Health Benefits

Borax - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Borax. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Sue (Westmoreland NY USA) on 07/22/2023

Editor's Choice

I'll start by saying I was skeptical about taking Borax-but after reading many of the posts here & on other sites-I decided to go for it. I figured worse comes to worse, I'd have an excellent cleaner!

Anyway-I was looking for something to help w/Hidradenitis Suppurativa-which is basically cysts in your armpits, sometimes in groin & under breasts. It's horribly painful & can be embarrassing-especially when they burst. Doctors have no idea what causes it either & is treated w/tetracycline-a strong antibiotic or biologics &/or incisions & draining them.

That doesn't cure it-they come back. And no one should be on tetracycline or biologics all the time!

I started taking 1/8 of a teaspoon dissolved in a bit of warm water right after breakfast.

I started it on Monday-today is Saturday & the cysts are all gone! I'm shocked it worked so quickly!

I'm also an insomniac-I have been since I was a kid-& w/in a couple days I was falling asleep easier & staying asleep! I've been able to go off a couple of OTC meds I was using to fall asleep also in just a couple of days!

I also have fibromyalgia & usually have a flair up a couple times a week-but not this week! I'm knocking on wood that I don't have any more of them-but even if the flare-ups are just lessened it would be great news for me.

FYI-I didn't really have any herxing & I'm hoping I don't-but regardless, I'd continue taking this amazing mineral.

Thank you, Ted, for spreading the news of this natural medicine! You've literally changed my life!


Posted by Deirdre (Asheville, NC) on 09/28/2022

Editor's Choice

I wanted to provide an update on my trigger finger, various arthritic joints, and Ted's famous borax protocol. I started the protocol in early June and have kept up with it very consistently since then. Here are my notes:

1. It took 3 weeks to get improvement in my trigger thumb, but my finger joint stiffness improved within the first week or so. Things continue to improve slowly.

2. Even though the women's dose is 1/8th teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water, the men's dosage, 1/4 teaspoon, seems to be what I need.

3. For the first 3 months, I could NOT do 5 days on and 2 days off because my thumb would start to get sore and stiff again after 1 day off the protocol. However, I am now able, in my 4th month, to take a day off here and there.

4. I use distilled water and add trace minerals to it in addition to the 1/4 teaspoon of borax.

Hope this helps. If borax isn't helping you, consider upping the dosage.
And stick with it for a while. Don't give up on it too soon.
I think the over 50 crowd (myself included) probably needs high-dose boron, quite frankly.

Posted by scott v (grand rapids, mi) on 08/23/2022

Editor's Choice

I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back by a chiropractor. he said there was nothing that I could do about it. I investigated and found articles on Borax.... I started taking it every morning. it was scary at first, taking a cleaner.

on the fifth day, I got out of bed and wow! no pain! I've been taking it for 10 years, every day. no issues. Doctors and nurses are amazed when I tell them I take it daily. it works!

Borax Dosages

Posted by John (Michigan) on 07/09/2022

Editor's Choice

In response to:

Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022

Hello, I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver. I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

I find a lot of people but especially women do not tolerate the recommended doses on this site initially. I start people out on 1/16 of a USA teaspoon in liter of water. I will have them do this 3 times a week the first week. If that does not bother them next week I have them do that 5 days and take a break over the weekend. If they are an average size man or larger I will have them jump to 1/8th teaspoon 3 days a week and build up again to 5 days a week. IF they are women I have them try 1/8th teaspoon on one day and stay at 1/16th the rest of the week. The idea is to sneak up on the full daily dose without negative side effects. If they get anything more than a mildly upset stomach I will have them take a day or two off and back the dose down. Your body has been deficient your entire life on this trace mineral. Not everyone can jump in at a high dose. The goal is to heal your body not make yourself sick and miserable.

My wife only takes it once a week at 1/8th teaspoon and that keeps all of her joints pain free. I have been taking 1/4 teaspoon per day for years and it only helped my joint pain the first month or so. It greatly improved my Vitamin D absorption though! I am upping my dose though to 1/2 a teaspoon of Borax and Backing soda to see if a higher dose helps.

I started my Dad on 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda each night before bed. It stopped his kidney disease and reversed it one grade and improved his joints and all of his other health markers. It also cured his constipation. He takes a lot of medications that cause constipation but that is not a problem now. It has not done anything for my joints, tendons or ligaments but I am convinced that it along with vitamin D and K2 removed the calcium deposits from my heart valves.

Before taking Borax no matter how much vitamin D3 I took I was always deficient. So start slow this is not a race. Take what you can and titrate the dose upward as your body can handle it. Do not be afraid to stop it and let any side effects go away before restarting!


Posted by Art (California) on 07/06/2022 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

A good friend of mine has been having arthritic pain in her hands and fingers for years and asked me if I had any suggestions. I explained to her about borax and different forms of arthritis and suggested she start by using homemade borax lotion since she was adverse to taking borax orally.

That helped reduce her pain level, but still the pain persisted after months of daily use. Next I suggested Deirdre's DMSO / Borax topical blend. This was more effective than the borax lotion, but she still had pain in both hands and her fingers would still lock in place such as when she was holding her steering wheel while driving and she would have to pry them open which she said was very painful and they would often make a loud popping noise when she would pry them open, which she said was very painful to do.

After explaining that the borax was helping and that she simply wasn't getting enough to the affected joints, she finally agreed to give oral borax a test. She agreed to use Ted's dose for women of 1/8th teaspoon for 4 or 5 days of the week while taking weekends off.

After about three weeks of use, she related that her hands had further reduced pain, but her fingers were still locking when she would drive. After a month of use she told me that there were areas of her hands, the padded areas, that were no longer painful and her fingers also had less pain, but here fingers were still locking.

After 5 weeks of use, she said that the pain level continues to very slowly diminish, but more importantly, she told me that she was now having days where her fingers aren't locking and popping! She is starting her 6th week of oral borax each of 4 to 5 days per week and she said the pain is at a new all time low and her fingers no longer seem to be locking up on her. She also said that her knees which would occasionally cause her some pain had not given her any pain lately. She is also knitting again which had gotten to painful to do as she liked to do. She said she can push and pull with her hands again without pain, making her hands much more functional again!

She no longer has a fear of oral borax at Ted's suggested dose of 1/8th teaspoon in a quart of water each day for 4 or 5 days per week. I reminded her that the original founder of borax for arthritis, Dr. Rex Newnham said that in more severe cases of arthritis it can take up to 3 to 4 months to reach the point where borax has done all it can to relieve your arthritis. I also reminded her that borax is helpful for staving off osteopenia and osteoporosis. She said she plans to continue taking it for the rest of her life!


Herniated Disc, Arthritis

Posted by Rick (Irvine CA) on 06/28/2022

Editor's Choice

I have a 6 mm posterior bulge in the L4 - L5 area of my spine. The MRI shows this bulge going into the nerve column of my spine. Whenever I did any heavy lifting it absolutely killed me that evening with pain. I started taking a sip of my Borax solution in the morning and night and that was 5 years ago. I have absolutely no pain and can lift as much as I want to. Now I'm 73 and have never felt better in my life.

I had my wife start taking about a year ago and now she is pain free of the arthritis she was experiencing. She too is now a firm believer of Boron. She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON. 300 pills for $10 bucks. No wonder the pharmaceutical industry poo poos the solution. THEY CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OF OF A MINERAL.

Borax Dosages

Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

Editor's Choice

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

Editor's Choice

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.


Posted by Amy G. (Michigan) on 06/11/2022

Editor's Choice

Maybe 10 years ago I discovered Borax on this site for detoxing metals. An unexpected side effect was my TMJ disappeared within the first week. I'm surprised that after 10 years, I still don't see TMJ listed as something else borax cures, so I'm adding it here myself! TMJ is basically untreatable through conventional methods so to be able to open my mouth fully again with no pain or even tightness is a miracle to me! I hope others will find relief too.

I follow Ted's Borax protocol of 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of distilled water 5 days a week for 4 weeks. I've had to repeat the protocol a few times over 10 years.


Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 06/09/2022

Editor's Choice

Hi Renee...The reason the borax solution is always sipped throughout the day is because the human body is also constantly excreting the borax at the same time. So, by constantly sipping the one liter borax solution every day, you will maintain a constant and necessary amount of borax spread evenly in your body throughout the day, which therefore helps to maintain the proper concentration of borax in the blood that will act continuously to kill the active nano bacteria(ie mycobacteria and mycoplasma) that are causing your osteoarthritis problem.

And the reason you must take the borax solution every day on a 4-day-on and 3-day-off basis is because supplementing borax always causes increased gland secretions in the human body. In particular, it will stimulate and increase the sex hormones in the body, which is not a bad thing in itself but might, in the end, have the effect of straining those glands due to increased or excessive hormone production. And that's why you should always take the borax solution on a 4-day-on/3-day-off basis.

Just to also let you know that there is no reason to fear taking borax. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet, which is the Bible for chemical safety and toxicity) for borax shows that borax actually has the same or similar toxicity profile as common table salt.

I'm also a 72 y. o. guy and I've been taking borax on a daily basis for about 15 years. I now just take a couple or three pinches of borax a day in my drinking water or coffee or whatever. I completely trust my usage of borax and I've never ever had a problem with my borax usage. I've been using borax as a successful preventative against arthritis but I also use it to prevent fungal infections as well -- borax is the ultimate anti-fungal! Borax is also useful to help detox and remove fluorine from my body.

How to Take Borax

Posted by Art (California) on 04/05/2022 2370 posts

Editor's Choice


I have taken the 1/4 teaspoon dose each day for 4 days per week for well over a decade and it has worked very effectively to keep my arthritis in remission. Look up the toxicity of Borax and then look up the toxicity of table salt and that will give you a better idea of the safety profile of Borax.


Arteries Unblocked

Posted by Jon (Az) on 09/24/2021

Editor's Choice

There is ONE ingredient in Borax. It is a mineral.

Sodium tetraborate

I've taken it for close to 8 years. I never get sick and it helps in many areas. I primarily take it for unblocking arteries. It has done that.

Broad Benefits

Posted by George S. (British Columbia) on 06/17/2021

Editor's Choice

I've been taking a small amount of Borax on a regular basis since late 2012, after reading an article entitled "The Borax Conspiracy."

Within a week, the pain in my shoulder was gone.

My wife had a calcite spur in her foot. Very painful. I told her that the boron in the Borax would help her body regulate the calcium and the magnesium in her body and may make the spur go away.

It went away within a week.

Recently, my dentist checked my jaw bone to see if I had enough bone to install a dental implant (it's unusual for someone my age [65] to have enough bone to safely do an implant without extra preparation to the bone). He was surprised/shocked to find out that I have no bone loss at all. I told him it was because I "take boron supplements." (I didn't dare say that I take BORAX--he would have flipped! )

I put 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in a 2-liter bottle of water. Then I drink about 1/2 cup of Borax-water each day, for about 4 or 5 days per week.

