Health Benefits

Borax for Herniated Disc and Sciatica

| Modified on Mar 06, 2025
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1 User Review

Posted by Krusty (Greece) on 01/30/2021

Editor's Choice

Me and my father had great results using borax. Me for my herniated disc and my father for his sciatica due to osteophytes in his spinal discs.

His seizures of pain became vary rare and less acute. Me too my back pain doesn't bother me any more after six months of using cheap borax. I was limping six months ago due to my herniated disc.

We have been taking 1/4 of teaspoon 5 days per week.

My father did not do or take any other supplement at all, so it must have been the Borax. I feel my back stronger now after some months of taking Borax. I have tried exercises before with very small results. I think the problem can be helped more biochemically and Borax can strongly help. Maybe some other substances like collagen and MSM can also help.

Replied by Diane
(Lakeland, fl)

I. had bad fall in youth and again 2019. I learned Vitamin Shoppe BiocellI II. It contains hyarolonic acid, collagen type 2, msm. I have neuropathy 3 years now, epidural injections helped short term, PT, strength building, NEVER surgery, chiro decompression and inversion bed help, but cannot heal the disc. I do take k2. But I am going to add borax to see if it will help neuropathy caused by my sciatic.

2412 posts

Hi Diane,

I just wanted to suggest that Melatonin has shown the ability to help prevent intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) or improve it through multiple mechanisms of action as discussed here :

Here is a very relevant quote from the link :

' Current studies demonstrated that conditioned medium (CM) from the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐stimulated macrophages caused a series of changes about IDD, including increased intracellular oxidative stress (increased reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde levels, but decreased glutathione levels), upregulated expression of inflammation‐associated factors (IL‐1β, COX‐2 and iNOS), increased expression of key matrix catabolic molecules (MMP‐13, ADAMTS4 and ADAMTS5), reduced the expression of major matrix anabolic molecules (COL2A1 and ACAN), and increased ferroptosis (downregulated GPX4 and SLC7A11 levels, but upregulated ACSL4 and LPCAT3 levels) in nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. MLT could alleviate CM‐induced NP cell injury in a dose‐dependent manner. Moreover, the data substantiated that intercellular iron overload was involved in CM‐induced ferroptosis in NP cells, and MLT treatment alleviated intercellular iron overload and protected NP cells against ferroptosis, and those protective effects of MLT in NP cells further attenuated with erastin and enhanced with ferrostatin‐1(Fer‐1). This study demonstrated that CM from the LPS‐stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages promoted the NP cell injury. MLT alleviated the CM‐induced NP cell injury partly through inhibiting ferroptosis. The findings support the role of ferroptosis in the pathogenesis of IDD, and suggest that MLT may serve as a potential therapeutic approach for clinical treatment of IDD. '

It is my opinion that topically applied melatonin lotion (ML) applied directly to the spine at the location of the problem discs is a superior delivery method to the spinal discs when compared to even very high dose oral melatonin because topical application seems to allow very high local tissue levels of melatonin to be reached right where they are needed, which oral melatonin does not seem to be able to do as well.

Here is a link that describes how my friends made their own melatonin lotion at home to very good effect in terms of relieving pain by applying sparingly to painful problem areas of their bodies :

The following link describes forty pain relieving uses that others have reported from using ML :

The repair of the spine is a longer term treatment plan and as such, it could take months of twice a day applications in order to see benefit to the discs, but this should be additive to the HA that you are currently using. In my experience, HA, Stopain roll on and ML have shown exceptional synergy in degenerative disc disease (DDD) pain relief relatively quickly.

I discussed the use of Stopain and a specific brand and strength of HA that I found very effective for DDD pain relief here :

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!



The only thing that will cure neuropathy is a protocol that will rebuild the Myelin sheath that insulates your nerves. Your Myelin has been damaged and here is what you need to take to rebuild it - Benfotiamine - Super B complex 1 daily - Acetyl L carnatine with Alpha lapoic acid 2 pills daily - Magnesium 1 pill daily -Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 pill daily and Vitamin C 2000mg twice daily and evening primrose oil 3 capsules a day. You can get most of these at wal mart some you will have to get online and it takes patience but you will slowly get better until you are cured. Good Luck