he was teaching again. In one month he was normal. He kept up the twice a day quantity for six months to make sure the bacterial was wiped out. Then for another six months on half dose.
It has been three years and he is fine. He insists I always keep him supplied with the silver for colds, to gargle with, to spray in sinus for infections, for pink eye etc.
My point is: silver can kill a systemic infection, either viral or bacterial.
So to the person who had the TB question: try the CS. On the issue of Hep C or B I'd ask Oscar if he has any anecdotals on the effectiveness of CS on those. On any systemic infection, be it viral or bacterial, the use of CS is a long term process: At least six months. (By the way, neither I, nor any of my friends who use my silver, have had any issue with skin tinting blue. I use it almost at least three times a week, usually in sinus.)
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Dr W
Hepatitis C
Now, January and Gina make no mention of drinking beer in thier reports on using BHT to treat hepatitis C. They had a very rapid recovery also.
January: http://forum.lef.org/default.aspx?f=41&m=44212
I can no longer connect with the forum with Gina`s report. I was kicked out or banned from that forum for some reason. Anyway, I provided a link to her statement in an earlier posting of mine in this forum. That link should still work. Also, Dr. W has some worthwhile thoughts about all this. There are no clear answers about BHT and how best to use it, YET. Maybe we can find some in this forum. I very much hope that does happen. I appreciate your interest....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Actually if you think about how the liver receives food it makes sense that beer might carry some BHT to the liver. The liver receives its blood supply from the hepatic portal vein. Take a look at how we digest food and how that food is converted into glucose by the liver.
I have read as much as I can find on the many ways of treating Hep-C and BHT seems to be the best alternative so far.
I do not have any symptoms of liver disease and because of my age and the averages involved, I may never have any problems [80 % of Hep-C people do not develop liver disease].
Being Geno type 2 also suggests that the interferon, riboviron combo would kill the virus.
My money is on the BHT doing it first.
Dr W
Hepatitis C
Oscar: Thanks for your additional feedback on this. And out of curiousity, were there other vitamins, minerals, nutrients that you were taking during your Hep-C experience that might make a difference? I mean were you already taking One-A-Day, Centrum, and/or a fist-full of this-and-that type of supplement, or was it truly just the BHT (and maybe the beer) that contributed to your reversal of the Hepatatis-C?
Hepatitis C
Well hell, guess it's Miller time :}
BHT should make the Beer have a hell of a lot more kick and last longer
Dr W
Hepatitis C
She has informed me that when mixed with any sort of oil BHT does NOT go directly to the liver as it does when NOT MIXED with oils and some other things also. This is not just her opinion. She provided some informative links about all this. She also is trying the BHT as a treatment for hepatitis C and has what I consider very valuable input about all this. It is my sincere hope that a true cure for hepatitis C is at hand here. It DID work for me exactly as I have said it did, and for January and Gina also. I now test NEGATIVE for hepatitis C using the antigen and antibodies tests. This did take some years of daily dosing with BHT to achieve. I don`t know how many years, only that it happened. I had myself tested for HCV in 1998 and was still positive then. The next time I was tested was 2006. And those tests were NEGATIVE. Please keep the forum updated with your test results. Your participation in this discussion is very much appreciated by me and is important to a very many others I am sure. After all, about 150 million people are infected with this often deadly disease. Sincerely, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
But I have been haunted for years with knowing that: as often as not, I did in fact take the BHT with beer. And have often wondered if in fact taking BHT with beer had something to do with my recovery. Just maybe they play very well together so to speak when treating a hepatitis C infection. Both ethanol [ the alcohol in beer ] and BHT are processed in the liver and I cannot rule out the possibility of some combined effect of using the two together.