The $5.60 box of Borax that I bought on 24-Dec-2012 is still mostly full. It will last until I am about 130 years old or more.

Borax Baths

Posted by Pan (El Paso) on 04/09/2021

Editor's Choice

Regarding how much borax to put in a bath:

One cup of borox should do nicely. It does clean very well and soaking your hair in it will leave it soft. I would highly recommend showering afterwards. It will leave you feeling rejuvenated and full of energy. Ahhh like brand new. I soak 10 to 15 minutes. Thank God for boron. God bless you.

Weight Loss

Posted by Pan (El Paso) on 04/09/2021

Editor's Choice

I have definitely noticed a weight reduction since using borax 5 days now. My diet has actually gotten more diverse. I was on gluten free paleo diet for health reasons. I felt sick so I couldn't exercise. I'm eating like a kid again so I know it's not my diet causing weight loss. Boron has my back. Thank God for this wonderful mineral to counter act the toxicity of this world.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Posted by Art (California) on 02/26/2021 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

I thought that since it has 6 years since I put that post up about borax and psoriatic arthritis (PA), it wouldn't hurt to give an update. I have remained in remission over the past 6 years and I had been in remission for many years prior to that post.

I was in a ton of pain all over as the original post explains and I have remained symptom free for well over 12 years at a cost of less than a penny a day using Borax. No apparent side effects that I have found through the many years of use. I'm still using Borax 4 to 5 days a week and remain pain free from PA.


Herniated Disc, Sciatica

Posted by Krusty (Greece) on 01/30/2021

Editor's Choice

Me and my father had great results using borax. Me for my herniated disc and my father for his sciatica due to osteophytes in his spinal discs.

His seizures of pain became vary rare and less acute. Me too my back pain doesn't bother me any more after six months of using cheap borax. I was limping six months ago due to my herniated disc.

We have been taking 1/4 of teaspoon 5 days per week.

My father did not do or take any other supplement at all, so it must have been the Borax. I feel my back stronger now after some months of taking Borax. I have tried exercises before with very small results. I think the problem can be helped more biochemically and Borax can strongly help. Maybe some other substances like collagen and MSM can also help.

Borax Side Effects

Posted by Art (California) on 07/18/2020 2370 posts

Editor's Choice


This is approximately the exact opposite of what boron studies show. Boron is quite useful as an osteoporosis antagonist, especially when combined with vitamin D and its cofactors such as magnesium, calcium, vitamin A etc.

Here is a typical study of boron in relation to osteoporosis.

By the way, 3 mg of boron is almost nothing! For comparison, let's use Ted's recommended dose of Borax for women for the purpose of ameliorating arthritis symptoms. He recommends 1/8th teaspoon of borax for women which is around 480 mg of borax. Borax is approximately 11.3% boron. Multiply .113 x 480 = 54.24

So in his arthritis remedy for women you would be getting approximately 55 mg of boron per day for 5 days of the week with Saturday and Sunday off!

When I took 3 mg of boron, it gave absolutely zero relief from my arthritis. Whereas when I took Ted's dose of borax for men which equates to approximately 110 mg of boron per day, my arthritis went into complete remission for well over a decade now! No pain at all!

The men's dose as recommended by Ted is double the women's dose, so a 1/4 teaspoon of borax for men instead of the women's dose of 1/8th teaspoon. Btw, these are USA based baker's measuring spoons.

Lastly, if osteoporosis or osteopenia is a concern for you, consider the following article which should also help you steer away from osteopenia or osteoporosis:

Good luck!


Borax Dosages

Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 10/10/2019

Editor's Choice

My new borax protocol, working fabulously..

A pinch of borax in 4 ounces of water.

Taken two times a day. By pinch, I mean if you were to reach into a salt jar and pinch just enough salt to sprinkle on an entree, about that much. (Don't ask me to count the granules!) I spent the past 10 years on and off doing Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water. However, a pinch 1-2 times a day seems to be the perfect amount for me. I do the first dose on an empty stomach in the morning. 5 days on and take the weekend off. I was inspired by the post on Earth Clinic in the borax cures section to try the pinch after reading where someone wrote about how they generously sprinkled borax on their food every meal. No side effects with this pinch dosage! Previously borax made me feel upset for absolutely no reason like other women have mentioned here and there on the site. With the pinch of borax, after less than a day I feel light on my feet and have no joint pain lingering after strenuous karate training.

What an amazing remedy.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Rhonda (Tahlequah, OK) on 10/04/2019

Editor's Choice

Started using Borax over 3 months now. Before I started, my health was going down hill fast. My ovaries failed kicking in early menopause over 2 years ago. My thyroid function was way out of whack. Bone loss was occurring quickly along with joints deteriorating. Psoriasis on my scalp worsened and arthritis from it was insane. Cholesterol levels increased, Vitamin D levels plummeted. I had intense muscle tension, weakening muscle strength, hair loss, thinning skin, dry skin, worsening vision, bone spur on my spine, heart palpitations, depression, anxiety, brain fog, extreme fatigue, UTI's. Yeast infections, shortness of breath, blood sugar fluctuations, bleeding gums, chipping teeth, loss of libido, migraines, jaw pain, receding gum line, and I could probably go on. Discovered the use of Borax for treating a UTI and Yeast infection. I refused to take antibiotics to worsen my issue.

Made up some gel capsules with Borax to insert. Within days the problem was gone. I was astonished. To my surprise, I learned that I could possibly treat myself for a lot of the problems I had going on. I had been badly affected by halides like fluoride, bromide and chloride. Gut bacteria too of course. Started taking Borax by the Walter Last method after learning about our deficiencies with Boron due to depleted soil, and water. Used 1 tsp of Borax Powder in one liter of distilled water dissolved in a glass container. Took one tsp daily from that liter 3mg of Boron. Felt it right away. Noticed a decrease in pain in 3 days. Had a herxheimer reaction about a week into it. Backed off and started back when I felt better.

All was good, increased to 2 tsp daily for 6mg daily. Always took my doses with magnesium spaced out. 400mg Oral Glycinate and used Magnesium oil (transdermal magnesium chloride) Felt more pain with the increase, but this time, I started taking a bath in 1/2 cup Borax and 1/2 cup Epsom, daily sometimes twice for 20 min.

These baths were phenomenally healing for me. Made me feel so good afterwards. My skin loved it. It got softer and had a nicer appearance. I also soaked my head and scalp for my psoriasis. This really helped with the plaque build up and itch. Very nice on my hair too. After my bath I moisturized with a mixture of Organic Cold pressed unrefined Virgin Coconut oil and Avocado oil. (Avocados are a source of Boron.) Soon increased my dose to 9mg, 3 tsp spaced out. Still used ample magnesium to help correct the calcium metabolism and took my baths.

About a little over a month went by and I decided to try to drop off my prescription medications to see if I really still needed them. One by one I quit taking them. Asthma inhaler, Asthma Steroid, Nasal Steroid, Anti depressant, Anti Anxiety, Migraine and Allergy. I wasn't even taking much aspirin or ibuprofen. Didn't even seem to miss them. My pain had decreased so much. I was getting my life back after wanting to give up. Fast forward to today, pain has decreased to almost none. Bones feel much stronger as do my joints. My energy has returned, depression has lifted, I'm not as anxious. My thyroid gained correct function, no more heart palpitations, weakness, muscle weakness, or bone pain.

My hair stopped falling out and has returned to growing back in. Skin feels more youthful and not dry. Eye sight seems to be improving still. Libido has increased some, no more gut issues, UTI's or yeast infections so far. My nails are even growing longer and stronger. My bone spur on my spine disappeared, psoriasis improved, cholesterol and vitamin D levels are improved, muscle tension is very seldom. Another thing I did other than getting rid of fluoride and tooth paste with it, I used some of my dissolved dose as part of my oral healthcare. Poured some of the mixture on my toothbrush during brushing every time. In no time, my teeth were not chipping, sensitive or weak. Gums stopped bleeding and I had no mouth sores.

The best part, my teeth are getting whiter all the time! I'm just amazed at the results I have had. I'm continuing with a maintenance dose of 3-6 mg daily and I'm still a fan of my baths and tooth care routine. Borax has been a life saver for me. I will continue to introduce others to it. My whole family are fans too. Even my dog without her case of the itchies. It doesn't always take large doses to be effective. Low and slow is my motto. Don't forget magnesium and other essential vitamins too! Don't give up! If used properly, Borax can be the best thing we can do for our health!

God Bless!


Posted by Rod (Canada) on 08/23/2019

Editor's Choice

Hey all, I stumbled upon borax/boron about 5 or 6 years ago after I was diagnosed with arthritis....and told "there is nothing I can do for you". I have been taking it every day for 5 or 6 years. I feel better than I did in high school. I'm 50 and a pretty good athlete, still. Before borax I had to tape my ankles and wrists, and was always in a great deal of pain after sport. Now, I have zero inflammation, and play sports all the time.

Borax GREATLY increased the quality of my life. Sports/fitness has saved me all my one constant throughout my journey. I don't know what I would do without sport and fitness. In essence, borax has saved my life. I call borax the fountain of youth. Rex Neuman and Walter Last are 2 doctors that should be googled. They spearheaded the research on boron a long time ago. Borax also increases sexual function, and a host of other things.

Here is a must read (pretty technical):

Lot's of love and good health. Without health, life is not life.

Posted by Marth (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/24/2019

Editor's Choice

I am a long distance runner since my mid-teens, now in my late 40s. I was feeling horrendous aches and pains in all joints, esp feet and knees the past few months. Arthritis was setting in! Upon extensive research, I found the borax remedy and started it up immediately last week after locating the borax in a grocery store in my town. It's early days on the protocol but I just wanted to report that within 2 days on 1/8 teaspoon in 1 liter of filtered water (Brita filtered), aches and pains in all joints completely disappeared!! I am stunned that the borax worked so fast. Guessing I became severely deficient deficient in boron recently and my body desperately needed it. I plan to continue the borax indefinitely. Let's spread the word, guys!!

Plantar Fibromas

Posted by Mel (Shuswap, B.C., Canada) on 02/24/2019

Editor's Choice

I have plantar tumors in my insteps of both feet. They did fill the hollow of my foot until I started taking Borax orally a few months ago.

I had been taking pics of my feet off and on to see where they were at growth wise. I have already had elimination of pain and can now see the reduction in the size of the tumors. They get soft first then they sort of just melt away. I'm over 2 years into the growth of the tumors so I suspect it could take 3-6 yrs to get rid of them.

No skin off my back now that I'm not in pain!!

How to Take Borax

Posted by Janet (In) on 08/06/2018

Editor's Choice


You can not believe as you wish. I saw it.

Your comment suggests two things. I am being untruthful or I should disguise the results to fit a general parameter.

That is exactly what happened. Fluoride is that profoundly poisoning us. Removal of it is critical for human health. As evidenced by our experience.

