Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Best Borax Protocol Tips
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/15/2017

Ok so for those having issues with Borax. I took 1/4 teaspoon in an 8 once glass of hot water about the temp you would make tea at. It was incredible each day pain seemed to melt away. About 3 weeks into this I started to get diarrhea. So I droped my dose from 1/4 teaspoon a day to 1/8 teaspoon a day and everything was good. Did improvements slow? Yes. Did my pain come back? No. I figure after a few months I will try moving back to 1/4 teaspoon a day.

Oh I am 44 years have had 3 ankle surgeries, a knee surgery, have diabetes, a leaking heart valve and a whole in half my sacrum from spinabifida. I have been terrible pain since age six and was told I would never walk again, never play sports again blah blah....Since I had the right knee of a 90 year old man at age 12 I played sports, lifted weights, climbed mountains etc.....

Oh I forgot about my broken spine and arthritis in multiple joints including my left hand. Slowly but surely I am reversing my type ii diabetes with diet and exercise. I am reversing my many issues with nutrients including Borax. I know what it is to go from squatting over 700lbs. bench pressing 475lbs. to barely being able to get out of the way of one's own shadow.

So just keep in mind that if a dose of Borax is too high and causes you side effects do not give up on it just cut the dose until the side effects go away. You can always build up but if you give up well all is lost! Take each day one day at a time. Think in terms of weeks, months, years, decades. You did not end up where you are instantly so it will likely take some time to turn things around.

As a fellow American I know we are short on patience as a Nation and want Instant Results but life does not work that way usually! Stay focused on the dream and just take one step towards it each day a marathon is not a huge intense sudden effort rather it is a series of moderate efforts repeated over and over and over again until you get to the end!

Be blessed!

-Sincerely, John.

Joint Pain
Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/13/2017

Initial Positive Results 3 weeks into Borax as supplement.

I have had bad joints since I was about 6 years old. Many times I would told my Surgeons that I had the right knee of a 90 year old man when I was 12 years old. Constant pain since about age 6. I have used every supplement for joint health you can imagine with some improvement but never remotely as promised. I even used DMSO through high school to allow me to play sports and get through the pain and it worked but at a high cost! The odor and skin irritation and constant taste of garlic was terrible on everyone in my family not just me. I had recently tried odorless DMSO mixed with essential oils and it was helping some.

So I decided to try boron. I started with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a litter of water every day. At some point I just forgot to take the DMSO and did not notice I was not in constant pain. 3 weeks in my rh knee which has had surgery just stopped hurting. My left hand just stopped hurting. My shoulder pain just went away. I started to have diarrhea after the 3rd week so I went down to 1/8 of a teaspoon a day and the diarrhea has gone away.

I have had low Vitamin D reading fore years and even taking Vitamin K and 25,000 units of D3 a day I was unresponsive for years. So now that I am taking the Borax I will check my next set of labs which will be some months out and see what we see.

My Mom and Dad have many of the same issues with Vitamin D and joint issues. I have introduced them to Borax so we will see what we see. Oh I am 44 years old and played sports and ate well all of my life. My joints are well documented with X-Rays and MRI's and I have complete lab workup about 2X a year. I will keep track of any changes and let the site know what else changes. I have more health issues than I care to have at 44 years old so if I see any improvement I will let everyone know. I am very excited about the possibilities.

Posted by Lynn (California) on 11/09/2017 4 posts

I'm glad I found your post about breaking out. Every time I try using the borax at 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water (sipped throughout the day), 5 days on, 2 days off--I end up with boils and "pimples".

The first round I got a big blueberry sized boil on my chin. Took over a month for it to go away and was embarrassing! I stopped drinking the borax and waited until the boil was gone. I also got small ones on my behind and a bunch of small ones on my scalp.

Second time, I got just a few medium and small ones.

Three weeks ago, I did another week of borax drink and developed 5 small hard pimples (never came to a head though) next to my mouth on one said and 3 on the other side. They are still not gone going into week 4 even though I have not used the borax since that first week. I know boils take weeks to clear up so I'm just waiting. Scalp had a lot again and some small ones in my inner thigh and behind. I take a break when I get them and don't start again until they heal.

I was wondering if this is part of healing. I believe I have staph infection becauce I've been getting folliculitis for the past 3 years. So I assumed this might be the staph purging. I am going to keep doing on this until I can do two weeks in a row without an outbreak. Then try for 3 weeks and so on. Then get up to a month without reaction and taper back off.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bob (Chonburi) on 11/07/2017

I've been taking 1 teaspoonful twice daily of a concentrated solution of one teaspoonful of borax to a litre of water and supplement this with magnesium. I usually put my dose into half a litre of cold green tea which I consume during the morning, and do the same in the evening.