Of course I am aware of all the warnings about such. Do you see the difficult position I am in ? I did things everyone out there makes strong statements should never be done. But I did get well doing what I did. I was very sick, but had to do those moving jobs. And drinking beer made me able to knock back the pain enough to do them. I was at the point of liver failure where I had difficulty digesting food also. I had very little reason to hope this BHT would work. The same is true for the interferon treatment the doctor discussed with me. He never prescribed it. The success rate was not good back in 1997 with interferon. The bad side effects were a given. I was pissed off and did what I did not expecting anything other than to die of liver failure and figured: Why prolong the agony ? Drink the damn beer, do the damn jobs, and see what happens with this BHT stuff.
Well, the BHT did work for me. I did not change my lifestyle, so to speak. It is the only change I made. Is drinking some beer helpful when taking BHT, to drink it at the same time ? I do NOT know. It does to go against all medical advice for people suffering from liver disease: Do not drink beer, do not take BHT, AND NEVER mix the two. But that is what I was doing and I made a remarkable recovery. Now January and Gina also had remarkable recoveries using BHT. They do NOT make any reference to mixing it with beer. I do NOT know what works best. It does seem taking BHT with water is the safest way to go....Oscar
Hepatitis C
Wise guy- I suggest you try taking 2 grams of BHT with a 6 pack. You do know that BHT and anything containing Alchohol do not play well together.
Hepatitis C
I have studied BHT and done a large amount of research on it and According to animal studies I am well within the save zone as far as dose per kilo of body mass. As far as over all health I am in wonderful health and if I had not run a liver panal I would never have found out about my HCV status
There may have been another reason that my Viral load seemed higher, I was a bit dehydrated which would make the Viral load apear higher when it may have been about the same.
I determined the date of infection and it was actually in December of 2004 [7 1/2 years ago /-]
I suspect that I have almost no liver damage at this time due to my overall health and diet.
I expect the next blood work to show a vast improvment and may be a zero viral load.
Dr W
Hepatitis C
NAC , Fish oil, and a host of other things along with my morning shake. Morning shake is a whey protein shake made with flax milk [also a lipid rich food] it has some Coconut oil in it as well.
Now :
BHT and St Johns wart without any oils [lipids] to bind with the BHT and a higher dose as well.
We will see what happens, but keep in mind that a viral load of 1.25 mil is not all that high.
Hepatitis C
I hope we find that this can work, as I have two friends with Hep-C that I'd like to pass this info on to.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
There seems to be 2 schools of thought, so to speak as to the best way to take BHT. Those that mix it with different oils and those that do not. I am in the DO NOT MIX IT WITH ANYTHING other than a gulp of water group because that is what worked for me and this agrees with January`s statement also. Also, how are you feeling ? Is your health better or worse since you began the BHT treatment ? I will point out you are taking a lot more BHT than I ever have. That would seem to make sense if you can tolerate these large dosages. But I don`t really know that and I have never suggested such large dosages. BHT is a very powerful antioxidant and there may be some undesirable interference with biological processes at the dosages you are taking. I really do not know. A lot of the metabolism of BHT does occur in the liver. Maybe these larger dosages in someway overtax the liver and this in some way negates the desired overall effect. I really do not know. I will suggest taking a lower dosage to stay on the safe side so to speak. You appear to tolerate BHT well. Why not try half of what you were taking and see if there is some improvement. I am very disturbed about your results and do not know what to make of it....Oscar
Hepatitis C
How come it increases the viral load when Oscar is saying that it eradicates HepC? Keep us inform of your blood work.
Hepatitis C
Well the blood work showed increase in Viral load so far up to 1.24 mil however my alt and ast are slightly lower. I suspect that Taking Fish oil and assorted other herbs and vitamins at the same time as BHT negates the effectiveness!
I will take 1050 mg on an empty stomach morning and evening and the only thing I will take with it will be St Johns Wart.
Will post blood work results 10/01/2011
Hepatitis C
I'm a Chiropractor from upstate NY diagnosis HCV geno type 2 viral load 837 k 6 weeks ago. Been taking BHT for 5 weeks and Blood tested on 08/08/11 will post results and exact dose if successful.