It was not intended. She went from unable to function. With her cascade of issues. To finishing school. Working, moved out and is living a normal life. Something we had no hope for.

Years of medical treatment, studies tests, medications. At 19 she could live. At 14 little hope. From, Narcolepsy, PCOS. To No medications, none.

Removal of poisons, that is the real fight of today. Fluoride interferes with every morsel of human health. Glandular function, digestion, bone and connective tissue health, teeth, oral health, hormone levels.

Removal of fluoride, is release from a prison of medical intervention.

If you find that astounding. Two weeks into the fluoride removal will certainly be an eye opener.

She had Narcolepsy, severe acne, psoriasis, dowagers hump. She fell asleep in her swim lane at practice. She had more symptoms than health. She could fill a book.

All our teeth whitened, all on their own. Years of six month appointments at the dentist, unneeded. All the spots from so called tetracycline, gone in one child. She has had since they came in.

Removal of fluoride, alkalinity drinks. My husband was back to work. This because of a blood clot, 2 blown discs, stenosis, gout, arthritis. Unable to do anything. Off vicodin, blood thinners, normalized blood pressure, gout. No medication at all now.

My Alzheimer's/ dementia. Diagnosed a brain tumor, to holes in the brain. Gone. Off antidepressants that were given for pain, Tramadol, hormonal meds. Menopause, vanished, the type that makes you bleed and bleed, deadened emotions, bone pain. Osteoarthritis. Dowagers. Balding.

Our oldest, started with an ulcer when she was born, unending horrible problems, Meniere's, POTS, CFS/MCS. Food allergies that prevented her from going in places that had any tomatoes cooking. Chronically enlarged spleen, all kinds of hormonal issues, body and face acne. Totally disabled. She is also now working and moved out.

There is more, way more.

I believe the accepted numbers of adverse reactions from fluoride when they okayed it for human consumption was 30%. They knew 30% of the population would have serious problems with it. That is not acceptable in any scale I have ever seen for other products. It is industrial waste. Nothing but poison.


How to Take Borax
Posted by Janet (In) on 07/17/2018

Editor's Choice


I believe that is is a remedy to be assimilated. It also detoxes. Its effects are very profound.

Detoxing anything can make one feel ill. Off. Slow steady detox, prevents herxemier/herxing.

When we started Ted's Borax remedy at 1/4 tsp in a gallon of water, used in the general kitchen things, washing veggies, cooking pasta, rinsing dishes. Amongst the 5 of us. The first 24 hours changed everything.

My daughter's 5 year struggle with PCOS stopped that night. My husband's joint pain, blood clot pain, my own struggle with my onset of Alzheimer's or dementia began to melt away. Our girl's skin started to clear from angry red, irritated. The list is long. Just the first day.

The fluoride from our medications and water, began to be eliminated. It is so powerful.

Regaining hormonal balance in the body, improves digestion, pain, some disfigurement (dowagers) (psoriasis).

It should be a slow and steady detox, healing.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted by Jacqueline (California) on 07/01/2018

Editor's Choice

I agree the drugs I was taking for rheumatoid arthritis almost destroyed my mind.

I was taking Leflunomide 20 MG and Prednisone, this combination was a nightmare for me. Now I drink Borax and also drink Marshmallow root tea and I feel so much better my fingers are no longer swollen and the stiffness in my shoulders has improved after only 1 week.

Skin Tags

Posted by Rene (Valencia, Ca) on 05/04/2018

Editor's Choice

I have to tell you I am quite shocked. I've been doing 30 mg worked up to 110 mg a day of borax past few months. I started it for my 2 knee arthritis which it has helped I still have pain but it's not the light me up screaming pain when I move it the wrong way. It's also helping my Candida overgrowth which I'm overjoyed about. But what really sets borax apart for me is I haven't read this from anybody yet.… Are you ready for this? Skin tag Yep that's right. I never get skin tags but about 10 years ago I got a skin tag in a private area. And it was a good quarter inch long. It's been there like I said for about 10 years. Well two months into doing the Borax and guess what the skin tag is almost all gone from taking borax orally! I am so happy this stuff is amazing I'm doing 110 mg and I am a woman, but this is a treatment dose, sure I will end up with the maintenance dose once everything feels better.

I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and other co issues. Eliminating my Candida overgrowth that I've been fighting for 20 years is just a blessing. This stuff is amazing I started my own Facebook group to give people support we all talk about how great it's been using borax thank you for all you do we use a lot of your videos to encourage people. I just haven't found anybody talking about borax and skin tags again this was orally, I did not apply it to the skin tag that's what really trips me out. I bet if somebody put it on a cotton ball and held it on their skin tags it would work even faster! God bless keep up the good work.

Borax Baths

Posted by David (Chadron, Nebraska) on 04/02/2018

Editor's Choice

Indeed. Yasha is about 78 years old now if she's still drawing breath, and is/was living in one of the most sparsely-populated, isolated areas of these United States of America in far northeastern Oregon (I used to live in the same county a few years back). A different breed of people live there, the very few who do, and the modern world has a tendency to confound them. Am not meaning this harshly or being mean. It's simply the way things are there. Good people, but their minds are generally made up and they can confuse when given facts. Go there, you'll see. Gorgeous country, Hell's Canyon area.

On another note, all of the vast amount of ideas, experiences, and knowledge here are quite likely helping to extend my life at present, having fought a couple of cancers all naturally for pushing 6 years here now (bladder and prostate). The borax has been incredibly effective in keeping my system on the slightly alkaline side, a critical part of my chosen therapies. It's kept the cancers from being able to grow.

Important, and respectfully- a little borax goes a long way. In my estimation- 1/8th teaspoon of borax in a quart/liter of water per day may well be too much for many if not most people. One quarter of this amount is likely fine, 1/32nd teaspoon (that is- one measured "smidgeon") dissolved well into a quart or liter of clean water per day is a strong alkalizing solution, still requiring a couple of days off each week.

And thank you one and all for spending the time to share and thus help many others. Had I gone the conventional medicine ways there would have been no way that I could have spent the last half a decade living life to the fullest. Thank you EarthClinic.

Best Borax Protocol Tips

Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/15/2017

Editor's Choice

Ok so for those having issues with Borax. I took 1/4 teaspoon in an 8 once glass of hot water about the temp you would make tea at. It was incredible each day pain seemed to melt away. About 3 weeks into this I started to get diarrhea. So I droped my dose from 1/4 teaspoon a day to 1/8 teaspoon a day and everything was good. Did improvements slow? Yes. Did my pain come back? No. I figure after a few months I will try moving back to 1/4 teaspoon a day.

Oh I am 44 years have had 3 ankle surgeries, a knee surgery, have diabetes, a leaking heart valve and a whole in half my sacrum from spinabifida. I have been terrible pain since age six and was told I would never walk again, never play sports again blah blah....Since I had the right knee of a 90 year old man at age 12 I played sports, lifted weights, climbed mountains etc.....

Oh I forgot about my broken spine and arthritis in multiple joints including my left hand. Slowly but surely I am reversing my type ii diabetes with diet and exercise. I am reversing my many issues with nutrients including Borax. I know what it is to go from squatting over 700lbs. bench pressing 475lbs. to barely being able to get out of the way of one's own shadow.

So just keep in mind that if a dose of Borax is too high and causes you side effects do not give up on it just cut the dose until the side effects go away. You can always build up but if you give up well all is lost! Take each day one day at a time. Think in terms of weeks, months, years, decades. You did not end up where you are instantly so it will likely take some time to turn things around.

As a fellow American I know we are short on patience as a Nation and want Instant Results but life does not work that way usually! Stay focused on the dream and just take one step towards it each day a marathon is not a huge intense sudden effort rather it is a series of moderate efforts repeated over and over and over again until you get to the end!

Be blessed!

-Sincerely, John.


Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/14/2017

Editor's Choice

In Response to:

Posted by Brian S. (Coombabah Qld) on 08/04/2017

I have arthritis in my fingers and knees. Last December I was told about Borax. I mix 1 1/2 teaspoons in 600 mils of water, then take 1/3 of a small glass each morning; now virtually no pain. Last Easter I was away for 5 days, but did not take my Borax. After 2 days the pain started to return.

That is rather strange. The original researcher that discovered Borax as a treatment for Arthritis and many other researchers have said the opposite. After patient had been on Borax for a few months to a year that if they suddenly stopped the pain relief lasted many months to a year after treatment stopped. If you stop and think about it that makes sense because borax is absorbed mostly by bones in the body and they have not found any plateau effect in bone like they see in soft tissues. So you should not see results of supplementation disappear in 2 days or even a few weeks time. Think about it you stop taking calcium and magnesium you bones do not turn to dust in days! If our bodies where that bad with regard to mineral maintenance we as a species would have died off many thousands of years ago. In fact even when you water fast your body does a good job holding onto sodium, magnesium and calcium with phosphorous being the problem child we just can not hold onto well when water fasting. If you are having this much problem when you stop for a 2 days or more you might need to up your does of not only Boron but also magnesium, K2 and vitamin D3. Borax/Boron works synergistic with these. You might also want to look at your faty acid profiles because lesions on articular cartilage are directly related to some fatty acid's but not other's. Remember once your bones are loaded with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron it is like money in bank or a swimming pool full of water a little daily leak is no big deal even if it goes on for weeks if the bank/pool is full. If it the bank account or pool is almost empty though even a tiny leak will have you in trouble fast.

As near as I can tell if you have osteoporosis it takes 75mg-150mg of Boron a day combined with 400mg-600mg of magnesium a day to reverse it. So you might consider these things and a bone mineral density test to see where your at. You do not need DEXA X-Ray study anymore a lot of doctors have in office bone mineral density testing that just has you insert your lower leg into a small device and it reads bone density! Bottom line is that after weeks or months of Boron supplementing you should be able to easily go 2 days with out it and not be in pain. The studies using low doses like 3mg-10mg a day are all over the place with either no statistically significant results or hit and miss results.

The people that have been preaching about Borax for 20+ years usually talk about 50mg-150mg daily doses. Some even advocate 5 days on 2 days off to guarantee that you never over do it since Boron is water soluble and is flushed regularly from your body. Also keep in mind placebo effect works both ways if you think something is a cure or will help with pain often id does even if it is just a sugar pill or salt pill but if you think you can not go with out something guess what placebo works that way too and any interruption of the "cure" and you spiral out of control. Most nutrients are not a daily thing unlike rodents humans do not balance the metabolic books every day.

Sincerely, John

Arthritis, Bad Breath

Posted by Happy (Iowa) on 10/22/2017

Editor's Choice

The borax mix treatment:

I had pain in my knees and fingers. I started using this mix and its only been one week and my knees don't ache going up the stairs. I will continue for a while longer. My daughter had a foul breath and the second day after taking the mix she has no bad breath.

