Health Benefits

Borax for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Natural Joint Relief

| Modified on Jan 08, 2025
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6 User Reviews

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Posted by David K. (Minnivale, Western Australia) on 09/02/2022

A friend had chronic rheumatoid arthritis for a long time before I met the family. I told him to try taking boron in the form of borax, but because of the label on the container, would not - even though I showed him that I take it every day as 'preventative' medicine. So essential as our soils are deficient in it - the reason why sheep and cattle suffer from arthritis.

I showed him the on line publication, "The Borax Conspiracy" which while remaining hesitant, decided to ask his specialist if it was OK to take it.

The reply was, "If it does not do you any good, it will certainly not do you any harm." So he took ¼ teaspoon for two weeks, after which he was pain free and off all his medication for which had to have blood tests every 3 months'.

When he said to the specialist, "I suppose you will recommend this to all your patients?" The reply was: "I am not allowed to." Of course, so many people make money as a result of the suffering of other people.

Replied by Kathleen
(Orange County, ca)

Diagnosed with RA. Have tried several meds all made me sick or had side effects. Have a very sensitive stomach. Considering taking borax because it seems less toxic and easy to take. However the stomach issue, someone mentioned charcoal. So many supplements, and suggestions, makes me confused with so many options. Also, limited income. The thought of taking this is scary but so does all the toxic med RA is recommending. Help

2370 posts


Borax may still be worth a try despite the stomach issue. Keep in mind that the person who originally founded borax and boron as a potential arthritis treatment before, Ted, Rex Newnham, found benefit at dosing much lower than Ted recommended.

He reported dosing of boron as low as 6mg/day was effective for some people(50%) which would equate to roughly 55 mg/day of borax :

I have to say that that dose was not effective for me, but according to the PubMed link above, it worked for 50% of the people studied. Compare this dose of borax to Ted's recommended dose for women of roughly 500 mg/borax per day for 5 days of the week which averages out to 2500 mg/week / 7 = 357 mg/day compared to the approximate borax dose that would be needed in the link above of 55 mg/day of borax to be equivalent to 6 mg of boron actually used.

As far as cost, borax costs pennies per year.

So it seems possible that you may find borax effectiveness at some point between 55 mg and 357 mg/day. One strategy might be to start at the low dose and see how it goes after a month. If not enough benefit after a month, a slow and low dosage increase could be considered until benefit is found before reaching Ted's recommended dose of 357 mg/day of borax.

Such a strategy could potentially prevent gastro issues from ever occurring.


(Orange County, CA)

Thank you Art. I started the borax today 1/8 teaspoon in a liter. So far so good. Your Math ability is amazing and over my head. The mgs explanation is worth noting. I hope this helps without stomach issues. If it is then I will lower the dose.

2370 posts


Please keep us updated on your progress.


Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Diane (UK) on 02/08/2019

I have been using this Borax solution for several years now to fend off Rheumatoid arthritis. It works for me 99% - I get the odd twinge now and again, that's all.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Jacqueline (California) on 07/01/2018

Editor's Choice

I agree the drugs I was taking for rheumatoid arthritis almost destroyed my mind.

I was taking Leflunomide 20 MG and Prednisone, this combination was a nightmare for me. Now I drink Borax and also drink Marshmallow root tea and I feel so much better my fingers are no longer swollen and the stiffness in my shoulders has improved after only 1 week.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

I take it most days. It's just the 20 Mule Team. I do the other, alternative mixture made thus: take a 1/2 litre bottle and put 1/2 a teaspoon in the bottom. Add a little boiling water to dissolve. Top up bottle with filtered water and put into fridge. One teaspoon of this mixture = 3 mgs of boron, so start with one teaspoon in a cup of tea or coffee, and when you find no problems with that, increase to 2 teaspoons a day, then 3 teaspoons a day. I take this probably 5 times a week, but it doesn't hurt if it's taken all the time. I find it has NO side-effects and it does reduce the pain of my rheumatoid arthritis. It certainly didn't kill me. I will add however, that I take 400 mgs of magnesium every day and apparently that helps your body use the boron where it's needed.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Cheryl (Manhattan, Ks) on 01/03/2016

My husband has severe RA. Would not take Borax for the life of him. I started giving him a little more than 1/8th tsp in his hot chocolate about 5 days a week. I started this just shy of a month ago and he is so much worse than he ever has been. I can't tell him why, but I know that the symptoms will most likely be gone in a couple more months. But seeing him in pain like this is killing me... I am really scared the pain won't ever go away. He drinks coke everyday, it is like he is addicted to his soft drink... He drinks some water also, but has to have a couple cokes a day... He also has a severe heart condition.

Replied by Lauren
(Athens, Georgia)

Is he getting enough water to balance out the Borax since it is normally consumed with a liter of water? If not perhaps you should consider a smaller amount in his hot chocolate. I'm also wondering if your getting him to take magnesium as well, which he should for both the Borax and the heart (if I recall correctly).

Replied by Cheryl
(Manhattan, Ks)

Yes, he also takes Magnesium. That helps his digestive system. I have noticed he hasn't had quite as much angina; he still has some. I know it took me 6 months of taking Borax regularly for my eczema to go away.

Replied by Lisa

Hi Cheryl,

I am sorry for you and your husbands illness. One thing that stood out to me when reading your question was the fact the he consumes a huge amount of Coke. Soft drinks are well known to be health destroyers. If there was any way to curb this habit hopefully he would feel better. Interestingly enough, I attended a nutrition lecture last night given by Dr. Denice Holtzman on just this very subject. If weaning him off Coke is not possible, look for the Coke that is bottled in Mexico. I know! I was shocked by this also, but apparently Mexico forbids the use of many artificial ingredients including sweeteners as well as GMO's. (genetically modified organisms) Who Knew?

I hope you find this useful and your husband regains his health.

Sincerely, Lisa in Carefree AZ

Replied by Clay

Sugar he has to get off sugar.. The Borax protocol brought me results with my arthritis in 2 days, I was in shock. I have also cut way back on sugar. 75% or so.


Sugar is our biggest enemy. I would say I cut mine to 90% free from it.

Replied by Nicole

Wondering if you have any follow up go this?

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Rain Ra (San Francisco, California, Usa) on 04/03/2011

Anyone who has used Borax for Rheumatoid arthritis would you answer a quesiton. It is my understanding that using Borax will rid your body of fungus that causes the RA. It will cure RA. Once the Borax has worked which from what I've read takes just a couple of weeks or less, how long do you continue taking it? Do I need to continue taking every month, week, day or what?

Thank you, Rain

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Bmr (Quito, Ecuador) on 01/24/2011

My sister has RA and she is doing fine and pain free since using LDN plus Borax. The Borax helped with the pain. You can check the borax section in this site for more information.