Dr W
Hepatitis C
Been almost a month taking 350 mgs of BHT, going to be retested will let you know the results
Hepatitis C
First of all there is every reason to believe that BHT is an effective treatment for even drug resistant HCV. BHT is NOT disease specific or even species specific. By that I mean BHT has proven to be an effective treatment for ALL viruses that have a coating that is to some degree made up of lipids. This includes all forms of hepatitis C virus. It also includes hepatitis B virus. I had both hepatitis C and B back in 1997. Two, very different viruses, both of wich have a coating that is to some degree made up of lipids. I was told by the VA [ veterans administration ] in 2006 that I have NO indication I ever had been infected with those viruses.
I got in an argument with the healthcare provider. She questioned me as to why I had checked that I had a history of HCV and HBV. I guided her back to the records from the Boston VA that showed I had been tested and rested for both infections and had tested POSITIVE for both in 1997. I also went to a private doctor in 1998 and paid to be tested for both forms of hepatitis then. Those results also came back positive. I was never prescribed any treatment. The only thing I ever used to treat those infections was BHT. I was taking a selenium supplement in 1997. It was a 300mcg capsule. That is 300 micrograms and NOT milligrams. Whether this selenium compound helped or not I do NOT know. I only took a one of them now and then. Every 3 or 4 days as I recall.
In my opinion: BHT taken as I have discussed is the safest most effective treatment available. I was taking one 200mg capsule of BHT per day on an empty stomach with a gulp of water to wash it down. I did not eat for about one hour after swallowing the BHT capsule. The capsules available today are mostly 350mg capsules. You can open these capsules up and tap out a portion of them if you wish to take a smaller dose and push the capsule back together and then swallow it.
Regarding your safety concerns: The NOEL [ No-Observed-Effects-Level ] for BHT is 25mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day in this toxicology report published by a Canadian health organization. I will link you to that report and this NOEL statement is located at the end of this report and the basis for that NOEL is defined here:http://www.inchem.org/documents/jecfa/jecmono/v35je02.htm
A 110 pound person weighs 50 kilograms [ kg ]. And 25mg X 50 does equal 1, 250mg. So read that NOEL statement and make your own judgement about BHT`s safety. I cannot and will not do that for you. I strongly recommend a BHT sensitivity test because some people are sensitive to BHT though most are not. Take a small dish, open up a capsule of BHT and pour the contents on that dish. Lick your finger and daub it on the crystals and lick the crystals off your finger. Wait at least one hour to test for any negative reactions. Some people report dizziness, upset stomach, and hives. Most people have no reaction. If you have a negative response but still wish to try this treatment. Try 1 daub the first day, 2 daubs the second day, 3 daubs the third day. Hopefully this will resolve any sensitivity issue. This has worked for at least 2 people who discussed sensitivity to BHT with me. Others have found the effects acceptable with the entire capsule and told me they disappeared in about 2 or 3 days. Again, for most people there are no adverse effects to begin with.
The goal is to find a safe effective dose. For some people one half of a 350mg capsule may be that dosage. I weigh 180 pounds and 200mg per day worked for me when I was truly sick with hepatitis C back in 1997. I don`t know what else I can tell you that would be helpful. If you have some other questions I will do my best to answer them. Oh, there is this table published in PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS that shows a MEAN LIFESPAN INCREASE of up to 31% in mice that were dosed with BHT over their lifetimes compared to undosed mice. So, it seems BHT is in fact good for you. Here is that table: http://physrev.physiology.org/content/87/4/1175/T3.expansion.html
This is for mice dosed in reasonable, theraputic dosages and NOT massive dosages. What other treatment can claim that ? What other compound of any sort can make that claim and back it up with any proof ? BHT can and does....Oscar
Hepatitis C
I have been treating Hcv since 2002, and I have used a lot of things, after interferon injection did not work for me (because of serious side effects).
The last test I had for Hcv was on July, 2011 and got the following values:
Hcv above 377, 000(this value is higher than what it was before the test).
Liver function test:
AST 62-high
ALT 77-high
Tumor marker-10.6-high.
With these values, will BHT be dangerous for my liver?