Joint Pain

Posted by George (Newquay, England) on 07/25/2017

Editor's Choice

I have been using Borax in the recommended dosage for about two years now. I have digested it two ways: in 1 litre of water and in my fruit smoothie. The latter being the easiest for me. I am now 67 years of age.

I started having serious pains in my knee joints about three years ago. I was recommended for surgery to undergo total knee replacement. First my left knee, then later, my right knee. I found an article on Borax, by chance, while waiting for a hospital surgery date. I decided to give Borax ingesting a try.

By the time I was given a date for surgery, I even attended the pre-op interview. At that interview, I decided to postpone the surgery and give my knees a second chance using Borax.

Two years later, I have both my natural knee joints in place. While I still have very minor discomfort, now and again, I am pleased I decided not to have the surgery.

It is not a "magic bullet" solution. It takes dedication and determination to go and stick with Borax. At my age, I feel my muscle strength and bone health to be as good as it was 10/15 years ago.

What I failed to mention: During my knee pain era, I was taking 2 - 4 pain killers everyday, only available on prescription. I have not used (Tramadol) for over 18 months now. Another "blessing in disguise."

I hope my story and it is a true story, is of benefit to someone out there.
Thank you and stay well.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Annette (Los Angeles) on 07/20/2017

Editor's Choice

Borax for Yeast, Bone Density, Inflammation, Etc.

After reading much about boron in the form of Borax, I decided to give it a try not knowing what my results would be. I have Hashimoto (autoimmune thyroiditis), osteoporosis, undiagnosed gastro intestinal issue (like IBS, but gastroenterologist did not diagnose me after a year of seeing her! ), high blood sugar and cholesterol (total and LDL), extreme thirst for years, and have had inflammation issues for a while, especially in finger joints, but others as well including pain in left upper back for months now which I was starting to think may be some form of arthritis developing. A few weeks prior to starting the Borax, I had some sudden strange pains in my upper right chest and got unusual noxious feelings in my stomach (then) a few times. All of those unusual symptoms were strange, scary, and had just begun.

I made the liquid form using a 3 cup ball jar, mixing 3/4 rounded teaspoon of Borax into just over 3 cups of purified water.

I admit, I should have started out with 1 tsp of the above mixture in water for a few days, but I went right into the 1 tsp. of the Borax/water mix in water 3 times a day. I still had the extreme thirst when I began. Within a few days of starting the Borax, I got terrible stomach pains that stopped me cold. They did not last long, but I also had strange pains in other areas of my abdomen. I attribute the really bad stomach pains to yeast die off (herxheimer effect), because the very next day, not only did the extreme thirst go away and has not returned, but I lost all craving for sugar or other carbs (chips, etc.) and to date (6 weeks from beginning the Borax), those cravings have not returned. My appetite is somewhat suppressed, but I do eat when I'm hungry. During the first couple of weeks, I got achy all over. It was almost unbearable. So far, I have done 3 weeks on, 1 week off, and two weeks on. During the one week off, the thirst and cravings did not return. All abdominal pains have disappeared, the pain in my upper right back has disappeared, and after 6 weeks, the aches in my body have totally subsided, which has paralleled the inflammation, which has been much better to non-exhistent in the last few weeks. My gastrointestinal issues have been much better. I make/drink kefir, which has helped my gut issues greatly, but I've noticed that gut issues have improved more in the last two weeks.

With all the positive effects, I really could not wait to go back on after the one week break. I cannot wait to see what the effects are after 3 months. I plan on doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off every month. I cannot wait for my next blood work to see if my blood sugar is improved, and the next dexiscan for any bone density improvement.

My daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I certainly hope that she gives this natural "remedy" a chance to see if it will help her as well.

I look forward to the next 1.5 months and beyond with Borax! Thank you for all the information and posts! Love reading others' experiences and hope mine is encouraging for others as well.

Arthritis, Herpes

Posted by Art (California ) on 06/18/2017 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

In reply to Kate (Co),

I'm glad to hear that borax has helped your arthritis, herpes and CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)!

I have gotten stomach pain after taking borax, but this is mainly because I have drank too much at one time on an empty stomach. If I drink it as Ted suggests by sipping the liter bottle throughout the day, then I have no stomach problems. I also don't start sipping until after I have eaten breakfast which helps avoid the empty stomach issue.

You don't say what dose of borax you are taking or how you are taking it. Ted's recommended dose for women is 1/8th of a teaspoon in a liter of water sipped throughout the day or basically a slow release rate which would be less likely to cause stomach upset or other adverse events.

If you are already taking it per his recommendations and are still having stomach pain, perhaps you can try lessening your dose.

The fact that you say you got relief in 24 hours of your first dose suggests that you may be able to get by with a significantly lesser dose than whatever you are currently taking. The majority of people testing borax have mentioned results in time periods of days, weeks or months so a matter of just hours is very fast and perhaps you are very sensitive to borax and could possibly get by with significantly less. For example, let's say that you are taking Ted's recommended dose for women of 1/8th teaspoon dissolved in a liter of water, try cutting that down by half, to 1/16th teaspoon in a liter of water. If you don't have a 1/16th teaspoon to measure with, just take your normal one liter mix containing 1/8th teaspoon of borax and divide it in half by pouring half of your liter bottle into another one liter bottle. You should now have two one liter bottles with a half liter each. Top these two bottles off with purified water and you now have a two day supply of half of Ted's recommended dose for women or 1/16th teaspoon per liter.

Kate, please keep us posted on how your experiment with borax goes so that others here can learn from your experience.


Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Kate (Co) on 06/17/2017

Editor's Choice


I started taking borax 2 months ago. For arthritis in my knee which exploded skiing. I also developed the most painful disease known: Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS. This was 2 1/2 years ago. At that time I also found out I had herpes. After taking borax for only 24 hours I was able to walk 3 miles. Herpes outbreaks stopped.

The BIG problem is the side effects. Gut side effects. I sure don't want to quit borax, but am concerned about the gut pain. Can anyone tell me what happens in the gut to cause this pain?


Posted by Candybeagle (Ohio) on 05/09/2017

Editor's Choice

I have scleroderma. My hands were sore, stiff and swelling. Getting digital ulcers every couple of mths. The borax protocol seem to help the symptoms plus was feeling better in general. I also take colloidal silver msm in green juice, water kefir, probiotics, colostrum plus some other supplements and essential oils. Autoimmune disease is epidemic and yet you hear very little about it. It effects each person individually. Drs just want to give us drugs to suppress the symptoms instead of attacking the root cause of the disease and seems like the research doesn't do anything to prevent the disease. It all starts with leaky gut syndrome. When we can't absorb essential nutrients then our bodies cannot fight off invaders or heal itself. Most AI patients are deficient in Vit. D3, boron and K2. If the body does not have theses essential components then you develop disease such as cancer or AI. They say 1 in 200 people have these diseases and most do not know it. So bringing awareness to people is critical to getting a cure and methods of prevention.

I find the Borax is effective. So when someone worries about the "safety" of the this I always tell them the drugs that are prescribed for my illness are far more "dangerous" than this. LOL.

Borax Safety

Posted by Art (California ) on 03/25/2017 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

I am posting this recent double-blind randomized placebo-controlled human clinical trial of the low dose use of borax (NTB) or calcium fructoborate (CFB) in conjunction with entanercept (Enbrel) for arthritis patients, in the hope that it will answer some questions that people interested in borax might have regarding arthritis and borax.

To compare this dosing to what Ted recommended years ago, the CFB was given at a dose of 220 mg per day or about one fourth of the dose that Ted recommended for men. The borax was given at only 55 mg per day which is roughly 1/18th of the dose Ted recommended for men. The low borax dose is similar to the minimum dose that Dr. Rex Newnham found to be effective in some people.

Here is a link to the full study:

Studies involving borax and humans or animals are often centered on testing the toxicity of borax. In most of these toxicity studies borax shows itself to be relatively safe at the doses that most people use for arthritis symptom management.

In this study CFB was shown to be more effective than NTB, but it should be noted that NTB was given at one fourth the dose of CFB and this may partially explain the difference in effectiveness. For those of you wondering where you can get calcium fructoborate, it is available on Amazon.®-Support-Capsule-Fructoborate-Supplement/dp/B00FZPYB6Y/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

CFB is very significantly cheaper than Enbrel which costs between $2,444 to $2,690 per month for the dose used in this study (50 mg), according to Consumer Reports. CFB costs about fifty cents a day. Borax is significantly cheaper than CFB at less than a nickel per day.

Borax and other borates have a relatively good safety profile, but it should be noted that in this study, patients who have, ' hypersensitivity or severe adverse effects to boron containing formulas ' were not allowed in the study. This is a point I have tried to make before, that some people simply can not tolerate borax and to continue to try and take it when your body is reacting badly to it may be just asking for more health problems. On the other hand, for people who do tolerate borax, it can be life changing. By comparison, the bilogic drug used in this study can have severe adverse health effects that may include death according to this link:

In any case, I hope this study answers some of the questions that people considering borax may have. I never expected to see a study like this, but I am glad to see that the science is starting to confirm what many who use borax successfully already know!



Posted by Joe S. (Boston Ma.) on 03/07/2017

Editor's Choice

I deplore honeymoon reviews. I've waited nearly 10 years to chime in! Sorry bout that.. At age 40 osteo-arthritis was setting in and was worst in my toes (two surgeries) back (car accident) as well as what we expect as "normal" in a couple of my digits. I started to get relief from the 1/8th-1/4 teaspoon Borax protocol within a month. After 6 months my pain in latter areas was reduced by more than 80% and remains so 10 years post.

Broad Benefits

Posted by John (Pennsylvania) on 02/14/2017

Editor's Choice

Hi. I just wanted to tell you how I've been taking my borax and how its helped me. I've been making a fruit smoothie which I drink through out the day via a thermos and just been putting the 1/4 teaspoon of borax directly in it.

What I've noticed is my back pain, leg pain gone. Other things like hormone issues great again but I've had a mastoid ear infection since I was a child. Been on many antibiotics, tried everything even had a mastoidectomy done with cholesteatoma removed and nothing had any good effect till I started using borax in my smoothies with vit. C.

I wanted to let you guys know and thank you for the great info and the fact of the matter is that without the info my infection would still be here and once again thank you.

About Borax

Posted by Colt Wind (Usa) on 12/21/2016

Editor's Choice

Ordinary borax becomes boric acid and sodium in the tummy. This is the very best way to feed the body with boron, the ionic form. It will fight to prevent arthritis and if you have arthritis it will 98% of the time treat it although you must keep taking it for best results. The Chinese have been using borax to fight fluorosis and arthritis. Boron takes calcium which is in the absence of boron leaves calcium free floating in the blood(not good) boron forces the free floating calcium into the bones and teeth which greatly improves their strength. Nations with low boron/borax in the water and food supply have very hight rates of arthritis- 40 to 60% whereas nations with just 8mg in the daily diet have less than 1% incidence of arthritis. Natural organic apples of years gone by had a good 25mg per apple whereas commercial apples may have less than 1mg because of mineral depleted soils. There is an effort to dissuade usage of borax because there is so much money- vast billions- made from arthritis medicines. Every cell in the human body needs boron to make cell walls and we have nearly no boron in our diet. An "00" capsule a day is fine. Drink with water and make sure you take a good 400mg of magnesium malate or magnesium citrate and a good glass of water with it. I would not believe these utterly false reports posted on here. It is so easy to just make up misinformation.