I noticed an improvement in my general health after a few weeks and a great improvement after a few months. My claudication has improved greatly and my mind is so much clearer. I am 70. My mobility has also improved greatly. I've had no adverse effects from borax.

Borax Bans
Posted by Margaret (Florida) on 10/31/2017

It is on sale at walmart. I just got some.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Shanti (France) on 10/26/2017

Feeling emotional may be do to heavy metal releasing and die off symptoms.

Joint Pain
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 10/25/2017

Yes, stick with your program, low dose and you will continue to improve...I'm doing the same

Joint Pain
Posted by Scsharon (Piedmont, Sc) on 10/24/2017



I had been struggling, for many months, with extreme joint stiffness, after a back injury last year. After much research, it seems that perhaps I've been taking too much Calcium (3,000mg plus greens) and not enough boron to balance that out. So, I cut way back on supplements, and started the Borax as per Ted's instructions. The stiffness is nearly gone after 3 days! But, I get some very strange symptoms...wanting to run, jump and twist to get rid of a strange feeling in my bones... It is so wonderful to be able to walk easily, now, but am concerned about this strange feeling!! Could it be detoxing me too quickly? I took one small dose today...and feeling strangely now. I also increased magnesium to balance out the boron..'.please help! Thank you.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

Borax doesn't increase hormones, it balances them.

Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Stere (Florida) on 10/24/2017

The increasing the pain is caused by the "HERXHEIMER EFFECT" (it's a reaction to treatment in which the symptoms of disease gets worse at the start of therapy a paradox sign that the infection source of the disease is under attack.....It's getting worse before getting better.

Please keep me updated....

Good luck....

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

You are taking way too much. If you're taking it in 1 litre of water every day, you should only be adding 1/8th of a teaspoon. If you are making a litre of concentrate, this is 1 teaspoon in 1 litre of water, but the daily dose is NO MORE THAN 3 TEASPOONS of this concentrate, starting from a dose of 1 teaspoon a day and working up. Please read more on this before you do yourself harm.

General Feedback
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

I take it most days. It's just the 20 Mule Team. I do the other, alternative mixture made thus: take a 1/2 litre bottle and put 1/2 a teaspoon in the bottom. Add a little boiling water to dissolve. Top up bottle with filtered water and put into fridge. One teaspoon of this mixture = 3 mgs of boron, so start with one teaspoon in a cup of tea or coffee, and when you find no problems with that, increase to 2 teaspoons a day, then 3 teaspoons a day. I take this probably 5 times a week, but it doesn't hurt if it's taken all the time. I find it has NO side-effects and it does reduce the pain of my rheumatoid arthritis. It certainly didn't kill me. I will add however, that I take 400 mgs of magnesium every day and apparently that helps your body use the boron where it's needed.

Arthritis, Bad Breath
Posted by Happy (Iowa) on 10/22/2017

The borax mix treatment:

I had pain in my knees and fingers. I started using this mix and its only been one week and my knees don't ache going up the stairs. I will continue for a while longer. My daughter had a foul breath and the second day after taking the mix she has no bad breath.

How to Take
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 10/08/2017

I think either purified or spring water would be perfect!

General Feedback
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 10/08/2017

Just so you know, the Borax you find in the laundry aisle is 99% pure with the other "1% possibly consisting of: sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, carbonate, sulphate, phosphate but not toxic, and no heavy metals. Pharmaceutical grade is not noticeably better or purer" (per The Boron Conspiracy). The laundry aisle stuff is perfect.

Posted by Jenny H (Victoria) on 10/01/2017

Borax: Great to clear calcifying of the body.

Only been using Borax for a short time but have noticed a difference in our health all ready. Prior to using Borax were using Bicarb daily for alkaline and health benefits but Borax we feel is superior.

Posted by Julia (San Bernardino, Ca) on 09/24/2017

Try MMS (there is a lot of info in the internet) when you shower, using a douche bottle or simple a water bottle full with water at body temperature and 6 drops of mms. Introduce just the mouth of the bottle in your part, and by squeezing the bottle, the water with the mms will get inside and some will be back to the bottle. Squeeze it many times. If you have candida the water left in the bottle will have some white components. Repeat the treatment for few day until you feel you have the problem no more.