Also, I wish to know: If I take BHT on an empty stomach(according to Oscar), how long should I wait before I take my breakfast?
Please, answer me quickly before I start taking it. I feel BHT is my last chance.
Thank you and God bless.
Hepatitis C
All this hepatitis C stuff was all new to me. From everything the doctor told me about HVC I was very unhappy. I was quite sick with all the usual symptoms of a failing liver and my liver function tests were all not good. I could not eat regular type foods. I ate soups and drank beer so I could make myself do my moving jobs. That is what I was doing for a living back then and it takes a good bit of what for to move people`s furniture and everything else when feeling sick and the beer gave me that what for. I sort of quit caring whether I lived or not.
But then I read this book that said BHT could cure lipid enveloped viruses and bought some BHT in 200mg dosages. I did not put much hope in it, but felt: why not give it a try ? In about a week I was feeling much better, stronger, and able to eat regular food. The doctor I was seeing noticed an improvement in me and I told I was feeling a lot better. He ordered some new liver function tests and a hepatitis C RNA test be done and to come back in a week. The first hep-C RNA test came back " indeterminate " and my liver function tests were very much improved. He said he did not know what to make of it and ordered the same tests be redone and to see him in another week. That Hep-C RNA test came back NEGATIVE and my liver function tests were all NORMAL except one that was close to normal. He told me his intership was about up with the VA and asked if I wished to see some new doctor. I saw no reason to because I was feeling strong again, and well and was busy just trying to make a living and such.
I have learned a lot about hepatitis C since then and realized what a remarkable recovery I had made considering everything. I do think it is safe for most adults to take the 350mg capsules most commonly available once a day. I also think it is important to take BHT on an empty stomach with water. I often took it with beer because beer was my breakfast back then and figured beer was pretty much water anyway. I had to get up and do those moving jobs and did not have time to dally about getting going.
That is what worked for me. Anyway, I kept taking that BHT and still do. I never had any bad effects doing so. I was retested by the VA in 2006 and was told I have no indication I ever had hepatitis C. I now test negative with the anti-bodies and antigens tests. My VA healthcare provider asked me why I thought I ever had hepatitis C. I helped her go back to those 1997 records and she did not know what to make of it all. Indeed I did have hepatitis C in 1997 and now I do NOT. A TRUE CURE was achieved. The liver completely rejuvenates itself about every year or so. And if no new liver cells are being infected eventually a true cure is achieved using BHT with water on an empty stomach, like I said.
A person who goes by January had equally amazing results. Read his story here: http://forum.lef.org/default.aspx?f=41&m=44212
I hope you find this information helpful, ...Oscar
Hepatitis C
thanks Jim
Hepatitis C
A 110 pound person weighs 50 kilograms. 25mg X 50 = 1, 250mg. The dosage I have discussed as a very effective treatment for hepatitis C is 200mg of BHT per day with water only on an empty stomach for a 180 pound person, ME. Any person choosing to try BHT should get a very dramatic decrease in viral load counts within a very few weeks [ 3 to 4 weeks ] if it is working as I beleive it will. So how big is the risk ? You should know in a few weeks wether it is working or not. You can always stop taking it if you choose to. Here is a link to a statement by me that includes a link to that Canadian report. THIS BHT STUFF REALLY DOES WORK. Link: http://ask.lef.org/3019/Compilation-of-many-toxicology-studies-says-NO-EFFECT-LEVEL-of-BHT-is-25mg-per-kg-of-body-weight
I want to see people get well, be free of this hepatitis C....Oscar
Hepatitis C
And here is a table that ranks BHT as the number one Average Lifespan Extender. This table is but a small part of this comprehensive review.
