Castor Oil
Health Benefits

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Vaginal Cervix Scar Tissue
Posted by Viola (Sparks, Nv) on 02/15/2015

I have a history of surgery in the abdominal area (appendectomy, oopherectomy of left ovary) and vaginally (conization, other). Bottom line is that I have lots of abdominal adhesions and the os of my cervix is scarred over.

The adhesions are the reason I had the left ovary removed and they are adhered to my bowel as well, causing what is called a tortuous colon. I have used castor oil to eliminate some of the abdominal adhesions. I have experienced the release of some of these adhesions as others have described.

The scarred-over os is a recent discovery through a pelvic exam and the ob/gyn is already talking about a total hysterectomy since we can't monitor what's going on in the uterus AND there is no ability for the uterus to perform its normal drainage function.

As I see it, a vaginal hysterectomy is out of the question because it isn't possible to know where the adhesions have connected to surrounding tissue.

A laproscopically performed surgery is out of the question because previous attempts have shown that there is so much of this scar tissue it's impossible to tell what's on the other side of any particular adhesion (I actually have a video of the last laproscopy showing this.)

That leaves abdominal surgery as about the only option and one that seems bound to only make things worse in the long run for all of the obvious reasons as indicated by the previous outcomes PLUS I won't have a uterus, fallopian tubes, ovary, or cervix.

In addition, I am awaiting a biopsy on cervical tissue. Presence of HPV is confirmed, I'll know more about the biopsy soon.

In addition to doing some further abdominal application of castor oil packs, I am considering using castor oil vaginally to see if I can break up the scar tissue on the cervix to open up the os and restore access to the uterus. My question is what might be the best way to do this. I am particularly concerned because however it is applied internally in this sensitive area, it is not likely to facilitate the preference I see for applying for a few days and then not applying for a few days. Once its in there, its in there. Also, how to best apply - perhaps a saturated tampon? a syringe of some sort?

I'd appreciate any ideas and or feedback you might have. My goal is to either 1) improve this condition and avoid surgery all together, or 2) provide the best possible circumstances for a good outcome should surgery prove unavoidable.

Thank you in advance for your wisdom-sharing.

Indigestion, Colic
Posted by Franco08 (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 12/23/2014

We have been using castor oil internally for indigestion and externally for colic in children. I can say that it's effective for these ailments. This is one remedy that we always have at home for emergencies. It's good to know that it has other benefits too!

Application Tips
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/25/2014

I really like the idea of using a hair dryer to help castor oil absorb. This can be used on humans also.

Today I was using a hand held infrared device when I was applying castor oil on part of my abdomen. Most infrared devices are just too expensive purchase. The one I had I bought on amazon (infrarex st-302) for $20 and it works for a small area. It comes with an extra bulb. Before I bought it I wondered why it was so cheap and why the other products couldn't bring down the price so I was leery. I have had it a couple years and it's worth every penny. It gives one more options in treating various situations.

I saw a infrared device in a chiropractors office but expensive model. Instead of someone paying $50 a treatment, I had them use this cheap device themselves and they got positive results. It's a good addition to your medicine chest at very low cost.

Many people have difficult financial situations so any DIY approaches to pet care are very helpful.

Sinus Issues, Loss of Smell
Posted by Nizar (Toronto, Canada) on 07/13/2014

I am 70 plus, and had sinus issues for the last 50 years. A couple of years back, I read about castor oil, and I put in 5-6 drops at night before going to sleep, and thanks God, after about 7 days, sinus disappeared.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/28/2014

Dear Mary,

I have not had trouble with castor oil causing any type of skin outbreak on me or my family members. We have used it on faces, necks, backs, feet, etc, with no problem. When I use it on my face, sometimes I put a few drops of Rosemary Essential Oil into it (a few drops in an ounce of Castor Oil.) But lately I have just used it plain. (At first I had added the Rosemary because I didn't care for the smell of castor oil, but I guess now I am used to it.) Sometimes I mix castor oil into homemade salves or oil blends for various purposes...I have mixed it with olive oil, coconut oil, and/or almond oil. I have always been happy with castor oil however I have used it.

I hope it will work well for what you need, as well.

~Mama to Many~

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/27/2014

To Mama To Many: Hi, does the castor oil make you break out? Do you mix it with anything? Thanks

Castor Oil Pack Use During Pregnancy
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/24/2013

Dear Robyn,

Correct, you wouldn't want to ingest castor oil in pregnancy. Some ladies who are overdue use it to induce labor, which is why it isn't recommended in pregnancy. It gets the bowels going and I guess everything else! Also, later in pregnancy, you wouldn't want to use a castor oil pack anywhere near the baby (like over your liver or gall bladder) because apparently, the castor oil soaks in and could even soak in to the baby, causing it to release meconium, which is not safe for baby. It is also not recommended to use it to detox the liver (using packs on the liver) because no detox is considered wise during pregnancy or breastfeeding, because you are releasing toxins, which could get to the baby.

But, you are talking about using a castor oil pack on your face. This is external and not near the baby. I am assuming it would be for pain relief and inflammation reduction. Personally, I would be okay with that for myself, but not sure I would recommend it to someone else. Castor oil used to be in make-up, might still be, and is in some hair treatments. To my knowledge, these things are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Hope that gives you some information to make a wise decision.

Another thing you could try for your Bell's Palsy is Peppermint/St. John's Wort, externally. You could make a strong tea of equal parts of both and soak a cloth in it and put on your face for 15 minute intervals. Both are good herbs for healing the nerves and peppermint has been helpful to others with Bell's Palsy.