Boric Acid Ingestion
Posted by Dave (Fountain Innc) on 09/21/2017

Yes, Amanda; I have a thought on the Boric acid "event"... some of the most amazing scientific discoveries have been made by accident. If you did try the Boric acid again, I'd try a very small amount to see if it produced a bit of the same good effect without having a bad reaction. You might have just been lucky the first time.

Boric Acid Ingestion
Posted by Amanda (California) on 09/21/2017

I accidentally swallowed a gel cap of boric acid which is slightly different than borax ( I think a little more acidic). It was supposed to be a vaginal suppository but I swallowed it by mistake. I was terrified because of what I read on the internet. It said I should get my stomach pumped and run to a poison control center. I stayed calm and waited for symptoms before I took action. The only symptoms I experienced was clarity of mind, clarity in my gut, total disappearance of cravings for chocolate and sugar and meat. Weight loss, glowing skin, more flexibility in my body and less tightness in my hips. :-) I swallowed one capsule only and it's been 2 months and I've continued to look and feel amazing. People comment all the time on how I look better than ever. It's now been about 10 weeks and I'm starting to have some sugar cravings for the first time. I dreamt about chocolate chip cookies last night :-0 I feel like it's time to do another cleanse and try borax instead of boric acid. And trying to decide if I should drink the diluted version or try doing a capsule again. My experience was that one capsule which probably contained about half a teaspoon of boric acid lasted me for 2 months. It seems like it might be a lot to do that daily unless you have really severe symptoms. Any thoughts anyone?

Posted by Janet (In) on 09/17/2017

Aaron. Some thoughts on your dilemma.

Borax does solve your pain. Yet you possibly need more minerals. Our systems run on minerals, once depleted must be rebuilt.

Magnesium is the first and foremost depleted mineral. It is used by every inch of your body and due to soil depletion and poor farming practices worldwide, it is prudent to supplement this.

I suspect when you moved it may have gobbled up that critical mineral. Magnesium citrate for a constipated type, magnesium malate for a runny stool type, minimum 250mg 2x a day. Or you can buy magnesium flakes. Make magnesium oil. Take by drops 5 to 8 drops in water 2x a day.

Magnesium oil can be used topically. Rubbing into skin where the pain is.

This can sting when levels are low. To stop stinging. Add water to site. Add more mag oil. Put a layer of castor oil or lotion on first.

To up your minerals internally. Take 1/4 tsp of sea salt in water in the am. This gives you a full spectrum of all the trace minerals to up all of your levels. Do not use table salt. Only sea salt in food.

I make hyaluronic acid for our family. You can maybe buy capsules where you live. Open 10 capsules in 5 or 6 oz of spring water in a blender add 1/8 tsp of salt blend 10 to 15 seconds. Put a hanky banded on a clean jar strain liquid through the hanky to remove residue from capsules, take a tbsp or 2 3x a day. Rub into joints. This puts the fluid back in joints that makes them operate smoothly. Keep jar in frig. This spoils and you must remake every 2 or 3 days. Or take 2 or 300mg capsules 3x a day

I highly recommend bulletproof coffee for collagen. 1 cup of brewed coffee in blender, add 1 scoop of collagen, add 1 or 2 tbsp of real butter blend 10 seconds, drink.

My bath recipe or foot soak at 1/2 the ingredients. 2 cups epsom salts, 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, soak 20 minutes, often as you can. This enriches the body with mag sulfate and boron through your skin. The peroxide oxygenates the body.

To control some pain much like aspirin and improve digestion, alkalize the body. Improve sleep. 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp of sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, let fizz, add 1/2 glass of water. Drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7.

These should correct your joints so you get rid of the pain.

To kill a virus that is often the cause of arthritis to begin with. Look up in Earth Clinics search box, ted bangkok arthritis. It will take you to his chapter of cures. You can try his virus killing formula. To eradicate this from your body.


Posted by Aaron (New Zealand, Wellington ) on 09/16/2017

Greetings, Earth Clinic. I have been taking the prescribed dose 1/4 teaspoon of Borax with 1litre of water now jst over three months with 5days on 2days off an have been religiously doing so. I have Advanced Osteoarthritis an have been a sufferer over 15yrs now I was 1st diagnosed 2003 at the age of 34. I have tried almost everything to help my condition over the years to no avail, an with 1 Hip Replacement in 2005.........2014 it's hit me again with my opposite hip, but I refuse to have a 2nd operation (Hip replacement).