I feel it is fair to say that both the World Health Organization and " PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS " are reputable organizations. The very long list of scientists, doctors, and such that did the different studies discussed deserve to have their conclusions to be taken seriously. These are both scientific articles that presume a lot of knowledge of their readers in subjects that include: chemistry and biochemistry. I myself have been looking into BHT as a treatment for hepatitis-C since 1997. I just now figured out how to provide links in this forum. I will know how to in the future. I have posted in this forum about BHT as a treatment for hepatitis-C previously. About 150 million people are infected with this often deadly disease worldwide so it is an important topic....Oscar
Hepatitis C
There are Dr. Denham Harman`s studies and a good many others that show a definate AVERAGE LIFESPAN INCREASE with daily dosing of mice with BHT of 31% to as much as 50% in some studies by Harman and others. There is a lengthy discussion of all this in a PHYSIOLOGICAL REVEIWS article that discusses anti-oxidants as lifespan extenders and BHT is by FAR the most effective average lifespan extender. So why is that ? It seems to me that being a immune system booster is at least a plausable explanation. And it follows that by boosting your immune system you cannot help but increase your ability to cope with a TB infection. I don`t see how it can hurt in the doses I have discussed: 200mg to 400mg of BHT with water on an empty stomach for average size adults. There is also an extensive World Health Organization report that discusses the many tests that have been done regarding BHT`s toxicity at length. A compilation of over 50 studies as to BHT`s toxicity over a very many years. I don`t know how to provide links in this forum. Are people allowed to do so, to post links ? Those two reports are the best ones I have found about all this....Oscar
Hepatitis C
BHT Overview
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Can anybody please tell me if BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE can also cure drug resistant tuberculosis? Please reply quickly, for I am devastated. Thanks and God bless you mightly for this free and useful website.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
Thanks :)
BHT Overview
BHT Overview
I've been having a look at aging research, what causes it and how to prevent or at least slow down the aging process. This has led me to the research of Prof Denham Harman, a famous biochemist, whose important theories and research on the use of antioxidants to prevent the effects of free radical damage are now so well accepted. But his other research conclusions appear to have been conveniently and completely ignored.
Dr Harman has proved and demonstrated by his research that:
* Vegetable oils (polyunsaturated fats) such as chemically processed canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil etc are not very healthy for us. Dr Harman ultimately proved outright that vegetable oils increased the risk of cancers occurring in the human body.
* From Harman's research he showed that BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), a superb antioxidant, can extend the lives of mice by 45%. Dr Harman also recommended both Vitamin C and Vitamin E in the diet and in much higher dosages than recommendd by the RDA.
* He also showed that Cell Mitochondria also independently produce free-radicals in the cell as a by-product of cell energy production which, on heavy accumulation, could adversely affect and corrupt the cell nucleus DNA. These free-radicals must therefore be mopped up within the cell by sufficient daily antioxidants in human diet.
* Thus free-radical damage can occur in several areas independently -- it can occur outside the cell in the blood where free-radicals can cause oxidative damage and this can also occur independently inside the cell, causing similar damage to the nucleus DNA. Also, his research concluded that much free radical damage occurred in the brain -- a high user of energy -- leading to Alzheimer's and Dementia. His research conclusions here were that if particularly cellular mitochondrial oxidation by free radicals could be reduced overal then this would actually extend life. In light of this, Harman discovered that BHT was one of the few antioxidants that was able cross the blood/brain barrier easily to protect the brain cell mitochondria from free radical damage.
* Also of interest, I've also recently discovered that BHT occurs naturally in Humic acid deposits as well as leafy mould. BHT can also be extracted from phytoplankton.
Notably, Ted from Bangkok has always maintained that all the above is true. He also uses BHT in his well-known cancer cures and other viral remedies(against mainly lipid coated viruses) and also maintains, with very good reason, that vegetable oils (polyunsaturated oils) are all unnatural in our diet and quite bad for us.
Also, BHT is the most powerful anti-oxident and free radical scavenger out there as far as I know. That is not just my opinion. Dr. Denham Harman, the father of the free radical concept of aging did extensive tests with mice being dosed with BHT and achieved an up to 50% increase in the average life span of mice dosed with BHT. Some of his critics said all he was doing was preventing the mice from getting CANCER and that accounted for the life span increase. Well, if that is ALL he was doing I would say THAT is quite important in and of itself....Oscar