Boron Vs Borax

Posted by Herman Rutner (Ma ) on 12/03/2016

Editor's Choice

I am a retired chemist and have used boric acid and borax extensively, in the lab and as supplement, both oral and topical. Though extensively used as an effective ant poison when mixed with sugar, boric acid is quite safe and non irritating, indeed having been used for decades as an eye wash. Similarly borax is basically boric acid with a lot of sodium. Both contain boron about 22% for boric acid versus 11% for borax. And oral borax is instantly converted to boric acid in stomach acid. Contrary to medical hype attempting to block its use as an effective arthritis remedy in Australia and Europe where sales are banned, it is about as toxic as common salt and widely used baking soda in antacids.

The major problem is high sodium in borax for persons on low salt diets. Luckily it can still be bought also as fairly pure 20 Mule borax for use as an excellent detergent enhancer and an arthritis remedy at about 1/4 teaspoon borax or hard to find pure boric acid, best USP or NF grade, in quart of water taken in small portions over about 16 hrs. Google The Borax Conspiracy to get the facts and disregard medical hype seeking to outlaw this arthritis remedy, another miracle drug like aspirin.

Also chelated boron sold as 3 mg capsules may not be as effective.

Borax Tips

Posted by Judi (Tullahoma, Tn) on 11/15/2016

Editor's Choice

Borax should be taken with a Magnesium supplement of 400-600mg per day. This helps the effectiveness, as well as minimizing the side-effects.

Please check out a full article on The Borax Conspiracy & dosage by Dr. Newnham who discovered its healing properties at site below (scroll down till you see actual article) :

Broad Benefits

Posted by Katiekaye (Bend, Or) on 09/12/2016

Editor's Choice

I just wanted to say ~ that the 20 Mule Team Borax diluted (1 rounded teaspoon) in one quart of water 32 ounces (if you have city water I would not use it and get distilled water or the Zero Water purifier which is AWESOME)

I have No More Pain in my shoulders (even had a cortisone shot 5 months ago in one) and I started taking the Boron concentrate in water (not with meals but before bedtime on an empty stomach) and not only does the left shoulder not hurt anymore at all but the right shoulder does not hurt either (as it was starting to have joint issues! The shot didn't seem to help much but after a week of taking the 2-3 teaspoons of concentrate in a glass of water I have been Pain Free and have a lot of mobility in the shoulder where I couldn't move it before! My skin like others is BABY SOFT!!! Oh my gosh it feels like velvet it is so smooth! My hair is thicker and feels fuller ~ and my wounds have healed very quick! (I have injured myself with some tools I was using repairing old Coleman Lanterns) and the deep gashes healed within a week where before I started using the 20 Mule Team Borax soap my wounds would not heal for weeks! I am so amazed I tell EVERYONE how wonderful this is but family thinks I am crazy and even though my two sisters suffer severely with back/bone Osteoporosis they won't try this mixture ~ so sad ~ and I just lost my niece to Lung/Brain cancer she was only 53 years old and I am close to 70 myself!

If you try this, I am telling you ~ you will Not Be Sorry! The Results Are Amazing,,,, how thankful I am for the PDF File "The Boron Conspiracy Theory" you will understand WHY big Pharmaceutical Companies wants this outlawed ~ they would lose Billions if people would only try this Natural Mineral!!!

Abdominal Pain, Bloating

Posted by Merlin (Queensland) on 09/10/2016

Editor's Choice

I too have found a huge, albeit unexpected, improvement in my gut since taking borax powder (This didn't happen whenI was taking borax supplements in tablet form). Pretty much since the day I ran out of the tablets and used 'cleaning' borax (pure with no additives) I have noticed this effect. I told my mother about it as she too has had major gut issues that have caused her serious pain for over 20 years. She has been diagnosed with IBS and told basically that she has to live with it. She too has had next to no issues since taking borax powder (1 tsp dissolved in 1 Liter of water, then add 1 tsp of this liquid to a glass of water to drink every day, sometimes 2x a day.)

Mouth Sores

Posted by Kelsie S (Grand Blanc, Mi) on 09/07/2016

Editor's Choice

A dilution of Borax in water worked beautifully on curing my daughter's mouth sores. She had cracks in the corners of her mouth for a few weeks. I applied herbal balms and kept them clean, but they just weren't going away. Then I checked earth clinic, my favorite site, and someone mentioned that its a fungal infection. My lucky day!! Because I know Borax knocks out fungus like no ones business. And it didn't disappoint this time either.

So I just diluted Borax in water, about 1/4 cup of Borax in 8 oz. Use warm water and stir until most is dissolved. Sometimes you're left with extra borax crystals and that's ok. Now you use this solution on the corners of your mouth 2-3 times per day, or anywhere you have a fungal infection. Just saturate a cotton ball and dab on. Don't rinse off, just air dry. It may cause drying. You can use a nice herbal salve or whatever to moisturizer. I also recommend applying borax to any fungal infection for 5-7 days after the sores have cleared. Fungus is a tricky beast. You gotta kill every last bit or it'll sneak back in..

Well that's it! Seriously, try this remedy for yeast and fungus. You won't regret it. And nothing to be worried about...Borax is less toxic than table salt if swallowed. Its a useful internal remedy too, but that's another subject matter. Good luck!

Broad Benefits

Posted by Dave (Mi) on 07/11/2016

Editor's Choice

I have been taking borax internally for two months with no side effects, my toe fungus cleared fast, my stamina went up fast, my cuts heal fast. Of course Big Pharma will say it's toxic, there is no money in it for them. It's safe and my father had stage 3 bone and lung cancer and after taking borax for 6 months he is cancer free!!!! I heard it from the Drs mouth myself he is cancer free and that is what prompted me to try it.

Borax Dosages

Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 03/28/2016 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

Ted and many others here including myself have mentioned Borax as a very effective arthritis remedy that is readily available and is dirt cheap. Borax is just over 11% boron so if you use Borax at the doses that Ted has previously mentioned of 1/8th teaspoon for smaller people and 1/4th teaspoon for larger people, you will be getting about 55mg or 110mg of boron respectively.

For me it takes the larger dose to completely control arthritis, but each person is different and starting lower and working your way up makes good sense......why use more than you need to get the desired health benefit. Dr. Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, who discovered and popularized the use of Borax and boron in the 1960's said that some people found benefit with as little as 10 mg per day and for people who's condition was more severe and or of longer duration, it could take more Borax or boron and it could take up to 3 or 4 months to get the full benefit.

Studies on boron show that it offers many health benefits to people that goes well beyond just arthritis and osteoporosis, two common uses for it. Below is a short abstract from PubMed that lists some of those health benefits of which there are more than what is listed.

For those who are concerned about the safety of Borax and boron, as you should be, there is an abstract below the first one that explains this in clear language and Ted's dosing does not even come close!


Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015 Aug;14(4):35-48.

Nothing Boring About Boron.


The trace mineral boron is a micronutrient with diverse and vitally important roles in metabolism that render it necessary for plant, animal, and human health, and as recent research suggests, possibly for the evolution of life on Earth. As the current article shows, boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α); (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; (7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; (8) improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders; (9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)); (10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and (11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents. In none of the numerous studies conducted to date, however, do boron's beneficial effects appear at intakes > 3 mg/d. No estimated average requirements (EARs) or dietary reference intakes (DRIs) have been set for boron-only an upper intake level (UL) of 20 mg/d for individuals aged ≥ 18 y. The absence of studies showing harm in conjunction with the substantial number of articles showing benefits support the consideration of boron supplementation of 3 mg/d for any individual who is consuming a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables or who is at risk for or has osteopenia; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis (OA); or breast, prostate, or lung cancer.






[Available on 2016-08-01]

Biol Trace Elem Res. 1998 Winter;66(1-3):343-57.

Comparative toxicology of borates.

Hubbard SA1.

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Inorganic borates, including boric acid, Na, ammonium, K, and Zn borates generally display low acute toxicity orally, dermally, and by inhalation. They are either not irritant or mild skin and eye irritants. Exceptions owing to physiochemical properties do occur. Longer-term toxicological studies have been reported mainly on boric acid or borax where the properties are generally similar on an equivalent boron (B) basis. The critical effects in several species are male reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity. The doses that cause these effects are far higher than any levels to which the human population could be exposed. Humans would need to consume daily some 3.3 g of boric acid (or 5.0 g borax) to ingest the same dose level as the lowest animal NOAEL. No effects on fertility were seen in a population of workers exposed to borates or to a population exposed to high environmental borate levels. There is remarkable similarity in the toxicological effects of boric acid and borax across different species. Other inorganic borates that simply dissociate to boric acid are expected to display similar toxicity, whereas those that do not dissociate simply to boric acid may display a different toxicological profile.



[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hidradentis Suppurative

Posted by Kristina (Arizona) on 03/15/2016

Editor's Choice

I was experiencing a horrible auto immune condition called HS (Hidradenitis Supperativa). Very, very painful and debilitating. I decided to try the borax protocol to attack the autoimmune condition. In six weeks all symptoms of my condition had disappeared and it is 10 months later and I continue to be healed. I now drink borax water once or twice a week. I drink 1/4 tsp in the liter of distilled water once or twice a week. I give 1/4 of the above mentioned dilution to both my children once or twice a week.

My Mom has been drinking it daily for 9 months (after seeing my amazing results) due to a number of health afflictions, and has skin growing on her legs where she has had open wounds for 30 years from a recluse spider bite.

My coworker drinks the above mentioned dilution daily and has had a significant reduction in her rheumatoid arthritis pain. In fact over the winter she was shocked to 'notice' she was barely hurting in her hands at all...

I was desperate for answers when I tried this and I'm so glad I did. Decide for yourself, trust your instincts. Good luck.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Nathan (Auburn, Michigan ) on 01/04/2016

Editor's Choice

I've been taken borax for all most a month now and I am feeling great my knees don't hurt anymore, I'm sleeping better and getting more energy by the day.

The questions I have. Does the borax flush out fungus from the body? I have read about hair growth since I'm 48 male with hair loss.

While I'm taking 1/8 of a teaspoon borax in a liter of distilled water, do I make a paste to put on my scalp? To make the follicles to start hair growth. Or is there something else I should do.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Posted by Art (California, Usa) on 11/11/2015 2370 posts

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I have had severe psoriatic arthritis for most of my adult life which affected my toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, upper back, shoulders, neck, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. So pretty much everything.