I saw a Natreopath 6yrs ago who put me on a non dairy diet an to drink 2 cups of Clove Tea a day, I was to rub Tincture O Iodine on the bottoms ofmy feet an Drink plenty of Goats Milk, which is very expensive to buy now at $7.50 per litre, pain subsided to 55% now consuming dairy products again, but a small amount. Thus coming across Borax, the 1st cup I drunk within an hour my pain level reduced to 75% I couldn't believe it, I was in "disbelief" 5days later my Energy level increased 65% pain level at 40% 2 months later 90% painfree an 90% Energy.

I had weaned myself off all pharmaceuticals (Dyclothanac an Paracetamol) 2 weeks before starting the Borax course. I started to do light stretches to exercise my hip.

At 2months I've been 100% painfree an limping every 10 steps as appose to every step. I was feeling Brand New, it was a Miracle. A cold snap hit our Township, my pain come back niggling at 30% just whn I was feeling better.......Myself still taking the prescribed dose. My pains increased to 60% I put it down to the cold.......3months and Two weeks later my joints seem to be stiffening.

I've jst moved house, doing everything myself, with heavy lifting. My pain has increased to 90% I've been resting the past 2days yet feel almost like a Jellyfish........aching all over......I feel like I'm at S.O.S level.........I

s the Borax still working? I feel like my bones are weakening, an all my joints ache now at 90% an feel like the flesh wants to melt off my skeleton........I know you've said sip the Borax throughout the day but I've been drinking my 1litre within 2hours, is it possibly contributing to my decline? Bigger picture I know besides drinking Clove Tea, Borax has been the only other substance that I know of to be helping my Body........I have moved to a house which has no insulation an can feel the cold.......could this be another factor.........Yr Feedback would be Mostly Appreciated...........Regards

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tyson (Bracebridge) on 09/16/2017

Look it up, borax can have a balancing effect on your hormones.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jacqueline (Houston) on 08/31/2017

I believe that emotional response is called a herxheimer reaction / my daughter 22 who is now recovered from Lyme experienced them when killing pathogens because they release toxins. My guess you are killing bad stuff so it's actually a good sign. It wasn't really funny but she would start crying at a sad part of a movie - even a cartoon, and couldn't stop/ she would laugh through her tears. Other times it was pretty horrible all that she went through - good luck!

Mycobacteria Infection
Posted by Calvin (Us) on 08/13/2017

Hi. Glad borax worked. A couple of ?.

Did you take it everyday, no breaks. Do you still take or reduced, etc. Have you read of. anyone taking 1/2 teaspoon a day. I have a health issue, thinking of raising my dose. Thanks, Calvin

Knee Joint Pain
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/27/2017

ORH, doesn't gelatin regenerate cartilage?

Knee Joint Pain
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/26/2017

GEORGE,,,,,,,, you have done a great service to the folks on EC. I also do Borax, but addressed my bad knee with blood platelet plasma and ozone in a shot. Our medical folks say joint cartilage cannot be regenerated.

Most folks agree that Borax will control arthritis, but you are the first to say that it will regenerate cartilage. Hope you are right.... good buddy.


Knee Joint Pain
Posted by George (Newquay, England) on 07/25/2017

I have been using Borax in the recommended dosage for about two years now. I have digested it two ways: in 1 litre of water and in my fruit smoothie. The latter being the easiest for me. I am now 67 years of age.

I started having serious pains in my knee joints about three years ago. I was recommended for surgery to undergo total knee replacement. First my left knee, then later, my right knee. I found an article on Borax, by chance, while waiting for a hospital surgery date. I decided to give Borax ingesting a try.

By the time I was given a date for surgery, I even attended the pre-op interview. At that interview, I decided to postpone the surgery and give my knees a second chance using Borax.

Two years later, I have both my natural knee joints in place. While I still have very minor discomfort, now and again, I am pleased I decided not to have the surgery.

It is not a "magic bullet" solution. It takes dedication and determination to go and stick with Borax. At my age, I feel my muscle strength and bone health to be as good as it was 10/15 years ago.

What I failed to mention: During my knee pain era, I was taking 2 - 4 pain killers everyday, only available on prescription. I have not used (Tramadol) for over 18 months now. Another "blessing in disguise."

I hope my story and it is a true story, is of benefit to someone out there.
Thank you and stay well.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Annette (Los Angeles) on 07/20/2017

Borax for Yeast, Bone Density, Inflammation, Etc.