Hydrotherapy is another safe option for you. You would alternate warm and cool packs on your face. The warm brings circulation to the spot and the cool reduces inflammation. It is a surprisingly helpful therapy. You would alternate a cool cloth and a warm cloth (not to the point of uncomfortable, though) Warm for a few minutes, cold for 1. Alternate several times, ending with cool.

I hope you find relief soon! Congratulations on your baby!

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil Pack Use During Pregnancy
Posted by Robyn (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) on 09/24/2013

I'm wondering if it's safe to use a castor oil pack on my face to relieve Bell's Palsy symptoms, also, I'm 18 weeks pregnant. I read on this site not to use castor oil during pregnancy, or did they mean not to ingest it during pregnancy?

Puffy Eyes
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 08/26/2013

I discovered on accident that cold pressed Castor Oil will relieve puffy eyes / eye bags. I apply it to both eye lids with my ring finger.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Judy (N/york) on 07/30/2013

I like all I had been learning, I have just started using the Castor Oil in face before I go to bed 2times and have noticed a change already. Am gonna go ahead & use it on my legs. Thanks & keep up the good work you are doing.

Eye Injury
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, USA) on 05/31/2013

My teenage son was doing some woodworking yesterday and got a piece of wood in his eye. He was outside for another hour before he came in. I think the piece of wood had absorbed the fluid on his eye because now it was stuck to his eyeball. It was the size of a pin head. I could touch it but it woudn't move. First we tried rinsing it out with any eyecup I have for this purpose, but it woudn't budge. I put a drop of castor oil in his eye. After a few minutes, the piece of wood was able to move again. We were able to carefully work it to the corner of his eye and remove it. We would probably have not worked with it had the wood not been on the white of his eye. We would have waited for blinking and such to work it to the corner of his eye.

His brother once got some sawdust in his eye. His eye was very irritated. I think the sawdust worked its way out, but his eye was still very uncomfortable. (And he isn't a complainer. ) I tried an over the counter product that was supposed to sooth they eye and it seemed to help. When that has happened since, I just use castor oil. I think it is safer and more natural and also something I always keep in the house.

Posted by Grace (La, Ca) on 04/28/2013

I was ill for a 15 months before they figured out I had chronic appendicitis I was soooo sick that all my glands swelled up my ND told me to start rubbing good quality castor oil on my gland I would do while I was in shower (if you do this be careful it may make the shower slippery) I spray my shower daily to break up the oil. I also used a heating pad to get the oil to penetrate deeply within a few days all my glands returned to normal and my appedix was removed a couple weeks later.

Vaginal Itching
Posted by Mm (Bangalore, India) on 04/20/2013

Castor oil works like magic for vaginal itching. Simply wash and clean the area and apply castor oil liberally. The itching stops immediately and if it recurs apply again.... In a day or so the itching disappears altogether! :-)

Eye Wrinkles
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 03/20/2013

I use castor oil around my eyes, mixed 50/50 with organic coconut oil as per Bill's remedy. I don't get puffiness or any irritation. Also make sure you are using castor oil labelled as hexane-free.

Application Tips
Posted by Miriam (Miami, Fla) on 03/14/2013

Castor oil... I use packs and use it on eyelashes small amounts here and there but one time thought more is better and applied liberally over face torso and ended up with an allergic reaction itchy rash all over. I still use just liver packs and a little on face just not total body lotion.

Scars, Age Spots
Posted by Kayla (La, Ca) on 06/05/2012

My ND wanted me to use organic cold pressed castor oil packs on my abdomen for assisting in herximer effect. So, after a shower in the evening I would rub castor oil on my abdomen and put a hot pad on my abdomen for an hour or two. In less than six weeks I noticed a scar on my abdomen disappeared! So I started castor oil on my face. I let the steam do the work while in the bathtub or shower I rub the castor oil on the face and let the steam send it deeper into the skin and just leave it on overnight.. I've seen a remarkable decrease in age spots.

Castor Oil Application Tips
Posted by Medbear (Martinez, Ca/USA) on 05/24/2012

Editor's Choice I use absorbant pads which have an absorbant side & a non-absorbant plastic other side. Apply oil directly to area or to absorbant pad, then place pad on area & heat pad to plastic non-absorb side. I treated a leg problem & wrapped the pad & taped edges. Then applied pad & secured it with rubber band or string. I buy the pads from the dog store or dog supply area of a store as I assume the pads for humans are more expensive. They are usually called indoor training pads & come in various sizes. Price for 50 is about $10US. I don't like wasting the oil, so I keep it refrigerated which thickens it up, then apply directly to skin area. They make perfect wraps for those areas needing a wrap versus a flat application for which they are also good.

Dry Eyes, Floaters
Posted by Cajun (Opelousas, La, USA) on 05/03/2012

I began applying [castor oil] to my eyes nightly, beginning Mar. 2, 2012 for the purpose of providing dry-relief to my eyes, which began to feel dry for the past few months.. Not only has the dryness disappeared, but I just noticed [a few days ago] that my 'floaters' have diminsished.... I normally had 3-5 floaters but now I only have 1-2 and their density has gone from a grayish speck to a transparency... There is no other reason for this to occur... I'm not recommending that this is going to be successful for anyone else, but I'll keep putting CO in my eyes at bedtime.....

Nail Injury
Posted by Gardengirl (Gallatin, Tennessee) on 04/20/2012

While I was gardening I hit my small finger nail and to my surprise the nail was broke in half.... Across the nail. It was really painful and and the upper part of the nail was going to come off. It was blue, sore and the nail was all puffed up. I didn't know what to do and thought what the heck, I'll put castor oil on it. After putting it on , I think I forgot all about it and started cleaning the house. When I took a break my nail wasn't blue or sore. I applied it 2 more times and now the nail sort of connected back. I was amazed!!!! Love this stuff!!!!

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