I used the borax remedy frequently posted here and around the web and within three months, I had complete remission and I went from severe joint pain to no joint pain and the effects of the borax would last for months if I stopped taking it and then I would start the borax at the first hint of joint pain and it would go away within two weeks and I would stop the borax again. So that was how I used it.

More recently I did more reading about borax and have decided that instead of stopping borax once the joint pain stops, I will continue using it at the smaller person dose (1/8th teaspoon in a liter of water) instead of the larger person dose (1/4 teaspoon). The reason for this is that borax has other health benefits and in order to get those benefits it will probably be better for me to take borax continuously at the 4 or 5 day a week schedule outlined in the borax remedy.

Borax is purported to work for other forms of arthritis like osteo, rheumatoid and juvenile.


Borax Safety

Posted by Mark (Exeter, United Kingdom) on 08/22/2015 12 posts

Editor's Choice

Below is my email to intralabs and their reply stating the safety of borax, the only toxic effects apply to unborn babies whose mother ingests. The 'powers that be' have left that bit out to make us think toxicity applies to all of us, hence shops removing borax and replacing with borax substitute (which really is toxic!! ). Email intralabs yourselves for reassurance. They are very cheap too. Label warnings of dangers and toxicity are put on Borax by law.


From: mark speed Sent: 24 October 2014 06:26 To: [email protected] Subject: Borax or Borax?

Hi, Im confused about 'Borax' mainly as my nan used to drink small amounts to rid herself from arthritus, also using it as shampoo then rinsing afterwards with citric acid, she fed her plants with it as every living organisms cells require borax! So I dont understand why yr Material Safety Data Sheet says it is toxic ingested and a skin irritant?

She is still alive & free from arthritus and swears by the stuff. When talking with a few oldies at my mums residential care home it became clear that a fair few in their generation used borax on skin and ingested with no problems, I think the borax product was called '20 mule' or similar.

Please could you tell me why yours is so toxic please?? Also...I always understood that borax and boric acid are the same substance apart from one of them has more water molecules than the other, any advice on this lol?

I want to purchase from you but not if you sell a toxic form as im removing all mainstream pollutant chemicals from my home, then just using borax, citris acid, soap flakes, soda crystals, bicarb of soda and white vinegar for everything from hardcore cleaning, laundry, personal hygiene, pet and my shampoo, insecticide etc (the oldies convinced me there is no need for the squillions of products poisoning us everyday just so some fat cat corporate ****rs can rake in the profits at our expense).

Hope you can help me aquire the borax I talk of if you dont supply the safe version, all I can find is a substitute which my gran says is not borax either!!

Thanks in advance Mark


Sent: Friday, October 24,2014 at 4:27 PM From: "Intralabs - Dan" To: "'mark speed'" Subject: RE: Borax or Borax?


Borax was reclassified 4 years ago as Repro-toxic by the EU which means that it could damage fertilitiy or an unborn child if eaten.

Borax is not toxic to your general health (other than that just stated) and is actually less toxic than table salt.

This is the reason why your relative is quite well and not ill. 20 mule team borax is the same as the borax we sell, the only difference is that it's not classed as repro-toxic by US law but is by EU law.

20 mule team is a brand of borax, it's all the same.

Kind regards Dan

Intra-Laboratories, Unit 5, Devonshire Meadows, Broadley Park Road Plymouth, PL6 7EZ

Tel: 01752 724109,

Borax Dosages

Posted by Bajanine (Grand Junction, Colorado) on 12/12/2014

Editor's Choice

If you are unsure how much boron you are receiving from borax (sodium tetraborate, sodium borate, sodium tetraborate or even disodium tetraborate).

Here is how you figure it out:

Borax is: Na2B4O7.10H20

The atomic weights are:

Na = 22.98976928, B = 10.81, O = 15.999, H = 1.008


(22,9897*2)+(10.81*4)+(15.999*1*10)+(1.008*2*10)=381.3625 approx.

Total Boron is 10.81*4=43.24

Boron factor is 43.24/381.3625 = .11338

Boron factor is .11338 so the boron percentage is 11.338%. So regardless of how much volume of borax you use you need to weigh it and multiply the total weight of borax by .11338, this give you how much boron you are receiving.

This brings back memories of high school chemistry. ;)

Sinus Infections, Loss of Smell and Taste

Posted by Joseph (Boulder, Colorado) on 09/06/2014

Editor's Choice

Updated dosage!!!!! Of borax per 8oz neti pot (in case you don't see my recent post): for lingering sinus issues.... am now using 1 teaspoon borax + 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in 8 oz neti, twice in each nostril daily.

After almost complete loss of both smell and taste, after 5 years of sinusitis.... fully restoring olfactory function is a pretty big deal...western medicine has nothing remotely as effective, with toxic pharmaceuticals, to be sure...

Broad Benefits

Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/26/2014

Editor's Choice

OK, just the facts. I'm taking an almost homoeopathic dilution of borax; 1 rounded teaspoon dissolved in 1 litre of water. Then take 2 to 3 teaspoons per day of this already dilute solution. Much less than I've seen recommended here but it works a treat for me.

On the first day I noticed nothing at all, including no ill effects.

On the second day a thick coating appeared on my tongue, clearly this was yeast being chased out of my system. I also noticed that my skin was much softer. I'm male so I wasn't looking for this but it certainly feels healthier, so yay! In the evening I felt very tired and had to sleep; I have had insomnia forever so this was surprising.
On the third day the many discoloured patches on my skin disappeared - not faded; gone! I've had these patches for about 20 years and I've known they were fungus for all that time and now they are completely gone. Also my hair feels softer and thicker.
Sometime during all of this I noticed that the osteoarthritis in my knees was diminished to such a degree that the pain of walking was almost gone.

It is now the 4th day since I started taking borax and the gains continue unabated. My tongue has cleared up and I'm even losing weight. Lots of weight. In 4 days.

Can this be happening? The sceptic in me wants to reserve opinion but the results so far are so breathtaking that I had to post this. The main point I wanted to make was the extremely dilute solution I'm using, and yet it still works. So, if you are have trouble getting your head around ingesting borax, perhaps you could try this method too. By my reckoning you'll be taking roughly 1/200th of a teaspoon of borax per teaspoon of liquid and you can barely taste it. Hope this helps.

Good luck all.

Abdominal Pain, Bloating

Posted by Veesue (Sheridan, Wy, Usa) on 03/10/2014

Editor's Choice

Prioris, Bill, Ted, and TimH..etc: Thank you all so much for your informative posts on borax. They have explained my mild die-off reaction (herxheimer effect) from using it. I shall cut back a bit on the intake and continue on.

For the record, my apparent die-off reaction consists only of morning diarrhea.

The apparent positive effects that I have noticed recently have been that my chronic abdominal bloating has all but completely disappeared (I've literally had that for decades). Along with the bloating, general abdominal pain and discomfort have also all but disappeared, which included daily, middle-of-the-night deep burning pain in my gut.

Please note, that along with starting the borax regime, I have also started the “water cure” (Google it), which involves properly hydrating your body. These two remedies have removed a dark cloud of dismal depression that many digestive-related issues have caused me for many years. It feels like I have a new life. Cheers and blessing to all!!

Broad Benefits

Posted by Gizzy514 (Montreal, Canada) on 01/21/2014

Editor's Choice

I recently found out about the benefits of boron... as we know it, borax, and was very impressed with what I found out. As with most trace elements, we must be sure to consume not more than our bodies can handle. With this being said, I am a vegetarian, consume as much organic vegetables and fruits as possible, and try to stay away from processed foods/junk foods. I drink between 500ml-1l of water with 1/8 of a teaspoon (0.625g) of borax dissolved in the water. It has a slightly metallic taste, but after a while it goes away... I wonder if it is possible that since my boron levels have increased, my body doesn't notice it as much? (Question for anyone with an answer). I noted that a lot of people say they cannot ingest the borax, causing indigestion, nausea, etc... I don't think that all the sites mention that borax is a base with a pH level of around 9.5. When that mixes with our stomach acids, it may render the acids unable to properly break down our foods for further digestion. I prepare my water for evening consumption, and I don't space it out and I have had no ill effects to date (I've only been taking it for two weeks, and I can't tell you how fantastic I feel) I skip days as well... My cognitive function has improved, my mood is to die for (crap, no more crabbiness, lol)... my joints feel well oiled, and no aches and pains...I am a fairly healthy, active 54 year old and has since developed energy to start lifting weights, getting back in shape... my oomph is back. Another incredible think I noticed was that my skin has improved totally... I never had "bad" skin, but most noticeably are my hands... It is very cold where I live, and usually in the winter months, I suffer from dry hands (not cracked, just dry skin) and my hands are soooooo smooth and soft! No hand cream, no oils... I have put nothing on my hands. Any cuts heal quicker and my appetite is balanced...I am not craving foods, or anything to replace what my poor body has been missing: boron. The regulator of minerals. A superb building block essential for normal, healthy function of living things. Just make sure you take the required amounts & remember it may affect your digestive my tip, if it works for you, is not to drink it just before or after a meal...I am waiting at least 2.5 - 3 hours after my last meal.

Borax Baths

Posted by Vital Salts (San Diego Ca) on 09/11/2013

Editor's Choice

For those having issues ingesting Borax I would suggest bathing. I had major healing bathing using various mineral salts in a hot bath for an hour a day for six weeks. I had been diagnosed with lyme and associated co infections including candida and cleared most if not all symptoms using bath salts, citrus (vit. C) and hydrogen peroxide in combination topically. I used Borax, Epsom, sea salts and dead sea salts together. I would also add half a bottle of Hydrogen peroxide and scrub my skin with citrus. I used about 4 cups total salt per bath. Soaking the neck and thyroid seems important and I cleared lumps around my thyroid and all sorts of skin anomalies. Whenever I feel sick again from environmental toxins and parasites I just take a few baths a week and it clears my system. I was sick for 8 years and tried western and non-traditional treatments and nothing worked like this bath formula. I never ate borax but did increase ingesting mineral salts, Vitamin C and MSM. I also like to put Borax in my work boots. I noticed a detox from this.


Posted by Maryann (Walla Walla) on 09/10/2013

Editor's Choice


I posted last year as Mary Margaret. I suffered desperately with severe pain and depression for 17 years. I am now well. I followed Teds Borax detox protocol for 3 weeks to rid my body of fluoride. I thought I might die from the severity of the headaches body pain and stomach pain and sickness during the Borax treatment. At the end of 3 weeks I was almost 100% well. Then I slowly got off the cymbalta and stopped taking ibuprofen. It's been almost a year now. When I completed the Borax treatment I followed Jason Utley's Fibromyalgia cure. A few times during these last four months I had neck and head pain return. I did Borax for 3 days and the pain was gone. I take all the vitamins recommended by Jason Uttley three or four times weekly. I use only coconut oil for cooking. I NEVER touch any soda whatsoever and very little sugar or white flour or milk products. About six months ago I switched from Thyroxin to Armour thyroid for my low thyroid. I weighed 178 in March of this year and now I weigh 153. I also walk ALOT and dance on my little trampoline. Life is so awesome. I have no more depression and very little pain.. Mostly no pain. I still have some gastritis and once in awhile my eyes burn. I have a lot of mercury in my mouth which I haven't been able to get removed due to finances. All of you w Fibromyalgia read Jason Utley's cause and cure and look for Teds Borax protocol. I'm living proof that Fluoride is a major cause of this disease.