After reading much about boron in the form of Borax, I decided to give it a try not knowing what my results would be. I have Hashimoto (autoimmune thyroiditis), osteoporosis, undiagnosed gastro intestinal issue (like IBS, but gastroenterologist did not diagnose me after a year of seeing her! ), high blood sugar and cholesterol (total and LDL), extreme thirst for years, and have had inflammation issues for a while, especially in finger joints, but others as well including pain in left upper back for months now which I was starting to think may be some form of arthritis developing. A few weeks prior to starting the Borax, I had some sudden strange pains in my upper right chest and got unusual noxious feelings in my stomach (then) a few times. All of those unusual symptoms were strange, scary, and had just begun.

I made the liquid form using a 3 cup ball jar, mixing 3/4 rounded teaspoon of Borax into just over 3 cups of purified water.

I admit, I should have started out with 1 tsp of the above mixture in water for a few days, but I went right into the 1 tsp. of the Borax/water mix in water 3 times a day. I still had the extreme thirst when I began. Within a few days of starting the Borax, I got terrible stomach pains that stopped me cold. They did not last long, but I also had strange pains in other areas of my abdomen. I attribute the really bad stomach pains to yeast die off (herxheimer effect), because the very next day, not only did the extreme thirst go away and has not returned, but I lost all craving for sugar or other carbs (chips, etc.) and to date (6 weeks from beginning the Borax), those cravings have not returned. My appetite is somewhat suppressed, but I do eat when I'm hungry. During the first couple of weeks, I got achy all over. It was almost unbearable. So far, I have done 3 weeks on, 1 week off, and two weeks on. During the one week off, the thirst and cravings did not return. All abdominal pains have disappeared, the pain in my upper right back has disappeared, and after 6 weeks, the aches in my body have totally subsided, which has paralleled the inflammation, which has been much better to non-exhistent in the last few weeks. My gastrointestinal issues have been much better. I make/drink kefir, which has helped my gut issues greatly, but I've noticed that gut issues have improved more in the last two weeks.

With all the positive effects, I really could not wait to go back on after the one week break. I cannot wait to see what the effects are after 3 months. I plan on doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off every month. I cannot wait for my next blood work to see if my blood sugar is improved, and the next dexiscan for any bone density improvement.

My daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I certainly hope that she gives this natural "remedy" a chance to see if it will help her as well.

I look forward to the next 1.5 months and beyond with Borax! Thank you for all the information and posts! Love reading others' experiences and hope mine is encouraging for others as well.

Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 07/16/2017

For how long should this be used?

General Feedback
Posted by Jodie (Colorado) on 07/13/2017

I saw the same thing but I have seen so many people say its safe to ingest 1/8 tsp in 1 liter water once a day for 1-3 days on you tube that seem to really know their stuff. Its sodium tetraboron and If it kills Candida, Morgellons and many other issues and makes my body more alkaline, which we all know cancer cannot start or proliferate in, Then I am going to try it 2 days. I will try to be the guinea pig for all to see.

I do not trust anything the FDA or CDC say anymore. They are the same fools that keep saying child vaccinations are safe and Geoengineering (AKA Chemtrails) don't exist when each morning in Denver I see Aluminum, Barium and Strontium falling all over my patio which are destroying my lungs. I gotta do something before it kills me. I've been to Drs 3 x in 2 months and they have absolutely ZERO knowledge about things like this. We are on our own.


Borax Taste Tips
Posted by Amanda (Braham) on 07/10/2017

I always add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my borax water mixture for taste and just to be sure I don't neutralize my stomach acid.

Lichen Sclerosus
Posted by Kelly (Florida) on 06/29/2017

Dr. Mercola is wrong. I've been drinking 1 1/2 gallon a day since 2014 and after 4 or 5 days I started to get a pressure headache, which was a detox symptom. After 18 to 30 days I had more energy. He also said it will leach minerals from your body, it will but only the bad ones, not the ones you get from fruit and vegs.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Katherine (Wiscosin, Usa) on 06/28/2017

Can anyone tell me more about this? Where can I find what this "Ted" wrote about how the boron supplements are made?

I recommended Borax to my husband, after it cured my Arthritis completely, and erased most muscle pains most of the time too. So DH bought a bottle of Boron supplements instead. lol. soooo much money for a bunch of fillers!

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Paldrin (Australia) on 06/26/2017

I realise this post was started some years ago but just thought to mention....

I went recently to a Dr Klinghardt seminar. He said to use Borax over Boron supplements.. something about working better in their more active biological form if I recall (and yes less fillers, capsules to eat etc). Best wishes.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Kathy (Ft Laud) on 06/24/2017

Not an accident.

God led you here as well as me.

Borax Scent
Posted by Roger (Usa) on 06/23/2017

Borax was traditionally used in place of the current meat cures sold for sausages and the like. Russians I believe still pack caviar with it and the English (UK) insisted on having it used in place of salt for food preservation...circa 1910-1920ish until it was banned for use in meats. Why was it banned? Maybe it worked too well and kept people from getting sick since they were eating it constantly.

The 20 Mule team brand is what I use and I generally buy it at Wally world or Dollar General in the laundry aisle. There is another thing I think put out by Proctor and Gamble that is a washing not use that it is not the same thing!!!

My usual dosing now since I have done the detoxes and gotten past all that is a pinch in my coffee in the morning. That is about the same dosage for maintenance as is recommended in the 1 liter concentrate but even with a good scale (I have one) it is very difficult to measure such small amounts so I either pinch it or wet the tip of my finger and dip it in to the first joint and then dip my coffee or tea.

How to Take
Posted by Jade Dragon (Vancouver Bc) on 06/18/2017

Can you use bottled spring water instead of purified for the borax drink?

Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Art (California ) on 06/18/2017 2159 posts

In reply to Kate (Co),

I'm glad to hear that borax has helped your arthritis, herpes and CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)!

I have gotten stomach pain after taking borax, but this is mainly because I have drank too much at one time on an empty stomach. If I drink it as Ted suggests by sipping the liter bottle throughout the day, then I have no stomach problems. I also don't start sipping until after I have eaten breakfast which helps avoid the empty stomach issue.

You don't say what dose of borax you are taking or how you are taking it. Ted's recommended dose for women is 1/8th of a teaspoon in a liter of water sipped throughout the day or basically a slow release rate which would be less likely to cause stomach upset or other adverse events.

If you are already taking it per his recommendations and are still having stomach pain, perhaps you can try lessening your dose.

The fact that you say you got relief in 24 hours of your first dose suggests that you may be able to get by with a significantly lesser dose than whatever you are currently taking. The majority of people testing borax have mentioned results in time periods of days, weeks or months so a matter of just hours is very fast and perhaps you are very sensitive to borax and could possibly get by with significantly less. For example, let's say that you are taking Ted's recommended dose for women of 1/8th teaspoon dissolved in a liter of water, try cutting that down by half, to 1/16th teaspoon in a liter of water. If you don't have a 1/16th teaspoon to measure with, just take your normal one liter mix containing 1/8th teaspoon of borax and divide it in half by pouring half of your liter bottle into another one liter bottle. You should now have two one liter bottles with a half liter each. Top these two bottles off with purified water and you now have a two day supply of half of Ted's recommended dose for women or 1/16th teaspoon per liter.

Kate, please keep us posted on how your experiment with borax goes so that others here can learn from your experience.


Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Kate (Co) on 06/17/2017


I started taking borax 2 months ago. For arthritis in my knee which exploded skiing. I also developed the most painful disease known: Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS. This was 2 1/2 years ago. At that time I also found out I had herpes. After taking borax for only 24 hours I was able to walk 3 miles. Herpes outbreaks stopped.

The BIG problem is the side effects. Gut side effects. I sure don't want to quit borax, but am concerned about the gut pain. Can anyone tell me what happens in the gut to cause this pain?

Breast Cancer
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/08/2017

Borax may inhibit breast cancer

A poster said borax increases estriol in women. According to Wikipedia:

"estriol has been found to inhibit estradiol-induced proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells through blockade of the GPER".

Borax Dosages
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/08/2017

As I recall, Ted recommended it that way for convenience - you sip it throughout the day - and for the peace of mind of people who were nervous about drinking something they percieved as potentially dangerous. It is even more safe diluted and drunk gradually. You would also be able to detox more gradually I would think.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Sandra (Australia) on 05/10/2017

It is possible borax is helping rattie if he has demodex mites in his hair follicles. Dogs and humans have demodex mites. In dogs it causes mange. Borax kills the mites. They come out of hair follicles to breed at night. They itch like crazy and can even cause rosacea in humans it is said. People are allergic to the mites droppings in the hair follicles or even the mite itself as it dies in the follicle.