THANK YOU Earthclinic... Jason and Ted. What an amazing blessing you have given me.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 04/19/2013

Editor's Choice

I've waited to write a post on this for a long time as I have been adjusting our treatments to see if they really are effective. At this point I'm pretty confident about borax's ability to stem fungal hair loss and other ailments that my boyfriend has, although this is still very much a work in progress. We are also trying to heal and remedy other ailments that might or might not be connected. This is going to be long, sorry!

It all started a few years ago when I noticed that my boyfriend's beard was getting patchy and also very itchy. He's very laissez faire about everything health-wise, so I just waited until he felt ready to address the problem. He's almost 40 and has hair loss typical of a male his age on top of his head, which he also scratches. Soon, the beard patchiness was getting very obvious; to the point he was not growing hair on his mustache in certain places, and it was even showing when he did shave. I started to tease him that he looked like Hitler, because it wasn't growing past the width of his nose on one side. That's when he started to notice. He had large patches on his cheeks where hair wasn't growing, either.

A month later we moved from sunny Colorado to rainy Seattle and he developed a small patch of ringworm on his back. That's when I put my foot down and decided that we were going to treat his fungal infections instead of waiting for them to spread further. As soon as I saw the ringworm I made him jump in a bath with a 1/4 cup of borax and scrubbed his back (and head, neck, and chest) with the borax in a paste with water. I had him leave it on for about 5 minutes. He said that his skin felt like it was burning, but mildly, like a rash. After the bath he said his skin felt good and wasn't itchy. As a health experimenter, I felt that this was a good sign that his hair loss was a fungal problem.

Within a week of daily baths his ringworm disappeared. Within a month of scrubbing his face with borax he no longer had patchy beard growth. I had him shave more frequently and "borax" his face, along with applying tea tree oil and coconut oil, as well. He shaves intermittently, sometimes twice a week, sometimes twice a month and isn't very consistent with doing anything but borax. Even then, he forgets why until his face becomes itchier. We continue to put a few tablespoons of borax in his bath water (he likes baths) to counteract the chlorine, fluoride, and any continuing fungal issues he may still have.

I was still concerned, however, that we were just chasing after the fungus and not treating it. If he didn't take a bath every day or didn't scrub his face with borax when he did, his beard would get itchy and slightly patchy. It would go away the next time he scrubbed, but it was still disconcerting to me. The problem is, I am not him, and therefore it is not my life to dictate. If it were me, I would immediately assume that I might have a case of mild systemic candida and treat it as such, probably by following Bill's protocols. He is his own person and does not want to give up his Dr. Pepper habit, hates vegetables, won't take anything that tastes bad (like alkalizing remedies): pretty much the opposite of treating candida. Ok, c'est la vie. So I work with what I can do for him, and offer solutions when I can.

After giving him some information on borax and boron several months ago, he decided that he wanted to explore the possibility of boron supplementation. He started taking a boron and mineral supplement and found relief for a few niggling concerns. For one thing, his knees stopped hurting, which he hadn't even realized were hurting! Also, he found that his hormones started to perk up and found he had a libido again, after seeming to lose it without realizing either! (Maybe he needs to work on his biofeedback response?) So far the pills seemed to be an effective remedy, but still weren't addressing the fungal issues like I had hoped.

Somewhere along the line, probably realizing the cost of expensive boron pills, he felt ready to take Ted's borax in water remedy. We already use borax for baths, cleaning, laundry and killing mold in our damp apartment, so I have plenty on hand. I decided, for ease of use to use the "concentrated" dosing recommended in the Walter Last article on Borax, here: I use warm distilled water and dissolve the borax in it and use this concentrate, a teaspoon at a time. He takes this twice a day for five days and then takes a break for two days. We have found this to work very well for us.

This hasn't been a completely side-effect free, experiment, however. I believe that he has die-off effects from the candida, as well as halide poisoning symptoms. We seem to be able to mitigate these effects with Bill's liver protocol, as well as avoiding sources of chlorine, fluoride and bromine, especially. He also feels big mood swings, probably from his hormones trying to rebalance, and goes from being very grumpy one day to cheery, almost manic, the next day. I'm still trying to work on his hormone balancing and haven't found a solution to that yet.

As for a list of benefits, he's found great relief from his facial fungal problems. He no longer needs to be as vigilante about scrubbing his face with the borax paste. He has a renewed libido and no longer has painful knees. And the biggest, so far unmentioned, have been the cessation of symptoms of his allergies. He used to have very bad allergies, which I've been trying forever to remedy with everything I can on EC, including honey, apple cider vinegar (which is a staple in our house), probiotics, and countless other things that I can't even remember because they didn't work. At this time last year (and every year previous) he was a big, soggy ball of running nose, eyes, itchy throat, and sneezing, with sinus headaches on top. Today he can stop his allergies from turning on full bore with a sip of water with borax in it. It's a very big difference, although it is not perfect. He still has lingering issues, but so far so good.

I have been a faithful reader of EC now for over 6 years and read the Real-Time Posts page nearly every day. It's exciting for me to read all of the posts of people being helped by the information shared on this lovely site. I like to look at the wealth of info provided here and put together the connections between folks and their symptoms or remedies. I hope that somebody can gain some useful information from this post. Borax is a Yay! For us.

Borax Dosages

Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, USA) on 08/20/2012

Editor's Choice

For Taquir, I measured 1/8 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon amounts of 20 Mule Team Borax from the local grocery on a Precision Professional Digital Mini Scale ____ (This scale cost me about $30. retail in Florida, USA).

Since lumps in the Borax are compacted and Borax is a comparatively heavy substance, I mashed the lumps in the Borax powder loose before measuring (Clearly from the following measurements I must have missed a few tinies though). Since this Borax has about the same toxicity as table salt, I am sure the minute difference is negligible in effect.

My procedure was: Wack the lumps, fill the scoop, level off the scoop, then pour contents of the scoop into tare container and measure weight. The tare container was cleared of debris before each measurement.

Here are my measurement results:

  • 1/4 teaspoon 20 Mule Team weighs .73 grams, or 730 milligrams
  • 1/8 teaspoon 20 Mule Team weighs.34 grams, or 340 milligrams

So Bangkok Ted recommends 1/4 teaspoon Borax per litre of water for men, and 1/8 teaspoon Borax per litre of water for women.

Namaste, Linda

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/23/2011 392 posts

Editor's Choice

As to dosages, please check previous postings on borax toxicity I been through that so many times. If you are still not convinced, then don't do it. As to the link you submitted, borax according to them is toxic at 0.6 mg/ml -- that is equivalent in drinking terms 600 grams per liter. That is hardly the dose I am considering. The dosage I use is 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon (women requires low dose 1/8 then men 1/4 because of their size) per liter of water. That means it is added in all liters you drink and you determine if that remedy is helping you, and it doesn't require a long time, you should know within 3 to 7 days at the most. It is an essential mineral and the dose is much less than LD50. I calculate my dose assuming you weigh only one kilogram and need just 1/2 of that is my calculations for maximum dose and it is lower still if the person has any side effects on that amount. Therefore, the dose of 1/8 for women's dose is based on that.

As to details of ankylosing spondylitis, I don't have many patients here, probably I seen one or two. What I can conclude with certainty is it helps. The autoimmune disease for all mycoplasma and mycobacterium is really simple, the mycobacterium enters healthy cells and infects the inner cells, that's why is is so difficult to kill it and that is why they referred to as attacking healthy cells, but they are not healthy. Suppressing immune system would hardly be the way to go.

However there are a couple of avenues I found where we can kill them from the inside. Remember that nearly all antibiotics are useless with attacking the inside the cells they do not enter the insides of cells. There is one or two antibiotics that does get inside the cells - one is doxycycline the second one is minocycline. For the desperate I guess they will even try the second one. The doxycycline use is a lot better, which is one capsule and twice a day for the first time, and thereby once a day it takes about a week to know some effect but the people here it takes them only a day. Minocycline is a generally not recommended because of side effects, but those who do not respond will try it anyway. It causes nausea.

As to the borax, you can mix with hydrogen peroxide 3% one capful per 1 liter of water and 1/8 teaspoon. It hardly has any side effects, unless you have other issues, such as metal poisoning, in that case we treat metal poisoning first such as mercury poisoning amalgam or lead poisoning, in which case I prefer to use disodium EDTA or my favorite tetra Sodium EDTA, as it is less acidic. Without the metal poisoning it will be a bit easier by skipping this step and add take borax with hydrogen peroxide. In order to allow the body some breathing room between oxidation and anti-oxidation, you can try hydrogen peroxide for 5 days and no hydrogen peroxide for 2 days, and borax for all days.

The other way I have developed of killing the infection from the inside the cells is DMSO and Lugol's with aloe vera oil applied from the outside. That works too. There is also another method I have tried which is Castor oil with DMSO, that works too. And then if he doesn't respond to that one, this respond positively no matter what is the DMSO with tannic acid, where tannic acid is given at 1/8 teaspoon per 100 cc of DMSO and mixed with 30% to 50% water. As to the castor oil and DMSO is mixed with 50% each. As to the Lugol's and DMSO it's just applying Lugol's the area and then apply DMSO, then to relieve the inflammation I apply the aloe vera oil.

That's just the initial success then to help you way to recovery I probably require aloe vera oil drops between 5 to 10 drops, magnesium chloride solution 8 drops three times a day, and some 5000 i.u. of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3.

There is one thing you have to be aware of, normal antibiotics takes 9 months that's just for doxycycline. so I expected any natural remedies would take that long too, because mycobacterium that lines the inside the cells takes time, but if you do things right it may require less time.

In Bangkok things are a little strange. I chase clients because I think I have a cure, but people from Earthclinic at least, they are chasing me! There's probably an explanation in order as to why this occurs. It seems as if people here have the cure or at least something that will help them for their condition and therefore I am just drowned by other competitors! Since competition usually wins out (hospitals and other alternative healers) I spend my day typing out remedies if I have a free time.


P.S. The website mentioned in your post is administering a toxic dose even at 0.1 mg per milliliter works out to 100 mg per 100 milliliter works out to 1000 grams per 1000 milliliter. My dose is 1/8 teas per 1000 milliter or 1 liter.