Posted by Candybeagle (Ohio) on 05/09/2017

I have scleroderma. My hands were sore, stiff and swelling. Getting digital ulcers every couple of mths. The borax protocol seem to help the symptoms plus was feeling better in general. I also take colloidal silver msm in green juice, water kefir, probiotics, colostrum plus some other supplements and essential oils. Autoimmune disease is epidemic and yet you hear very little about it. It effects each person individually. Drs just want to give us drugs to suppress the symptoms instead of attacking the root cause of the disease and seems like the research doesn't do anything to prevent the disease. It all starts with leaky gut syndrome. When we can't absorb essential nutrients then our bodies cannot fight off invaders or heal itself. Most AI patients are deficient in Vit. D3, boron and K2. If the body does not have theses essential components then you develop disease such as cancer or AI. They say 1 in 200 people have these diseases and most do not know it. So bringing awareness to people is critical to getting a cure and methods of prevention.

I find the Borax is effective. So when someone worries about the "safety" of the this I always tell them the drugs that are prescribed for my illness are far more "dangerous" than this. LOL.

Yeast Infections
Posted by Sophia (In) on 05/08/2017

I just mixed 4 TBSP organic extra virgin coconut oil with 2 TBSP 20 Mule Team Borax and made some boluses with molds that hold I'm guessing 1/4-1/3 TBSP each. They're in the freezer now and I plan to use them, once daily, for 2 weeks and then 2x/wk for 6-12 months if needed after that. I also started taking 1/8 TSP Borax in water today and will do 5 days on and 2 days off. Oh, and I put 1 TSP in 16 oz of distilled water along with 1 TSP of a 1:1:1 salt:baking soda:xylitol mix I use to irrigate my sinuses. I have Lyme and chronic yeast/fungal issues from all the antibiotics I've been on. Plus, I'm taking good probiotics. Will check in with progress but I couldn't find a recipe for the borax boluses so I just guessed at it. I know boric acid might make more sense but I have the borax on hand. Having high hopes for borax in general and very grateful for this site and all the contributors. Thank you, EC!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/29/2017

Thank you for your reply! I am taking borax for mental acuity and bone health. I will update in the future, but I suspect that borax will be a better supplement for me after menopause. In the meantime, I have decided to take a few teaspoons of borax solution just once a week instead of every day. That small amount appears to be enough boron for my body at this time.

Posted by I. Kojei (Miami) on 04/26/2017

For those of you reading this, a loud loud blast of a warning from a big red firetruck about Prednisone. I am personally familiar with this nightmare drug, as I watched it destroy my mother-in-law. Like many, many women in the western societies, she doted in doctors ad nauseum and literally became a human guinea for treatments of a viral lung infection called Sarcloidsis, easily mitigated by nutrition, in particular by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables which she did not.

One day we went to visit her and she has swelled to monstrous proportions after taking Prednisone. I was shocked. I did the research on the drug and found it caused the swelling and half a dozen other severe side effects including congestive heart failure. I warned her how dangerous this drug was but she continued to take it until she died a few months later at the young age of 44.

Truth is impossible to suppress and liars, being cowards, will always tell it if you watch and listen closely enough by the use of euphemisms and misleading deflections. So it is no surprise that NOWHERE in most medical language does the word heal or the word cure, both very definitive four letter words find their way into print. As such:

1. Your doctor "practices" MEDICINE!!!!

2. Your doctor "treats" SYMPTOMS.

3. Your doctor "prescribes" MEDICATION.

4. You have to be "patient" while being "practiced" on by somebody who is not interested in healing you or curing your "dis-ease". Not to mention that anybody who practices anything doesn't have mastery over their chosen profession.

Fast Forwarding decades, I have lost two younger siblings who also bought into the hype of the medical establishment, refused to exercise their God given intellect to research and died by doctor as a consequence.

And while I'm ranting let me warn everyone that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed its price within this last year at the retail level. Another ruse to deny health and wellbeing to all. May God have mercy on us. Because the worst disease of all is mass murdering humanity. Greed and ignorance remain our most powerful enemies. Thank The Creator of all For EarthClinic.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/25/2017 2159 posts

Hi Jeanette,

Good to hear your experience with borax.

I have a friend who has severe RA and she tried borax at the 1/8th teaspoon dose and it caused severe itching so she tried going down to just a very small pinch of borax in a glass of water because it was helping her arthritis. Even at the small pinch dose, the itching was just intolerable for her.

Eventually I got her to try boron to see if it might also work, but without the itching. Well, she was able to take the boron which she started at 36 mg per day and it was starting to reverse her RA symptoms with no itching, but in the 2nd week or so, she started noticing that she was becoming very depressed which is way out of charachter for her. She decided to decrease her dose down to 12mg of boron per day, but the depression persisted so she went down to 6mg/day which was one capsule. All the while her RA was improving, but even at just one capsule per day, the depression became too much and she had to stop taking it altogether.

Eventually I will let her know about the calcium fructoborate which is derived from plants and she if she wants to give it a shot or not. This would be more like the boron you would get from food and perhaps she will be able to tolerate it. It's nowhere near as cheap as borax, but if it works for her RA the way that boron did and it doesn't cause depression, it will be well worth it.

Clearly borax can have effects on hormones, but it seems to be a very individual thing.

Boron based supplements are usually in the 3 to 6 mg range which is considerably more than you are taking. To get a lower dose you may have to take some type of multi supplement that will have other things in it beside boron.

You didn't say that you have you or are you just taking borax for the mental clarity aspect that you mentioned? I wish it did that for me!


Multiple Cures
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/25/2017

Hi Art.

Thank you for your response. Yes, I am sure about the dosage. I tried Ted's dosage for women at the beginning but cut back to the much smaller dose after a few days because it was causing the same emotional state (exactly the same, not more, not less) and I wanted to see if a smaller dose would work. So then I tried 1 teaspoon of the saturated 1 liter solution for a week, same reaction. I then took a few days break and tried half a teaspoon dosage. I do understand it is a very small amount of boron. Next I will buy a boron supplement and see if the same thing happens.

To clarify, the "emotional" state I am talking about is exactly the same way I feel a day or two before getting my period, lol. Things just upset me more than normal during that time. It's usually only a day or two, but now on borax it's daily, which is hard! I thought boron was supposed to increase estrogen and progesterone, but maybe it is having a different effect on me?


Final 6 days of your cycle: Estrogen and progesterone plunge

As estrogen plunges during this premenstrual week, it can trigger moodiness, sadness, irritability, muscle aches, insomnia, headaches, fatigue and a wide variety of other PMS-related symptoms. Not every woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome and symptoms can be milder or more severe from month to month often due to diet, stress, medications, exercise habits or your body's personal sensitivity to hormones.

I wouldn't call what I experience any of the above like moodiness or sadness or anger, rather that an injustice, of which there are many lately in the world, will make me upset. I don't feel this intensely normally, just when I drink borax. A hormone blood test would be very helpful to know what is going on. I wonder if there is a lab test you can do at home to test hormone levels?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/24/2017 2159 posts

In reply to Jeanette (Québec, Canada),

You say that you mix one teaspoon of borax in a litre of water and then take only a half teaspoon of this mix per day. There are 405 one half teaspoon doses in your liter of borax solution or more than a year of daily servings. A teaspoon of borax on my digital scale is roughly 4 grams or 4,000 mg. Divide this number by 405, the number of servings from your one liter bottle of borax solution to find out what your daily dose of borax is. 4,000/405 = 9.8765 mg of borax per day. Borax is 11.3% boron which is thought to be a main active component that has the antiarthritic effects. So you would multiply your daily dose of borax, roughly 10 mg and multiply by .113 to find out how much boron you are getting per day. This comes out to 1.13 mg of boron per day.

Dr Rex Newnham who is thought to be one of the research pioneers who helped establish the effectiveness of boron for arthritis said that some people could get by with a maintenance dose as low as 6 mg of boron per day once they had achieved remission or great improvement.

Ted on the other hand recommended 1/4 teaspoon of borax for men and 1/8th teaspoon for women per day. Assuming an 1/8th teasppon of borax is 500 mg, you would multiply this number by .113 to see how much boron is in an 1/8th teaspoon. 500*.113 = 56.5 mg of boron per dose.

For myself, through trial and error, have determined that Ted's dose for men is my minimum effective dose at 1,000 m of borax or about 110 mg of boron per day.

Are you certain about the dose and bottle size you are taking to see benefit?

I ask because, had I read your post before others and decided to try borax at your dose or even double or triple your dose, I would have come to the conclusion that borax does not work for me. I wouldn't want someone to miss out on the potential benefits of borax because they used an ineffective dose for them. I fully agree with the idea of starting low to make sure you can tolerate borax or boron, but once tolerance is determined, proper dosing per individual is very important!