Bald Spots

Posted by Cassidyok (Fresno, Ca) on 02/02/2011

Editor's Choice

We've been using 1/3 cup of Borax in a large hair conditioner bottle--filled up the rest of the way with water. It's easy to use in the shower because it has a pump. My sweetheart has a bald spot that's been bugging him and 10 days ago he decided he would start using the Borax for shampoo and Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted) for a hair rinse.

Today he trimmed his hair and we noticed ALOT of hair on his bald spot. I haven't been checking it because I didn't want to jinx anything or bring attention to him using an "alternative" remedy.

It is really working!! Thank you ever so much for this site. I refer to it often.

Athlete's Foot

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 02/04/2010

Editor's Choice

Borax for athletes foot:

After trying everything else you could buy at the store for his pretty much life long athletes foot problem - and not having results my boyfriend finally decided to try the remedy I kept telling him to try... borax - which he thought was poison him instantly but he 'trusted' the OTC stuff at the store!!! LOL

He wet his feet and then took a handful and rubbed it all over his feet.

He said they stopped itching immediately! He was stunned.

A few weeks later I asked him how his athletes foot was and he said: oh wow! It hasn't come back! That stuff totally cured it!!!

Now he tells all his friends about borax ;)


Posted by Fabat50 (Sb, Ca) on 08/22/2009

Editor's Choice

YEA!!!! Love BORAX my husband and I have been using it as scrub for months, no soap, still use shampoo though, But skin has never felt better. Cant wait to take shower it feels so GOOD! Just get wet, Turn off water, Get a palm or two full and scrub, FEELS GREAT! RINSE, then MAYBE a little VCO, sometimes, WOW! BABY SOFT!


Posted by Denise (Biloxi, Mississippi ) on 05/25/2009

Editor's Choice


A brief history. 7 years ago thyroid cancer, the next year adrenal fatigue then early menopause, the following year uterine prolapsed followed by hysterectomy- the following year fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Early Childhood was fluorinated water along with fluoride tablets. Fall of 2008 I was looking at total disability. I could barely walk and couldn't sleep because of the pain and was throwing up daily from the pain in my back. I was on many medications that gave me no relief and I have since found out that they had fluoride as a binding agent. I was sure that my life was over at 45, but thanks to Ted and Earthclinic I am almost at 100%. After reading about fluoride I came to understand where all of my problems originated. I had all the symptoms and reactions. It has been an uphill battle with my doctors and relatives, but you can't argue with a body that is almost pain free. I began the borax detox of 1/8 tsp in a liter of water and within 3 days my symptoms were almost gone. I watch everything I eat and can detect fluoride in vitamins, foods and drinks within 15 minutes of ingesting it. I still suffer from the neuropathy and some pain from the neuropathy but I am off all meds and I have my life. I only wish more people would try to understand the fluoride connections. My sister and mother both suffer with side effects of fluoride and I have only been able to influence my mother. I still borax 5 days on and two days off and give my body a break every month or so for about a week. Thank you :)

Aspergillus Lesions

Posted by Jon (Pacific Grove, CA) on 04/21/2009

Editor's Choice

Interesting after getting a number of what are probably Aspergillus Lesions on different areas of my body - particularly the back of my hands. Which occurred after removing a ridiculous amount of mold off this crummy 60 year old rotting unventilated house in an area that has a year round average humidity of 80 to 100% (lots of fog). Initially, months ago I started with things like NeoSporin, and other AntiBiotic creams - not to mention wasted time and $$$$$ going to Doctors - It finally occurred to me these are Fungus or Mold infections on my skin - never heard of that before - funny none of the Doctors even mentioned it might be a fungus or mold.

Anyhow been through Tolnaftate, Butenafine, Magnesium Sulfate, Iodine etc. etc. lesions would get better then come back.

Finally now after two weeks of using Borax along with just regular hand soap and washing my whole body in it daily all my skin itching is GONE! The backs of my hands look completely normal (I can't believe it!) - every time I wash now I use Borax along with just some regular hand soap. Now I have to admit that initially for the first few days the infected areas turned bright red - like a sunburn - and itched like crazy but now the skin there looks totally normal and does not itch anymore. Had a lesion on my back for quite some time and now it is almost completely undetectable (this old moldy house YUCK!) Wash all my clothes in it and have taken a empty baby powder bottle, filled it with borax and I sprinkle the inside back of my tshirts with it in morning, and then spray it with a combination of distilled water and magnesium sulfate. I can't wait to see that area on my back finally completely disappear.

About Borax

Posted by Sharon (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 01/22/2009

Editor's Choice

Here's some information on the mineral boron you might find surprising...

"Prior to 1981 boron was thought to be unimportant in human nutrition. Since then numerous animal and human studies have established it as essential for normal growth and for hormones involved in bone metabolism, and for normal balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone.

A 1988 study by Neilsen and Prasad "Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease," found that boron is essential for the manufacture of several hormones. Overaggressive marketing claims touted boron for high testosterone levels; this is false, boron only helps the body to maintain normal levels. Of course without those normal levels many facets of enjoyable living will suffer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a study on boron and found that within eight days of boron supplementation of 3 milligrams, the test group of postmenopausal women showed 40% less loss of calcium and 33% less loss of magnesium through their urine than before boron supplementation. In spite of this study and numerous others, boron has yet to be added to the "Essential Nutrient" list and given an RDA intake level.

Strangely this complete article has vanished from the web! You have to ask yourself why? This article by inference explains that boron is a very cheap viagra... Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if men switched from viagra to boron... and it's good for osteoarthritis and old women's bones too!... but it's also another sad example of how the government protects big pharmy by withholding and manipulating information.

The old pharmacology of using silver, gold and alkaloids like boron is so effective at treating illnesses that it is a direct threat to the existence of current pharmacy methods and the AMA. This is how the pharmacy holdings get into the play of things... its now about racketeering and ill gotten gains, by failing to report these simple truths.

The reason the internet is currently flooded with warnings about boron is simply because Big Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if everyone knew the truth and what they fail to tell you is that all plants would die without boron and that it's a necessary mineral required by humans. The daily requirement is from 3mg to 6mg a day and up to 45mg a day is useful for treating deficiencies.

I found USP grade boron on ebay for about 8.00 per pound which is about a two year supply. While on the subject of minerals, researchers have recently discovered why the body requires zinc... it turns out that there is one molecule of zinc at the very base of your dna and if you are deficient in zinc the body simply cannot properly duplicate your dna!

Before you believe internet propaganda about the dangers of vitamins and minerals and natural remedies please remember that if you're too healthy from taking cheap natural remedies you will fail to spend thouands of dollars on doctors and toxic Rx's that hide symptoms and do nothing to eradicate disease!!!! Always ask yourself who and where your information is coming from and who stands to profit from it? Wishing you all the best of health.


Posted by Rachel (Montclair, NJ) on 12/21/2008

Editor's Choice

Borax instead of soap:

After reading all of the information about borax on the earthclinic website, I decided to experiment with it.

I started using borax in place of the liquid bodywash that I normally used in the shower. I have always had breakouts on my chest and back and have tried everything (acne creams, soaps, kits for problem skin, alcohol, changing laundry detergent) and never had any lasting success keeping my skin clear from breakouts.

Well let me tell you, since I started using the borax to wash myself with, my skin is COMPLETELY CLEAR! I've been using the borax now for about two months straight and will never go back to bodywash. I also started using it on my face and I will no longer buy facial cleansers again since the borax works so well. I still do use regular shampoo. I tried using just borax to wash my hair and the first day my hair looked great but the following two days my hair looked terrible. I now add a small handful of borax to my shampoo and use that with very good results. It is winter in NJ right now and usually I have a lot of static in my hair, but the borax seems to be counteracting that. I attribute the lack of static to the borax as that is the only different thing I am doing.

One last thing, the borax that I am using is the stuff you can get in the laundry aisle--20 Mule team borax. I love using borax and I love the Earthclinic website!


Posted by Millie (Small Town, America) on 04/11/2008

Editor's Choice

For those who are nervous about using borax, it may interest them to learn that borax is used in most Bath Salts -- that's why I already had a package of the laundry borax, was because years ago I tried making Bath Salts, and the borax is one of the main ingredients.

I also learned that when I soaked in baths containing either borax or epsom salts, that I was prone to bouts of diarhhea -- so I stopped putting together Bath Salt Recipes -- I hadn't realized how readily I seem to absorb anything placed in hot bath water.

I'm pointing this out, because this past week I read someone somewhere online caution to never put any borax on one's skin because allegedly it's so absorbable -- but that doesn't make sense, because not only do most laundry detergents contain it, & thus our clothes have residues of it, it also is found in diaper rash formulas, and anybody who likes to add mineral salts to the bath tub has probably soaked in borax on many occasions.

Fibromyalgia, Rosacea and TMJ

Posted by Pamela (City Withheld, Washington) on 09/08/2007

Editor's Choice

I have suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea and TMJ for over 10 years... My first symptoms appeared shortly after I began taking Paxil. After about 8 months when I found the Paxil side effects intolerable, my doctor switched me to Prozac. Well...within 2 years, I had gained 75 pound, couldn't get my temperature to a normal 98.6 (it wouldn't budge above 96.6), broke out with a fierce case of Rosacea (skin blistering & pealing in layers off my cheeks), was chronically fatigued and suffered from TMJ symptoms.

After reading the FLUORIDE information on EarthClinc and researching the chemical formulas of the many antidepressants that I had taken over the last 10 years, I had an epiphany...My problem was FLUORIDE!!! Incidentally, the symptoms of FLUORIDE TOXICITY are the same as Fibromyalgia so it wasn't surprising to learn that FLUORIDE is the primary ingredient in MANY widely prescribed antidepressants, including PAXIL and PROZAC!!!

Without delay, I began adding 1/8 tsp of BORAX and 1/8 tsp of NATURAL (UN-bleached) SEA SALT to a liter of
DE-CLORINATED water. This regimine just happens to both neutralize the FLUORIDE and KILL the nasty mites that cause Rosacea.

I began drinking 1 liter per day for 5 days. On the 2 off days, I simply drank purified, bottled spring water.

The results were nothing short of MIRACULOUS, within two weeks my face cleared, the redness faded and best of all, my temperature normalized TO 98.6 and my energy level began to steadily increased. (Do expect the break out to get worse before it gets better as the mites die off.)

In just one month, without dieting or changing my daily routine (other than adding BORAX & SEA SALT to my drinking water), I dropped 4 pounds and I continue to drop weight at about a pound a week. I attribute this to my increased body temperature and elevated metabolism.

ALSO...when I eliminated the FLUORIDE in my toothpaste, my gums stopped swelling and bleeding and all PREVIOUS phantom tooth/jaw pain simply disappeared.

Thank you, EarthClinc and Ted...The information you shared has truely been a blessing in my life...I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that is suffering with FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE, TMJ or ROSACEA to try this simple remedy as I have had only POSITIVE results and absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!

Incidently, this BORAX & SEA SALT water is extremely ALKALINE with a pH between 8 - 9 pH.